
Betrayal [fic]

Oct 14th, 2011
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  1. Betrayal
  2. Clopfic By Theorangefox
  6. Well let’s clear up a few things first in a list:
  7. This clopfic contains no herms, sorry to disappoint if that’s your thing but it ain’t mine.
  8. There is no gore or extreme bloody violence in this clopfic.
  9. All the ponies are Anthro based, they walk on two legs and almost look human, apart from one character.
  10. Well if that’s all cleared up then read ahead! Just as long as you’re 18 +, and if you’re not and you read this I'm not responsible for whatever thoughts you have left or that haunt you at the end of this story.
  13. A normal day began as the sun rose above the horizon pushing in the new morning with the sound of birdsong, animals scattering around on the grass and the warm hum of the sun beating down on the patches of multicoloured land. Yet another day began in Equestria and almost every pony was waking up to a brand new summer day.
  15. Light crept in through one particular house and the rays rested gently on the mane of one particular pony. He felt the sun’s warm rays and slowly stirred awake opening his wide eyes. Firestorm the earth pony sat up and ruffled his long fiery looking mane; he looked out of the window and was glad that once again the sun was shining down on every pony.
  17. He got himself ready for a new day like usual and finished off by eating a hearty breakfast, his favourite brand was Trix which was no doubt a sponsor towards the Great and Powerful Trixie who not too long ago was shamed by Twilight sparkle who proved to her there is more to skill than boasting. Firestorm hardly heard news from Trixie anyway, it was something that lingered in the back of his mind.
  19. After eating Firestorm got up and cleared away before preparing to leave the house, he had on his usual clothes a pair of beige Khaki trousers and a white shirt with his cutie mark a fireball logo printed on the front, he also wore his favourite red and white trainers which seemed to keep for a long time.
  21. Firestorm opened the door and took a deep breath of fresh air. The sun’s rays radiated on him and he stepped out into the warmth of the great outdoors. Firestorm walked his casual route to the local shop, on his way he passed many filly’s running around chasing each other and playing other games. One filly with a balloon in her hand accidentally let go and it floated up into the air, she panicked but then the balloon stopped as Firestorm grabbed hold of it and handed the balloon back to the happy filly who hugged him then ran off laughing with joy.
  23. Firestorm carried on his path until he saw a familiar sight, all too familiar to him. The figure that was rushing towards him bumped into his legs and fell backwards landing on the ground.
  25. “Geez Spike are you okay?” Firestorm asked in his deep but warm voice. The purple and green baby dragon got up dusting himself down as he frowned.
  27. “No I'm not okay!” he huffed. “What now?” Firestorm asked. “It’s Rarity she didn’t like my new suit!” Firestorm rolled his eyes; he’d been down this road before. “It’s like every time I try to impress her, it never works!” “Well Spike Twilight did tell you before; it’s not about what you are on the outside, but what you are on the inside!”
  29. “Easy for you to say, I wish she could see inside me, then she’d know I love her!” Spike moaned. “Maybe you're rushing things, I mean don't take this the wrong way but a baby dragon going after a unicorn sounds kinda dodgy to me.” “Oh so that’s it it’s because I'm a dragon? A mean nasty dragon?!” Spike frowned. “No Spike it’s not because of that.” “Whatever.” he frowned.
  31. Firestorm felt guilty but then he remembered one special thing. “Erm you know Spike remember the galloping gala?” “You mean the event that got every pony’s dreams up and then they went, but everything wasn’t what it seemed and their dreams were totally crushed but at the end of the day things ended up all better?” Spike took a deep breath after that sentence.
  33. “Yeah I meant that.” Firestorm replied. “Well what about it?” Spike asked. “Remember how Rarity was seeking after prince Blueblood?” “Yeah?” Spike frowned. “Well it turns out he wasn’t as royal as she expected him to be!” “Really?” Spike asked in excitement. “Yeah really, this means that she’s forgotten about him and will never be with him! Doesn’t that make you feel better?” “Hell yeah it does! Now she has all the time to focus on me!” Spike said jumping around.
