
Girls (and Anon) Night Out (anonXtwilight)

Jun 16th, 2014
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  1. >be anon
  2. >you've been in Equestria for awhile now
  3. >it's great here, you have your own place and you even managed to get a job in Twilight's library
  4. >you mostly just put books back on shelves and organize returns
  5. >it doesn't pay great but it's enough for you to live comfortably
  6. >and not to mention Twilight is a good boss and a better friend
  7. >you were currently walking to what you could only guess to be Ponyville's only bar
  8. >apparently once every month the girls all get together and have a “Girls-night-out”
  9. >Twilight told you about it when you were re-shelving some books
  10. >love must be in the air
  11. >almost every other book was something pertaining to “How to ask somepony out” or “Dating: 101”
  12. >there was even a book about cross-species mating
  13. >anyways she told you about this little gathering they all do and you admitted it sounded like fun
  14. >she asked you if you wanted to go, but you declined at first
  15. >didn't want to seem like you were inviting yourself along
  16. >you also didn't want to be the third wheel
  17. >however she insisted, saying that you were part of the group now so you had every right to come and that the girls would love to see you
  18. >she also said you would be a seventh wheel if anything
  22. >after a few minutes of walking and following some directions that Twilight wrote down for you, you show up at the bar
  23. >”Ponyville Pub”
  24. >not the most original name but it gets the job done you suppose
  25. >you push the door open and walk inside
  26. >you immediately pick up on cigarette smoke and the smell of beer
  27. >its also a lot darker than you would have thought it would have been
  28. >it looked almost like a biker bar from Earth
  29. >the ones where there's a bar fight at least twice a week
  30. >why would the girls want to come here?
  31. >your thoughts are interrupted by a pony waving a hoof out of the corner of your eye
  32. >turning your head you see Pinkie Pie waving at you from a round table in the back of the bar
  33. >walking towards her you notice that the mane 6 were all there
  34. >since no one has drinks you guess that they decided to wait until you showed up to start
  35. >”Hi Nonny!” Pinkie shouts, not using her “Inside voice”
  36. >you pull out the only vacant chair at the table and sit down next to Twilight and Fluttershy
  38. “How's everyone doing tonight?” You ask, trying to get a conversation going.
  39. >Twilight corrects you, “'everypony' Anon.”
  40. >you chuckle, that's just like Twilight
  41. “I'm sorry, how is everypony doing tonight?” You ask again, adding a little emphasis on everypony
  42. >”Great, thanks for asking.” Twilight responds
  43. >it's mostly the same for everyone else, “Splendid”, “Can't complain”, or “G-good, thank you”
  44. >”I'm happy to see you wanted to join us tonight, darling” Rarity speaks up
  45. You shrug, “I didn't have anything else to do, and besides it's been awhile since I've had a good drink.”
  46. >Rainbow pumps her hoof in the air, “That's what I like to hear! Finally somepony who might be able to keep up with me.”
  47. >”Pfff, no offense sugarcube, but yer a featherweight”, Applejack responds chuckling
  48. >#shotsfired
  49. >”You want a piece of the champ AJ?”
  50. >”Yer on!” Applejack and Rainbow stare at each other for a couple of seconds
  51. >oh boy, dinner and a show
  54. >the waiter comes around and asks everyone what they want
  55. >first up is Pinkie, “I'll have a Blue Moon”
  56. >Rarity, “A Cosmo, thank you”
  57. >Applejack, “Cider”
  58. >Rainbow, “I'll take a Cider too”
  59. >Fluttershy, “Um, could I get a double Scotch please?”
  60. >Holy shit
  61. >”And for you sir?” The waiter looks at you
  62. “Whiskey on the rocks please.”
  63. >the waiter nods and looks over at Twilight
  64. >”I'll have the same as him, Whiskey on the rocks” Twilight replied
  65. >”Everything will be out shortly” The waiter walks away
  66. >Rainbow looks over at Twilight, “Whiskey?”
  67. >Twilight shrugs, “I've always wanted to try it”
  68. You jokingly ask as you laugh a little, “For science?”
  69. >Twilight beams at you, “Yes, for science!”
  70. >the rest of the table laughs with you
  72. >the waiter returns with the drinks in tow
  73. >everyone raises their glasses
  74. >Twilight toasts, “To friendship!”
  75. >the rest of the table repeats, “To friendship!”
  76. >you take a swig of your drink
  77. >you exhale, there's nothing better than enjoying a drink with your friends
  78. >Twilight takes a sip of hers
  79. >her face scrunches up and she coughs a little
  80. “You good?” You ask, placing a hand on her shoulder.
  81. >”Of course, I can handle myself Anon” Twilight retorts, taking another sip, only coughing once this time
  84. >before you know it a few hours pass by
  85. >Applejack and Rainbow are still competing with each other
  86. >although if you had to place money on one it would be Applejack, since Rainbow is swaying left-and-right, about to fall from her seat
  87. >Applejack keeps slouching over and then quickly jerking herself back up once she realizes that shes almost in kissing distance of the table
  88. >Pinkie is cheering the two of them on
  89. >what a positive influence
  90. >the rest of the girls have been talking to you
  91. >Fluttershy was in horror when you told her that there was no one who watches over animals, that they take care of themselves
  92. >she mumbled out, “Twilight! Open a portal to Anon's world *hic* I have to save the animals!”
