
At Your Service

Jan 4th, 2013
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  1. Day Wood in Equestria.
  3. >Chop, chop, chop.
  4. >You swing your axe in a wide arc, neatly cleaving branch after branch.
  5. >Splitting logs with practised precision.
  6. >You are Anonymous, and you’re chopping wood.
  7. >It’s something you’ve always been good at, since you were small your father would send you out during the Autumn weeks to get the firewood.
  8. >As the only human in all of Equestria, you now hold the title of most efficient woodcutter this side of the minotaur lands.
  9. >You set aside your custom-made axe and pick up your custom-made sledgehammer to drive your custom-made wood-splitting grenade into the next log.
  10. >Your exceptional size meant that you had to get uniquely huge tools in Equestria, but also that no other being on the planet could match your rate of wood cutting.
  11. >With all your strength you bring the sledge down onto the grenade, rending the log neatly into manageable chunks of wood.
  12. >“Wooooo~ee!” a voice hollers from behind you.
  13. >You wipe the sweat off of your brow and turn to face the source of the sound.
  14. >An orange pony wearing a cowboy hat, Applejack.
  15. >Even with the hat, she barely makes it past your knee.
  17. >“Ya got some real punch in them forelegs ‘nonymous. I reckon that’ll be enough wood ta last us a good long while.”
  18. >You drop the hammer at your side and give your arms a stretch.
  19. “Thanks AJ, just doin’ my job.”
  20. >“Aright well, if’n ya ever need more...”
  21. >She trails off, eyes focused at a point somewhere above your left shoulder.
  22. >You turn towards P0nyville to see what she’s looking at.
  23. >Just above the town you can see a hot air balloon, drifting listlessly towards the edge of the forest.
  24. >“Now who on Earth coulda lost somethin’ as big as that? Well no point in standin’ around gawkin’. Hold on a sec there Anon, Imma go and hunt that runaway balloon down, sit tight an’ ah’ll be back ta give ya yer pay in a jiffy.”
  25. >You smile, and stop AJ with a motion from your hand.
  26. “No need Jackie, I got this.”
  27. >Taking off at a sprint, you practically fly off the apple farm.
  28. >Before landing in Equestria you played some football, and even though you were never all that good, you were big, and you were FAST.
  29. >You extend your legs with every step, reaching forward with perfect form.
  30. >The balloon is close to the forest by now, so you skip town entirely.
  31. >Your new route takes you straight into the trees, you plan to get ahead of that balloon to save yourself the trouble of trying to catch it from behind.
  33. >After a minute or so, you slow down.
  34. >It seems you’ve overshot a bit because the balloon seems to have stopped on its own, probably got snagged on a branch you think to yourself.
  35. >Hands on your hips, you walk over to the hot air balloon while trying to get your breath back.
  36. >As you grow near, you hear a sound that puts you on edge.
  37. >It’s a rough growl, somewhere in between the sound of an angry dog and a saw going through wood.
  38. >You hesitate for a second, but hear something else.
  39. >A familiar voice, one you’ve heard many times before while speaking to the bookish mare that runs the library.
  40. >Spike is in trouble.
  41. >You find your second wind and bolt towards the noise, and find yourself at the top of a small cliff.
  42. >Below you are a trio of wolves, made entirely of wood, that are advancing upon the tiny form of a little purple dragon.
  43. >Seeing a rock at your feet you pick it up and hurl it at the beasts below.
  44. >You miss spectacularly, but manage to get their attention all the same.
  45. >Did you mention that you were bad at football?
  46. >Spike looks up at you his eyes wide with fear.
  47. >“Anon?”
  48. >You jump down, aiming for the wolf at the head of the pack.
  49. >Luckily, your feet find their mark and you land squarely on its neck.
  51. >Unluckily, this was a terrible idea and the force of your landing jars your legs horribly.
  52. >The wolf crumples into little more than a pile of kindling, and as you roll forward your legs feel like they’re doing the same.
  53. >Your momentum carries you all the way to Spike, and you scramble up quickly.
  54. >“A-anon! Y-you, why?”