  35. “Yeah I guess.” Firestorm added shrugging his shoulders. “Thanks Firestorm I'm off to find a new suit!” and with that Spike disappeared in a second. “It’s not the suit.” Firestorm mumbled as he chuckled and walked away.
  37. Eventually Firestorm reached the shop but before he could enter he noticed Twilight heading towards him, she was walking in quite a hurried fashion as if she had something important to say.
  39. “Hey Firestorm how’s it going?” she asked wiping her brow. “Not bad I guess, I ran into Spike earlier.” “Yeah he mentioned something about some suit, and he also forgot to deliver you this letter.” Twilight handed the letter to Firestorm who opened it and read straight away.
  44. Dear Firestorm,
  45. It has come to my attention that a lot of bother has being stirring up around the Everfree forest, I hope it wouldn’t trouble you to go and investigate. I know that you may also be eager to bring friends but you must do this mission alone, for I fear there may be a dark force present, I can rely on you as a brave and strong pony who won’t let me down, I am depending on you!
  46. From your majesty, Princess Celestia.
  48. “What is it?” Twilight asked. “It’s a request from Celestia! She wants me to go to the Everfree forest!” “There?” Twilight asked sounding a little nervous. “Hah it’s nothing but for some reason she wants me to go alone!” “Really? Alone with no friends? Not even Fluttershy?” “I'm sure if it was something involving animals Celestia would recommend Fluttershy to tag with me, but I guess it isn't so I'm going solo.” “Are you sure?” Twilight asked.
  50. “Hey just because I'm an earth pony doesn’t mean I can't fight!” Firestorm said punching the air with two jabs of his fists. “Besides it’s been a while since I got into a scrap.” “You like to fight a lot.” Twilight said with a frown. “Haha it’s just me!” Firestorm said. “Well anyway good luck and stay safe!” Twilight said as Firestorm waved goodbye and went on his way.
  51. “The Everfree forest, this will be a snap!” Firestorm said as he headed on, however he didn’t notice that Twilight was still watching him and as she did a smile crept across her face, an evil smile. A blueish mist formed around her and with that she disappeared into thin air.
  53. Firestorm had passed through most of Ponyville then eventually found the entrance to the Everfree forest, with the letter tucked neatly in his pocket he made his way in to the gloomy looking forest.
  55. Despite it being a bright and cheerful day the forest was covered in darkness, the entangling network of trees and branches completely blocked out any sunlight, no matter how bright it was outside in this forest no light entered at all.
  57. The atmosphere had changed almost completely since Firestorm stepped in but as always he stayed brave and walked boldly, nothing like this could put him off, he wondered how he managed to complete his mission with Fluttershy, if it wasn’t for his encouraging words then she would have never been able to help but they had succeeded in the end. Firestorm heard an owl hoot loudly, its golden piercing eyes scanned around the trees like a searchlight, looking for any vulnerable mice who weren’t on their guard. Something crept along the grass rustling up leaves but Firestorm wasn’t bothered, he was here to deal with a problem and see that it was dealt with then report back to Twilight.
  59. The minute that he noticed anything strange he would go after it, so far things seemed calm and Firestorm began to wonder if there really was any problem at all. But he knew better than to doubt Princess Celestia, after all he was one of her trusted workers and couldn’t afford to doubt her, but there was still that nagging feeling.
  60. Firestorm walked past a large bush, it stayed still for the moment but when he was gone a pair of light green eyes appeared and kept close watch on him, there was a menacing snicker then the pair of eyes vanished.
  61. A twig snapped.
  62. Firestorm froze and assumed fighting position, his two legs were kept firmly stapled to the ground, should something attack from above and try to take him down. He scanned the area thoroughly trying to see as best as he could in this thick darkness, for the moment all he saw were the many shades of green surrounding him.
  64. At that moment a figure leapt out and screamed towards him, Firestorm swung his heavy arm and his fist collided with some kind of creature, before he could see it, it had already been sent flying with brute force crashing into a bush and disappearing from sight.
  65. Firestorm focused, what could it be? An ambush? A surprise attack? Well the surprise had failed as that unknown creature painfully found out.
