

Feb 5th, 2017
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  1. Guest_BlasianBliss: dies for daddy mo
  2. Guest_BlasianBliss: now take it away
  3. Guest_booxd2: What
  4. Miscalculate: "Daddy Mo."
  5. Guest_BlasianBliss: yes
  6. Miscalculate: How about no?
  7. Guest_BlasianBliss: .-.
  8. Guest_booxd2: Ol
  9. Guest_BlasianBliss: he lets me call him that
  10. Miscalculate: There's a difference between letting and liking.
  11. Guest_booxd2: ;) €₩£¥##₩¥
  12. Guest_booxd2: Ohhh fuck it I'm leaving
  13. Guest_BlasianBliss: Why do you guys always think he doesn't like it? If he didn't he would have stopped me by now...
  14. Guest_booxd2 has left the chat
  15. Miscalculate: You think after Skyping him for at least 16 hours PER DAY, that I don't know some stuff?
  16. Miscalculate: He doesn't stop you because he's too soft for that.
  17. Miscalculate: It bothers a lot of people.
  18. Guest_BlasianBliss: If it bothers him then he can tell me, until that happens I'll keep calling him that .-.
  19. Guest_Riddhi7 has joined the chat
  20. Miscalculate: It irritates a lot of people in my room, so I think for the mood of others, you should also stop.
  21. Guest_Riddhi7: Hey gone I like I
  22. Guest_Riddhi7: U
  23. Guest_Riddhi7 has left the chat
  24. Miscalculate: And I know for a fact it annoys the guys in Discord when they're trying to communicate with each other whilst gaming.
  25. viapringlelife has joined the chat
  26. Guest_Paradise03 has joined the chat
  27. Guest_Paradise03 has left the chat
  28. viapringlelife has left the chat
  29. Guest_BlasianBliss: Once again, if he wants me to stop I'll stop, but ultimately it only matters if it bothers him since it pertains to him. People can get irritated at anything they want to. I get irritated at things in here too but it doesn't really matter. As for the Discord I get it bc they're gaming and all so yeah.
  30. Miscalculate: I mean, you can go ahead and keep calling him it because in your head, you think it's perfectly fine and everything is fine and dandy. You can pretend you know exactly how he feels - even though you possibly couldn't because from the looks of things, he never really talks to you? I doubt you're having heart-to-hearts about how he feels.
  31. Guest_SinfulxAries: brb
  32. Guest_roxy12353 has joined the chat
  33. Guest_XxDaddysPrincess4 has joined the chat
  34. Guest_Abbie012 has joined the chat
  35. Guest_Abbie012 has left the chat
  36. Guest_BlasianBliss: Okay, I honestly don't care. I know everyone has something going on, I know he's been having ups and downs ans I get that. I'm not saying I know exactly how he feels but we do talk sometimes. Obviously he's gonna have heat-to-hearts with you because you Skype 16 hours a day for whatever reason. He's gonna probably have some with Maxie because they're great friends and that's okay. He doesn't have to have his heart-to-hearts with me. He already has people for that. But honestly if something really bothers someone they usually get so annoyed that they say something. He hasn't said anything about it. At all. So personally I don't think it's anyone elses business to speak for him. He can do that himself. Like I know you guys care and all but seriously, let him tell me if he wants to.
  37. Guest_XxDaddysPrincess4 has left the chat
  38. Sheepie: am awake
  39. Guest_roxy12353 has left the chat
  40. Sheepie: wait what
  41. Miscalculate: He can't speak for himself right now because he AFK'd, went to get breakfast because it's 8:30am.
  42. Sheepie: am confused
  43. Sheepie: what happened
  44. Miscalculate: PC.
  45. Guest_BlasianBliss: Which is fine, he can speak for himself whenever he wants to but it's not your job to do it for him.
  46. Sheepie: us?
  47. Miscalculate: No.
  48. Miscalculate: Just you.
  49. Miscalculate: Invite me.
  50. Miscalculate: And, I'll leave it at that seeing as it's like talking to a brick wall and nothing is going into that head of yours.
  51. Guest_BlasianBliss: Than you. Only way it'll get in my head is if it comes from him. It's his opinion on it that really matters to me.
  52. Guest_BlasianBliss: Thank*
  53. Sheepie: nicole
  54. Guest_yasujikami has joined the chat
  55. Guest_BlasianBliss: say it somewhere else
  56. Guest_BlasianBliss: like skype or something
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