
Shepards Vampires 10

Aug 25th, 2009
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  1. August 24
  2. [21:36] <[GM]Mary> Last time, on Vampires!
  3. [21:37] <[GM]Mary> Plot significant stuff. That means we don't need a recap.
  4. [21:37] * Sidney remains ignorant.
  5. [21:38] <[GM]Mary> Your arc isn't until way after all this stuff anyway.
  6. [21:40] <[GM]Mary> Everyone who is present, go take a bath. Everyone who is not... is masturbating or something.
  8. XxXx
  9. @@Scene One: Leticia and Sidney
  10. XxXx
  12. [21:41] * Sidney is giddy at the prospect of a bath. Following Letty to the bath~
  13. [21:43] * [huh]Letty pulls Sidney along, giving her a constant flow of complaint about how she shouldn't go off by herself, what might have happened to her, the state of her clothes, and other like things.
  14. [21:51] * Sidney practically dives out of her clothes when they reach the bath, her dark skin changing drastically to much lighter (by comparison) skin tones. Her body changing shades where she wears different thickness clothe like a living photographic negative of her dress.
  15. [21:51] * [huh]Letty undresses slowly by comparison, taking care to fold each piece neatly as she removes it.
  16. [21:54] <[GM]Mary> Letty, Sidney: The washroom is small and made up mostly of stone, with a porcelain tub and two large wash buckets. It seems that the tub and washbuckets have already been filled with hot water, as the room is a little steamy when you enter.
  17. [21:59] * [huh]Letty slips into the tub, motioning for Sidney to come as well.
  18. [22:00] * Sidney 's mind clears. It is time for another adventure of SIDNEY ON THE HIGH SEAS *crowd cheers* ahhh~ haaahhh~
  19. [22:01] * Sidney steps proudly up to the edge of the bath. .oO(After last months trip to discover the uncharted island of Doom what could Admiral Sidney do this time to possibly top that?!)
  20. [22:01] * [huh]Letty pulls Sidney in with a sigh.
  21. [22:02] * Sidney steps into the bath and submerges down to her nose, her red eyes squinting over the top of the steamy water.
  22. [22:02] * Sidney .oO(The S.S.Sidney departs)
  23. [22:03] * Sidney .oO(What's this? A nearby cliff is collapsing! SUBMERGE!) Sidney dives underneath the waving hand in her magical boat.
  24. [22:05] * Sidney .oO(The ice floats are massive underneath the waves. They spell certain doom to any subwater magic sailors that go by. But Admiral Sidney is no ordinary sailor!) *crowd cheers* Bubbles rise to the surface of the water.
  25. [22:06] * [huh]Letty shakes her head and begins washing out the girl's hair.
  26. [22:08] * Sidney .oO(Oh no! The hands of fate! COLLISION COURSE!) Sidney's head bumps into Letty's chest as she surfaces.
  27. [22:09] <[huh]Letty> Ah- will you stay put?
  28. [22:09] * [huh]Letty speaks with a bit of irritation.
  29. [22:09] * Sidney .oO(What's this turn of events? Our hero is stranded on this strange deserted island? What could happen next?!)
  30. [22:10] * Sidney starts to hum her own theme music~?
  31. [22:11] * [huh]Letty chooses to ignore this and continues trying to clean the girl.
  32. [22:14] * Sidney .oO(The S.S.Sidney has been marooooned~ Admiral Sidney herself stranded for days on this barren wasteland, she makes due by being sheer awesome! Her hunger satiated with cool one liners and her thirst quenched with victory poses!)
  33. [22:15] * Sidney .o(But oh noes! Savage villagers attack our hero!) *crowd boos* Sidney growls
  34. [22:15] <Sidney> grrrrrrrrr....
  35. [22:15] <[huh]Letty> What now?
  36. [22:16] <Sidney> Savages!
  37. [22:16] <Sidney> They're meat eaters!
  38. [22:16] * [huh]Letty gives Sidney a confused look.
  39. [22:17] * Sidney demonstrates by putting her teeth on supple flesh yet not biting down.