  67. Firestorm kept still listening out for anymore sounds with his sharp hearing. It stayed quiet for 5 more seconds as he continued to check, once he thought it was all clear he moved on continuing on his way. As he done so a purple mist swirled up behind him and formed into some sort of disfigured blue creature, its hands and feet were large and sharp edged and its eyes glowed a dark purple.
  68. Undetected to Firestorm it kept walking behind him not making a sound with its footsteps it began to analyse Firestorm and dared to walk closer.
  70. Firestorm immediately spun around.
  72. Had the creature been there a nanosecond longer he would have met face to face with Firestorm, it was only by luck that the creature had got above him just in time. As Firestorm turned his head back around and continued to walk, the dark creature slowly slid down the big branch it had used to escape.
  74. It continued to watch Firestorm until he was no longer in view then the creature smiled.
  75. “Affirmative.” It said suddenly disappearing into thin air. Firestorm still had his wits about him, there was no way he would let some unknown creature get the better of him, he was smarter than that and most other pony folk knew that too, but unlike Trixie Firestorm didn’t brag about it, instead he just helped others when they needed help the most, it was something he enjoyed doing and he loved the result at the end of the day.
  77. Firestorm just realised that he had let his mind wonder, he was still on track but now he felt stupid for not keeping a closer eye, anything could have been following him or anything could have been ready to attack. He then reminded himself how easy it is to become distracted and that every pony makes mistakes.
  79. Firestorm heard something move.
  81. He became more alert than last time but there wasn’t going to be any surprise attacks, neither was there going to be any ambush because Firestorm could see a purple cloud gathering in front of him at this very instant. He watched as there was a flash of bright light which temporarily blinded him for a second.
  83. He rubbed his eyes as the smoke disappeared and his eyes met a pair of legs, he looked up and could see a greyish purple coloured figure staring right at him and smiling. At once Firestorm gasped then he looked angry and clenched his teeth. “Luna!” he growled as she giggled playfully.
  85. “That’s Princess Luna to you young man, try and learn some manners when greeting someone with Royalty!” “You lost your royalty ages ago! How could you? When Celestia gave you a chance to redeem yourself you then chose to go against harmony and return to the side of chaos!” “It was an offer I couldn’t refuse.” She replied blinking slowly at him.
  86. “Why do this Luna? I know there’s harmony in you somewhere stop letting the chaos blind you!” “You poor thing if only you knew the true master of chaos! He has enough power to wipe out all Harmony on this planet!” “Chaos will bring nothing but destruction!” “Says you, you pony folk are all so calm and happy what if something were to strike, what if say there was an invasion?”
  88. Firestorm didn’t have to think hard. “Those dark creatures! You don't mean?” “Yes of course young buck when it’s least expected I’ll overrun Ponyville and lead it into chaos, the invasion will be unstoppable!” “No way Celestia will stop it!” “Not if I have all of Ponyville’s strongest men under my thumb, they’ll turn against her and beat her down she won’t be able to handle it!” “I’ll never turn against Harmony!” Firestorm yelled. “Oh really? Just like you said I know there’s a bit of chaos inside you somewhere you just keep it hidden, how’s about it huh? Why not be a bad boy for a change?”
  90. Firestorm growled but had to hold back, he couldn’t dishonour himself by hurting a lady even if she was evil. “You won’t get away with this, now that you’ve told me everything I’ll warn everyone straight away!” at once Firestorm turned and completely disregarded Luna. She smiled and watched him escape giving him a few seconds.
  92. She then snapped her fingers and waited to hear the sound of Firestorm struggling. She began to walk with a slender attitude towards the now trapped pony who was struggling to escape from some kind of net made by a weird energy. “You fool!” Firestorm yelled. “I can break this!” he freed himself from the unknown entity and landed hard on the ground hurting his back.
  94. Luna knelt down and slid on top of him stroking his face with her finger. “I can fix any sort of pain you're in you know.” She said looking at him seductively. “Get off me!” he yelled shoving her away before getting up. “Aww why are you playing hard to get?” she asked still smiling at him. “You can’t seduce me I’ll never turn to you!” “Come on it’ll be fun you can help me overrule my big headed sister and finally overrun this stupid harmony crap!”
