

Sep 2nd, 2015
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  1. [01:16:30] doctor gucci: It's my bot
  2. [01:16:43] +TheWhoDoctor: Hawkie's*
  3. [01:16:44] doctor gucci: btw it's supposed to be used to ladder on low ladder and b super insulting
  4. [01:16:46] Batter-E: doctor gucci no u r lyin
  5. [01:16:53] doctor gucci: no Hammer-E is mine
  6. [01:16:57] +TheWhoDoctor: Oh
  7. [01:17:03] Batter-E: doctor gucci did u reg it
  8. [01:17:08] doctor gucci: and Lynch-E was my creation, hawkie did the programming
  9. [01:17:09] Hobbes2: lol
  10. [01:17:20] +TheWhoDoctor: ...hawkie's bot
  11. [01:17:23] Batter-E: you camew up w the name? doctor gucci
  12. [01:17:30] Batter-E: my creation< lMAOdmcnvsj
  13. [01:17:34] Batter-E: ****
  14. [01:17:35] Queen Guinevere: I wouldn't mind studying programing
  15. [01:17:41] Queen Guinevere: programming
  16. [01:17:48] Hobbes2: I was considering it
  17. [01:17:51] doctor gucci: hawkie did the programming
  18. [01:17:59] Batter-E: okk
  19. [01:18:00] +TheWhoDoctor: Hawkie's bot
  20. [01:18:02] Hobbes2: but my high school programming classes killed any enthusiasm i have for computer science
  21. [01:18:05] doctor gucci: and everything it can do is because hawkie programmed it
  22. [01:18:12] +TheWhoDoctor: Hawkie's bot
  23. [01:18:13] Hobbes2: so im probably gonna minor in it at most
  24. [01:18:13] doctor gucci: but i found it
  25. [01:18:21] Batter-E: found it..?
  26. [01:18:27] doctor gucci: actually lynch-e was hawkie's name idea
  27. [01:18:30] doctor gucci: it was cpr doctor before
  28. [01:18:30] Batter-E: YOU MEAN PICKED THE NAME..?
  29. Batter-E was warned by Lynch-E. (Automated response: caps)
  30. [01:18:36] Queen Guinevere: Raised it as your own
  31. [01:18:44] doctor gucci: No he didn't even know about it before I just asked him to do the programming
  32. [01:18:52] +TheWhoDoctor: But like
  33. [01:18:53] Batter-E: what
  34. [01:18:56] Queen Guinevere: Nursed it from your own teat
  35. [01:19:02] Batter-E: so hawkie did everything what
  36. [01:19:05] doctor gucci: yeah
  37. [01:19:06] +TheWhoDoctor: the idea of a mafia bot isnt an hncommon wone
  38. [01:19:19] +TheWhoDoctor: smogoon and I did it
  39. [01:19:24] +TheWhoDoctor: xjoelituj was doing it
  40. [01:19:31] doctor gucci: Yeah but none of them lasted
  41. [01:19:33] Hobbes2: xjoelituj
  42. [01:19:36] Hobbes2: i feel ive heard that name before
  43. [01:19:49] +TheWhoDoctor: smog and. I had someone kill it
  44. [01:19:54] Hobbes2: rip
  45. [01:20:05] doctor gucci: also why are you popping off
  46. [01:20:45] +TheWhoDoctor: I wanted to tale a bike ride today so i hopped on my menstrual cycle. Only now did I decide to run your ass over
  47. [01:20:52] Batter-E: doctor gucci WHO POPPin OFF
  48. [01:21:05] doctor gucci: lmao TWD you're pathetic
  49. [01:21:09] Hobbes2: keep it pg kids
  50. [01:21:12] Batter-E: THEHOEDOCTOR VS DOCTOR GUCCI
  51. Batter-E was muted by Lynch-E for 7 minutes. (Automated response: caps)
  52. [01:21:17] doctor gucci: when people asked about the bot you were like "oh it's hawkie but i helped beta'd it a lot"
  53. [01:21:20] doctor gucci: you didn't do shit buddy lmao
  54. [01:21:28] +TheWhoDoctor: Neither did you
  55. [01:21:37] +TheWhoDoctor: And you claim it more than I do
  56. [01:21:45] doctor gucci: okay not gonna argue with ignorance
  57. [01:21:51] doctor gucci: but actually know what the fuck you're talking about
  58. [01:21:56] doctor gucci: before you open your fat mouth
  59. [01:21:56] +TheWhoDoctor: I do
  60. [01:21:57] +TheWhoDoctor: ty
  61. [01:21:59] doctor gucci: no you don't lmao
  62. [01:22:07] +TheWhoDoctor: >fat
  63. [01:22:08] Queen Guinevere: This kinda got intense
  64. [01:22:11] doctor gucci: do you have access to the workspace? do you know how this all starteD?