  55. >Poor kid is terrified, you put on a brave face to try and make him feel at ease.
  56. >The beasts advance upon the two of you, paying little attention to their fallen comrade.
  57. >If only you had brought your axe with you, you would turn the last two monsters into firewood.
  58. >Wait.
  59. >Why are YOU protecting Spike?
  60. >He’s a dragon, he LIGHTS the firewood.
  61. >You grab your diminutive friend and hold him in front of you.
  62. >Ignoring his little scream of terror you put one hand on his back and the other on his stomach, then squeeze.
  63. >You’ve seen Applejack do this once before, it should work.
  64. >Hopefully.
  65. >His eyes bulge, cheeks distend.
  66. >A little more, and...
  67. >Success!
  68. >A great plume of fire erupts from the talking lizard in your hands, engulfing the wolves instantly.
  70. >It’s the next day now.
  71. >After turning those ‘timberwolves’ into charcoal, Spike started going on about ‘repaying a life debt’ and ‘honoring his dragon code.’
  72. >You brushed him off and went back to Sweet Apple Acres to get your pay.
  73. >But Spike followed you, and wouldn’t let up.
  74. >You asked him if he needed to help Twilight, but he said no.
  75. >Then you told him he needed to get Twilight’s permission, and he finally left you alone.
  76. >And came back promptly saying that she had given him the go ahead.
  77. >What did you do to deserve this?
  78. >Now Spike has been trying to help you with EVERYTHING, and he absolutely will not let up.
  79. >What’s infuriating is that you know he’s capable, but he’s been so eager to help he’s been managing to fudge up even the simplest of tasks.
  80. >But today is the start of a new day, and you’ve got a plan.
  81. >You’re not crazy about it, but humiliating and demeaning tasks are sure to drive Spike away eventually.
  82. >Your plan is to pit Spike’s pride against his honor, and see which one will win.
  83. >It’s tough love, but hopefully it’ll get the little nuisance off your back.
  84. >You summon the little scaly menace and give him a letter.
  86. “Okay Spike, if you’re dead set on helping me out then I’ve got something for you to do. Take this to the boutique and tell Rarity to make an outfit for you based off of the drawings inside, it’ll be your uniform. Bits are in there as well.”
  87. >The dragon gives a salute and a, “Yes sir!” before hurrying to the door.
  88. >You call after him.
  89. “And don’t come back until she’s done!”
  90. >You give a sigh of relief and get to your duties for the day.
  91. >Luckily this plan should earn you a brief respite from Spike’s ‘help.’
  92. >Most of your tasks have been completed by the time he returns.
  93. >You see him as he approaches, he’s walking slowly but you can see p0nies watching him as he shuffles by.
  94. >As he draws near you get to admire Rarity’s skill with her craft.
  95. >Spike is dressed head to scaly toe in a French maid outfit, white on black and extra frilly.
  96. >You try hard not to laugh, you liked this kid, you just wanted to make sure he’d quit.
  97. “Lookin’ good Spike!”
  98. >A blush covers his face and he turns away in embarrassment.
  99. “Ah hey little guy,” you say, “if you’re too embarrassed to wear the uniform, you don’t have to serve me. I’m sure Twilight would love your help no matter what you wear.”
  100. >Your words only make Spike turn to you with a fire in his eyes.
  101. >“No way Anon, you saved my life and I must repay my life-debt by dedicating myself to you.”
  102. >This kid is an inspiration, you think.
  103. >Too bad he’s got to go.
  105. “Alright then kid, if you’re dead set on helping me out then I’m not going to go easy on you.”
  106. >You toss the dragon a toothbrush.
  107. “Now if you could, I’d like for you to clean the toilet. I’m VERY particular about keeping my place clean, so I’d better not see you miss a thing.”
  108. >He waddles off to your bathroom, pulling his frilly skirt down as it rides up his legs.
  109. >Hopefully he won’t mess up your toilet TOO bad, but you’re prepared to pay the damages after he’s been driven back to Twilight.
  110. >For now you need to visit Rarity and thank her for her work.