  95. “Never!” Firestorm replied. Luna sighed then snapped her fingers again. Suddenly some kind of dark purple mist surrounded his body and his head, Firestorm could feel himself being distracted with thoughts about Luna quite strong thoughts however his mind was tough and he broke the spell.
  97. “Hah you do realise I can break magic right?” Firestorm said. “Well most earth ponies are anti magic types, it’s a shame I could have made you fall in love with me!” she said sadly. “Well too bad and you can't stop me!”
  98. He turned to run off again but Luna wasn’t devastated, instead she produced a heavy steel chain which she had kept hidden behind her back. She enchanted it and then made a lasso which she threw at Firestorm. It hovered towards him and he saw it knowing that he’d be able to break it when suddenly the glowing aura around it faded and the loop dropped over his head.
  101. Firestorm fell to the ground with a thud and began to panic how on earth wasn’t he able to stop that from happening? It was then that he realised something, although he could have broken the chain whilst it was enchanted, Luna had stopped enchanting it the second it fell over him, and now with no magic to break Firestorm was stuck under the heavy weight of the chain which must have weighed over a ton. Eventually he heard Luna walking towards him, right now he felt like crap.
  103. “Oh my what happened? I thought you could break the chain!?” “You sly witch!” Firestorm hissed. “Oh you won't be calling me that once I'm finished with you!” she tied his arms together and carefully picked him up so that he couldn’t kick her even though he wouldn't anyway. She rested him against a tree and tied him to it.
  105. “Now listen here young buck I'm gonna give you a chance, join me and I’ll let you go then we initiate the plan or you can suffer here forever.” Luna explained. “I’ll never join you, never ever!” he yelled. Luna realised that he wasn’t going to crack, so she decided to do the next best thing.
  107. “I know you’ve been thinking dirty about me Firestorm, haven't you?” he only realised now that he had been staring at her the whole time, her curvaceous figure as well as her large bosom seemed to be attracting him ever so slowly. “No!” Firestorm said closing his eyes trying to break free but it was no use. He opened his eyes and now Luna was staring right at him very closely, Firestorm dared to look at her beautiful teal coloured eyes and he didn’t even realise his mouth was open.
  109. Luna leaned forward and with her hand resting on his chest she kissed him with her tongue. Firestorm panicked as he felt her tongue gently caress his own, his brain was beginning to ache and he knew he couldn’t keep resisting any longer but he had to try. Luna held him closer with both arms and rubbed his tongue harder as she kissed him with passion. Down below she began to feel excited as something grew between Firestorm’s legs.
  111. “Shit what am I doing?” Firestorm thought. “Why am I falling for this? My mind is stronger than that!” Luna eventually broke the kiss then looked up into Firestorm’s eyes. “Still not giving up?” she asked. “I’ll n-never join you!” he struggled. “Oh my well I wonder if you’ll still be able to resist after this.”
  113. Just when he thought things were bad they got worse. Luna stroked his chest then moved her hand down slowly inching towards his waist, Firestorm began to sweat nervously knowing what was coming next and he wished he could stop it. Luna slipped her hand under his trousers and boxers then felt what she was looking for.
  115. “Don’t be afraid I’ll be gentle.” Luna said in her sweet voice which was getting to Firestorm more effectively than before. She undone his trousers and boxers, then slowly stroked his ever growing member in her hand and she measured it getting even more excited. Poor Firestorm wanted this to stop but something in his mind wanted it to carry on, he had to try his best to ignore that voice in the back of his mind but it wasn’t easy. Suddenly he felt a new sensation as something warm slipped across the tip of his manhood, he gasped and realised Luna was licking it gently with her tongue, he felt embarrassed to be exposed like this and Luna saw him blush.
  117. “Don't be shy baby you’re pretty big you know.” She said smiling at him, she then opened her mouth and sucked hard on Firestorm’s throbbing member, he winced as this new sensation cut deep into his mind like a hot knife through butter, it was new to him and he was liking it wherever he could help it or not.