  40. [22:17] <Sidney> -eat-eaters
  41. [22:19] * Sidney says with mouth muffled. .oO(But Admiral Sidney has no time for wasting explanation on inattentive viewers! She quickly scatters the savages with a single chops throwing half of the million savages into the waters!)
  42. [22:24] * Sidney .o(Admiral Sidney knows there are exactly one million savages because she counted them in the blink of an eye, but even that many is nothing for her! She even saves five kitties and puppies that would be trampled underfoot by the horde of savages! What a swell gal~) *Crowd d'aws* Sidney muffled d'aws~
  43. [22:25] <[huh]Letty> Sidney, please stop your horseplay...
  44. [22:27] <Sidney> -ut-Ad-ir-al-id-ey!
  45. [22:27] * Sidney complains. Her teeth moving gently with her jaws.
  46. [22:30] * Sidney takes her teeth from where they are. .oO(Admiral Sidney hangs from the edge of the cliff a legion of SUPER Savages pushing even our great hero to the edge! She holds on by a pinky! TO BE CONTINUED!!) *Crowd is stunned*
  47. [22:31] <[huh]Letty> Are you done now?
  48. [22:32] * Sidney rolls her eyes.
  49. [22:32] <Sidney> yea~ And it was a cliff hanger too.
  50. [22:34] * Sidney sees the indentations her teeth left on Letty's smooth skin and licks at the area in an apologetic fashion.
  51. [22:35] <[huh]Letty> Sidney, what're you...
  52. [22:37] * Sidney stops, satisfied with her work as the skin is mostly smooth again, if a bit pinker. She start to doggy paddle around the tub like it were a small pool.
  53. [22:38] * [huh]Letty attempts to restrain Sidney.
  54. [22:38] * Sidney flails like a trout.
  55. [22:39] <[huh]Letty> Please, Sidney, just sit still...
  56. [22:43] * Sidney does her finest trout impression to date.
  57. [22:44] * [huh]Letty is unimpressed.
  58. [22:47] <[huh]Letty> If you're going to be that way...
  59. [22:48] <Sidney> ...
  60. [22:48] * Sidney is quiet because fishies don't talk
  61. [22:50] * [huh]Letty takes a washcloth and scrubs any part of Sidney she can reach.
  62. [22:52] * Sidney suddenly settles down. Her face suddenly feeling flush.
  63. [22:53] <[huh]Letty> Sidney?
  64. [22:53] * Sidney is being scrubbed in a place that makes her feel funny.
  65. [22:53] * [huh]Letty is surprised by her sudden calm.
  66. [22:53] <Sidney> uh?
  67. [22:54] * Sidney says breathlessly her mind just so fuzzy right now.
  68. [22:55] * [huh]Letty stops washing, a look of concern on her face.
  69. [22:55] <[huh]Letty> Are you alright?
  70. [22:56] * Sidney nods "uh-huh" her body pushing up against Letty's washcloth demanding her to continue.
  71. [22:58] * [huh]Letty shrugs and continues her washing.
  72. [23:00] * Sidney 's mouth is gaping, her tongue falling out over her lips. Sidney pants as her leg twitches.
  73. [23:01] <[huh]Letty> Sidney, are you truly sure that you are...
  74. [23:04] * Sidney 's back arches. The back of her head against Letty's bosom as the world goes white, she collapses breathing heavily. Sidney loves baths.
  75. [23:06] <[huh]Letty> Sidney? Sidney, are you...
  76. [23:07] * [huh]Letty is getting worried.
  77. [23:12] * [huh]Letty removes Sidney from the water and lays her on the floor. She tries to take her temperature, but the heat of the room makes it impossible.
  78. [23:13] * Sidney mules in her dazed state. Mumbling cutely her theme song
  79. [23:20] * [huh]Letty takes the girl from the bath and quickly puts her in her own bed.
  80. [23:30] * Sidney rolls a little in her sleep drawing the sheets around her and splaying her long blond hair. She drones in her sleep.
  81. [23:32] * [huh]Letty strokes Sidney's hair.
  83. XxXx
  84. @@Scene Two: Judith, Joule, and Little Girl
  85. XxXx
  87. [21:52] * [Pyg]Judith , deciding to get her thoughts off their upcoming revenge plot, walks up to the little girl seated on the chair, squatting down to her eye level.
