

Aug 20th, 2018
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  1. [7:00 AM] Thevampinator: Sorry well this is the depraved channel why not link some random video.
  2. [7:00 AM] Thevampinator: Well random festish video,
  3. [7:01 AM] Abby//Celsus: you come to the realm of monster fuckers with thiiiiis?
  4. [7:04 AM] dodo.tgz: i wonder if there are IC monsterfuckers
  5. [7:04 AM] dodo.tgz: like Josef Linkletter
  6. [7:05 AM] Thevampinator: Well vampires are considered monsters.
  7. [7:05 AM] Thevampinator: So do they count?
  8. [7:05 AM] MochaKimono: vampires are barely monsters in most contexts
  9. [7:05 AM] dodo.tgz: they're the vanilla of the monsterfucking world
  10. [7:06 AM] MochaKimono: they're just extra-sharp humans
  11. [7:06 AM] MochaKimono: except for nosferatu and gangrel in VtM
  12. [7:06 AM] dodo.tgz: compare to people like
  13. [7:06 AM] dodo.tgz: getting it on with Sean
  14. [7:06 AM] MochaKimono: getting it on with Sean's grimoire
  15. [7:07 AM] dodo.tgz: Under True Sight, Sean's grimoire made Burmy wince
  16. [7:08 AM] dodo.tgz: and IIRC
  17. [7:08 AM] dodo.tgz: Sean himself looks like he's melting
  18. [8:08 AM] Thevampinator: So what kinda of monster would you guys fuck?
  19. [8:08 AM] Thevampinator: Well sexual relations I should say.
  20. [8:08 AM] Thevampinator: In d&d lore.
  21. [8:09 AM] MochaKimono: which one wouldn't we
  22. [8:10 AM] Thevampinator: lol
  23. [8:10 AM] Thevampinator: Would you ever do it with a bugbear?
  24. [8:11 AM] MochaKimono: a lady bugbear maybe
  25. [8:11 AM] dodo.tgz: ehehehe think of the musk
  26. [8:11 AM] dodo.tgz: bugbears aren't known for their great hygiene
  27. [8:12 AM] dodo.tgz: That said
  28. [8:12 AM] dodo.tgz: Napoleon Bonaparte would probably sleep with a bugbear
  29. [8:12 AM] dodo.tgz: see
  30. [8:12 AM] dodo.tgz: there's uh, stories
  31. [8:12 AM] dodo.tgz: how when he was about to return from campaign
  32. [8:12 AM] dodo.tgz: he sent missives to his wife among other things
  33. [8:12 AM] dodo.tgz: not to bathe anymore
  34. [8:13 AM] dodo.tgz: Shorty liked musk
  35. [8:13 AM] MochaKimono: lol
  36. [8:14 AM] MochaKimono: also, lbh, rakshasa can get it. yeah you'll be a furry for it. but those pompous bastards are loaded
  37. [8:15 AM] MochaKimono: earn their favor and you've got yourself a sugar daddy
  38. [8:15 AM] dodo.tgz: hahahahah
  39. [8:15 AM] MochaKimono: with some very interesting hands
  40. [8:15 AM] dodo.tgz: Also it's something of a
  41. [8:15 AM] dodo.tgz: role reversal
  42. [8:15 AM] dodo.tgz: like usually you provide for a cat
  43. [8:15 AM] dodo.tgz: not the opposite
  44. [8:16 AM] MochaKimono: No no, beholders are no good. Canonically they use their massive brain power to sulk in their lairs and foresee combat scenarios to prepare for. They're also intensely paranoid and assume the worst intentions of every other being, whom they also consider inferior.
  45. [8:16 AM] dodo.tgz: what about
  46. [8:16 AM] Thevampinator: THey could be a spector beholder.
  47. [8:16 AM] dodo.tgz: gibbering mouthers
  48. [8:16 AM] MochaKimono: So you'll literally have an S.O. who imagines nonexistent arguments with you and gets themselves all pissed off about it and explodes the moment you get home from work
  49. [8:16 AM] dodo.tgz: So..
