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Dec 13th, 2016
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  1. The movie starts with the classic "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" then gets straight into the action. We see an Imperial Shuttle land on this rocky planet and Jyn as a child runs home, her father gets her to run off as he goes to confront Krennic who wants him to rejoin and help build the Death Star. His wife pops in and tries to shoot Krennic but is shot down. Her dad is taken and she runs off to hide where Saw then gets her. Film then cuts to the title then back to the film. Jyn is now in a prison and we see Andor in a city where he's talking to this really nervous guy. He tells him how there's an Imperial defector (Rook) who speaks of a planet killing machine. A stormtrooper sees them talking then Andor quickly kills him and the informant guy. We then see Jyn being transported and suddenly rescued by rebels and K2SO. She is taken to Yavin IV where they tell her they know who her father is and want her to come with Andor to meet Saw who has Rook imprisoned. They travel to Jedha where they wander around and meet Baze and Chirrut but they don't join yet. At the same time Saw's men attack a hovertank and they get caught up in the battle. Andor shoots one of Saw's men and runs. They eventually get cornered but are saved by Baze and Chirrut and soon after are captured by Saw's men. The scene is now in Saw's base where Jyn is shown a message from her dad, who ordered Rook to deliver, who explains he willingly went back to the Empire so he can put a fatal flaw in the Death Star. During this time Krennic tests the Death Star (not at full strength) to blow up Jedha. This causes panic and Baze, Chirrut, Rook and Andor escape with Jyn while Saw remains to die. Jyn tells Andor of the message and Andor says he knows where Jyn's dad is. They arrive at this rocky rainy planet and crash land. Andor and Room go out to scout, Baze and Chirrut do their own thing and Jyn goes off on her own. Andor takes a sniper out and peers at this landing pad where we see Krennic and Jyn's dad, Galen talking. This whole time Andor has a clear shot but keeps resisting. Krennic asks the engineers to be all brought out because he knows someone is helping the rebels out and asks someone to step forward. Galen eventually steps forward to prevent everyone from dying. A Rebel fleet is sent to attack but Andor notices Jyn who managed to crawl to the landing area and tries to tell the Rebels back at the base to call it all off. It's too late since they're enroute and they start bombing the base. Jyn's father is killed and Krennic escapes. They all regroup and head back to Yavin IV. Back at the base, council leaders are arguing because some are ready for a war while others aren't. Jyn gives a speech but is shot down. As she leaves Andor says he has men who are down to volunteer and fight. They all leave Yavin on an Imperial Shuttle. The plans are on Scariff in a tall citadel. The entire planet is encased in a shield. They land and Jyn, Andor and K2SO get disguises to run in an take the plans while Baze and Chirrut lead rebel forces. Rook stays behind in the ship. The rebels plant various bombs and detonate them while Jyn and the gang make there way to where all the files are kept. K2SO dies protecting Jyn and Andor who manage to grab the files. Their plan is now to head to the top to broadcast the files. Back on Yavin, they intercept messages from Scariff talkingn about revel forces attacking. A fleet is then mobilized to help them. Andor is shot by Krennic but Jyn escapes to the top and begins to try and transfer files over. Rook then tasks them with flipping a master switch to aid in transferring files. Chirrut dies as he does this and Baze goes out in a blaze of glory killing the Death Troopers attacking them. Rook is also blown up. Up in space, a Star Destroyer's engines die and they send out a Hammerhead ship to ram it, destroying one more SD and the shield encasing the planet. Krennic catches up to Jyn and starts a speech but is shot by Andor. They send the files successfully but up in space Tarkin orders the planet to be blown up. The Death Star fires and we see Jyn and Andor on the beach embracing as a shockwave takes them out. With the files on the ship, we see rebel soldiers with a floppy disk thingo and they're running off to hand it over. The door closes and the lights go out as Vader goes on a killing spree. The rebel manages to hand it over and we see the Tantive IV break free and go into hyperspace. The final scene is Princess Leia getting the files and we cut to the credits. There are cameos from 3PO, R2 and the two dudes from the Cantina. Dr. Something and Ponda Ass Face. There is also a mention from Bail of a jedi friend who is in exile.
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