

Feb 18th, 2015
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  3. -Classification: Demon
  4. -Threat Level: Very High
  5. -Size: Varies, typically very large
  8. Wendigos are some of the most dangerous forms of demons on Orion. With massive teeth built for tearing into flesh, they crave the flesh and blood of humans, animals, and even other demons they come in contact with. They are rarely seen outside of Zeal, and not many know the reason why that is. They are isolated in the ever-floating ruins in the sky supposedly due to Wendigos once being normal residents of the floating kingdom who were converted to Wendigos, either due to a curse or a plague.
  10. The only time they were seen outside of Zeal was when Pandora War began, otherwise known as the "Age of Sin". They were prominently seen in areas where the Sins Greed and Gluttony have been, and brought upon disaster to ecosystems and kingdoms by devouring all in their path. As a result, most concluded that they can also arise due to a prolonged exposure to either Sin. In reality, the only ones converted were those who valued money and food above all else, to the point of selfishness. Also discovered was that Greed and Gluttony could control them, or rather, command them.
  12. These beasts do not stop growing. They keep swelling in size with each body and soul they consume. It is safe to assume that the larger a Wendigo, the much more dangerous they are, as they have consumed thousands upon thousands of prey. They will keep eating, as they lack any sort of hormone in their body to signal that they are full. They eat and eat and eat, never sated, until eventually, they kill themselves by growing far too large and heavy for their bones to support them. They sport spectacular jaw strength that can snap a small dragon in half, and due to how much protein they eat, their muscles are strong enough to wipe out a city with one swing of the arm. Their bones are very sturdy indeed, to support as much weight as possible as the Wendigo grows, but after a point, the growth of muscle outspeeds the growth of bone (due to the lack of enough calcium to help build their bones) and results in death for the Wendigo.
  14. The Wendigo has a brain large enough for it to think, on a rudimentary level. It is very primative, but their sense of smell is beyond those of a bloodhound and hearing as keen as an owl, as a way of helping it catch prey. The part of the brain that controls body movements is much larger than that made for cognitive thinking, allowing it to hunt with much better coordination. As a result, though, the Wendigo is not particularly a smart monster, and sticks to relatively simple strategies. They have very little magic, as magic typically requires thought beyond the primative, and whatever magic they do have is very weak compared to their massive physical strength.
  16. Wendigos tend to stay far away from one another, sticking as solitary beasts. If one manages to find another, it may result in a battle in which they will try to devour each other. It... usually does not end well. The only time they were seen cooperating was, again, during the Pandora War.
  18. A curious discovery is that their ribcage section contains a plurality of souls collected from the beings they have devoured. Underneath it all, it has a heart seemingly made of onyx. This is their weakness, but it is difficult to sift through all of the souls, which act as a sort of barrier to its heart. Another weakness was their poor sight; blinding it was bound to stun it for a few moments, allowing for escape. As demons, they share the weakness of the holy might of the gods, although as they were mostly made of decaying matter, fire works just as well.
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