
Iron Anon: Chapter I really don't care anymore RickGottfried

Feb 20th, 2013
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  1. *****************************************
  2. from the looks of it this never made it to bin... i dont know why, and im close to 20 threads behind, so here it goes till i got anwswers
  3. *****************************************
  5. >Twilight: “Wow, its so... big”
  6. “Maybe by your standards, but where I come from this is pretty much normal size”
  7. >Twilight: “Really? It just seems to be taking up more room than it needs to...”
  8. “Yeah, but you got to take into account I’m a lot bigger than you ponies“
  9. >You let your bags fall to the floor
  10. “And I don’t even have any furniture yet”
  11. >Just like the Mayor said, your house was completed faster than you could have possibly imagined
  12. >After retrieving your bags from the sled Twilight was keeping in her basement for her research (which she hadn’t asked for your permission), you two went across town to your new place to get settled in
  13. >Under your feet was a finely waxed hardwood floor, surrounded by sturdy timber walls
  14. >Like you said before, the place was pretty vacant but it was already equipped with a fully functioning kitchen and a bed
  15. >It was a big house, but its layout was simple
  16. >Living room, kitchen/dining room, bedroom and bathroom
  17. >Everything you needed for a good home was right here
  18. “Though should I even bother getting furniture? How long will I be staying here?”
  19. >Twilight: “I still haven’t received word from the Princess about any news of your teleportation spell. It could be tomorrow, or next week... even next year for all I know”
  20. >You look away from her and gaze over your new place again
  21. >Yeah. This would do
  22. “I guess I’ll take some time to move in a bit, then go out to see if I can find something to do”
  23. >Twilight: “Ok then, I’m off to help Fluttershy at her cottage. If you get hunger, you can head down to SugarCube Corner for a bite”
  24. >The purple mare turns to leave but you stop her
  25. “Hey! So are we going into the forest again tonight?
  26. >Twilight: “Actually, no. After what happened last night, I think I actually should just leave this up to the Royal Guard. See you later, Anon”
  27. >She trots out of your cabin, closing the door behind her
  28. >Opening your bags, you realize you didn’t have much to ‘move in’ with
  29. >You didn’t even have an extra change of clothes
  30. >After about a few minutes, you were as settled in as you could be
  31. >Just then, you hear a knock at your door
  32. >Who the hell could that be?
  33. >Making your way over to the heavy maple door, you unlock and open it to the biggest surprise of the day so far
  34. “Rainbow... Dash?”
  35. >There she was, standing defiantly on your front doorstep
  36. >Rainbow’s expression is neutral for a second after you open the door, until she realizes who was standing in the doorway
  37. >Rainbow [annoyed]: “What are YOU doing here?”
  38. “Ahh, I live here.”
  39. >Rainbow: “What!”
  40. >Her jaws drops and her wings flare out in shock
  41. >Rainbow: “So you- but why-”
  42. >She brings a hoof to her face, exclaiming a disappointed ‘awh’ sound
  43. “What’s wrong? You do remember you chose not to send me to the moon, right? I need some place to stay until they can send me back”
  44. >Rainbow: “I know that! But you can’t stay here”
  45. “And why’s that? They kind of already built the house here. Besides, what's it matter to you and why are you here in the first place?”
  46. >The pegasus deadpans and points to her left
  47. >Rainbow: “I came to meet the new pony that moved in next door...”
  48. >You follow her hoof off the porch and down the road, until you make out the cloud... shaped like a castle, hovering up above some nearby trees
  49. >Finally, you make sense of it all
  50. “Oh... Well, howdy there -neighbor-”
  51. >Rainbow [angry]: “UGGH- This is totally NOT cool”
  52. “Ok, so we’re neighbors. Its not the end of the world”
  53. >Rainbow: “It kind of is...”
  54. “Look, I know that given our history you aren’t becoming best buddies with me any time soon. I get that. But what do you want me to do about this? It my house now, Rainbow”
  55. >Rainbow: “Da-”
  56. “Dash. Whatever. What do you want from me?”