  88. [21:59] * LittleGirl doesn't move. She appears to be half-asleep, or numbed in some way. She looks to be about thirteen years old, maybe younger, and she has light, almost indigo for a hair color. Her eyes are half-lidded, but they seem to show green.
  89. [22:02] * [Pyg]Judith waves her hand in front of the little girl's face.
  90. [22:06] <LittleGirl> ...? -Ah!
  91. [22:06] * LittleGirl 's eyes flutter. She snaps out of her hypnosis, looks to Judith, and by reflex, kicks back in her chair and topples herself over. She narrowly misses banging her head against the edge of the table.
  92. [22:07] * [Pyg]Judith moves to help the girl up.
  93. [22:08] <[Pyg]Judith> "Take it easy, little one..."
  94. [22:08] <[Pyg]Judith> "Are you hurt anywhere?"
  95. [22:09] * LittleGirl shuffles back to face Judith, but seems to be comforted by her words. She takes Judith's hand and allows herself to be helped up. She's not very big.
  96. [22:09] <LittleGirl> N-no...
  97. [22:09] * LittleGirl doesn't mind her bruised elbow.
  98. [22:10] <LittleGirl> Miss... Do you know where my mom and dad is?
  99. [22:10] * LittleGirl looks up to Judith with tear-lined eyes.
  100. [22:12] <[Pyg]Judith> "Sorry, I don't know. Were you with them?"
  101. [22:14] <LittleGirl> *sniff*... ye-ah...
  102. [22:18] * [Pyg]Judith fixes the chair so it stands right back up. This girl is so small, too young. The Boss really isn't being picky lately.
  103. [22:19] <[Pyg]Judith> "Where were you and your parents?"
  104. [22:19] * [Tess]Joule strides into the living room, humming a tune. She stops when noticing the little girl, turning to look at her.
  105. [22:19] <LittleGirl> We were... right here.
  106. [22:20] * LittleGirl 's voice breaks, but just a little.
  107. [22:21] <LittleGirl> Mom an, and dad went outside last night. A man came in here an, and told me to go to sleep...
  108. [22:23] * [Tess]Joule tilts her head, a little confused but with a good idea of what she's talking about.
  109. [22:25] * LittleGirl looks like she needs someone to hold. She never really starts crying, but she puts a lot of effort into choking down her voice and wiping her eyes.
  110. [22:26] * [Pyg]Judith pats the girl on the head. If they lived here and the parents are gone now, then there's only one explanation to what happened. The poor thing.
  111. [22:28] * LittleGirl tries to look to Judith one more time.
  112. [22:28] <LittleGirl> Who... who are you?
  113. [22:29] * [Tess]Joule walks up next to Judith, first looking at the girl inquisitively and then smiling.
  114. [22:29] <[Pyg]Judith> "Hmm...A friend, perhaps."
  115. [22:30] * [Pyg]Judith realizes the presence of Joule.
  116. [22:30] <[Pyg]Judith> "Oh, hey there."
  117. [22:31] <[Tess]Joule> Hello. What's going on here?
  118. [22:32] <[Pyg]Judith> "Just wondering who this pretty little thing is."
  119. [22:32] * LittleGirl looks relieved, for just a moment. After, her posture droops, bowing her head and slumping her shoulders.
  120. [22:32] <LittleGirl> it's...
  121. [22:32] <LittleGirl> is...
  122. [22:32] <LittleGirl> ...Will it hurt?
  123. [22:33] * [Tess]Joule rests her chin on her fist, not knowing the answer.
  124. [22:33] <[Pyg]Judith> "What will hurt?"
  125. [22:35] <LittleGirl> Mom and dad didn't scream...
  126. [22:37] * [Pyg]Judith , despite not having done anything to the little girl's parents, she feels a pang of guilt.
  127. [22:39] <[Pyg]Judith> "I didn't hurt. No, it didn't hurt at all."
  128. [22:40] * LittleGirl nods slowly.
  129. [22:41] * [Pyg]Judith tries to lie, her eyes finding their way to the floor in front of her. It's hard for the Boss to make anything painless really.
  130. [22:41] * [Tess]Joule looks on, pondering.
