

Aug 27th, 2015
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  1. altgraph==0.12
  2. amqp==1.4.6
  3. anyjson==0.3.3
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  6. backports.ssl-match-hostname==
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  8. behave==1.2.5
  9. billiard==
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  16. certifi==14.5.14
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  18. click==4.0
  19. cligj==0.2.0
  20. ConfigArgParse==0.9.3
  21. croniter==0.3.5
  22. cryptography==0.9.3
  23. Cython==0.22
  24. dap==
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  31. enum34==1.0.4
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  33. fake-factory==0.5.2
  34. fastkml==0.9
  35. Fiona==1.5.1
  36. geopandas==0.1.1
  37. gevent==1.0.2
  38. git-spindle==2.5
  39. gitdb==0.6.4
  41. GitPython==0.3.6
  42. gmail-client==
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  44. Growl==0.7.1
  45. hpack==1.1.0
  46. html2text==2015.6.21
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  53. ipython-genutils==0.1.0
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  59. kombu==3.0.26
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  64. matplotlib==1.4.3
  65. mechanize==0.2.5
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  96. pycrypto==2.6.1
  97. pycurl==
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  99. pygeoif==0.4.1
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  101. pynginxconfig==0.3.4
  102. pyOpenSSL==0.15.1
  103. pyparsing==2.0.3
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  116. requests==2.5.1
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  119. selenium==2.44.0
  120. Shapely==1.5.9
  121. simplegeneric==0.8.1
  122. simplejson==3.6.5
  123. six==1.9.0
  124. smmap==0.9.0
  125. Sphinx==1.2.3
  126. SQLAlchemy==0.9.8
  127. sqlparse==0.1.14
  128. tornado==4.1
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  130. uritemplate==0.6
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  134. us==0.9.0
  135. virtualenv==12.0.7
  136. whelk==2.5
  137. xlrd==0.9.3
  138. xlwt==0.7.5
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