

May 11th, 2015
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  1. [url=""]Owen Hart[/url] vs [url=""]Shawn Michaels[/url]
  3. They locked up, and immediately went into a hold exchange. Owen got a front headlock that Shawn transitioned into a backslide attempt, but he barely got Owen's feet off the mat before Owen flipped over into a double underhook. Owen tried to hoist Shawn up into a powerbomb, but Shawn flipped through, landing on his feet in front of Owen, having transitioned the double underhook into a double wristlock. They went into a test of strength, Shawn using his height advantage for leverage and forcing Owen to the mat. Owen kept his shoulders up, even as Shawn tried to force him down by jumping up and driving his knees into Owen's gut. Shawn came down once, twice, and on the third time, Owen put his legs up and flipped Shawn over, reversing the double wristlock into a backslide before jumping to his feet and driving Shawn to the mat shoulders first.
  5. 1...2, Shawn kicked out, but kept grasp of one of Owen's arms. As both men got to their feet, Shawn whipped Owen to the ropes. Owen bounced back, and leapfrogged over Shawn as the Heartbreak Kid had set up for a back body drop. Owen hit the ropes again, and somersaulted under a backflipping Shawn. Owen hit the ropes a third time and hit Shawn straight in the face with a leaping knee strike that sent him down to the mat! As Shawn seemed to be down, Owen went up to the turnbuckle for the moonsault. As he got to the top, he played to the crowd long enough for Shawn to get to his feet, smirking. But that smile wasn't on Shawn's face long as Owen leapt off the turnbuckle, executed a 180 degree horizontal spin in midair, and followed it with a full front flip into a huricanrana!
  7. 1...2...2.9, Shawn kicked out, rolling to the apron and out onto the floor. Owen was too canny to let him stay there for long, and slid out behind him as he heckled a fan in the front row. Owen gestured for the crowd to be very very quiet as he reached out and poked Shawn on the shoulder before quickly ducking to the opposite side of the Showstopper. He did this a few more times, leading Shawn in a circle, before Shawn caught on and caught Owen in the act, grabbing his arm and whipping him into the post. He ducked in and out of the ring to break the count before working over Owen further, slamming him into the barricades and the apron. He took a few seconds to clear off the commentary desk, which gave Owen a little time to recover. Shawn tried to drag him to the commentary desk, but he started fighting back. He threw a few punches, tagging Shawn with a good few, but when he went for a big one, Shawn dropped under, hooked his head under Owen's other arm as Owen followed through on the punch, and hooked his arms under Owen's leg, dropping him to the floor with a teardrop suplex! He pulled Owen back to his feet, plopped him on the table, and returned to the ring, hit the ropes, and nailed a plancha over the top rope, crashing into Owen and collapsing the commentary desk!
  9. Shawn got to his feet first, and just about fell back into the ring as the ref began to count Owen out. 1...2...3...Owen staggered to his feet as Shawn dragged himself up by the ropes. 4... Owen had to steady himself against the railing as Shawn hung onto the middle rope. 5...6...7... Owen tried to walk on his own, but collapsed, and had to grab the post to keep himself up. 8...9... Owen slid back into the ring and immediately ate a Sweet Chin Music from Shawn! As Owen fell to the mat, Shawn did too, his exhausted body collapsing into the cover.
  11. 1...2...2.9, Owen got his foot on the ropes. Owen and Shawn staggered up, and once they were on their feet, they started exchanging hard strikes. A chop from Shawn, a kick from Owen. A punch from Shawn, an elbow from Owen. Owen got on a roll, delivering a series of hard elbows before winding up into a hard rolling elbow, and following that up with a shin kick to the side of Shawn's leg that knocked the Heartbreak Kid to his knees. Owen hit a few solid shin kicks to the chest before psyching himself up, running the ropes, and delivering a devastating Shining Wizard knee strike! Shawn was rattled hard, just barely keeping himself off the mat, and Owen capitalized, hooking his head under Shawn's arm, deadlifting him into the Northern Lights Suplex, and floating over into the cross armbreaker, but Shawn fought back, groggy as he was. He kept his fingers locked so Owen couldn't fully apply the hold, and hoisted the Hart up into suplex position before spinning 180 degrees and slamming him down into a Falcon Arrow!
  13. 1...2...2.9, Owen kicked out, hitting Shawn right in the mush with his boot before circling behind and deadlifting Shawn into a German suplex! He didn't stop there, rolling through and lifting Shawn into yet another German! He still didn't stop, lifting Shawn into a German right into the turnbuckle! And he still didn't stop, hoisting Heartbreak onto the turnbuckle and setting up for an avalanche German! As he lifted Shawn up, Owen tucked his legs into the ropes so as Shawn clattered to the mat, he could regain his footing on the turnbuckle. Owen soared through the air in a picture perfect moonsault, but Shawn had the knees up, and as Owen writhed in agony on the mat, Shawn kipped up, grabbed Owen, shoved the Hart's head between his knees, and lifted him up for a piledriver, but Owen was able to struggle out, get Shawn into a Stunneresque shoulder facelock, and run up the ropes, flipping Shawn into a Shiranui, following that up by pulling Shawn up into position for the K-Driller! He drove Shawn down to the mat and made the cover!
  15. 1...2...2.9, Shawn just barely kicked out, and immediately scrambled for the corner. Owen Hart wasn't far behind, stepping up onto the second rope for an enzuigiri. Shawn ducked the kick, grabbed Owen's legs, and locked his arms around the Hart's waist for a wheelbarrow suplex that drove Owen's back right into the turnbuckle. This got Shawn the advantage, and boy did he milk it. He had Owen on the ropes, drilling the Hart's chest with solid kicks and choking him on the ropes to drain his stamina. Eventually, Shawn went for the Teardrop Suplex, but Owen slipped behind, getting Shawn into a hammerlock, hooking Shawn's other arm into a half nelson, and suplexing the Heartbreak Kid right onto his shoulder. The ref dropped to his knees, but had barely made the first count when Shawn got his shoulder up! The Heartbreak Kid started bounding back, as he kipped up to his feet, hit Owen with a few good punches, and wound up for a big jab that connected hard! Owen struggled to keep his footing, but still wanted to put up a fight, so he threw some wild kicks. Some hit, some didn't, but the last one, a shin kick to Shawn's gut, was caught, and the Heartbreak Kid took advantage, hooking his head under Owen's arm for a fisherman suplex. Heartbreak hoisted Owen up, and dropped him down headfirst in a sheer drop fisherman suplex! Shawn kept the leg hooked as the ref made the count.
  17. 1...2...2.9, Owen got his shoulder up, but still lay on the mat. Shawn capitalized, running up the turnbuckles to hit the diving elbow before getting to his feet in the corner and tuning up the band. A-1...a-2...a-1...2...3...4... Shawn went for the Sweet Chin Music, but Owen dodged and caught it, hooking his arms around Shawn's neck and leg, hooking his head under Shawn's arm, and hitting a bridging capture suplex!
  19. 1...2...3! [b]Owen Hart won![/b]
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