
wrong with murricuh

Jul 11th, 2012
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  1. republicans blame liberals and lower taxes on the rich, and slightly on everyone else so theres no money to go to any programs for the 99% who work their asses off day-to-day.
  3. democrats-are even more keen on pay offs(excluding campaign donations) and like to pose as the little guy.
  5. 3rd parties and independents dont like to conforn and get off on being crazy or serving a tent no one else listens to.
  7. the real conservatives and liberals who will actually make this country great dont make it to state level or national politics because they dont "play ball" and are dealt with by the big guys before anyone outside their county even learns their name or see their face.
  9. fuck you party loyalists, blames otherside or everyone else blindly, and you antiestablishmentfags who fight each other so all politicians can go to coke parties they can write off and get rich off selling bullshit negative ads. its your fault when you dont vote for the objectively best little guy and/or vote for corporation backed shits who convince you that they are grassroots.
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