
Under a Blank White Sky - Session ??

Aug 21st, 2012
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  1. <non> > Go find Cleo before she scars some poor townsperson for life
  2. <non> > Be the Squidward
  3. <Sir_Screwloose> Right, finding crazy girl. where to start looking, though?
  4. <non> > what direction did she even go in
  5. <Sir_Screwloose> You saw her headed through an alleyway, so you go to check
  6. <Sir_Screwloose> other than a wooden box on the ground, though, it's empty
  7. <Sir_Screwloose> (SEE? CONTINUITY!)
  8. <non> > examine box
  9. <non> > be impressed with DM's eye for continuity
  10. <Sir_Screwloose> it's... a box with a hinged lid. Nothign strange about it,though you vaguely wonder who left it here.
  11. <non> > do the townsfolk even make objects
  12. <Sir_Screwloose> eh, sometimes. stuff they've been shown how to make, anyway.
  13. <non> > weird!
  14. <non> > maybe a box will come in handy, though. take box?
  15. <non> > or would that be stealing?
  16. <Sir_Screwloose> Sure, it's small enough to fit in your coat pocket.
  17. <non> > boop take box and resume search then
  18. <Sir_Screwloose> stealing? from who?
  19. <non> > are there footprints?
  20. <Sir_Screwloose> You'll ask around anyway
  21. <Sir_Screwloose> ((and this is when I realize that I never quite nailed down what the ground of the actual town is made of))
  22. <Sir_Screwloose> ((one sec))
  23. <non> k)
  24. <non> cleo did make something out of clay in town, but who's to say there wasn't just a small clay puddle/deposit)
  25. <non> or that the streets aren't just cobble OVER clay)
  26. <Sir_Screwloose> There are some footprints i nthe dirt, about the right size for Cleo's, but then they go out into the main road, which is made of stone, so... not that helpful
  27. <non> > maybe shout and see if she answers?
  28. <non> > unless you wanna be a sneaktheif and discover her secrets
  29. <Sir_Screwloose> ((is anybody else even in here?))
  30. <Sir_Screwloose> (<_>))
  31. <PurpleKoopa> [i am but i'm kind of lost]
  32. <Sir_Screwloose> ((why's that?]]
  33. <PurpleKoopa> [because i wasn't really paying attention to the end of last session]
  34. <non> oh)
  35. <Sir_Screwloose> ((basically))
  36. <Sir_Screwloose> ((Vincent is looking for Cleo to make sure she actually used the outhouses instead of shitting in somebody's lawn.))
  37. <PurpleKoopa> [hahahaha is that seriously what's happening right now]
  38. <PurpleKoopa> [alright then]
  39. <Sir_Screwloose> ((because when Ihdisith wanted to talk to Cleo, she used the excuse that she had to use the bathroom))
  40. <Sir_Screwloose> [[yes, seriously]]
  41. <Sir_Screwloose> [[right now he's in the alleyway where Ihd gave her the necklace wit hNiccozmo's soul in it]]
  42. <Sir_Screwloose> [[anyway]]
  43. <Sir_Screwloose> You're not sure what advantage sneaking would have here, so you call her name
  44. <Sir_Screwloose> no answer
  45. <PurpleKoopa> > She couldn't have gotten too far. Maybe ask some of the townspeople if they've seen a girl with purple eyes?
  46. <non> cleo u are such an anime)
  47. <non> magical girl dracula)
  48. <Sir_Screwloose> Good idea! You ask them where she went and they all point you in the direction of your own ship. At least she's distinctive.
  49. <Sir_Screwloose> you head back to your ship.
  50. <Sir_Screwloose> And she's not there.
  51. <Sir_Screwloose> great.
  52. <PurpleKoopa> > She's not raiding through your cabin again, is she?
  53. <Sir_Screwloose> atera few minutes of calling and searching, you conclude that either she's invisible, or she's just not here.
  54. <Sir_Screwloose> And to top it off, the clocktower's going all screwy again
  55. <PurpleKoopa> > Screwy? Screwy how?
  56. <non> > check the tower, maybe she's messing with it like a noob
  57. <Sir_Screwloose> This happens every once in a while. The Tall man once admitted he's not very good with mechanical things, so the clocktower has to adjust itself to make sure it's accurate.
