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Jun 21st, 2012
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  1. # REQUIRED: The name of your application
  2. app_name: RepairtechsolutionsCom
  4. # REQUIRED: The system user to run your app servers as
  5. app_user: app
  7. # REQUIRED: Notification emails (e.g. monit) get sent to this address
  8. #
  9. admin_email: "root@#{full_host}"
  11. # OPTIONAL: If not set, you won't be able to access web_tools
  12. # server (munin stats, monit status, etc)
  13. web_tools_user: admin
  14. web_tools_password: password
  16. # REQUIRED: The timezone the server should be in
  17. timezone: US/Eastern
  19. # REQUIRED: the domain all the instances should be associated with
  20. #
  21. domain:
  23. # OPTIONAL: See rubber-dns.yml for dns configuration
  24. # This lets rubber update a dynamic dns service with the instance alias
  25. # and ip when they are created.  It also allows setting up arbitrary
  26. # dns records (CNAME, MX, Round Robin DNS, etc)
  28. # OPTIONAL: Additional rubber file to pull config from if it exists.  This file will
  29. # also be pushed to remote host at Rubber.root/config/rubber/rubber-secret.yml
  30. #
  31. # rubber_secret: "#{File.expand_path('~') + '/.ec2' + (Rubber.env == 'production' ? '' : '_dev') + '/rubber-secret.yml' rescue ''}"
  33. # REQUIRED All known cloud providers with the settings needed to configure them
  34. # There's only one working cloud provider right now - Amazon Web Services
  35. # To implement another, clone lib/rubber/cloud/aws.rb or make the fog provider
  36. # work in a generic fashion
  37. #
  38. cloud_providers:
  39.   aws:
  40.     # REQUIRED The AWS region that you want to use.
  41.     #
  42.     # Options include
  43.     # us-east-1
  44.     # eu-west-1
  45.     # ap-northeast-1
  46.     # ap-southeast-1
  47.     # ap-southeast-2
  48.     #
  49.     region: us-east-1
  51.     # REQUIRED The amazon keys and account ID (digits only, no dashes) used to access the AWS API
  52.     #
  53.     access_key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  55.     account: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  57.     # REQUIRED:  The name of the amazon keypair and location of its private key
  58.     #
  59.     # NOTE: for some reason Capistrano requires you to have both the public and
  60.     # the private key in the same folder, the public key should have the
  61.     # extension ".pub".  The easiest way to get your hand on this is to create the
  62.     # public key from the private key: ssh-keygen -y -f gsg-keypair >
  63.     #
  64.     key_name: gsg-keypair
  65.     key_file: "#{Dir[(File.expand_path('~') rescue '/root') + '/.ec2/*' +].first}"
  67.     # OPTIONAL: Needed for bundling a running instance using rubber:bundle
  68.     #
  69.     # pk_file: "#{Dir[(File.expand_path('~') rescue '/root') + '/.ec2/pk-*'].first}"
  70.     # cert_file: "#{Dir[(File.expand_path('~') rescue '/root') + '/.ec2/cert-*'].first}"
  71.     # image_bucket: "#{app_name}-images"
  73.     # OPTIONAL: Needed for backing up database to s3
  74.     # backup_bucket: "#{app_name}-backups"
  76.     # REQUIRED: the ami and instance type for creating instances
  77.     # The Ubuntu images at work well
  78.     # Ubuntu 12.04 Precise instance-store 64-bit: ami-3c994355
  79.     #
  80.     # m1.small or m1.large or m1.xlarge
  81.     image_type: m1.small
  82.     #image_id: ami-3c994355
  83.     image_id: ami-8baa73e2
  85.     # OPTIONAL: EC2 spot instance request support.
  86.     #
  87.     # Enables the creation of spot instance requests.  Rubber will wait synchronously until the request is fulfilled,
  88.     # at which point it will begin initializing the instance, unless spot_instance_request_timeout is set.
  89.     # spot_instance: true
  90.     #
  91.     # The maximum price you would like to pay for your spot instance.
  92.     # spot_price: "0.085"
  93.     #
  94.     # If a spot instance request can't be fulfilled in 3 minutes, fallback to on-demand instance creation.  If not set,
  95.     # the default is infinite.
  96.     # spot_instance_request_timeout: 180
  98.   # Use an alternate cloud provider supported by fog.  This doesn't fully work
  99.   # yet due to differences in providers within fog, but gives you a starting
  100.   # point for contributing a new provider to rubber.  See rubber/lib/rubber/cloud(.rb)
  101.   fog:
  102.     credentials:
  103.       provider: rackspace
  104.       rackspace_api_key: 'XXX'
  105.       rackspace_username: 'YYY'
  106.     image_type: 123
  107.     image_id: 123
  109. # REQUIRED the cloud provider to use
  110. #
  111. cloud_provider: aws
  113. # OPTIONAL: Where to store instance data.