  111. >You take your time getting to the boutique and have a word with the seamstress.
  112. >She LOVES your designs it seems, and titters as she recalls dressing Spike up in the outfit.
  113. >You feel a little bad about emasculating the poor kid in front of the mare he likes, but you tell Rarity what’s been going on and why you sent him over.
  114. >Of course she thinks having a little dragon doting on you is a dream come true, but you tell her about all the things he managed to mess up yesterday and she agrees it may be a little more trouble than it’s worth.
  115. >Seriously, how do you even burn cereal?
  116. >Actually now that you think about it, that’s probably a pretty common problem for dragons.
  117. >In any case, you invite Rarity for a spot of tea at your place and the two of you begin to walk back.
  118. >You open your door and call out your return.
  119. >Leaving Rarity in your living room you make your way to the bathroom, where you expect to see the dragon’s overeager wake of destruction once more.
  121. >The plan is simple, you come across Spike over your ruined toilet, call him into the sitting room, then discipline him as Rarity watches.
  122. >As if wearing the maid outfit isn’t humiliating enough, this is sure to make Spike up and quit.
  123. >He’ll hate you, but you can deal with that much, and with time he may yet forgive you.
  124. >Especially if you help him get in good with Rarity later, the kid is pretty single-minded when it comes to matters of love.
  125. >You push open the door and are greeted with a sight even you couldn’t have predicted.
  126. >The bathroom is...
  127. >...sparkling.
  128. >Like literally, sparkling clean.
  129. >As you stand there in wonder, the little dragon pulls himself out of your large custom-built toilet, toothbrush still in his tiny gloved hand.
  130. >You pull yourself together quickly, you certainly didn’t expect him to do a good job.
  131. “Clean yourself up,” you say simply, “I’ve got company, and I need you to make us some tea.”
  132. >You return to Rarity and fill her in quietly on this new development.
  133. >“Well Anonymous,” she responds, “perhaps if this trend continues you might be so kind as to send Spike my way every once in a while. I could always use a hand around the shop.”
  134. “If he keeps this up sure,” you say lowly, so that Spike can’t hear you from the kitchen.
  135. “And don’t forget to use the nice cups!” you say loudly, to make sure that he can.
  137. >Those cups are terrible, you’ve broken almost all of them just through normal use.
  138. >Cheaply made crap from Neighjing or where-the-fuck-ever amounts to China in Equestria.
  139. >You may yet manage to salvage your earlier plan.
  140. >He walks in from the kitchen and you see him jump as he realizes who your guest is.
  141. >There go the cups!
  142. >Or not, he manages to steady them pretty well actually.
  143. >In fact, you’re beginning to realize that your little ‘uniform’ seems to be the perfect way to keep Spike from completely messing everything up.
  144. >He moves daintily and carefully in his miniature high-heels, working hard to maintain his balance.
  145. >The frilly skirt restricting his movements so that he can’t walk too quickly.
  146. >As he maneuvers his way to you and Rarity you see him focusing on the tea tray, laden with cups and some light snacks, pointedly avoiding looking at anyone or anyp0ny in his embarrassed state.
  147. >He sets the tea down carefully, taking extra precaution due to his silk gloved claws.
  148. >With a raised eyebrow you grasp your cup and thank the little dragon.
  149. >He simply nods in assent, face growing red as he sneaks furtive glances at Rarity
  150. >You’re unsure about the tea, you imagine he’s found a way to mess this up, but he’s been pretty reliable since you found a way to calm his eager ways so you take a tentative sip.
  152. >It’s good.
  153. >Very good.
  154. >At the level of you’d expect from tea at Twilight’s and you could have been certain your cheap tea leaves would be fit only for swill.
  155. >It’s apparent that Spike can be pretty good at this sort of thing if he puts his mind to it.
  156. >It’s also apparent that Twilight Sparkle doesn’t spend nearly as much on tea as you had assumed she did.
  157. >You give a short ‘hmph’ of appreciation and continue your conversation with Rarity.