  58. <Sir_Screwloose> one of the hands switched directions, and another one sped up.
  59. <non> neat)
  60. <Sir_Screwloose> Should sort itself out in a few seconds.
  61. <Sir_Screwloose> yeah, there we g-
  62. <Sir_Screwloose> oh
  63. <Sir_Screwloose> Hm.
  64. <non> > hmmm?
  65. <Sir_Screwloose> Apparently your estimate of how long it was until the bell rang was way off
  66. <Sir_Screwloose> *DING*
  67. <Sir_Screwloose> *DONG*
  68. <Sir_Screwloose> *DING*
  69. <Sir_Screwloose> *DONG*
  70. <Sir_Screwloose> *DONNNNNGGGGG*
  71. <Sir_Screwloose> The hands have aligned, and the bell has rung
  72. <non> o:!)
  73. <non> cooool)
  74. <Sir_Screwloose> He Who Waits Beneath has awakened.
  75. <non> > Go say hi to your dad
  76. <non> > maybe bring him a coffee and a bagel
  77. <Sir_Screwloose> You head over to the temple to greet him.
  78. <non> > invent a newspaper so you can give him one
  79. <Sir_Screwloose> though you're still a bit anxious about the situation with Cleo.
  80. <PurpleKoopa> > Would he know where she is?
  81. <non> > maybe dad can help you find her!
  82. <PurpleKoopa> > Yeah!
  83. <Sir_Screwloose> You head into the temple, past the mausoleum, and into the chaber with the vast stairway spiralling down int othe ground.
  84. <Sir_Screwloose> *chamber
  85. <non> > do those huge wingy dudes bother you at all?
  86. - {Day changed to Tue Aug 21 00:00:00 2012}
  87. <Sir_Screwloose> No, they've gone back to their normal stations.
  88. <Sir_Screwloose> (brb)
  89. <non> >fistbump one of them
  90. <non> kk)
  91. <SirScrewloose> (Back)
  92. <SirScrewloose> You'd rather not. They're not up here anymore, anyways
  93. <SirScrewloose> You descend the staircase, down into the bowels of the earth
  94. <non> > Vincent: Descend
  95. <SirScrewloose> It opens up into a vast chamber with a gorge running through it. At the bottom of the gorge is a river, churning up mist that blocks it from view.
  96. <SirScrewloose> Above the river is a drawbridge.
  97. <SirScrewloose> And across the drawbridge is the massive metal skull that serves as the gateway to the House of He Who Waits Beneath.
  98. <PurpleKoopa> > Fondly admire deathskull.
  99. <SirScrewloose> The guards perched in the eye sockets greet you. "He Is Awaiting You."
  100. <PurpleKoopa> > Vincent: Enter.
  101. <-- Sir_Screwloose ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  102. <SirScrewloose> You admire the skull. Fondly is.. not quite the right word
  103. <SirScrewloose> Awedly? Is that a word?
  104. <non> > in awe
  105. <SirScrewloose> Anyway, ignoring the shiver that runs down your spine everytime you go in here, you enter the mouth of the skull
  106. <SirScrewloose> LOADING...
  107. <non> > yeah, awe's a good word for that
  108. <SirScrewloose> MINUTES IN THE PAST, BUT NOT MANY
  109. <SirScrewloose> You are once again Cleo D. Ragamuffin, and have just arrived back at the (Skyl)ark to show around your newly necklace-bound starwizard buddy
  110. <non> > warn him of the ark's rough state before showing it to him
  111. <SirScrewloose> You do so. Even so, you hear a small gasp from him in seeing just how bad a shape it's in.
  112. <SirScrewloose> "Such a shame... she was so beautiful in the air."
  113. <SirScrewloose> Anything specific we should show/ask him?
  114. <SirScrewloose> (Really wish this app let me know when people are typing like mibbit does.))
  115. <PurpleKoopa> > Maybe he should see his old cabin again. Probably won't be easy for him, though.
  116. <non> > maybe he could translate his notes for us
  117. <non> > or show us how to FIX THE SHIP
  118. <non> > :D:D:D:D
  119. <SirScrewloose> Ooh ooh yes!
