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- Torchlight 2 Update 4 (1.14.x) (c) Runic games
- 10/2012 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam
- - :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Diablo Clone
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- Note: Read the included .txt file for a list of what's new.
- The award-winning action RPG is back, bigger and better than ever!
- Torchlight II takes you back into the quirky, fast-paced world of
- bloodthirsty monsters, bountiful treasures, and sinister secrets - and, once
- again, the fate of the world is in your hands!
- Torchlight II captures all the flavor and excitement of the original game -
- while expanding the world and adding the features players wanted most,
- including online and LAN co-op multiplayer. Torchlight II is fast, fun,
- and filled to the brim with action and loot. Adventure solo or online with
- your friends!
- Key Features:
- Multiplayer - Play co-op with your friends via LAN or over the Internet for
- free. No subscriptions, no item sales. Our new matchmaking service lets you
- find friends, start new games, and join existing games. And, as always, you
- can play single-player offline as well.
- Customizable Characters - Players will create and customize a character from
- one of four brand new classes. Each class can be played as either male or
- female, with customized cosmetic features and looks to make each individual
- character stand out. All new skills and loot give loads of opportunity for
- unique character builds.
- Moddability - TorchED, the Torchlight II editor, will give players the
- ability to create their own mods, adding even more content to the world.
- Have your friends download the same mod and play together. TorchED will be
- available as a separate download very shortly after launch.
- New User Interface - Torchlight II boasts a new and improved user interface,
- designed to be easier than ever for new players to pick up and play. This
- intuitive interface ensures you can focus on playing the game the way you
- want to.
- Open World - We're not only in the town of Torchlight anymore! Explore vast
- overland areas and multiple hub towns, fight through rain, snow, day and
- night. Our level randomization ensures new layouts, paths, loot, and
- monsters every time you play.
- New Game Plus - In New Game Plus, the game's not over until you say it is.
- Once you've beaten Torchlight II's primary campaign, you can start again
- with the same character for a significantly greater challenge. You'll keep
- all of the skills, gold, and gear you worked so hard for!
- Pets & Fishing - These popular features make their return in Torchlight II
- in improved form. More choices, better effects, and your pet will still
- make the run to town to sell your loot so you don't have to.
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- 1. Unrar into your installation directory, overwriting files when prompted.
- 2. Play the game.
- 3. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
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