  114. #
  115. # Allowed forms are:
  116. # filesystem: "file:#{Rubber.root}/config/rubber/instance-#{Rubber.env}.yml"
  117. # cloud storage (s3): "storage:#{}/RubberInstances_#{app_name}/instance-#{Rubber.env}.yml"
  118. # cloud table (simpledb): "table:RubberInstances_#{app_name}_#{Rubber.env}"
  119. #
  120. # If you need to port between forms, load the rails console then:
  121. #
  122. # where location is one of the allowed forms for this variable
  123. #
  124. # instance_storage: "file:#{Rubber.root}/config/rubber/instance-#{Rubber.env}.yml"
  126. # OPTIONAL: Where to store a backup of the instance data
  127. #
  128. # This is most useful when using a remote store in case you end up
  129. # wiping the single copy of your instance data.  When using the file
  130. # store, the instance file is typically under version control with
  131. # your project code, so that provides some safety.
  132. #
  133. # instance_storage_backup: "storage:#{}/RubberInstances_#{app_name}/instance-#{Rubber.env}-#{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}.yml"
  135. # OPTIONAL: Define security groups
  136. # Each security group is a name associated with a sequence of maps where the
  137. # keys are the parameters to the ec2 AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress API
  138. # source_security_group_name, source_security_group_owner_id
  139. # ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_ip
  140. #
  141. security_groups:
  142.   default:
  143.     description: The default security group
  144.     rules:
  145.       - source_group_name: default
  146.         source_group_account: "#{}"
  147.       - protocol: tcp
  148.         from_port: 22
  149.         to_port: 22
  150.         source_ips: []
  152. # OPTIONAL: The default security groups to create instances with
  153. assigned_security_groups: [default]
  155. # OPTIONAL: Automatically create security groups for each host and role
  156. # EC2 doesn't allow one to change what groups an instance belongs to after
  157. # creation, so its good to have some empty ones predefined.
  158. auto_security_groups: true
  160. # OPTIONAL: Automatically isolate security groups for each appname/environment
  161. # by mangling their names to be appname_env_groupname
  162. # This makes it safer to have staging and production coexist on the same EC2
  163. # account, or even multiple apps
  164. isolate_security_groups: true
  166. # OPTIONAL: Prompts one to sync security group rules when the ones in amazon
  167. # differ from those in rubber
  168. prompt_for_security_group_sync: false
  170. # OPTIONAL: The packages to install on all instances
  171. # You can install a specific version of a package by using a sub-array of pkg, version
  172. # For example, packages: [[rake, 0.7.1], irb]
  173. packages: [postfix, build-essential, git-core, ec2-ami-tools, libxslt-dev, ntp]
  175. # OPTIONAL: gem sources to setup for rubygems
  176. # gemsources: ["", ""]
  178. # OPTIONAL: The gems to install on all instances
  179. # You can install a specific version of a gem by using a sub-array of gem, version
  180. # For example, gem: [[rails, 2.2.2], open4, aws-s3]
  181. gems: [open4, aws-s3, bundler, [rubber, "#{Rubber.version}"]]
  183. # OPTIONAL: A string prepended to shell command strings that cause multi
  184. # statement shell commands to fail fast.  You may need to comment this out
  185. # on some platforms, but it works for me on linux/osx with a bash shell
  186. #
  187. stop_on_error_cmd: "function error_exit { exit 99; }; trap error_exit ERR"
  189. # OPTIONAL: The default set of roles to use when creating a staging instance
  190. # with "cap rubber:create_staging".  By default this uses all the known roles,
  191. # excluding slave roles, but this is not always desired for staging, so you can
  192. # specify a different set here
  193. #
  194. # staging_roles: "web,app,db:primary=true"
  197. # OPTIONAL: Lets one assign amazon elastic IPs (static IPs) to your instances
  198. #           You should typically set this on the role/host level rather than
  199. #           globally , unless you really do want all instances to have a
  200. #           static IP
  201. #
  202. # use_static_ip: true
  204. # OPTIONAL: Specifies an instance to be created in the given availability zone
  205. #           Availability zones are sepcified by amazon to be somewhat isolated
  206. #           from each other so that hardware failures in one zone shouldn't
  207. #           affect instances in another.  As such, it is good to specify these
  208. #           for instances that need to be redundant to reduce your chance of
  209. #           downtime. You should typically set this on the role/host level
  210. #           rather than globally.  Use cap rubber:describe_zones to see the list
  211. #           of zones
  212. # availability_zone: us-east-1a
  214. # OPTIONAL: If you want t use Elastic Block Store (EBS) persistent