  119. Firestorm looked down at the sexy curvaceous unicorn and thoughts entered his mind again, the shape of her body, the thought of pleasing himself with her large bosom, he just wanted to lay her down and spread her legs open and― “Shit!” he yelled feeling the pleasure build up. “He’s beginning to break it’ll all be over in a matter of time.” Luna thought whilst working her tongue around his manhood, she reached every sensitive area repeating the same pattern, she felt him pulsating in her mouth and it drove her lusty thoughts even further.
  121. When she could no longer take it herself she undressed out of her skimpy outfit revealing her naked self to Firestorm whose eyes widened. “That’s right Firestorm I'm a sexy unicorn aren’t I? Doesn’t my body just make you want to fuck the hell out of me?” Firestorm was beginning to cringe he didn’t know how much longer his mind could take it, sure if it was a spell he could break it but this was all natural his hormones were going into overdrive.
  123. Luna grabbed hold of his solid member and began stroking him again, then she pleased herself with thoughts of him being inside her, she slightly spread her legs open and ran a finger over her delicate petals which were already soaked with her own juices. She rubbed Firestorm’s member and began stroking herself deeply with her fingers, she began to let out moans of pleasure which reverberated in Firestorm’s mind. He was watching her his eyes were blazing with passion as they burned into her, he watched her finger slide in and out of her love hole getting soaked in more and more love juice with every stroke. “Firestorm fuck me please, make cum like crazy!” she moaned.
  125. Firestorm snapped.
  127. He couldn’t take anymore, he opened his mouth and immediately spoke. “Damn Luna I want you badly right now!” satisfied with herself she stopped and untied Firestorm from the tree but he wasn’t free yet. She lay him down on the ground with his arms still tied and took off his shirt smiling that sexy smile at him.
  129. “Do you want me?” Luna asked licking her lips at him. “Yes!” he replied not wanting to say anything else. She spread her legs open over his waist and held his member then rubbed it against her petals teasing him with this intensified new sensation. “Do you really want me?” she asked satisfying herself rubbing him harder. “Yes please!” he replied, now his lower region was hurting but the pain felt good, he felt like he would burst any second now. “Will you be mine and betray Celestia? Will you?” she asked rubbing more pleasure into his body and brain.
  131. With the temptation already succeeding Firestorm gave in. “Yes I’ll do it I’ll be yours I’ll betray Celestia I’ll betray harmony!” “Good boy.” She said slowing down. “Now I'm going to give you your reward!” Firestorm felt happy he also felt good that he was doing something bad, the chaos was creeping into him and he liked it.
  132. As Luna promised she slowly lowered herself onto Firestorm and whilst holding his solid member in hand she let it slide into her love hole. Firestorm felt about a thousand mixed sensations at once, this new feeling completely blew him away and it shocked Luna, she didn’t expect him to fill her this much. She moaned in shock and Firestorm felt like passing out, all below his waist felt funny and he couldn’t describe it.
  134. Luna leaned forward pressing her breasts against his chest, slowly she raised her thick waist and rubbed against his body in a slow pattern pleasuring herself and him rhythmically. He felt his member rubbing against her wet pussy and before he knew it he himself began to moan with pleasure.
  136. Luna drove herself crazy with him, with each stroke she brought herself closer and closer, she didn’t realise it would feel this good, so passionate and exciting. As for Firestorm he’d never felt so happy and good at the same time. His lower region hurt more but the pain felt good to him. Luna slid her wet tongue into his mouth and they rubbed against each others.
  137. They parted and took deep breaths as they continued to pant like crazy. The plan was only for Luna to get Firestorm to work for her but she never thought she’d be having sex with him and enjoying it this much.
  139. “Damn Luna your pussy feels so wet it’s gonna make me blow!” “Mm not now baby!” she replied. “Luna untie me I want to hold you, I want to feel that body of yours!” Firestorm begged. “Can I trust you?” she asked looking straight at him. “I won't run away no way I just want you!” she freed him from the chains and Firestorm was free to move his arms. More dirty thoughts entered Luna’s mind as she got on all fours.