  120. <SirScrewloose> You can somehow feel him blinking. "I don't... know how it works. I was an astronomer, not an engineer"
  121. <SirScrewloose> Dissapointed, you move on to the other, less cool questions
  122. <non> > what the heck even were your notes, dude
  123. <PurpleKoopa> > Do we still have those notes handy? In fact, you know what, let's just summon up the inventory again.
  124. <non> > look in pockets
  125. <SirScrewloose> ((Faaaak i eally should have kept better track of the inventory))
  126. <SirScrewloose> ((One second))
  127. <-- SirScrewloose ( has quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  128. --> SirScrewloose ( has joined #uabws
  129. <SirScrewloose> (FUCKING APP)
  130. <SirScrewloose> Equipped: plain basic pants and shirt, starwizard robe, pockety purple jacket,mrattletail necklace, MLJONR
  131. <SirScrewloose> Items: starwizard's notebook, Sude's journal, miscellaneous pages, pocketfull of ripening apples
  132. <PurpleKoopa> > Yeah, here we go. Hold out the notebook pages for Cozmo.
  133. <SirScrewloose> ((I'd need to look up what pages we have, one second))
  134. <non> kk)
  135. <SirScrewloose> ((Okay there was the one found in the temple with the story about the Serpent Brothers, the one we found in cabin seven about a queen, and the journal itslef, with the eight symbols and Sude's own musings on Nico's theory
  136. <PurpleKoopa> > Show him the one about the queen. Any clue on who this broad is?
  137. <non> > is it me
  138. <SirScrewloose> "Oh, i remember this one. The queen is the moon, and the king is the sun - that's the first bit about him burning people's eyes out."
  139. <non> > eech
  140. <PurpleKoopa> > Nasty. How about the Serpent Brothers?
  141. <SirScrewloose> "According to Anterosan legend, the stars in the sky were the souls of the dead, being led by her across the sky as the memories of their life are washed away
  142. <SirScrewloose> Brother Snake and Brother Snark - didn't I tell you about this one already?"
  143. <non> > there aren't stars here, though. does that mean that people don't die here?
  144. <non> > how do i even know what stars are
  145. <non> > fuck
  146. <SirScrewloose> "...I have no idea. That is very strange, though. Ridiculous legend anyway; if they were souls, the pattern of them would change"
  147. <non> > maybe souls go into the dark part around the stars then
  148. <SirScrewloose> " I certainly never saw anything like that down there."
  149. <non> > do you still not wanna talk about it bro
  150. <SirScrewloose> "I'd prefer not to, thank you."
  151. <SirScrewloose> (Oh god they're making another judge dredd movie))
  152. <SirScrewloose> "...though.... if i was in the sky, you'd think I'd be able to see the other stars. Or... I don't know how it was supposed to work.
  153. <non> > hmm
  154. <non> > what about the other pages
  155. <PurpleKoopa> > Show him Sude's journal. What's the deal with these symbols?
  156. <SirScrewloose> You show him the symbols
  157. <SirScrewloose> "Oh, these are the symbols of the main Anterosan deities, if I remember correctly. The sun and the moon are obvious enough, and the eye-in-hand symbol is.... Him."
  158. <SirScrewloose> The other six, let me see...
  159. <SirScrewloose> The sword for the god of war, the heart for the goddess of love, the flower for the goddess of health,life, medicine, stuff like that
  160. <non> > where the heck are all those guys, then
  161. <SirScrewloose> The hammer for the god of building and mechanics, and the scroll for the goddess of law and justice
  162. <SirScrewloose> I have no idea."
  163. <non> > and he totally forgot tricky
  164. <non> > or did he leave him out on purpose?
  165. <SirScrewloose> "Well, the Trickster wasn't /technically/ a god."
  166. <SirScrewloose> "No formal worship or temples."
  167. <non> > makes sense. he's an informal kinda dude
  168. <non> > so this place is called anterosa? anteros?
  169. <SirScrewloose> "I doubt it. Anteros was a regular country. This is.... I don't even know."
  170. <non> > how any countries were there?
  171. <non> *many)
  172. <SirScrewloose> ((Derp dero never thought of a name for the country nico's from))
  173. <non> maybe something that means sky)
  174. <non> what culture is it most like? japanese? egyptian?)
  175. <SirScrewloose> ((I hadnt even really thought about it that much))
  176. <SirScrewloose> ((Italy?))