  57. >Rainbow: “To be out of my life”
  58. “You should of just blasted me off to the moon then, huh?”
  59. >Rainbow: “Shut up. I cut you some slack for the... manticore. Can’t you just leave me alone?”
  60. “[pointing at her hooves] You’re on MY doorstep”
  61. >Rainbow: “You’re next to MY house!”
  62. “Calm down. We can’t change that now, but I do have a compromise in mind”
  63. >Rainbow [skeptical]: “And what could that be?”
  64. “If you’re sick of me staying in Ponyville, fine. I’ll make sure you and I have as little contact as possible. It’ll be like I’m not even here”
  65. >Rainbow: “But I’ll still be forced to see your ugly mug when I get up in the monring”
  66. “I’m a sort of an insomniac. Its not too serious, so don’t worry your little heart out for me. Besides, it still forces me to wake up before sunrise. I’ll be long gone by the time you roll out of bed”
  67. >Rainbow takes a moment to think it over
  68. >Rainbow: “Fine, but on one condition”
  69. “What’s that?”
  70. >Rainbow: “You leave my friends alone too”
  71. >An ominous gust of wind sails across the porch, blowing Rainbow’s mane as she waits for an answer
  72. “... No deal”
  73. >Rainbow: “What?”
  74. “I’m helping Applejack with Apple bucking season, Rarity’s making me some new clothes, and me and Twilight are kind of friends already. Its too late for that”
  75. >Rainbow: “But thats not-!”
  76. “Jesus Christ, does it really matter? Its not like I’m going to corrupt them”
  77. >Rainbow: “How do I know you won’t?”
  78. “I really thought we were past this shit”
  79. >Before Rainbow can reply, her view falls from your eyes to your knees as her irises shrink
  80. >You look down to see what she was staring at to find Gus at your side
  81. >He must of just came out when he heard the noise
  82. >Rainbow slowly pulls one of her front hooves back, as if trying to backpedal but too sacred to do so
  83. >Rainbow: “Umm- I-”
  84. “Are you ok?”
  85. >You bring your hand to passively rest on Gus’ head
  86. “Don’t tell me you’re still afraid of Gus?”
  87. >The terrified pony tries and refocus her fear into angry
  88. >Rainbow: “T-That thing nearly tore my hoor off!”
  89. “It was a... misunderstanding. He won’t hurt you, see?”
  90. >You give a tiny tap on the back of Gus’ neck and he begins to approach Rainbow
  91. >Her fear returns, 10 fold, and she becomes paralyzed like a deer in headlights
  92. >Just when Gus is only inches away, a single drop of sweat rolls off her face and she jumps backwards into the air
  93. >She soars up about 30 feet to hover, staying far out of the wolfdog’s reach
  94. >Rainbow: “Fine. You stay clear of me and we won’t have any problems, got it?”
  95. “Yes ma’am”
  96. >Rainbow: “Shut up”
  97. >The pegasus then blots westward towards Ponyville, faster than anything you ever seen before
  98. >You look down to see Gus looking up at you
  99. “At least we won’t have to worry about pesky neighbors”
  100. >He turns away from you before running off down the road to the south, presumably to Sweet Apple Acres
  101. >Leaving you standing out alone on the porch, trying to process what just happened
  102. >It could be worse
  103. >You could’ve wound up being neighbors with Borg Guillarson
  104. >Suddenly, you hear your stomach rumble
  105. >Guess it’s time to pay a visit to SugarCube Corner
  106. >As you head back inside to put on your jacket, you couldn’t help thinking about Rainbow
  107. >Shame things didn’t work out better, you really were planning on making it up to her
  108. >Not to be friends or anything, but just to set the record straight
  109. >Just to make things right
  110. >But all she wanted you to do was to leave her alone, to disappear
  111. >You suppose you should be glad, it made things a lot more easier
  112. >Still, you felt guilty you’d never been able to pay her back
  113. >Then again, maybe this was paying her back...
  114. >You head down the r
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