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a guest
Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. #Globalne opcje, tylko tu możesz zmieniać.
  2. options:
  3. tag: &1[&6UniversalServer&1]&r #Twój tag serwera
  4. glownakomenda: universalserver #Komenda ktora bedziesz sie poslugiwal
  6. #Tu juz nie to Ciebie!
  8. on join:
  9. if player is op:
  10. if {permission} is set:
  11. stop
  12. else:
  13. send "{@tag} &4Ustaw permission uzywajac /permis (twojapermissia)!"
  15. command /{@glownakomenda} [<text>] [<text>]:
  16. permission: {permission}
  17. permission message: Unknown command. Type /help for help.
  18. trigger:
  19. if arg 1 is "drop":
  20. if arg 2 is "on":
  21. if {drop} is true:
  22. send "{@tag} &4Masz wlaczony drop!"
  23. else:
  24. send "{@tag} &6Wlaczyles drop"
  25. set {drop} to true
  26. if arg 2 is "off":
  27. if {drop} is false:
  28. send "{@tag} &4Masz wylaczony drop!"
  29. else:
  30. send "{@tag} &6Wylaczyles drop"
  31. set {drop} to false
  32. if arg 2 is not set:
  33. send "{@tag} &4Wpisz &6on &4lub &6off&4!"
  34. if arg 2 is not "on" or "off":
  35. send "{@tag} &4Wpisz &6on &4lub &6off&4!"
  36. if arg 1 is "chat":
  37. if arg 2 is "clear":
  38. loop 100 times:
  39. send ""
  40. send "{@tag} &6Chat zostal wyczyszczony!" to all players
  41. if arg 2 is "on":
  42. if {chat} is false:
  43. set {chat} to true
  44. send "{@tag} &6Admin wylaczyl chat." to all players
  45. else:
  46. send "{@tag} &4Masz wlaczony chat!"
  47. if arg 1 is "off":
  48. if {chat} is true:
  49. set {chat} to false
  50. send "{@tag} &6Admin wlaczyl chat." to all players
  51. else:
  52. send "{@tag} &4Masz wylaczony chat!"
  53. if arg 2 is not set:
  54. send "{@tag} &4Wpisz on, off albo clear!"
  55. if arg 2 is not "clear" or "on" or "off":
  56. send "{@tag} &4Wpisz on, off albo clear!"
  57. if arg 1 is not set:
  58. send "{@tag} &4Podaj argument:"
  59. send " &6- permission"
  60. send " &6- drop"
  61. send " &6- chat"
  62. if arg 1 is not "permission" or "drop" or "chat":
  63. send "{@tag} &4Podaj argument:"
  64. send " &6- permission"
  65. send " &6- drop"
  66. send " &6- chat"
  67. on chat:
  68. if {chat} is true:
  69. stop
  70. if {chat} is false:
  71. cancel event
  72. send "{@tag} &4Wylaczony jest chat!" to sender
  73. on mine of any ore:
  74. if {drop} is true:
  75. cancel event
  76. set block to stone
  77. if {drop} is false:
  78. stop
  79. on mine stone:
  80. if {drop} is false:
  81. stop
  82. if {drop} is true:
  83. if player's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  84. chance of 1%:
  85. drop enchanting table
  86. chance of 10%:
  87. drop diamond
  88. chance of 50%:
  89. drop golden apple
  90. chance of 5%:
  91. drop enchanted golden apple
  92. chance of 2%:
  93. drop diamond block
  94. chance of 23%:
  95. drop gold ingot
  96. chance of 24%:
  97. drop iron ingot
  98. if player's gamemode is creative:
  99. stop
  100. command /permiss [<text>]:
  101. trigger:
  102. if arg 1 is set:
  103. set {permission} to "%arg 2%"
  104. send "{@tag} &6Ustawiono permissie na &2{permission}"
  105. else:
  106. send "{@tag} &4Podaj permissie!"
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