

Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. >bunk with Cheese Sandwhich
  2. >plan to not let him steal my waifu Pinki Pye.
  3. >gonna get to know him, his weaknesses, then kill him
  4. >fucktheroyalguard.bmp
  5. >work as Cheese's personal assistant. help plan & organize parties for him, etc.
  6. >they are shit parties anyway. Waifu throws best ones.
  7. >get to travel equestria and meet lots of cool ponies
  8. >even fucked some bitches drunk on cider.
  9. >money is breddy gud too
  10. >no, gotta stay focused.
  11. >he finds out my birthday. Throws me a party.
  12. >it's perfect. He had everything he knew I liked.
  13. >Even Pinkie.
  14. >we party, and I don't cri from happiness.
  15. >pinki invites me to a slow dance.
  16. >thingsaregettinghotinhere.webm
  17. >Want to make a move
  18. >want to ensure my waifu is mine TONIGHT.
  19. >make a decision after lots of thought.
  20. "hey Pinkie, w8 here."
  21. >walk over to Cheese
  22. "Hey, I just wanted to thank you."
  23. >pull him into a kiss
  24. >want to thank him harder
  25. >grab him tight and keep kissing
  26. >knock over punch table.
  27. >he says he's really happy to have helped.
  28. >we have sex
  29. >wake up in morning to find breakfast and a surprise desert
  30. >go to uncover the desert first.
  31. >it's Cheesy's cock!
  32. >knew this table under the cloth looked funny.
  33. >Suck him dry
  34. >i love getting surprises
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