  131. [22:42] <[Tess]Joule> . o (I wonder just how much it is like what I do... I'll probably find out just by waiting.)
  132. [22:42] <[Pyg]Judith> "Do you...want to leave this place?"
  133. [22:43] <LittleGirl> ...I want Dad back.
  134. [22:45] <LittleGirl> Mom... I'm glad you took her away. She was... She was doing bad things to Dad.
  135. [22:49] <[Pyg]Judith> "I'm not sure if I can get your Dad back."
  136. [22:50] * [Tess]Joule nervously adjusts her bowtie, preferring to stay out of this.
  137. [22:52] * LittleGirl remains quiet.
  138. [22:58] * [Tess]Joule adjusts her glasses and gives a sidelong glance to Judith.
  139. [22:58] <[Tess]Joule> Is this something I'll have to get used to?
  140. [22:58] * [Pyg]Judith feels the quiet atmosphere bearing down on her. She's at a loss for what to do.
  141. [23:05] * [Pyg]Judith grips her knee, the only solution to help this girl rising to front of her thoughts. She's an orphan now, and for someone at this age, there's almost no way she'll be able to live to adulthood.
  142. [23:05] * [Tess]Joule looks at the girl while lost in thought, her chin in her hand. What to do...
  143. [23:06] <[Pyg]Judith> "I...can't bring you to your father, little one..."
  144. [23:06] <[Pyg]Judith> "But I'll send you to him. Would you like that?"
  145. [23:08] * [Tess]Joule shrugs, understanding immediately.
  146. [23:09] <[Tess]Joule> I guess there's no helping that. What's your answer, girl?
  147. [23:09] * LittleGirl looks Judith in the eyes, biting her lip, and nods.
  148. [23:13] <[Pyg]Judith> "Then, close your eyes."
  149. [23:14] * LittleGirl swallows, puts her hands together, and does as she's told. She sits back in her chair and waits.
  150. [23:15] <[Pyg]Judith> "Go to sleep."
  151. [23:16] * [Pyg]Judith she commands as she begins to hum a lullaby.
  152. [23:19] <LittleGirl> mmn...
  153. [23:19] * LittleGirl starts to slump over, the pained expression lifting from her face slightly.
  154. [23:21] * [Pyg]Judith leans forward, planting a soft kiss on the girl's forehead.
  155. [23:22] * [Tess]Joule pets the girl's head, ruffling her hair.
  156. [23:23] * [Pyg]Judith brings her mouth down to the girl's neck, hesitating before finally biting down, intent on draining her of her life as quickly as possible.
  157. [23:30] * LittleGirl raises, for a second, then eases back into Judith's hold. Her life slips away quietly, without a single protest.
  158. [23:31] * [Tess]Joule walks to the table, a little disinterested now that that's over.
  159. [23:34] * [Pyg]Judith softly brushes the girls cheek as she rises back up too her feet, feeling her hunger disappear but also a little sad.
  160. [23:35] * [Tess]Joule walks outside, more out of boredom than anything else, but also a little curious to see what's going on out there.
  162. XxXx
  163. @@Scene Three: Leticia and Judith
  164. XxXx
  166. [00:02] * [huh]Letty dresses and heads to see what Judith's up to.
  167. [00:03] * [Pyg]Judith is standing by a window watching the outside, humming to herself, unaware of Letty's presence.
  168. [00:06] * [huh]Letty sneaks up behind Judith and wraps her arms around her.
  169. [00:07] <[Pyg]Judith> Oh! It's you, Letty...
  170. [00:07] * [Pyg]Judith relaxes while in Leticia's arms, lying back into her a little.
  171. [00:08] <[huh]Letty> You looked a bit lonely.
  172. [00:09] * [Pyg]Judith merely replies with a soft "Mmm" sound.
  173. [00:14] <[huh]Letty> You feeling alright, Judith?
  174. [00:15] <[Pyg]Judith> "Probably...not."
  175. [00:21] <[huh]Letty> Something you want to talk about?
  176. [00:21] <[Pyg]Judith> "I feel like I haven't been right since I woke up..."
  177. [00:23] <[huh]Letty> Anything I can do, Jude?
