

Jul 14th, 2013
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  1. [09:42:18] <Roget> Chloe, open your eyes. Wake up. Hope, for the millionth time, that you can see into my special hell.
  2. [09:43:13] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe stirs, then opens her eyes. Confused.
  3. [09:43:40] <Roget> It's dark here, Chloe. Do you remember when we used to wait, under the cover of darkness? Of course you don't.
  4. [09:43:46] <Roget> Get up, you stupid girl.
  5. [09:44:55] <Tehpillowstar> She looks around.
  6. [09:46:28] <Tehpillowstar> She hestiates, then gets up.
  7. [09:46:45] <Roget> It's a dark room. Almost looks like the mess, if someone took all the poolboys blood and splattered it on the walls. There's rusty, ancient barbed wire, twisting in a spiral chaining the damned and the silent screaming to every wall. The floor is rough, with a mixture of blood and shit and light twisting in an oily mess beneath her. There's a hot, wet wind billowing from... somewhere. You don't know this place anymore, Chloe. Not lik
  8. [09:46:45] <Roget> e you ever knew it to begin with.
  9. [09:48:21] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe pauses to collect herself.
  10. [09:48:48] <Tehpillowstar> She walks towards the door.
  11. [09:50:04] <Roget> There's a wet sloshing from the ground as she walks. What do you think you're doing, Chloe? Do you even know?
  12. [09:50:57] <Tehpillowstar> She passes through the threshold.
  13. [09:51:31] <Roget> Roll agility, Chloe. Try to watch where you're going, foolish girl.
  14. [09:51:45] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+6 "Fucking--"
  15. [09:51:45] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: "Fucking--": 7 (6df+6=0, +, -, +, +, -)
  16. [09:53:17] <Roget> Chloe, you barely manage to catch yourself from falling down what looks like a rusty pipeline, big enough for a woman to fall down. The water on the ground trickles down into this pipe, and falls for a very, very long time. You can't even remember back to the time when this water woudl've started falling, You don't remember me.
  17. [09:55:22] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe takes a few steps back, the sight of the pipe's seemingly bottomless fall giving her vertigo.
  18. [09:55:37] <Tehpillowstar> She turns around to the 'mess', looking for an alternative exit.
  19. [09:55:40] <Roget> Roll agility again, Chloe
  20. [09:55:49] <Roget> Never turn your back on me, you bitch.
  21. [09:56:33] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+6 D:
  22. [09:56:33] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: D:: 8 (6df+6=0, 0, +, +, 0, 0)
  23. [09:57:36] <Roget> Chloe, something wraps around your leg, dragging you a little towards the pipe before you can kick it away. You fall, slamming into the filthy floor hard. Fucking told you not to turn your back on me.
  24. [09:58:56] <Tehpillowstar> She cries out as she hits the floor. Her breath is quick and hard, and she can feel her heartbeating hard, beat, beat, beat...
  25. [09:59:15] <Tehpillowstar> She stumbles up again and walks away, away from the pipe
  26. [09:59:34] <Roget> The room doesn't look like the mess anymore, Chloe, not even in passing.
  27. [09:59:49] <Roget> Somewhere, something screams out, and is cut down with silence.
  28. [09:59:55] <Roget> It's a long, thin hallway
  29. [10:00:01] <Roget> You barealy have room to stand
  30. [10:00:20] <Tehpillowstar> she crouches down, just a little bit, and flinches as she hears the cry.
  31. [10:00:35] <Roget> It sounds hysterical. Like someone you used to know.
  32. [10:00:39] <Tehpillowstar> She takes out her flashlight, and her radio on another hand.
  33. [10:01:01] <Roget> The radio burns to hold. Do you like the pain, you stupid, stupid girl?
  34. [10:01:23] <Tehpillowstar> She drops the radio in surprise.
  35. [10:01:54] <Tehpillowstar> She flicks on the light of her flashlight.
  36. [10:02:01] <Roget> The radio, or what used to be one, washes away with the rest of the forgiven wastes. Why don't you join them? Maybe someone will have mercy on you.
  37. [10:02:44] <Tehpillowstar> No...she quickly glances behind her shoulder.
  38. [10:03:17] <Roget> The pipe is right behind her, like she hasn't moved at all. She's at the precipice of the fall.
  39. [10:03:31] <Roget> Fall, Chloe, fall down, down and out forever and ever and ever and ever and ever
  40. [10:04:00] <Tehpillowstar> No, no, no, no...Chloe takes several steps foward, not looking at the pipe. Not looking, not looking.
  41. [10:04:03] <Tehpillowstar> Please don't look.
  42. [10:04:15] <Roget> tap
  43. [10:04:18] <Roget> tap tap tap tap
  44. [10:04:25] <Roget> something taps on the wall
  45. [10:04:34] <Tehpillowstar> Is it behind her?
