
(Bat) A Feeling of Finality - 2

Jul 26th, 2014
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  1. >The chirping of birds fills your ears as your eyes crack open.
  2. >You feel unrested, almost like you overslept.
  3. >The room around you is incredibly blurred, almost as if you were blind.
  4. >That was kind of normal, considering the way you felt.
  5. >Speck must have already gotten up, as you couldn't feel her weight against you.
  6. >Last night must have been an amazing party.
  7. >The wedding was incredible in and of itself.
  8. >You blink, and a slight feeling of dread starts to wash over you.
  9. >As your vision slowly returns, you notice that you aren't in your bedroom, nor any room of your house.
  10. >Several monitors are hooked up to your chest and fingers.
  11. >Several waste tubes are also hooked up to your body.
  12. >What happened last night?
  13. >You try to lift your head, but the muscles in your neck refuse to answer.
  14. >The same happens with your abdomen, as you try to sit up.
  15. >It's almost like a paralysis.
  16. >Panic starts to set in, until someone walks into the room.
  17. >Her soft voice soothes you.
  18. >"Well. Good morning, sleepyhead."
  19. >You try to crane your neck to get a look at her, but your muscles refuse.
  20. >"Let me help you with that."
  21. >A button clicks on the side of your bed.
  22. >You feel your head and abdomen rise into a sitting position as the bed rises beneath you.
  23. >Your breathing intensifies as panic encroaches you once more.
  24. >What stands before you is not a pony, but another human being.
  25. >"Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."
  26. >The woman sits on a small stool beside your bed.
  27. >"Do you remember me?"
  28. >You notice how dry your throat and mouth feel as you open your mouth to say no, but shake your head instead.
  29. >"Well, either way, welcome back to the world of the living."
  31. >You feel sick to your stomach.
  32. >Her voice is a sickeningly sweet nectar that threatens to poison your mind.
  33. >This was all just a dream.
  34. >Just a horrible dream.
  35. >You were going to wake up soon and be back with your family.
  36. >Your friends, your loved ones, your p0nies.
  37. >You were going to wake up any minute now with Speck in your arms.
  38. >But, something that scratches at the back of your mind tells you otherwise.
  39. >That scratching almost forces you to turn your head to the right.
  40. >The air you breathe catches in your throat as you see a small picture of you and your friends.
  41. >The same picture you found in that tower in Canterlot.
  42. >So many questions were racing through your mind.
  43. >Where were you?
  44. >Who was this woman?
  45. >Why was that picture here?
  46. >"Are you alright?"
  47. >You turn your head back to her, and only now do you focus on her traits.
  48. >She has pale skin, almost like it's rarely been touched by the sun.
  49. >Dull orange hair, almost the color of a dying leaf.
  50. >Dark blue eyes, something close to a turquoise.
  51. >She raises an eyebrow.
  52. >"Can you speak yet?"
  53. >After a failed attempt, you shake your head.
  54. >She offers you a glass of water.
  55. >"Are you thirsty?"
  56. >You nod and take it from her.
  57. >As the cool liquid flows down your throat, she takes your hand in hers.
  58. >Almost reflexively, you squeeze her hand.
  59. >She has a very comfortable presence, and you can't explain why.
  60. "Where am I?"
  61. >"You're in a hospital. We found you unconscious in an alley a few weeks ago."
  62. >A few weeks ago.
  63. >The last thing you remember is the wedding, when you kissed Speck.
  65. "A few weeks..."
  66. >"Mhm. We found some things on you. Someone that said they knew you brought that picture."
  67. "Who? Who knows me? I haven't been in this world in years!"
  68. >She giggles and shrugs.
  69. >"Don't know. They just came up to the front desk and asked to put that picture in here.
  70. "I... I need to talk to the Princesses. Where are they?"
  71. >"Princesses? Oh! You mean the stuff in your journal. Quite a story, I have to say. Ever think of getting it published?"
  72. "It's not a story! It's my life!"
  73. >"Mhm. You authors sure do get crazy about your stories. But, we don't have any princesses here. This isn't... "Equestria," I think you called it."
  74. >The realization of it all hits you like a freight train.
  75. >They were gone.
  76. >It was all gone.
  77. >You strain to speak.
  78. "Where is it?"
  79. >Your raspy voice scratches at your ears.
  80. >"Where is... what?"
  81. >The woman stares at you with a very quizzical look.
  82. "My journal! Where is it?!"
  83. >She nervously points to the table beside your bed.
  84. >You lean over and grab it, flipping it open to a blank page.
  85. >Any blank page would do.
  86. >Your hand swiped across the page, readying to write.
  87. "I need a pen."
  88. >Your voice went from one of anger and confusion, to calm and melancholy.
  89. >Writing.
  90. >That was your stabilizer.
  91. >The nurse handed you a pen, and you started to write.
  93. >You write, and you write.
  94. >Every single word that you scratch into your journal details every day, every minute you spent in Equestria.
  95. >Not a single detail is missed, not a single moment forgotten.
  96. >You write without stopping, long into the night and through the next day.
  97. >By your third night without sleep, you've written everything from when you first met Speck, until the very last moment that you saw her.
  98. >Each page is stained by your near-constant tears, be they tears of joy, sadness, or anger.
  99. >And as you finish writing, as you place that final period on that final page, you look up, and out the window.
  100. >The moon hangs low as if to taunt you.
  101. >It stares at you, and all you can do is stare back.
  102. >The memories you shared with your batp0ny.
  103. >The memories created with her and your filly.
  104. >All of it, captured and detailed between the gibberish that the girl had written.
  105. >With wide eyes and a stern jaw, you nod silently with a smile.
  106. >Even as your tears pour down your cheeks, you smile.
  107. >Because that is all you can do.
  108. >She wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
  109. >And you wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
  110. >The journal falls closed as you set it in your lap.
  111. >Your thumb, however, catches between the final pages.
  112. >Almost as if something screams at you to do it, you turn the very last page over.
  113. >A very short message, in almost illegible writing, reveals itself.
  114. >Your sadness comes back in full force, causing you to cry harder than you've cried in a very long time.
  115. >A very familiar phrase is scratched into the page.
  116. >"Even though, someday, we might be gone, we'll always be with you.
  117. >Love,
  118. >Speck and Sirocca."
  119. >The journal drops into your lap, your head dropping into your hands as you cry.
  120. "I love you, too."
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