  158. >Since your attempts at making Spike mess up have gone up in smoke, you decide to steer the conversation in a way that will discourage him from wanting to help you ever again.
  159. “I must say Rarity, you’ve done a wonderful job with Spike’s outfit here.”
  160. >You gesture to the little squirt, and he freezes at your words.
  161. >“Oh?”
  162. “Spike, turn around please so we can get a good look at you.”
  163. >Hesitating for just a brief moment, he ever so slowly turns back towards the two of you, face glowing with shame.
  164. “I mean, just look at how the hem of the skirt sits on those thighs, I wouldn’t trust any other p0ny to make such a dress.
  165. >Rarity happily plays along, it’s a little difficult to tell whether or not she’s being serious.
  166. >“And the design of these sleeves, they really accentuate the withers of a biped perfectly. I must say, this traditional human helper outfit was a joy to work on, you simply MUST draw me more of your peoples’ clothing. I daresay Spike could model an entirely new line of dresses for me...”
  167. “To help YOU Rarity, I’d be happy to sketch more outfits, and I’m sure Spike wouldn’t mind a bit.”
  169. >The two of you continue this for some time, only releasing Spike once so that he might launder your underwear.
  170. >After that, You and your guest discuss dragons wearing women’s clothing again until the p0ny fashionista decides to take her leave.
  171. >It’s late now, and Spike’s face couldn’t possibly be any redder.
  172. >You’re really feeling pretty bad about this whole idea but you honestly don’t know a better way to get the guy out of your hair.
  173. >Go big or go home, you guess.
  174. >You yawn and stretch, then ask Spike to make you some dinner.
  175. >He surprisingly abides without hesitation and you sit down to eat.
  176. >You’re pulling off your custom-made human-boots when he brings out the food, a delicious smelling stew and potatoes.
  177. >Then he pipes up for the first time all day, scrambling to help you with your shoes.
  178. >“Wait Anon, let me help you with that!”
  179. >You begin eating while Spike skillfully frees your feet from the heavy boots, then sets himself to the task of massaging your tired, achy feet.
  180. >The feeling is heavenly, unable to help yourself you thank your little private maid in between bites.
  181. “That’s amazing Spike, I really needed that.”
  182. >You feel a little twinge of guilt when you see Spike look up at you, joy in his eyes from the complement.
  184. >This is actually something you could get used to.
  185. >Now that your little helper has calmed down and stopped destroying everything, the help he offers is actually very much welcomed.
  186. >You don’t want to complain or anything, but chopping wood and knocking down buildings is pretty tiring work, and when you come back at the end of the day you don’t feel much like doing anything.
  187. >The thought of having Spike take care of the little things at home is well...
  188. >...pretty comforting, and you’ve been really stressed these last few weeks.
  189. >You finish your meal and watch as Spike whisks away your dishes to be washed.
  190. >He carefully protects the silk gloves of his maid uniform by wearing some rubber ones over them, it’s a bit odd because they’re his own gloves, he’s been keeping them in the from pocket of his apron, along with what looks to be a rag and that spare toothbrush.
  191. >You watch him carefully as he slides one glove off so that he can pull the back of his skirt down, it was riding up again.
  192. >Actually, watching Spike like this is stirring some long dormant feelings in the back of your mind.
  193. >And in the front of your pants, as well.
  194. >You kick yourself, mentally, he’s much too young for that sort of thing.
  195. >But somehow you can’t shake the thought, it’s been quite a while since you came to Equestria, with no internet, no magazines, no other bipeds to even fantasize about...
  197. >Applejack sometimes would get a little flirty, but you always pushed her away with as much kindness as you could muster, claiming you were unsure about dating outside your species.
  198. >You really didn’t have much against p0nies, but you couldn’t exactly just tell her that you would have preferred her brother.
  199. >Yet here you are with a tiny little dragon in a dress watching as he handles your filth, seeing him squirm in discomfort at his outfit, watching his tail flick to and fro, seeing the light reflecting off the scales of his rather thick, smooth thighs.
  200. >You shake your head and stand quickly, startling Spike just as he’s putting the last of the dishes away in the drying rack.
