
131018 Live Chat With Nichkhun

Oct 18th, 2013
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  1. 131018 Live Chat With Nichkhun ||
  3. Nichkhun 2PM: hey guys
  5. musicwavesg: 반갑습니다
  6. hi nichkhun!
  8. Nichkhun 2PM: 아 반갑습니다
  10. musicwavesg: we are ready for the broadcast any minute
  11. you can give us the go ahead
  13. Nichkhun 2PM: so am i
  14. anything i should be aware of?
  15. any specific answers you want?
  17. musicwavesg: we are up live now
  18. feel free to answer any way you want :)
  20. Nichkhun 2PM: thats great
  21. are we chatting through this window?
  23. musicwavesg: yep
  24. Hi Nichkhun, thank you for agreeing to this live chat for the fans!
  26. Nichkhun 2PM: its my pleasure
  27. = ]
  29. musicwavesg: The fans are exhilarated knowing that you are going to chat with them.
  31. Nichkhun 2PM: so am i!!
  33. musicwavesg: A small request from the fans, are you able to turn on the video camera to say hi?
  35. Nichkhun 2PM: sorry thats not possible right now
  36. = [
  38. musicwavesg: it's ok we understand
  40. Nichkhun 2PM: thank you!
  42. musicwavesg: the first question from fans: how do you feel about Music Wave Concert on 16th November, and how do you feel about meeting your fans at the concert?
  44. Nichkhun 2PM: it feel amazing
  45. its been almost 2 years since ive last been to singapore
  46. i just love the city the fans and the atmosphere and really missed it
  47. and to finally be able to go perform in front of my lovely singaporean fans is just so exciting
  48. i cannot wait!!
  50. musicwavesg: [dancing emoticon]
  51. What can fans look forward to at your upcoming performance at the concert?
  53. Nichkhun 2PM: so apologies for not being able to show myself on camera today but if you guys want to see me you have to come to the concert. you can see me live!!
  54. they will be seeing our new title for the first time in singapore
  55. and followed by some fun songs where they can dance along
  57. musicwavesg: That sounds exciting. I'm sure the Hottests in Singapore are looking forward to it!
  59. Nichkhun 2PM: so are we !!
  60. by the way our members say hello to our singaporean hottests!
  62. musicwavesg: Hi everyone!
  64. Nichkhun 2PM: so we want from you guys this time is to enjoy our performacce as if you guys were in a party or a club
  65. just dance your behinds off and have fun!
  67. musicwavesg: we definitely will :)
  68. At the concert, there will be audiences who just got to know 2PM, which 2PM song would you like to introduce to them?
  70. Nichkhun 2PM: well i would like to introduce our lastest song ADTOY or all day I think of you or Ha Ni Bbun
  71. very unique and very... i would say sexy but not too overly done
  72. hahaha
  73. with this song you can just sit back and watch
  75. musicwavesg: We have watched your performances in the office and we can't deny that we really like that song too!
  77. Nichkhun 2PM: thank you very much
  78. = ]
  80. musicwavesg: So with ADTOY, we've seen a different side of 2PM, as compared to Hands Up. What can fans expect from 2PM in the near future?
  82. Nichkhun 2PM: ohh what am i thinking??? i didnt even say hello!
  84. musicwavesg: All the fans on StarHub's page would like to say hello too!
  86. Nichkhun 2PM: Hey Singapore!!! this is Nichkhun from 2pm. its such a pleasure to be here chatting with all of you guys and us 2pm are looking forward to seeing you on the 16th
  88. musicwavesg: Cheska Arriola would also like to know what's your most played song in your playlist?
  90. Nichkhun 2PM: so before then get yourself fit and ready to scream your lungs off because you will be meeting so many cool artists!
  91. right now its blue ocean floor by JT
  92. in his new album
  93. and for your previous question
  95. musicwavesg: great song choice!
  97. Nichkhun 2PM: 2pm is going to hold and arena tour in japan strating january next year
  98. unfortunately we will not do an asia tour which is such a bummer
  99. we didnt get to go to singapore last tour..which was a tripple bummer
  100. but we are really looking into the next album to make sure we have the perfect song for 2pm
  101. so all our hottests and other fans can enjoy
  103. musicwavesg: I'm sure all the hottests are looking forward to it!