  65. [01:22:18] doctor gucci: sit the fuck down boy stop thinking you know everything
  66. [01:22:45] doctor gucci: stop claiming you did shit and don't say I claim I did a lot
  67. [01:22:50] +TheWhoDoctor: Not saying I do
  68. [01:22:51] doctor gucci: I literally said hawkie did all the programming
  69. [01:22:53] doctor gucci: shut the fuck up kid
  70. [01:22:56] Hobbes2: tbh this whole room was my idea
  71. [01:23:00] +TheWhoDoctor: ^
  72. [01:23:03] Hobbes2: aj is actually my son and came and invaded the whole thing
  73. [01:23:07] +TheWhoDoctor: Hobbes I loge you
  74. [01:23:09] Hobbes2: after i told him "aj son you cant do thsi"
  75. [01:23:10] +TheWhoDoctor: love*
  76. [01:23:19] Hobbes2: son after the bots came in and invaded the whole deal
  77. [01:23:20] Queen Guinevere: Hobbes I don't think you should get involved
  78. [01:23:21] Hobbes2: rip
  79. [01:23:57] Hobbes2: QG o well
  80. [01:23:59] doctor gucci: also stop thinking you're so good at scumhunting and don't blame others when you fuck up
  81. [01:24:10] doctor gucci: man the fuck up and admit that you're wrong when you're wrong
  82. [01:24:29] +TheWhoDoctor: I do
  83. [01:24:44] +TheWhoDoctor: But it isnt my fault whrn bad players fuck up reads
  84. [01:24:50] doctor gucci: no you don't that game we played when you thought you knew I was scum and got me lynched, you literally said "you just suck"
  85. [01:24:55] +TheWhoDoctor: and ad hominem is really not the way to go
  86. [01:24:58] doctor gucci: and then started blaming me for you lynching during lylo
  87. [01:25:11] doctor gucci: *mylo
  88. [01:25:14] +TheWhoDoctor: have to lynch in lylo
  89. [01:25:30] +TheWhoDoctor: When you play scummy as all fuck
  90. [01:25:36] doctor gucci: that game when you pushed a lynch on me in mylo for no fucking reason, and then say "no you just suck"
  91. [01:25:40] +TheWhoDoctor: What do you think the scum read is
  92. [01:25:48] doctor gucci: how the fuck was that scummy why would you lynch in mylo
  93. [01:26:02] doctor gucci: fucking idiot
  94. [01:26:24] +TheWhoDoctor: Ad hominem; argumen rehected
  95. [01:26:31] +TheWhoDoctor: argument* rejected*
  96. [01:26:52] doctor gucci: every game I play with you, you think you're rssp and can get all scum
  97. [01:27:11] +TheWhoDoctor: Rssp is better than you are
  98. [01:27:16] doctor gucci: i agree
  99. [01:27:20] doctor gucci: but i'm better than you
  100. [01:27:25] +TheWhoDoctor: Please
  101. [01:27:32] doctor gucci: maybe if you weren't so full of yourself you would be a good player
  102. [01:27:38] +TheWhoDoctor: Show me how that's true
  103. [01:27:52] doctor gucci: nice 30 points
  104. [01:27:53] +TheWhoDoctor: >full of myself
  105. [01:28:04] +TheWhoDoctor: Nice I've played 2 games
  106. [01:28:15] doctor gucci: nice i played 14 games, won 11, and had 7 mvps
  107. [01:28:19] +TheWhoDoctor: Official saks
  108. [01:28:24] Batter-E: dam goin in
  109. [01:29:04] doctor gucci: there's no point arguing with you about who's better, just ask rssp or someone
  110. [01:29:16] +TheWhoDoctor: Sure
  111. [01:29:55] Batter-E: dam sun
  112. [01:30:07] Queen Guinevere: Txnn this really is not the time
  113. [01:30:20] ukatO onrefnI ehT: waht
  114. [01:30:26] Batter-E: CrobatNutzVC silverwhiteblue yall just in time they goin in on each other
  115. [01:30:34] txnn: smh
  116. [01:30:35] ukatO onrefnI ehT: txnn hasnt said anything for hours
  117. [01:30:37] silverwhiteblue: who is
  118. [01:30:40] txnn: ukatO onrefnI ehT right..