  215. # volumes, add them to host specific overrides and they will get created
  216. # and assigned to the instance.  On initial creation, the volume will get
  217. # attached _and_ formatted, but if your host disapears and you recreate
  218. # it, the volume will only get remounted thereby preserving your data
  219. #
  220. # hosts:
  221. #   my_host:
  222. #     availability_zone: us-east-1a
  223. #     volumes:
  224. #       - size: 100 # size of vol in GBs
  225. #         zone: us-east-1a # zone to create volume in, needs to match host's zone
  226. #         device: /dev/sdh # OS device to attach volume to
  227. #         mount: /mnt/mysql # The directory to mount this volume to
  228. #         filesystem: ext3 # the filesystem to create on volume
  229. #       - size: 10 # size of vol in GBs
  230. #         zone: us-east-1a # zone to create volume in, needs to match host's zone
  231. #         device: /dev/sdi # OS device to attach volume to
  232. #         mount: /mnt/logs # The directory to mount this volume to
  233. #         filesystem: ext3 # the filesystem to create on volume
  234. #
  235. #       # volumes without mount/filesystem can be used in raid arrays
  236. #
  237. #       - size: 50 # size of vol in GBs
  238. #         zone: us-east-1a # zone to create volume in, needs to match host's zone
  239. #         device: /dev/sdx # OS device to attach volume to
  240. #       - size: 50 # size of vol in GBs
  241. #         zone: us-east-1a # zone to create volume in, needs to match host's zone
  242. #         device: /dev/sdy # OS device to attach volume to
  243. #
  244. #    # Use some ephemeral volumes for raid array
  245. #    local_volumes:
  246. #      - partition_device: /dev/sdb
  247. #        zero: false # zeros out disk for improved performance
  248. #      - partition_device: /dev/sdc
  249. #        zero: false # zeros out disk for improved performance
  250. #
  251. #     # for raid array, you'll need to add mdadm to packages.  Likewise,
  252. #     # xfsprogs is needed for xfs filesystem support
  253. #     #
  254. #     packages: [xfsprogs, mdadm]
  255. #     raid_volumes:
  256. #       - device: /dev/md0 # OS device to to create raid array on
  257. #         mount: /mnt/fast # The directory to mount this array to
  258. #         mount_opts: 'nobootwait' # Recent Ubuntu versions require this flag or SSH will not start on reboot
  259. #         filesystem: xfs # the filesystem to create on array
  260. #         filesystem_opts: -f # the filesystem opts in mkfs
  261. #         raid_level: 0 # the raid level to use for the array
  262. #         # if you're using Ubuntu 11.x or later (Natty, Oneiric, Precise, etc)
  263. #         # you will want to specify the source devices in their /dev/xvd format
  264. #         # see for
  265. #         # more information.
  266. #         # NOTE: Only make this change for raid source_devices, NOT generic
  267. #         # volume commands above.
  268. #         source_devices: [/dev/sdx, /dev/sdy] # the source EBS devices we are creating raid array from (Ubuntu Lucid or older)
  269. #         source_devices: [/dev/xvdx, /dev/xvdy] # the source EBS devices we are creating raid array from (Ubuntu Natty or newer)
  270. #
  271. #     # for LVM volumes, you'll need to add lvm2 to packages.  Likewise,
  272. #     # xfsprogs is needed for xfs filesystem support
  273. #     packages: [xfsprogs, lvm2]
  274. #     lvm_volume_groups:
  275. #       - name: vg # The volume group name
  276. #         physical_volumes: [/dev/sdx, /dev/sdy] # Devices used for LVM group (you can use just one, but you can't stripe then)
  277. #         extent_size: 32 # Size of the volume extent in MB
  278. #         volumes:
  279. #           - name: lv # Name of the logical volume
  280. #             size: 999.9 # Size of volume in GB (slightly less than sum of all physical volumes because LVM reserves some space)
  281. #             stripes: 2 # Count of stripes for volume
  282. #             filesystem: xfs # The filesystem to create on the logical volume
  283. #             filesystem_opts: -f # the filesystem opts in mkfs
  284. #             mount: /mnt/large_work_dir # The directory to mount this LVM volume to
  286. # OPTIONAL: You can also define your own variables here for use when
  287. # transforming config files, and they will be available in your config
  288. # templates as  <%= rubber_env.var_name %>
  289. #
  290. # var_name: var_value
  292. # All variables can also be overridden on the role and/or host level by creating
  293. # a sub level to the config under roles and hosts
  294. # e.g. to install mysql only on db role, and awstats only on web01:
  296. # OPTIONAL: Role specific overrides
  297. # roles:
  298. #   somerole:
  299. #     packages: []
  300. #   somerole2:
  301. #     myconfig: someval
  303. # OPTIONAL: Host specific overrides
  304. # hosts:
  305. #   somehost:
  306. #     packages: []
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