  46. [10:04:37] <Roget> the other side, something is tapping and breathing and walking and tapping
  47. [10:04:44] <Roget> the other side of the wall
  48. [10:04:47] <Roget> tap
  49. [10:04:49] <Roget> tap tap tap tap
  50. [10:05:14] <Tehpillowstar> She keeps on walking. Don't look.
  51. [10:05:23] <Roget> tap tap tap
  52. [10:05:24] <Roget> tap tap
  53. [10:05:34] <Roget> The corridor goes on for a long time chloe.
  54. [10:05:41] <Roget> The water is getting higher, and pushes more.
  55. [10:05:46] <Roget> It wants you to go back
  56. [10:05:53] <Tehpillowstar> She, she can't help it.
  57. [10:05:59] <Tehpillowstar> She glances behind her shoulder once more.
  58. [10:06:34] <Roget> The pipeline is at her heels. You've come a long way, Chloe, but I don't care. I'll swallow you whenever you get tired.
  59. [10:06:50] <Roget> Rest, chloe. Come to me, like a child to parent.
  60. [10:06:52] <Roget> Give up.
  61. [10:07:21] <Tehpillowstar> " Duncan?" She cries out, walking foward against the current.
  62. [10:07:34] <Tehpillowstar> "Greg?"
  63. [10:07:53] <Roget> It's up to your knees, now, pushing ever more and everlasting to oblivion
  64. [10:08:11] <Roget> There will never be an answer to your screams, no matter how much you plead. I do not care.
  65. [10:08:25] <Tehpillowstar> "...Eriko?"
  66. [10:08:30] <Tehpillowstar> She pushes on.
  67. [10:08:43] <Roget> the tapping stops.
  68. [10:08:46] <Roget> Roll agility
  69. [10:08:55] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+6
  70. [10:08:56] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: 5 (6df+6=-, +, 0, 0, 0, -)
  71. [10:09:38] <Roget> Something SLAMS into the side of the tunnel, smashing it open and grabbing Chloe by the face. It screams at her, in fear and anger.
  72. [10:09:48] <Roget> You should've given up, taken the easy way out.
  73. [10:09:55] <Roget> This is your fault
  74. [10:10:16] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe screams in terror. She kicks and flails trying to run run run run run run run run run run
  75. [10:10:29] <Roget> Roll pdef to not die
  76. [10:10:41] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+5 "[Please! Stop! No!]"
  77. [10:10:42] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: "[Please! Stop! No!]": 8 (6df+5=0, 0, +, +, 0, +)
  78. [10:11:25] <Roget> You can resist it this time, but fear never forgets. There's a hole in the wall, where you can go. It won't help you, I promise.
  79. [10:11:32] <Roget> Nothing grabbed you from there.
  80. [10:12:07] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe shivers in shock and fear, and takes out her gun...
  81. [10:12:39] <Roget> The gun is in hand. The water is creeping up to her waist, now
  82. [10:12:46] <Tehpillowstar> She walks into the new opening.
  83. [10:13:57] <Roget> The water is up to her waist here, too, and the current is strong. You can't see anything in here, because that would require caring even slightly about anybody but yourself. But you let their screams echo without answer.
  84. [10:14:30] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe lifts the flashlight to illuminate the place.
  85. [10:15:28] <Roget> The flashlight illuminates, to show a huge, empty place, without a floor and with a ceiling barely over her head. The water is climbing now, over her waist and to her stomach. How long can you hold your breath, Chloe?
  86. [10:15:52] <Tehpillowstar> She takes a step downcurrent.
  87. [10:17:19] <Roget> Her foot meets a slope, descending down, down, down. Come down to see me, child, stupid child, so you can be educated on what you are, and why you deserve this.
  88. [10:19:00] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe cries out and stumbles backwards again. Back into the current.
  89. [10:19:09] <Tehpillowstar> "[Where the hell am I?]"
  90. [10:20:01] <Roget> You're where I can see you, from the window of my private hell.
  91. [10:20:17] <Roget> The water is up to your chest now, CHLOE, and it's hard to move.
  92. [10:20:56] <Tehpillowstar> She keeps on moving.
  93. [10:21:05] <Tehpillowstar> She can't, she's cant give up....
  94. [10:21:27] <Tehpillowstar> Not now
  95. [10:21:32] <Tehpillowstar> not, ever
  96. [10:22:03] <Roget> The water rises quickly. It's almost impressive, how much you struggle in futility. Nothing will change from your actions, besides being tired when you die. Roll agility, if you think I'm wrong.
  97. [10:22:51] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+6 no no no no no no no no no
  98. [10:22:52] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: no no no no no no no no no: 7 (6df+6=+, -, 0, 0, 0, +)
  99. [10:23:46] <Roget> Something wet wraps around her face, and tries to pull her under. All she end up doing is grabbing you by the mouth and weakly drag you under, to be with them.
  100. [10:23:47] <Roget> JOIN US
  101. [10:24:08] <Tehpillowstar> NO. Chloe pulls back in disgust.