  201. >”Do you need something Anon?”
  202. >You swallow hard at his words, and try to direct your thoughts towards dull topics.
  203. “I’m fine Spike, you can head home now. Just need my sleep.”
  204. >He rushes to your side.
  205. >“Do you need anything? A warm glass of milk, a back rub, I’ll keep watch to make sure nothing disturbs you from your sleep.”
  206. >You continue to your room, ignoring the voice and trying not to let your stiffy show.
  207. >When you reach your room and start pulling off your shirt, Spike immediately hops up to your bed for height and sets to work on undoing your belt causing you to snap at him.
  208. “I’m fine Spike, stop!”
  209. >He halts and looks up into your eyes with an expression that practically breaks your heart.
  210. >“Please Anon, let me help! I-it’s part of my dragon’s c-code, you saved my life and I need to help you so that I can maintain my honor.”
  212. >As he speaks your belt buckle slips through the dragon’s silk gloved claws, falling and pulling your pants to the floor with an audible thump.
  213. >Your semi-erect member bounces free and throbs mere inches from the dragon’s face, your custom-made boxers swaying slightly with each heartbeat-driven pulsation.
  214. >Breathing heavily, you hesitate.
  215. “It’s alright Spike, you can’t help me with what I... ..I mean... I don’t need any help, any more help... from you tonight.”
  216. >You’re stumbling over your words, you just want the little guy to leave you in peace so that you can take care of your lascivious urges.
  217. >But, a part of you wants him to stay.
  218. >For him to... you.
  219. >Your heart beats heavily in your chest.
  220. >The silence between the two of you speaks droves.
  221. >“Please Anon?”
  222. “You’ll help me with... ...anything, you said?”
  223. >Spike’s face lights up at your words, resolve strengthening in his expression, and you nod for him to continue.
  224. >He grabs the elastic lining of your boxers and pulls gently, you can feel the silken touch of tiny knuckles trailing down your thighs, exposing your manhood for all to see.
  226. >As he sees your love-muscle spring forth he stiffens abruptly, and your phallus quickly follows suit.
  227. >With a hand big enough to cover his entire face, you carefully maneuver the dragon to a prone position.
  228. “Are you sure?”
  229. >Your voice is hardly more than a whisper, but Spike seems to have heard it just the same.
  230. >“Y-yeah.”
  231. >That’s it.
  232. >You can’t take any more.
  233. >Sliding onto the bed with him you begin to lift Spike’s miniature skirt, the contents of his tiny apron fall out of their pocket and off the bed.
  234. >You lower yourself onto his face, position your trouser snake near his mouth.
  235. >Without waiting for a prompt, he grips it softly and raises his mouth to meet it.
  236. >He envelops your organ, and sets to work on it.
  237. >It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, cool spit lubricates your rod as a small forked tongue runs along the bottom, almost tickling it.
  238. >You feel tiny, pointed but blunt teeth trace their way up and down your shaft, massaging your meat as they go.
  239. >With your massive hands, you grasp the dragon’s head and force your length further into his throat with a grunt.
  240. >Spike begins to make the most adorable muffled noises into your pelvis, and you pull out.
  242. >With ease you slide Spike up your bed for the main event.
  243. >He’s a tiny little thing, less than two feet tall in human measurements.
  244. >His eyes are focused on yours, but you’re more interested in what’s going on downstairs.
  245. >Sliding his skirt out of the way, you discover that you aren’t the only one aroused by this.
  246. >Out of a slit in his scales peeks a little pink prick, pointed at the end and maybe two inches long.
  247. >Your own erection dwarfs his by comparison, and you aim it at Spike’s rear entrance.
  248. >Finding your target, you push.
  249. >You enter him slowly, but deliberately, one hand guiding your cock and the other tracing its way up the dragon’s lithe form.
  250. >You hilt, and slowly retract as you feel Spike’s muscles quiver softly under your massive fingers.
  251. >Slick with his own saliva, Spike’s insides accommodate your girth smoothly, sliding way as you move inside him.