  177. <non> well, dude has a big old beard and a robe)
  178. <non> maybe the name of an ancient greek or italian kingdom)
  179. <non> arcadia?)
  180. <SirScrewloose> (Okay sure)0
  181. <non> argos?)
  182. <SirScrewloose> (Argocadia)
  183. <non> laconia)
  184. <non> pfff)
  185. <SirScrewloose> "I don't have an exact answer to that. Quite a lot."
  186. <non> > but you studied anteros?
  187. <SirScrewloose> "Well, not exactly. I studied the stars. /Sude/ knew a lot about the history and mythology of Anteros, and he talked about it to me quite a lot."
  188. <non> > what made you get aboard the skylark, then? because it was awesome?
  189. <SirScrewloose> "Only way I could get to Anteros in time for the eclipse."
  190. <SirScrewloose> "Hm..."
  191. <SirScrewloose> "Wonder what an eclipse would be in the mythology."
  192. <non> > the moon and sun doin' it?
  193. <non> > idk what it is, but sources tell me it is awesome
  194. <SirScrewloose> This gets a chuckle out of him.
  195. <SirScrewloose> Only thing you have left to show him is the notebook
  196. <SirScrewloose> ((Oh fuck yes Superjail! Is on))
  197. <PurpleKoopa> > Huh. Better be gentle with this one. Could bring back some bad memories.
  198. <-- SirScrewloose ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  199. --> AndroUser2 ( has joined #uabws
  200. <AndroUser2> Dhgqry0sjx0vibf-guqmlT-
  201. <AndroUser2> +Zk'ry0lbfxqsh0vitg-
  202. <-> AndroUser2 is now known as Sir_Screwloose
  203. <PurpleKoopa> > Huh. Better be gentle with this one. Could bring back some bad memories.
  204. <Sir_Screwloose> "You found my notebook!"
  205. <Sir_Screwloose> much for the bad memories
  206. <PurpleKoopa> > Oh! ...Yeah, you're welcome!
  207. <PurpleKoopa> > Some of the pages got damaged, though. (if i'm remembering it correctly)
  208. <Sir_Screwloose> (Actually Sude's journal took the most damage. The notebook's fine, Nic just has terrible handwriting
  209. <PurpleKoopa> (oh, i think i'm mixing up the two)
  210. <non> > read us your chickenscratch, bro
  211. <Sir_Screwloose> Nic makes you open it and go through it. He babbles on excitedly about stars and constellations and blah and blah and holycrap starwizardy goes right over your head
  212. <non> > at least he's havin a good time
  213. <Sir_Screwloose> True, true. You get restless and start pacing though, keeping the notebook open for him to read from
  214. <non> > apples still not ripe?
  215. <non> > try to teach self to juggle with apples
  216. <Sir_Screwloose> Not quite, though they're getting there
  217. <Sir_Screwloose> You try juggling three of them
  218. <Sir_Screwloose> They all hit you in the head and roll into a hole in the floor.
  219. <Sir_Screwloose> Oh hey, you can see Vince coming this way through the window.
  220. <PurpleKoopa> > Wave hello!
  221. <non> > make sure you hide cosmo
  222. <Sir_Screwloose> You wave, but he doesn't see you
  223. <non> > he can always babble endlessly about the sky later
  224. <Sir_Screwloose> You decide to go greet him at the door
  225. <Sir_Screwloose> And, as was inevitably going to happen eventually, you trip on the ede of the robe and fall through a hole in the floor
  226. <non> > where the fuck did all these holes come from
  227. <Sir_Screwloose> And then things go dark and... weird.
  228. <non> > did we at least manage to grab cosmo
  229. <non> > does he even wanna see this weird hole
  230. <non> > at least we don't have to listen to him talk anymore
  231. <Sir_Screwloose> Oh yeah, he's with you
  232. <Sir_Screwloose> And uh
  233. <Sir_Screwloose> You're not sure where the ship went?
  234. <Sir_Screwloose> There was this weird feeling of weightlessness for a second, and now...
  235. <Sir_Screwloose> You think you fell to somewhere else entirely
  236. <Sir_Screwloose> Instead of blank white above you, it's all burnt orange, and the ground as far as you can see is burnt black
  237. <Sir_Screwloose> There's also some hugeass fires burning in the far distance
  238. <PurpleKoopa> > Oh crap! See if you can get a closer look - not /too/ much closer, of course.