  141. “She began to tease him by swaying her rear side to side at him. Firestorm’s eyes focused on her large flank as she continued to tease him more. “Do you like my huge flank Firestorm huh?” his eyes followed her rear like a pendulum and he began to drool. “Come here and stick it in me!”
  143. At once Firestorm brought himself close to her and began humping her slowly rubbing his member between her spread cheeks, his waist sank into her soft rear which squashed against his body tempting him even more. When he could no longer hold it he slid his hardened self into her pussy and began thrusting her like crazy. He smacked against her ass which was thicker than his own body.
  145. Firestorm felt the tightness clamp around him, as he rubbed harder and harder against her insides his muscles began to tense, she became lubricated so much that her love juices were dripping onto the ground, the loud squelching sound Firestorm made whenever he thrusted into her drove him even more.
  147. “He’s so hot I can feel him so deep inside!” Luna thought as she herself began to tense up but she didn’t want it to end now. “All this time I thought I’d never experience such a thing, it was worth being stuck on the moon for so long!”
  149. Firestorm stopped as Luna moved her body, his member popped out of her love hole dripping with her own love juice which she licked clean off him satisfying herself with his huge manhood. She immediately got on her back and began to finger herself once more whilst Firestorm watched in a trance.
  151. “I want you in here baby, right in my wet pussy I want that hard cock of yours now!” she begged rubbing her wet petals and spreading them open revealing her soaked region. Firestorm held her legs open and penetrated her feeling that warm rush of pleasure return to him. His throbbing manhood slid down her smooth wet insides stirring up the love juices inside. They both moaned hard with each thrust becoming more intense. Luna wrapped her legs around him and hugged him close. “Baby do you love me?” Luna gasped as her face showed emotion and pleasure. “I love you Luna you're so beautiful and hot!” “Does my pussy make you feel good?!” she asked. “Yes I'm gonna explode soon I can't hold it anymore!”
  153. She spread her legs open again and he fondled her soft large breasts, he teased her with his tongue adding to her already rising pleasure. “Ah I'm gonna cum!” Luna moaned. Firestorm picked her up and he rested her against the tree whilst still penetrating her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and could feel him thrust into her at a new angle. The two stared deep into each other’s eyes feeling the passion and pleasure surging through their bodies as they further reached climax.
  155. They kissed deeply smothering each other’s tongues as Firestorm began to speed up feeling himself edge closer. Luna’s horny moaning escalated and she spoke into his ear. “I'm coming!” she gasped.
  157. Firestorm moaned like crazy as his muscles contracted and he felt his seed shooting into Luna who moaned louder than ever, she felt her body tremble as she reached climax and felt Firestorm’s seed shooting up her pussy, his manhood throbbed all around inside her as he released more then felt his body give in to the pleasing sensation.
  159. Luna held onto Firestorm’s neck as he slid his softening manhood out of her love hole still covered in a mixture of her love juices and his own, a slop of seed leaked out from her and hit the floor with a loud slap.
  161. Both of them collapsed to the floor and Luna landed on top of Firestorm feeling his chest rise up and down as he receded down below. They kissed for a few more minutes before getting up and dressing themselves.
  163. “Come on honey we have to go and make plans!” Luna said sounding excited. “This was so worth it I'm never leaving your side!” Firestorm said with an evil grin. “You’re my baby now Firestorm, I was so alone on the moon I thought I’d never mix with anyone here but you're sweet I love you!” “I love you too!” Firestorm replied walking off with her.
  164. Very unknowingly to them the couple had been spotted after their heated romp. The baby dragon scribbled down on his notepad after seeing the pair walk off into the forest and he was shocked. “I can't believe it Firestorm is working with Luna! I thought Luna was happy here, she’d forgiven Celestia why would she go against her!?” Spike began to worry but he knew what he had to do, tell Twilight straight away.
  166. “She’s going to be so devastated!” Spike said turning around and heading back when he felt his foot step into something warm and sticky. “What the hell is this?!” he said trying to clean it off. He used a leaf to remove the substance then ran straight back to Twilight’s house.
  168. O rly??
  170. P.S Who really wrote that letter to Firestorm? Go on guess!!
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