  178. [00:23] <[Pyg]Judith> "I don't know if there's anything you can do..."
  179. [00:27] * [huh]Letty sighs and holds Judith more tightly.
  180. [00:29] <[huh]Letty> Just talk to me. It might make you feel better.
  181. [00:31] * [Pyg]Judith takes a deep breath.
  182. [00:35] <[Pyg]Judith> "The night we came back..."
  183. [00:39] <[Pyg]Judith> "After we took care of the invading cattle, I saved one of them for myself."
  184. [00:40] <[Pyg]Judith> "And...I...let her go."
  185. [00:44] <[huh]Letty> Sparing a human, and one who attacked us...
  186. [00:46] <[Pyg]Judith> "Don't tell the Boss..."
  187. [00:46] * [Pyg]Judith pleads with an uncharacteristic tone of nervousness.
  188. [00:47] <[huh]Letty> Not a word, do not worry.
  189. [00:51] <[huh]Letty> I, too, haven't been able to completely shed my humanity.
  190. [00:51] <[Pyg]Judith> "You too?"
  191. [00:52] * [Pyg]Judith sounds like a combination of surprise and relief.
  192. [00:53] * [huh]Letty nods.
  193. [00:54] <[huh]Letty> To tell the truth, as of late I've occasionally found myself thinking of the simplicity of my mortal days almost longingly.
  194. [01:03] <[Pyg]Judith> "Are we broken?"
  195. [01:19] <[huh]Letty> I don't think so...
  197. XxXx
  198. @@Scene Four: Shepard and Joule
  199. XxXx
  201. [23:38] <[GM]Mary> Joule: The town is quiet. The screams for street justice go unspoken this night, and you notice little else other than the sound of nocturnal insects and Shepard standing right next to the door.
  202. [23:41] <[Tess]Joule> Evening, Shepard. How's the town tonight?
  203. [23:41] * Shepard stands with his back to the door, a little at the side of the house's entrance. He crosses his arms and watches the town, giving Joule a second's glance.
  204. [23:42] <Shepard> A little quiet.
  205. [23:43] <Shepard> Not having any second thoughts, are you?
  206. [23:44] <[Tess]Joule> No, just wondering what to do. That girl on the inside's done, so... I'm guess I'm out of things to work on unless I can come up with some experiments to run.
  207. [23:45] * Shepard shrugs.
  208. [23:49] <[Tess]Joule> ...Hey, Shepard?
  209. [23:50] <Shepard> Hmm?
  210. [23:51] <[Tess]Joule> How conductive are you?
  211. [23:53] <Shepard> Conductive?
  212. [23:53] <Shepard> Elaborate.
  213. [23:56] <[Tess]Joule> I mean electrical conductivity, how much resistance you put up to an electric current that passes through you. I don't mean to test it if it'll annoy you, but I'm curious.
  214. [23:57] <Shepard> ...
  215. [23:57] * Shepard leers.
  216. [23:58] <Shepard> I suggest you find healthier curiosities.
  217. [23:59] <[Tess]Joule> It'll only hurt once...
  218. [00:00] <Shepard> For you as well. Then, nothing would ever hurt again.
  219. [00:01] * [Tess]Joule crosses her arms, pouting.
  220. [00:05] <Shepard> hehehehe... I'll make you aware, my consumption isn't limited to humans.
  221. [00:05] * Shepard looks to Joule suggestively.
  222. [00:06] <Shepard> I could take in that phantom blood... as easily as a mortal's life.
  223. [00:06] <[Tess]Joule> Hm. Okay, okay. I'll just have to think of something else...
  224. [00:08] <Shepard> Anyway, I'll be busy in the coming days. You should take the time to get to know the group, or help prepare for our attack.
  225. [00:09] <Shepard> My apologies for this lacking, temporary residence. I intend to find a better one soon.
  226. [00:10] <[Tess]Joule> It's fine, I've been in worse places.
  227. [00:13] <[Tess]Joule> But to be honest, I haven't heard just what your story is. I've picked up bits from here and there but... I'm still a little out of it. Just what's the strange case of Mr. Shepard?
  228. [00:14] <Shepard> My story? Hmph. It's long and uninteresting.
