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- (require :cl-ppcre)
- ;;;; Utility functions
- ;; Combine a sequence into single string, optionally putting a space between each element of the sequence
- (defun combine-string-parts (string-parts &optional (with-space t))
- (string-right-trim " " (format nil
- (if with-space "~{~A ~}" "~{~A~}" )
- string-parts)))
- ;; Divide a string into a sequence of substrings, each of length 5
- (defun divide-into-parts (plaintext)
- "divide given plaintext into groups of five characters"
- (combine-string-parts
- (loop for n from 0 to (length plaintext)
- when (and (> n 0) (= 0 (mod n 5)))
- collect (subseq plaintext (- n 5) n))))
- ;; Prepare input according to Solitaire Cipher rules - remove all punctuation and spaces,
- ;; convert all letters to uppercase, and split into groups of 5 characters each
- (defun prepare-input (input)
- ;; remove spaces and punctuation, convert to uppercase
- (multiple-value-bind (processed-input regex-match-p)
- (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "[^A-Z]" (string-upcase input) "")
- (declare (ignore regex-match-p))
- ;; if string length is not a multiple of 5,
- ;; concatenate X's until it is
- (when (not (zerop (mod (length processed-input) 5)))
- (dotimes (x (- 5 (mod (length processed-input) 5)))
- (setf processed-input
- (concatenate 'string processed-input "X"))))
- (divide-into-parts processed-input)))
- ;;;; deck handling functions
- (defun initialize-deck ()
- (append (loop for x from 1 to 52 collect x)
- '(#\A #\B)))
- (defun key-deck (deck &optional (shuffle nil))
- ;; should be shuffling randomly, but we keep the deck as is for unit testing
- (when (eq shuffle t)
- ;; shuffle the deck
- deck)
- deck)
- ;; move given joker given number of spaces down, treating deck as a circular queue
- (defun move-joker-n-down (n which-joker deck)
- (let (joker-index new-index)
- (setf joker-index (position which-joker deck)
- deck (remove-if (lambda (x) (eq x which-joker)) deck)
- new-index (+ n joker-index))
- (when (> new-index 53)
- (setf new-index (- new-index 53)))
- (append (subseq deck 0 new-index) `(,which-joker)
- (subseq deck new-index (length deck)))))
- ;; perform a triple cut - swap cards above top joker and below bottom joker
- (defun triple-cut (deck)
- (let (top-card bottom-card joker-a-position joker-b-position)
- (setf joker-a-position (position #\A deck)
- joker-b-position (position #\B deck)
- top-card (min joker-a-position joker-b-position)
- bottom-card (max joker-a-position joker-b-position))
- (append (subseq deck (+ 1 bottom-card) (length deck))
- (subseq deck top-card (+ 1 bottom-card))
- (subseq deck 0 top-card))))
- ;; convert a card into its corresponding value
- (defun get-card-value (card)
- (case card
- (#\A 53)
- (#\B 53)
- (t card)))
- ;; perform a count cut - take the value of bottom card, then move that many cards
- ;; from top of deck to just above bottom deck
- (defun count-cut (deck)
- (let (( bottom-card (elt deck (- (length deck) 1)))
- count)
- (setf count (get-card-value bottom-card))
- (append (subseq deck count 53)
- (subseq deck 0 count)
- `(,bottom-card))))
- ;; convert a card into a character
- (defun card->character (card)
- (case card
- (#\A nil) (#\B nil)
- (t (if (> card 26)
- (code-char (+ 64 (- card 26)))
- (code-char (+ 64 card))))))
- ;; get output character
- (defun get-output-character (deck)
- (card->character (elt deck (get-card-value (first deck)))))
- ;; perform a single round of the SOlitaire cipher
- (defun single-round (deck)
- ;; move jokers (steps 2 and 3)
- (setf deck (move-joker-n-down 2 #\B (move-joker-n-down 1 #\A deck)))
- ;; triple cut (step 4)
- (setf deck (triple-cut deck))
- ;; count cut (step 5)
- (setf deck (count-cut deck))
- ;; return deck
- deck)
- (defun not-nil (x)
- (not (eq nil x)))
- ;; get keystream - not sure how to do a loop until condition is met, so
- ;; generating twice as many characters as needed, then taking first few
- (defun get-keystream (deck key-length)
- ;; generate large number of characters
- ;; then extract required number of characters
- (combine-string-parts
- (subseq (remove-if-not 'not-nil
- (loop for n from 1 to (* 2 key-length)
- do (setf deck (single-round deck))
- collect (get-output-character deck)))
- 0 key-length) nil))
- ;; encrypt given text using Solitaire cipher
- (defun encrypt (plaintext)
- (let (keystream (ciphertext '()))
- (setf keystream (prepare-input (get-keystream (initialize-deck) (length plaintext)))
- plaintext (prepare-input plaintext))
- (dotimes (n (length plaintext) (prepare-input (reverse (combine-string-parts ciphertext nil))))
- (if (not (char-equal (char plaintext n) #\Space))
- (let* ((plaintext-char-value (- (char-code (char plaintext n)) 64))
- (keystream-char-value (- (char-code (char keystream n)) 64)))
- (setf plaintext-char-value (+ plaintext-char-value keystream-char-value))
- (when (> plaintext-char-value 26)
- (setf plaintext-char-value (- plaintext-char-value 26)))
- (push (code-char (+ 64 plaintext-char-value)) ciphertext))
- (push #\Space ciphertext)))))
- ;; decrypt given text using Solitaire cipher
- (defun decrypt (ciphertext)
- (let (keystream (plaintext '()))
- (setf keystream (prepare-input (get-keystream (initialize-deck) (length ciphertext)))
- ciphertext (prepare-input ciphertext)) ;; may not be necessary
- (dotimes (n (length ciphertext) (prepare-input (reverse (combine-string-parts plaintext nil))))
- (if (not (char-equal (char ciphertext n) #\Space))
- (let* ((ciphertext-char-value (- (char-code (char ciphertext n)) 64))
- (keystream-char-value (- (char-code (char keystream n)) 64)))
- (when (<= ciphertext-char-value keystream-char-value)
- (setf ciphertext-char-value (+ 26 ciphertext-char-value)))
- (setf ciphertext-char-value (- ciphertext-char-value keystream-char-value))
- (push (code-char (+ 64 ciphertext-char-value)) plaintext))
- (push #\Space plaintext)))))
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