  50. [8:17 AM] dodo.tgz: it's like dating me except the beholder isn't as ugly
  51. [8:17 AM] MochaKimono: XD
  52. [8:17 AM] MochaKimono: a gibbering mouther is how a lot of people can have a wild time at once
  53. [8:18 AM] MochaKimono: with the addition of a built-in voyeurism fetish
  54. [8:18 AM] dodo.tgz: inb4
  55. [8:18 AM] dodo.tgz: bondage fetish and ropers
  56. [8:18 AM] MochaKimono: now you're talking
  57. [8:18 AM] dodo.tgz: A roper with a muzzle
  58. [8:19 AM] dodo.tgz: so that it doesn't eat you
  59. [8:19 AM] Thevampinator: PZO1112-Medusa.png
  60. [8:19 AM] MochaKimono: a ball gag
  61. [8:19 AM] MochaKimono: medusas are too tame
  62. [8:19 AM] dodo.tgz: yochlol :stuck_out_tongue:
  63. [8:20 AM] Abby//Celsus: Sent me straight to the hells and get me a real incubus
  64. [8:20 AM] MochaKimono: yuan-ti abomination
  65. [8:20 AM] Abby//Celsus: Youre getting into scaley territory there
  66. [8:20 AM] dodo.tgz: why not go straight for the abishai
  67. [8:20 AM] MochaKimono: we can go deeper
  68. [8:21 AM] MochaKimono: Yuan-ti_anathema-5e.jpg
  69. [8:21 AM] dodo.tgz: all the class of rakshasa
  70. [8:21 AM] MochaKimono: yuan-ti anathema
  71. [8:21 AM] dodo.tgz: less fur on your bed
  72. [8:21 AM] MochaKimono: hahaha
  73. [8:21 AM] MochaKimono: Now I'm picturing a sphinx cat rakshasa
  74. [8:21 AM] dodo.tgz: snrrrk
  75. [8:21 AM] dodo.tgz: the problem with rakshasa
  76. [8:22 AM] dodo.tgz: is cat dicks
  77. [8:22 AM] MochaKimono: ow, true
  78. [8:22 AM] dodo.tgz: someone google a picture, I is at work
  79. [8:22 AM] MochaKimono: I'm too scared to lmao
  80. [8:22 AM] dodo.tgz: plus claws
  81. [8:22 AM] dodo.tgz: plus raspy tongues
  82. [8:22 AM] dodo.tgz: no wonder rakshasa are sexually frustrated
  83. [8:23 AM] MochaKimono: Who doesn't love a good sandpaperjob
  84. [8:23 AM] MochaKimono: You know what only the bravest souls go for though? Modrons
  85. [8:23 AM] dodo.tgz: hahahahahaha
  86. [8:24 AM] dodo.tgz: or inevitables for that matter
  87. [8:24 AM] MochaKimono: Inevitables at least kind of look cool
  88. [8:24 AM] dodo.tgz: lesser known inevitable
  89. [8:24 AM] MochaKimono: modrons are just so eurgh
  90. [8:24 AM] dodo.tgz: that provides orgasms to those with terrible partners
  91. [8:24 AM] dodo.tgz: as an universal imperative
  92. [8:24 AM] dodo.tgz: "people who have sex should enjoy it at least sometimes"
  93. [8:25 AM] MochaKimono: This is basically the plot of the webcomic Chester 5000 XYV
  94. [8:25 AM] Thevampinator: What about a Cecaelia?
  95. [8:25 AM] dodo.tgz: what is?
  96. [8:25 AM] Thevampinator: it has tentacles and is basically a mermaid with octopus tentacles instead of a fishtail
  97. [8:26 AM] dodo.tgz: well
  98. [8:26 AM] dodo.tgz: you know what's amidst an octopus's tentacles?
  99. [8:26 AM] dodo.tgz: A beak
  100. [8:26 AM] Thevampinator: Its what they call the last photo I linked.
  101. [8:26 AM] MochaKimono: seven vaganias
  102. [8:26 AM] dodo.tgz: nah
  103. [8:26 AM] dodo.tgz: it's the mouth
  104. [8:26 AM] dodo.tgz: and it will go crunch crunch crunch
  105. [8:31 AM] Thevampinator: Oh what about a Sea hag?
  106. [8:33 AM] MochaKimono: Boning a hag is how you get several stds you didn't even know existed
  107. [8:33 AM] MochaKimono: if you think a bugbear has musk
  108. [8:33 AM] Thevampinator: Maybe they are still virgins?
  109. [8:33 AM] Thevampinator: And need the company.
  110. [8:34 AM] MochaKimono: incel hags lmao
  111. [8:35 AM] MochaKimono: but they are FILTHY, hags wear intestine necklaces and shampoo with bile and other nasty crap like that. letting a hag anywhere near your orifices is just a guaranteed UTI
  112. [8:35 AM] MochaKimono: oh yeah, the Lady of Pain is pretty awesome looking
  113. [8:35 AM] Thevampinator: What if they smell of just herbs.
  114. [8:35 AM] Thevampinator: And bath daily?
  115. [8:35 AM] MochaKimono: then she's not hagging correctly
  116. [8:36 AM] dodo.tgz: haahah
  117. [8:37 AM] dodo.tgz: outcast hag
  118. [8:37 AM] dodo.tgz: she can't get the stench going
  119. [8:37 AM] Thrymskvitha: I mean, hags are powerful spellcasters. They can shapeshift into something less likely to give you an STD. Chances are they wouldn't even try, though.
  120. [8:37 AM] dodo.tgz: also uh
  121. [8:37 AM] dodo.tgz: taking someone named Lady of Pain to bed
  122. [8:37 AM] dodo.tgz: sounds like the beginning of a baad time
  123. [8:37 AM] dodo.tgz: might as well go bed a kyton
  124. [8:38 AM] MochaKimono: hags are bitches 4 lyfe, they'd never clean up for a date unless it was part of a deal. she's way more likely to disguise herself as a babe, drop the disguise as soon as you drop your pants, and compel you to sleep with her anyway
  125. [8:38 AM] MochaKimono: although
  126. [8:38 AM] MochaKimono: the existence of hagspawn
  127. [8:38 AM] MochaKimono: means canonically some people fuck hags
  128. [8:39 AM] Thrymskvitha: Cons: You're likely to end up dead if you ever touch her shadow.
  129. Pros: Free circumcision.
  130. [8:40 AM] Thrymskvitha: Also, courtship would be awkward, since you'd have to deal with her through the Dabus and their rebuses.
  131. [8:41 AM] MochaKimono: free circumcision? free hysterectomy
  132. [8:41 AM] Thrymskvitha: That, too!
  133. [8:42 AM] Thrymskvitha: Or, well, even free vivisection. It's the Lady of Pain after all.
  134. [2:55 PM] 14 Gays In A Trenchcoat: i can't believe i missed a whole discussion of which monster would you fuck
  135. [3:02 PM] Space Ork™: S a m e
  136. [3:02 PM] Space Ork™: I feel asleep at the worst time
  137. [3:03 PM] 14 Gays In A Trenchcoat: all the fun things happen when im sleeping
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