  105. Nichkhun 2PM: thank you!!
  107. musicwavesg: A lot of fans have commented on your acting in One and a half Summer
  108. How would you grade your own acting?
  110. Nichkhun 2PM: ummmm hahahahahaha
  111. well ive definitely done a better job than my other acting works
  112. but i dont know if will be able to meet peoples expectations
  114. musicwavesg: Mandy Dimins Wong would like ot know if you are happy to be back in Korea after filming in China for so long?
  116. Nichkhun 2PM: hahahah yes even though i was not born here or neither do i have any family here i am very happy to be back
  117. like ive said many times korea is my second home
  118. LOVE IT! hah
  120. musicwavesg: We have been to Korea a couple times and we love it too!
  122. Nichkhun 2PM: the weather is perfect right now
  124. musicwavesg: Here's a quirky question: if you were a girl, who would you pick as your ideal boyfriend in 2PM?
  126. Nichkhun 2PM: well if i were a girl i would pick ryan gosling
  128. musicwavesg: any favourite show by him?
  130. Nichkhun 2PM: definitely the notebook but also liked him in drive and the gangster squad
  131. i would like become an actor like him one day
  133. musicwavesg: Nur Zeera asks, will 2PM be preparing and special performance during MBC Korean Music Wave in Singapore?
  135. Nichkhun 2PM: wellllllll
  136. our new title? haha
  138. musicwavesg: that sounds exciting enough, fans get to watch the chair dance live!
  140. Nichkhun 2PM: hahah yes the chair dance
  142. musicwavesg: What do you think is the most attractive quality a girl can have?
  144. Nichkhun 2PM: confidence
  145. and self respect?
  146. and someone who would know how to be a good mother for their future children
  147. what my mom always tells me to look for in a girl
  149. musicwavesg: that's very good advice!
  150. we all believe that you would be a great father for your future children
  152. Nichkhun 2PM: thank you! = ]
  153. thats very flattering
  155. musicwavesg: Back to music, will 2PM be exploring more diverse musical directions such as jazz or rock?
  157. Nichkhun 2PM: would love to! some of our members are actually trying out new genres of music
  158. so im sure in the next album you can expect some very new music
  160. musicwavesg: looking forward to it!
  162. Nichkhun 2PM: yay!!!
  164. musicwavesg: we've heard and enjoyed woo young's single
  165. and we enjoyed junho's movie
  167. Nichkhun 2PM: ah ha!
  169. musicwavesg: 2PM members are all very all-rounded
  170. Do you exchange pointers with the other members when it comes to singing and acting?
  172. Nichkhun 2PM: yes definitely!
  173. we help each other out any ways we can
  174. like with acting we read out the lines for one another during practice
  175. and our main vocals like jun.k and junho actually help out alot with singing
  176. we are all proud of each others individual works and we kinda brag about it to other people
  177. hhahaha
  179. musicwavesg: hahaha, good to know!
  180. It's very nice to know that the 2PM members are still as tight as you guys just started out
  182. Nichkhun 2PM: our chemistry is true and real
  184. musicwavesg: Any chance that you'll be composing any songs for 2PM soon?
  186. Nichkhun 2PM: i would like to think of music as a type of art and real art doesnt come out like it was made in a factory
  187. so not until im ready
  188. what my fans will be hearing has to be good and meaning
  189. in other words... i still.. suck hahahhahaha
  191. musicwavesg: aww, i don't think the hottests think that you suck
  193. Nichkhun 2PM: = b
  195. musicwavesg: everyone is looking forward to the day!
  197. Nichkhun 2PM: thank you!! i will try to make something good for you guys!! yay!!
  199. musicwavesg: About Singapore now!
  201. Nichkhun 2PM: yes! please!haha
  203. musicwavesg: is there any place that you would like to visit?
  205. Nichkhun 2PM: universal studios!!
  206. im such a sucker for those theme parks
  208. musicwavesg: you've filmed a Music Video in a club and various places, any other places you want to explore?
