

Sep 19th, 2014
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  1. Moonshine: wanna play archage with me and management
  2. Xenorax: Sure.
  3. Xenorax: Wait, isn't that the beat-em-up?
  4. Xenorax: Or..the..something.
  5. Moonshine: its a mmo
  6. Xenorax: Ah.
  7. Moonshine: its like tera
  8. Moonshine: but its with pirates
  9. Moonshine: and houses
  10. Xenorax: Ha
  11. Moonshine: nvm i guess
  12. Xenorax: Management stopped talking to me a while ago.
  13. Xenorax: Ah, okay.
  14. Moonshine: what do u mean
  15. Xenorax: I went to talk to him one day, and he said that he needed to be alone, along with "nothing personal". Which I understand, but then I see him playing things with other people, and if you want to be alone, you don't do things with other people.
  16. Xenorax: And either way, ever since, he hasn't really talked to me, saying that he has college, which I still understand, but I see him playing APB all the time, and that's clearly not college related. Basically, something doesn't check out to me.
  17. Moonshine: ah
  18. Moonshine: are you guys no longer friends'
  19. Xenorax: Maybe I'm overthinking it a tad.
  20. Xenorax: I have no idea.
  21. Moonshine: he aint on ur list anymore
  22. Xenorax: I'm not even sure what would've happened.
  23. Xenorax: I deleted him from Steam and Skype, telling him to readd me when he was ready to talk again and/or, tell me why he's beating around the bush and not telling me what's up.
  24. Xenorax: Like, he literally just stopped talking to me, and I can't recall anything bad happening to cause it. One day I message him and he says that, and then it was quiet for a while.
  25. Moonshine: maybe hes got other friends
  26. Xenorax: And generally speaking, saying "nothing personal" usually implies it's something personal.
  27. Xenorax: True, but it'd still be nice to tell me rather than beat around the bush, he is, after all, an adult and not a teenage girl.
  28. Moonshine: do you think hes obligated to keep you updated with his social life
  29. Xenorax: Absolutely not.
  30. Moonshine: take it from that prespective then
  31. Xenorax: Eh, true.
  32. Moonshine: i don't think hes hiding a nuclear bomb in a shed
  33. Moonshine: thinking he is though doesn't really solve anything
  34. Xenorax: True.
  35. Moonshine: considering hes done somethings for you that none of us would've ever done
  36. Moonshine: he backed you up a lot
  37. Moonshine: defended you
  38. Moonshine: i'm literally the polar oppsite from him when it comes to you
  39. Xenorax: Ha.
  40. Moonshine: i'm usually on the agitator side
  41. Xenorax: Eh, you don't bother me though.
  42. Moonshine: so its sort of ironic you remove him for a lack of socializing
  43. Moonshine: when we barely talk as it is
  44. Moonshine: saying i dont bother you implies he does
  45. Xenorax: Nah.
  46. Moonshine: you use that statement as an excuse
  47. Moonshine: i try to be indirect with my messages but it doesn't take a smart one to see what goes on
  48. Moonshine: w/e though
  49. Moonshine: just ironic
  50. Xenorax: What statement do I use as an excuse again?
  51. Moonshine: Xenorax: Eh, you don't bother me though.
  52. Xenorax: Ah.
  53. Moonshine: you imply he bothers you
  54. Xenorax: You yourself generally don't, though.
  55. Moonshine: thats rather vague
  56. Moonshine: we barely talk
  57. Moonshine: of course i generally dont
  58. Xenorax: Even when you're being a little ass, you still don't really bother me.
  59. Xenorax: Is that better?
  60. Moonshine: not really
  61. Moonshine: what has management done to bother you more than me giving you a harsh truth
  62. Moonshine: i think its generally obvious that being an ass is worse than someone "avoiding" you (based of thoughts you gathered, no real facts)
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