  119. [01:30:43] Queen Guinevere: Batter E is txnn
  120. [01:30:48] ukatO onrefnI ehT: oh
  121. [01:30:49] txnn: Queen Guinevere no im not???
  122. [01:30:51] ukatO onrefnI ehT: XD
  123. [01:30:52] +TheWhoDoctor: Gucci this is a dumb fight anyway why you keep pushing the issue
  124. [01:30:54] Queen Guinevere: Hush you
  125. [01:31:04] Queen Guinevere: That was directed at txnn
  126. [01:31:12] txnn: #clocked
  127. [01:31:16] doctor gucci: You started popping off when I was talking about cpr doctor
  128. [01:31:35] +TheWhoDoctor: Popping off?? Al i did was say hawkies bot twice my god
  129. [01:31:40] txnn: oop
  130. [01:31:43] txnn: 4 times*
  131. [01:31:46] txnn: but :x
  132. [01:31:56] doctor gucci: you were obviously trying to make me mad shut the fuck up
  133. [01:32:01] ukatO onrefnI ehT: type <3 if you luv me
  134. [01:32:02] doctor gucci: and you got what you wanted
  135. [01:32:05] silverwhiteblue: u guys there isnt really a need 2 fight.. cant we just let it go
  136. [01:32:09] doctor gucci: happy?
  137. [01:32:13] Hobbes2: <3
  138. [01:32:20] txnn: doctor gucci omg let TheWhoDoctor edges go
  139. [01:32:24] ukatO onrefnI ehT: aww thanks Hobbes2 <3
  140. [01:32:26] Queen Guinevere: <3
  141. [01:32:30] +TheWhoDoctor: What txnn
  142. [01:32:36] +TheWhoDoctor: that made no sense
  143. [01:32:43] doctor gucci: i'll just wait for a mod to come and ban me
  144. [01:32:44] Hobbes2: he called you steel
  145. [01:32:56] +TheWhoDoctor: ..?
  146. [01:32:58] txnn: doctor gucci help theyress trying to attack me too
  147. [01:33:13] +TheWhoDoctor: Txnn I just wanted you to clarify lmao
  148. [01:33:14] Queen Guinevere: I don't think they will ban you Doctor gucci
  149. [01:33:20] doctor gucci: I'm a shitty user I'll say it
  150. [01:33:21] ukatO onrefnI ehT: <3 Queen Guinevere
  151. [01:33:27] txnn: doctor gucci im shittier
  152. [01:33:35] Queen Guinevere: Guys, everyone loses their temper
  153. [01:33:37] silverwhiteblue: no u arnt doctor gucci , but this fight was kinda petty
  154. [01:33:40] txnn: i am on the blacklist of one room at the moment
  155. [01:33:40] doctor gucci: but it pisses me off when people are ignorant as fuck
  156. [01:33:45] ukatO onrefnI ehT: are you really fucking fighting over who's shittier??
  157. [01:33:46] Queen Guinevere: It's okay to get mad
  158. [01:33:49] silverwhiteblue: it isnt worth al of that
  159. [01:33:58] txnn: its worth it
  160. [01:34:03] doctor gucci: na i'm demoted now I don't have to worry about being careful
  161. [01:34:07] txnn: cursing people out relieves stress doctor gucci
  162. [01:34:11] doctor gucci: they ban me w/e
  163. [01:34:13] Queen Guinevere: But, there are people who care about the both of you
  164. [01:34:21] doctor gucci: txnn true
  165. [01:34:25] txnn: lmao
  166. [01:34:26] Queen Guinevere: And they don't want to see you two fighting
  167. [01:34:32] silverwhiteblue: ^
  168. [01:34:46] txnn: ohmygoddd get these people outta here its never that serious
  169. [01:34:50] silverwhiteblue: besides, it happens that we misplay
  170. [01:34:58] doctor gucci: yes we all misplay
  171. [01:35:06] Queen Guinevere: And although there aren't as many people here, taking out the trash in front of others isn't the greatest idea
  172. [01:35:07] silverwhiteblue: txnn , its better than your "its worth it"
  173. [01:35:07] txnn: someone chose the wrong day to fuck with someone else and they got cursed out lMAO big DEAL
  174. [01:35:08] Hobbes2: if u ever wanna get mad at someone join Hobbes' "yell at Hobbes" service
  175. [01:35:12] Hobbes2: where u can yell at hobbes :^)
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