  93. >Fluttershy was a fun drunk, that's for sure
  94. >Rarity mostly asked you about the fashion and clothing back on earth
  95. >she seemed to quit herself off or at least pace herself, since she was one of the few here who wasn't slurring her words
  96. >unfortunately there wasn't much you could tell her, since you pretty much just bought whatever fit you and was on sale
  97. >Twilight was just asking more general questions about where you came from
  98. >she couldn't quite get a grasp around how computers or the internet worked
  99. >but that may have been your fault too
  100. >you weren't the best at explaining how satellites and computers worked
  102. >after awhile Twilight starts to giggle randomly and starts to lean against you
  103. >”You're smell sooo good Anon. Have I ever told you how nice you smelled?” Twilight blurts out
  104. >Rarity and Pinkie start to snicker a little
  105. >you yourself have a little giggle
  106. “How much have you had to drink Twilight?”
  107. >she fiddles with her hooves a little bit and holds up one of them to you
  108. >”That many” Twilight states, still laughing for no reason
  109. >well, Twilight is drunk
  110. “How many is that? You don't have fingers Twi” You begin laughing as well
  111. >”Oh yeah, hang on”
  112. >Twilight grabs your hand and pulls down your pinkie finger
  113. >”I've had that many” She declares, waving your hand around for the rest of the girls to see
  114. “So you've had four Whiskeys?” You ask
  115. >”Mm-hmm”
  116. >she probably shouldn't have tried to keep pace with you
  117. >while watching Twilight being shit-faced is fun, you should probably get her home. She's clearly reached her limit and you know better than anyone how much a Whiskey hangover sucks
  118. You start standing up, “I think I'm gonna take Twilight home before she passes out”
  119. >you throw some bits on the table
  120. >the rest of the girls say their good-byes, except Rainbow who was already out cold
  121. >guess Applejack won
  122. >”What? No, let's drink more. Waiter! Another round!”, Twilight booms
  123. “No, you've had enough. I think it's time for you to get to bed.”
  124. “You can admire the way I smell on the way back” You say, still smiling from what Twilight had said earlier
  125. >this seems to convince the purple mare
  126. >she nods and tries to push out her chair but stumbles a little
  127. >catching herself, she says, “I'm fine, I'm good. Let's go Nonny-Wonny.”
  128. >her face is a little red, you presume from the alcohol
  129. >with her at your side you walk through the double doors and head back towards the library
  133. >it's a nice night out
  134. >not to hot or cold, and there's a nice breeze
  135. >you and Twilight are walking, well Twilight is stumbling more than walking, back to her library
  136. >about halfway there Twilight speaks up
  137. >”Anon, I needs you to do something for me” Twilight slurs out
  138. “What's that?” You ask, eyes forward
  139. >”I need you to rut me~” She asks, finishing with a hiccup
  140. >oh boy, here we go
  141. “I'm sorry?” You ask, thinking that there might be a misunderstanding
  142. >”I said...” Raising her voice a little, “I want you to rut me.”
  143. >you almost trip, hearing her say it for a second time
  144. “Somepony is drunk” You jokingly say
  145. >”So? So what if I am drunk? I still want you, whether *hic* whether or not I'm drunk. So are you gonna stallion-up or what?”
  146. >you think about it for a second
  147. >Twilight is attractive, she's smart, and she's always been there for you
  148. >especially when you learned that you couldn't go back home
  149. >you always wondered about being with her
  150. >but not if shes plastered like this
  151. >you arrive at the library door
  152. >Twilight is giving you the bedroom eyes
  153. “I tell you what, if you still feel this way in the morning I'll take you out on a date. How's that sound?”
  154. >Twilight stomps her hooves a little and whines, “Come on, don't make me go upstairs and handle the problem myself”
  155. >a little more information than you needed
  156. “I'll come by tomorrow to check in on you, if you still have feelings for me I'll take you out.”
  157. You start walking away, “Be sure to drink water before bed” You call out
  158. >you hear Twilight grumble as she walks inside and closes the door behind you
  161. >you wake up and roll over to look at the clock
  162. >12 pm
  163. >damn you slept late, but drinking does that to you
  164. >you hop out of bed and start your morning routine
  165. >after putting on some clothes you start to head to Twilight's place
  166. >on the way there you start to think if Twilight meant what she said last night
  167. >or if she just needed a one-night-stand
  168. >you hoped that she was serious when she said that she had feeling for you
  169. >shaking the thoughts away, you arrive at the library
  170. >you give it a few good knocks
  171. >after what seemed like 5 minutes Twilight finally answers the door
  172. >she squints from the sun as she looks at you, ”Anon? You don't have work today”
  173. >she moves out of the way to let you pass
  174. “I know, I just came by to discuss what we talked about last night.” You say, taking a seat on the couch
  175. >slowly, she makes her way over to you, “What did we talk about last night?”
  176. >she rubs one of her eyes with a hoof
  177. >guess she doesn't remember
  178. “Well, last night when I was walking you home, you said that you liked me as more than a friend”
  179. >her face begins to get a little red as she sits down in a chair across from you
  180. “And you also wanted me to come inside to...” You stop, knowing that Twilight would get the hint
  181. >you didn't think that Twilight could get any redder but she did, almost the color of a tomato
  182. “I declined, but I said that if you still felt that way in the morning then I would take you out on a date”
  183. >Twilight is beginning to sweat now
  184. “So, was it just the booze or do you really feel that way?”
  185. >you wait patiently for your answer
  186. >she opens her mouth to speak but closes it, rethinking the words to say
  187. >this happens a few times before she eventually talks
  188. >”Yes, that's how I feel.” Her face was bright red but she managed to look you in the eye
  189. >just the answer you wanted to hear
  190. >a few seconds pass by
  191. You finally speak up, “Well then, would you like to go out on a date with me?”
  192. >smiling, she nods and gets out of her chair, slowly walking towards you, “I would love to”
  193. >you walk towards her and give her a hug
  194. >the two of you stay like that for a minute or two
  195. Standing up with a smile you ask, “Where would you like to go?”
  196. >Twilight looks up at you, [spoiler]“Anywhere but the bar”[/spoiler]
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