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- //Killian Mills 11368701
- //Mark McCluskey 12514857
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #define ETIMEDOUT 110
- typedef struct{
- int expired; // number of wakeup calls that have taken place
- int size; // elements currently in array
- int capacity; // limit of array or total size
- long *data; // pointer to array of longs
- int *room; // pointer to array of ints
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- pthread_cond_t cond;
- } Heap;
- // constructor for our heap
- void heapInit(Heap *heap){
- heap->expired = 0;
- heap->size = 0;
- heap->capacity = HEAP_INITIAL_CAPACITY; // default heap size is 1
- heap->data = malloc(sizeof(int) * heap->capacity);
- heap->room = malloc(sizeof(int) * heap->capacity);
- }
- // doubles the size of the underlying data array capactiy if size >= capacity
- void heapDoubleSize(Heap *heap){
- if(heap->size >= heap->capacity-1){
- heap->capacity *= 2;
- heap->data = realloc(heap->data, sizeof(long) * heap->capacity);
- heap->room = realloc(heap->room, sizeof(int) * heap->capacity);
- }
- }
- // restructure the tree as we add an element
- void fixUpHeap(Heap *heap, int position){
- int parent, temp,temp2;
- if(position != 0){
- parent = (position-1) / 2;
- if(heap->data[parent] > heap->data[position]){
- //swap
- temp = heap->data[parent];
- temp2 = heap->room[parent];
- heap->data[parent] = heap->data[position];
- heap->room[parent] = heap->room[position];
- heap->data[position] = temp;
- heap->room[position] = temp2;
- fixUpHeap( heap, parent);
- }
- }
- }
- // inserts an element to the tree, calls fixUpHeap
- void insertHeap(Heap *heap,int roomN, long newAlarm){
- heapDoubleSize(heap);
- heap->size++;
- heap->data[heap->size-1] = newAlarm; // new alarm time
- heap->room[heap->size-1] = roomN; // new room number
- fixUpHeap(heap, heap->size-1);
- }
- // restructure the tree as we remove an element
- void fixDownHeap(Heap *heap, int position){
- int left, right, min, temp,temp2;
- left = 2* position +1;
- right = 2* position +2;
- if(right>= heap->size){
- if(left >= heap->size)
- return;
- else
- min = left;
- } else{
- if(heap->data[left] <= heap->data[right])
- min= left;
- else
- min = right;
- }
- if(heap->data[position] > heap->data[min]){
- //swap
- temp = heap->data[min];
- temp2= heap->room[min];
- heap->data[min] = heap->data[position];
- heap->room[min] = heap->room[position];
- heap->data[position] = temp;
- heap->room[position] = temp2;
- fixDownHeap(heap, min);
- }
- }
- // removes an element from the tree, calls fixDownHeap
- void removeHeap(Heap *heap){
- if(heap->size!=0){
- heap->data[0] = heap->data[heap->size-1];
- heap->size--;
- if(heap->size > 0){
- fixDownHeap(heap, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- // frees the memory allocated to the data array
- void heapFree(Heap *heap){
- free(heap->data);
- free(heap->room);
- heap->size = 0;
- heap->capacity = 0;
- printf("Pending alarms: %d\n", heap->size);
- }
- //-----------END OF HEAP--------------
- // used to register random future alarms for hotel guests
- static void * generator(void *shared_in){
- //Bring struct into use
- Heap *heapShared = (Heap *)shared_in;
- int roomNumber;
- while(1){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&heapShared->mutex);
- srand (rand()%10000); //randomise
- roomNumber = 1 + (rand() % 5000);
- long alarmTime = time(NULL) + (rand() % 100);
- //add value to heap
- printf("Registering:\t%d %s\n", roomNumber, ctime(&alarmTime));
- insertHeap(heapShared,roomNumber,alarmTime);
- // if the first value is what we just submitted, alert the waker
- if(alarmTime==heapShared->data[0]){
- pthread_cond_signal(&heapShared->cond);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&heapShared->mutex);
- int randomSleep = rand() % 5000000;
- usleep( randomSleep );
- }
- return ((void *)NULL);
- }
- // used to activate the alarms, wakes the hotel guests up
- static void * waker(void *shared_in){
- //Bring struct into use
- Heap *heapShared = (Heap *)shared_in;
- int randomValue;
- int expired = 0;
- int removeTime;
- struct timespec timer;
- while(1){
- pthread_mutex_lock(&heapShared->mutex);
- //while no data to remove, wait
- while(&heapShared->data[0] == NULL){
- pthread_cond_wait(&heapShared->cond, &heapShared->mutex);
- }
- //sets the seconds equal to the array[0]
- timer.tv_sec = heapShared->data[0];
- timer.tv_nsec = 0;
- removeTime = pthread_cond_timedwait(&heapShared->cond, &heapShared->mutex, &timer);
- //if the value at [0] is the current time
- if(removeTime == ETIMEDOUT){
- printf("Removing:\t%d %s\n",heapShared->room[0], ctime(&heapShared->data[0]));
- removeHeap(heapShared);
- heapShared->expired++;
- printf("Pending Alarms: %d\n", heapShared->size);
- printf("Expired Alarms: %d\n\n", heapShared->expired);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&heapShared->mutex);
- }
- return ((void *)NULL);
- }
- int main(){
- //Make generator and waker threads
- pthread_t geneThread, wakeThread;
- //Start our heap
- Heap mainHeap;
- heapInit(&mainHeap);
- pthread_mutex_init(&mainHeap.mutex, NULL);
- pthread_cond_init(&mainHeap.cond, NULL);
- //Create our threads
- pthread_create(&geneThread, NULL, generator, (void *)&mainHeap);
- pthread_create(&wakeThread, NULL, waker, (void *)&mainHeap);
- //Signal blocker
- int sigHold; // hold the value of the current signal
- sigset_t mainBlock;
- sigemptyset(&mainBlock);
- sigaddset(&mainBlock, SIGINT);
- pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mainBlock, NULL); // block SIGINT
- sigwait(&mainBlock,&sigHold); // wait for SIGINT
- //Cancel our threads
- pthread_cancel(geneThread);
- pthread_cancel(wakeThread);
- printf("\n");
- //Wait for our threads
- printf("The wake thread is cleaning up...\n");
- pthread_join(geneThread, NULL);
- printf("Goodbye from gene thread\n");
- printf("The gene thread is cleaning up...\n");
- pthread_join(wakeThread, NULL);
- printf("Goodbye from wake thread\n");
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&mainHeap.mutex);
- heapFree(&mainHeap);
- return (0);
- }
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