  102. [10:25:07] <Roget> The water is up to your neck. Whatever grabbed your mouth splashes into the water, and begins swimming around, waiting for dead meat. It's hungry
  103. [10:25:49] <Tehpillowstar> She pulls up her weapon above the water and fires.
  104. [10:25:53] <Roget> click
  105. [10:26:12] <Tehpillowstar> ~No, no, it can't's always loaded...~
  106. [10:26:21] <Roget> You didn't think it would be that easy, or that I would let you die empowered, did you?
  107. [10:26:41] <Roget> Breathe in the night air, and exhale death.
  108. [10:28:11] * Proto_Lost (Mibbit@5E5F55B3.5118DC5D.39F9E7BB.IP) has joined
  109. [10:28:40] <Tehpillowstar> Chloe's arms are full. She can't reload her weapon.
  110. [10:29:32] <Roget> The water touches her chin, like a mother would
  111. [10:29:52] <Tehpillowstar> She raises her head, no, no, no no no non onononon
  112. [10:30:29] <Tehpillowstar> She raises the flashlight over the water. ~I won't let you do this to me!~
  113. [10:31:59] <Roget> The water is murky, and rising.
  114. [10:32:11] <Roget> The flashlight flickers off, and something brushes against her leg
  115. [10:34:00] <Tehpillowstar> She lets the flashlight drops, and reaches for her ammo.
  116. [10:34:35] <Roget> The water slows her hand down, and the water is above her mouth, now. It's cold.
  117. [10:35:59] <Tehpillowstar> She tries to breath through her nose.
  118. [10:36:15] <Tehpillowstar> And forces her hand through the water.
  119. [10:37:03] <Roget> every breath is speckled with water
  120. [10:37:10] <Roget> Roll agility
  121. [10:37:16] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+6
  122. [10:37:17] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: 7 (6df+6=0, 0, 0, +, +, -)
  123. [10:38:57] <Roget> Sluggishly, you get your soaked ammo. The water is above your nose now, and creeping into your eyes. It's over now, Chloe. Give up. Die.
  124. [10:39:53] <Tehpillowstar> She takes a deep breath, and reloads her handgun.
  125. [10:40:35] <Roget> You're not invincible now. You don't even exist. Your mother would be proud.
  126. [10:41:19] <Roget> The water has completelty filled the room. Nothing is touching you anymore, Chloe. What good will that gun be when it's held in your cold, dead hands?
  127. [10:42:02] <Tehpillowstar> She still keeps walking.
  128. [10:42:40] <Roget> There's no floor to walk on. Just drifting. The floors and walls have abandoned you to damnation, just like everyone else did.
  129. [10:44:14] <Roget> Roll pdef chloe
  130. [10:44:24] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+5
  131. [10:44:25] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: 6 (6df+5=+, 0, 0, 0, +, -)
  132. [10:44:33] <Roget> -1 body. You're going to die.
  133. [10:44:35] <Roget> Roll pdef
  134. [10:44:42] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+5
  135. [10:44:42] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: 6 (6df+5=0, -, 0, 0, +, +)
  136. [10:45:00] <Roget> -1 body. Why did you even resist?
  137. [10:45:01] <Roget> Roll pdef
  138. [10:45:02] <Tehpillowstar> She swims up.
  139. [10:45:08] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+5
  140. [10:45:08] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: 6 (6df+5=-, 0, -, +, +, +)
  141. [10:45:23] <Roget> The water seems to go on forever.
  142. [10:45:39] <Roget> -1 body. You're getting weaker every second. I'm killing you softly.
  143. [10:45:49] <Tehpillowstar> She keeps on swimming up.
  144. [10:45:59] <Roget> Roll pdef
  145. [10:46:03] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+5
  146. [10:46:03] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: 5 (6df+5=-, -, -, +, +, +)
  147. [10:46:35] <Roget> The light is going out behind your eyes, Chloe. I can see it, and you can feel it. You're giving up, in body if not in mind.
  148. [10:47:26] <Tehpillowstar> ~At...least...I beat you....I didn't give up...~
  149. [10:47:34] <Roget> Roll pdef to die.
  150. [10:48:32] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+5 I still have....I still have 2 body left...
  151. [10:48:33] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: I still have....I still have 2 body left...: 4 (6df+5=0, +, 0, -, -, 0)
  152. [10:49:22] <Roget> Not for long, bitch. Roll for the last time in your short, violent life.
  153. [10:49:55] <Tehpillowstar> 6df+5 Screw you.
  154. [10:49:56] <Glacon> Tehpillowstar: Screw you.: 6 (6df+5=0, 0, 0, 0, 0, +)
  155. [10:50:39] <Roget> Chloe, you close your eyes. The water enters your lungs, and the last you can do is spasm, drown, and be still.
  156. [10:50:45] <Roget> Game Over
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