  239. <Sir_Screwloose> You take a few cautious steps forwards - the ground seems to be covered in ash and - oh ew, is that a skeleton?
  240. <Sir_Screwloose> ....skeletons aren't supposed to move.
  241. <Sir_Screwloose> Ohshitohshitohshit
  242. <non> > READY MLJONR
  244. <PurpleKoopa> > AGGRESS
  245. <Sir_Screwloose> You ready your weapon as the charred, twisted corpse rises from the ground and - ohey, tentacle mouth. Must be a drainer. It stares at you with glowing eye sockets and growls
  246. <non> > ARRRRR
  247. <PurpleKoopa> > WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP
  248. <Sir_Screwloose> You growl back at it and start whacking it with your hammer
  249. <non> > HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW
  250. <Sir_Screwloose> It tries to grab the hammer off of you (which is the smartest thing you've seen any drainer do, ever) but fails
  251. <Sir_Screwloose> You split its skull as it shrieks with pain and bursts
  252. <Sir_Screwloose> This time, along with the vapor, something that looks like a small spectral squid flies off, making panicked noises
  253. <PurpleKoopa> > Is that fire spreading? What's burning, exactly?
  254. <Sir_Screwloose> From the looks of it
  255. <Sir_Screwloose> An entire mountain.
  256. <-- adequateAcarleycy (Mibbit@ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  257. <PurpleKoopa> > Good lord! Scan the area and see if there's any signs of civilization here.
  258. <non> guys i
  259. <non> really need to sleep ;~;
  260. <Sir_Screwloose> You take a look around and.... aha! There's some kind of half ten, half hut thing a ways away, with something shiny outside of it
  261. <Sir_Screwloose> (Oh)
  262. <non> go on without me
  263. <non> <3
  264. <non> ten hut
  265. <Sir_Screwloose> (Don't have much left for this session anyway))
  266. <PurpleKoopa> [later, non!]
  267. <non> latas~
  268. <-- non ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  269. <PurpleKoopa> > Hm. Approach cautiously and see if you can get a better look at that shiny thing.
  270. <Sir_Screwloose> You approach cautiously, seeing no signs of life
  271. <Sir_Screwloose> The shiny thing - and you have no idea how you know these terms - looks like a chopper motorcycle with jet engines in place of wheels. It's black with green flame pattern, and looks fucking awesome.
  272. <PurpleKoopa> > Keep your hammer on hand and enter the building. You can never be too careful.
  273. <PurpleKoopa> > Wait, scratch that
  274. <PurpleKoopa> > Did you just say MOTORCYCLE
  275. <Sir_Screwloose> Yes, yes you did.
  276. <PurpleKoopa> > *AWESOME*. Forget this dumb ol' building, let's see if you can hotwire this bad boy.
  277. <Sir_Screwloose> You jump on the bike and... wish you had any idea how to hotwire it. There's a crapload of dials and switches on it too.
  278. <PurpleKoopa> > Uhhh. Any sign of the ignition?
  279. <Sir_Screwloose> Yeah, but there's no key
  280. <Sir_Screwloose> For the moment you settle for making vroom noises
  281. <PurpleKoopa> > vroom vroom look out world here comes cleo
  282. <Sir_Screwloose> Hell yeah!
  283. <Sir_Screwloose> Unfortunately your vrooming is cut short when something whacks you in the back of the head and knocks you off the jetbike.
  284. <Sir_Screwloose> You feel a heavy foot on your back and something metal at the back of your head.
  285. <Sir_Screwloose> A low, growly voice, full of just-barely-contained rage speaks
  286. <Sir_Screwloose> "You. Are going to answer. My questions. And if i don't like your answers. I will blow your goddamn head off."
  287. <PurpleKoopa> > (/fuuuuuuuuuck/)
  288. <Sir_Screwloose> ((And guess what?))
  289. <PurpleKoopa> [aw, is that it for tonight]
  290. <Sir_Screwloose> ((Yyyyyep!))
  291. <PurpleKoopa> CLIFFHANGER
  292. <Sir_Screwloose> Keep 'em wanting more, yeah?
  296. <Sir_Screwloose> UNDER A BLANK WHITE SKY
  297. <PurpleKoopa> BLANK SKY SQUADRON
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