  210. Nichkhun 2PM: i was hoping my fans will recommend any good places for me
  212. musicwavesg: as this is live, i'm sure you'll be receiving a lot of recommendations soon!
  214. Nichkhun 2PM: hopefully i will have the time to go through
  216. musicwavesg: other than chilli crab, is there any food that you would like to try or you like?
  218. Nichkhun 2PM: honestly i dont know too many local food
  219. but im always very opened to trying some good food
  221. musicwavesg: singapore has a lot of unique flavours!
  222. anyway, fans have recommended that you visit the new attractions in Sentosa, like adventure cove and the maritime museum
  223. the singapore zoo is very interesting too!
  225. Nichkhun 2PM: ouuuuu museums!
  226. my kinda place
  227. hahah i would love to go
  229. musicwavesg: it features the largest aquarium in South East Asia!
  231. Nichkhun 2PM: aquarium!!!!! lets go find Nemo!!
  232. hahahah oh very off topic
  233. but yes all those placese sound so amazing
  235. musicwavesg: is there any place in Korea that you would like to recommend to your fans?
  237. Nichkhun 2PM: Insadong if you like korean traditions and culture
  238. Myeongdong and Dongdaemun if you like shopping
  239. hmmmm Itaewon if you want to see a variety of people
  240. hahah
  241. Namsan Tower!
  243. musicwavesg: great suggestions! we'll take note of all these places :)
  244. what food in Korea?
  245. *what about food in Korea?
  246. what would you like to recommend to your fans?
  248. Nichkhun 2PM: my definite answer is Sam Gyeob Sal which is pork BBQ
  249. yum yum!
  251. musicwavesg: we tried it during winter and got all our clothes smelly! any good ideas to keep our clothes smell nice after a yummy meal?
  253. Nichkhun 2PM: good... question...
  254. hahahaha
  255. find a place with a good ventilation system
  257. musicwavesg: what is your favourite thing to do every time you guys get a break?
  259. Nichkhun 2PM: i like to go play badminton or just sit at home and watch tv all day
  260. i am actually a lazy person haha especially when i have a free day off
  262. musicwavesg: what do you like to watch on tv? do you have a favourite drama?
  264. Nichkhun 2PM: i like to watch movies actually
  265. its a way for me to study acting
  267. musicwavesg: interesting!
  268. that's very hardworking of you
  270. Nichkhun 2PM: but Sherlock is probably my favorite TV drama
  271. Benedict Cumberbatch's acting is just WOW
  273. musicwavesg: Because you've been so kind to chat with us, we've decided to share the goodwill with your fans! We will start a promotional sale with the code <WELOVE2PM> just for your fans! With this code, fans will get to purchase any category ticket (except SVIP) from 2pm to 4pm with a 20% discount!
  275. Nichkhun 2PM: so waht kind of role would you guys want me to do? other than bright and cute character?
  276. ohhh wow!!! really????? yayy11111
  278. musicwavesg: we will gather the feedback and let you know when you're here on 16 November!
  280. Nichkhun 2PM: yay thank you!
  282. musicwavesg: as we wrap up this wonderful session with you, is there any thing that you would like to say to your fans in Singapore? we have also invited a lot of your Thai fans to watch this session, would you like to tell them something too?
  284. Nichkhun 2PM: well singaporean fans you can expect a very fun time on the 16th so get yourselves ready!! i am alo excited to meet you all
  285. for my thai fans i miss you all too and i hope to see you guys soo na cub
  286. hope everyone watching this seession is happpy and healthy. dont forget to smile!! =]
  287. seee you all very soon!
  289. musicwavesg: thank you for your time!
  290. see you very soon!
  292. Nichkhun 2PM: thank you guys!!have a great day!!
  294. musicwavesg: we enjoyed this chat session with you, and we're sure all the fans feel the same :)
  295. see you in Singpore for StarHub Presents MBC Korean Music Wave in Singapore 2013 on 16 November at Gardens By The Bay!
  297. Nichkhun 2PM: okay!!~~~
  299. musicwavesg: bye! ~~
  301. Nichkhun 2PM: see you all there!!
  302. bye = ]
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