  229. [00:15] <[Tess]Joule> I get excited over charts plotting distance and time. Do I really sound that hard to impress?
  230. [00:15] <Shepard> Perhaps I'll share a few details, but you must specify them.
  231. [00:19] <[Tess]Joule> Well, what I'm most curious about is who you're after and why. A little of your background would help but isn't necessary... whatever it is, the strange case of Dr. Boltzmann is probably not quite as exciting from what I've seen.
  232. [00:19] <Shepard> Ah, I apologize for involving you in our own matters so suddenly.
  233. [00:21] <Shepard> Yes, Forty years ago, we were all killed. We now intend to put one of our killers down.
  234. [00:27] <[Tess]Joule> One of? Well, never mind that. What were you before then? Must've enjoyed it if you want revenge for losing it.
  235. [00:30] <Shepard> Hmm... I suppose we were pretty happy. Leticia and Judith found love in each other, Phrine made herself a mother of Judith, and I enjoyed watching them grow and prosper.
  236. [00:32] <Shepard> This mission is, most simply, to get something out of the way. Of course, we and this person cannot coexist, so we must destroy him.
  237. [00:36] <Shepard> There's also another reason. When I was sealed away, I lost a great deal of my strength. I believe this person may have something to do with it.
  238. [00:41] <[Tess]Joule> Hrrm.
  239. [00:47] * [Tess]Joule looks out pensively, then shakes her head and laughs.
  240. [00:49] <[Tess]Joule> Things like these are odd, in retrospect. Had you told me I would become this, let alone be caught in a situation like this when I was still of flesh and blood, I would have laughed in your face.
  241. [00:51] <Shepard> Indeed. A lot of things seem odd or foolish when seen as the past.
  242. [01:00] * Shepard stares off at the sky, as if there's something in particular to see.
  243. [01:00] <[Tess]Joule> Out of curiosity, Shepard...
  244. [01:01] <Shepard> Hm?
  245. [01:05] <[Tess]Joule> Ever feel nostalgic? I don't usually since I don't really think that way, but I've met others who look back on their human days and glorify them. Since you've basically left that behind, what do you think of it now?
  246. [01:06] <Shepard> I left back my human years a long time ago. I can't say I miss much of it.
  247. [01:08] <[Tess]Joule> Hm, I see.
  248. [01:08] <Shepard> Truly, I regret nothing. There's many things I could have done, and many more I could have done better, but I do not regret my mistakes. I've grown stronger because of them, not my successes.
  249. [01:11] <Shepard> Do you?
  250. [01:14] <[Tess]Joule> No, not at all. I see them as necessary to get better, but besides that you have to live with them. Lamenting them will get you nowhere, not to mention that it's just impractical.
  251. [01:16] <[Tess]Joule> Besides, if you see my current condition in a positive light I owe that in part to a miscalculation.
  252. [01:16] <Shepard> Hmm... Is that so...
  253. [01:18] <[Tess]Joule> A colleague once told me... "The way you see things, not even hellspawn horrors would get you to stop your work. No regrets, Dr. Boltzmann."
  254. [01:18] <[Tess]Joule> Guess neither of us knew how right he was.
  255. [01:19] <Shepard> Hm. We were lucky, on that account.
  256. [01:19] <[Tess]Joule> It's almost unbelievable, the things you can owe to chance.
  257. [01:21] * Shepard casts an eye upon Joule.
  258. [01:21] <Shepard> You like to talk, don't you?
  259. [01:23] <[Tess]Joule> I figured it was something to do. If you have other ideas they're probably just as good.
  260. [01:24] <[Tess]Joule> Just what are you biding your time for anyway?
  261. [01:25] * [Tess]Joule shrugs, turning back to the door.
  262. [01:26] <Shepard> I have already told you what to do. Didn't you say you wanted friends?
  263. [01:26] * [Tess]Joule stops a second.
  264. [01:27] <[Tess]Joule> ...Guess you're right. Well, then, I'll be going back in. I'll leave you to what activities please you.
  265. [01:27] * [Tess]Joule walks into the lair, gently shutting the door.
  266. [01:28] * Shepard sighs, slouching against the wall now.
  267. [01:28] <Shepard> They're all children...
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