
My Version Of Star Control 2: UQM

Jun 26th, 2015
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  1. Hi! I'm playing the fan-ported remake of Star Control 2. For legal reasons, the game is referred to as "The Ur-Quan Masters"
  3. Here are some details for those of you who are interested:
  5. I changed the majority of the in-game sounds to utilize higher-quality samples. I tried to stay true to the original sounds -- for instance, the "lander is full" sound is just a high quality burp sound, ha.
  7. As for the music, I've included details for each song at the end of this document.
  9. I compiled the exe myself using mingw. It is the vanilla port, nothing fancy, but I did add the following non-gameplay-affecting mods:
  11. 1. The Space Music theme will pause and resume as you enter and leave space. The remix is 10 minutes long, and it seems silly to keep repeating the same 30 seconds over and over as you enter and exit out of space.
  13. 2. You can now increase and decrease crew members in units of 10 using PgUp and PgDown. Previously you could only do this with fuel.
  15. 3. When you use the joystick to enter text for the Star Search, only the relevant alphanumeric characters are available. This cuts down on having to skip past characters like "(" and "#" which serve no purpose here.
  17. 4. The title screen cards ("Accolade Presents", etc) are from the DOS version.
  20. Soundtrack:
  21. ============= ============================================== ==============================================
  22. Name Remix Used Details
  23. ============= ============================================== ==============================================
  24. Arilou My gussied-up version of the original MOD file
  25. Chmmr Precursors Remix
  26. Commander1 Original MOD file Before transferring radioactive minerals
  27. Commander2 Original MOD file with more instrument effects After transferring radioactive minerals
  28. Druuge My gussied-up version of the original MOD file
  29. Fwiffo My gussied-up version of the original MOD file Spathi, Fwiffo Only
  30. Ilwrath Precursors Remix
  31. Kohr-Ah My gussied-up version of the original MOD file
  32. Melnorme Precursors Remix
  33. Mycon My gussied-up version of the original MOD file
  34. Orz Precursors Remix
  35. Pkunk My gussied-up version of the original MOD file
  36. Slylandro Precursors Remix Slylandro Probes
  37. SpathiHome Precursors Remix Spathi "Safeones" Homeworld
  38. Shofixti Precursors Remix
  39. SlyHome Precursors Remix Slylandro "Gas Bags" Homeworld
  40. Spathi2 Precursors Remix Any Spathi that you meet in space
  41. Supox Precursors Remix
  42. Syreen Precursors Remix
  43. TalkPet My gussied-up version of the original MOD file
  44. Thraddash Precursors Remix
  45. Umgah Precursors Remix
  46. Utwig Precursors Remix Depressed Utwig
  47. Utwig2 Precursors Remix Not as depressed Utwig
  48. VUX Precursors Remix
  49. Yehat Precursors Remix Non-rebellious Yehat
  50. Yehat2 My gussied-up version of the original MOD file Yehat Rebellion
  51. ZoqFotPik Precursors Remix
  52. Battle 3D0 Remix
  53. Credits Precursors Remix
  54. Hyper 3D0 Remix
  55. Orbit1-5 3D0 Remix
  56. Quasi Precursors Remix
  57. RedAlert Just the original MOD file
  58. Shipyard My gussied-up version of the original MOD file
  59. SolarSys Precursors Remix
  60. Starbase Mine, 3D0, Precursors
  61. Outro Precursors Remix
  62. Intro Precursors Remix
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