  252. >You begin to thrust, slowly at first, but picking up speed as you go.
  253. >Uncharacteristically high grunts come from his throat, raspy and soft.
  254. >Within seconds you feel the walls of his behind contracting, and he orgasms.
  255. >A pitiful puddle of ejaculate spurts from Spike’s wee willy.
  256. >It’s liquidy and milky white, staining his skirt and pooling on his stomach.
  258. >You however, don’t let up, pounding away with all your strength.
  259. >Breathing heavily, you work your hips as hard as you can, shaking the bed so that it bangs against the wall.
  260. >His insides are unexpectedly cool, and somehow feel especially tantalizing.
  261. >It’s almost more than you can stand, and you thrust faster and harder, growing ever closer to climax with every movement.
  262. >Finally it comes.
  263. >Your eyes feel like they’re rolling back into your skull, as you pump spurt after spurt of your own genetic matter into the little lizard.
  264. >Finally spent, you collapse on his tiny form, feeling Spike’s labored breathing on your stomach.
  265. >After a few minutes like this, you manage to roll yourself off of him, freeing your tool from Spike with a soft popping sound.
  266. >All the stress seems to have melted off of your frame, you haven’t felt so relaxed since landing in this place.
  267. >You can hardly prop your eyes open now, a great weariness overtakes you.
  268. >As you look to Spike you see a calm contentedness on his face.
  269. >Just as you drift off to sleep you speak.
  270. “Thanks Spike, you’re a lifesaver.”
  273. Epilogue
  275. >The next morning greets you warmly, you’re incredibly comfortable under the covers of your bed.
  276. >You haven’t woken up feeling so rested in a very long time.
  277. >The sun is pouring through your windows, you can feel it warming your skin even though you haven’t opened your eyes yet.
  278. >There might be wood that needs chopping, but you can’t bring yourself to leave the comfort of your bed.
  279. >But then you remember last night, and you sit up with a start.
  280. >Beside you is the petite form of your companion from yesterday.
  281. >He stirs, and sits up as well, yawning hugely and turning to you with sleep in his eyes.
  282. >You sputter, sudden realization of how hugely you have fucked up.
  283. “Spike, I... last night, I mean... ...I’m so sorry.”
  284. >Adorably, the little dragon cracks an eye and looks into your eyes with sleepy confusion.
  285. >“Anon? Wha... sorry for what?”
  286. >You clear your throat and steel your resolve, you’re going to have to come clean on this.
  287. “Last night, I did something I shouldn’t have. I wasn’t thinking straight.”
  288. >Spike remains impassive.
  289. >“What are you talking about Anon? I said I’d help.”
  290. “But, what I did to you was wrong, you’re too young, I shouldn’t have done that.”
  291. >Spike adopts a little look of irritation.
  292. >“Hey, I know what sex is. I’m old enough for that.”
  294. >You’re starting to feel a bit confused now.
  295. “But Spike, you’re a baby dragon, it isn’t right for someone like me to do what I did to you.”
  296. >Spike actually laughs at this, he seems to be waking up now, his eyes are both open and focused on yours.
  297. >“Oh Anon, they’re going to keep calling me a baby dragon until I’m like, fifty. Dragons live a long time.”
  298. >He turns his body to face you before continuing.
  299. >“Technically, I came of age last year. It was a pretty wild birthday, I grew fifty feet tall and hoarded a bunch of stuff before the guys could calm me down.”
  300. >You balk at this information.
  301. “Oh yeah, I know how that is, I went pretty overboard when I came of age too.”
  302. >“Really? What did you do?”
  303. “I, uh... ...I drank a lot. But that’s not the point! I still did something wrong, I’m so much bigger than you and I could have hurt you, I should have been much more careful about this.”
  304. >Spike looks at you curiously.
  305. >“Y-yeah, you are kinda big but, I AM a dragon. We breath fire and eat diamonds, our insides are pretty tough.”
  306. >A strange feeling of relief and happiness bubbles up inside of you, maybe yesterday was a good thing after all.
  308. >“Hey Anon?”
  309. >Spike’s words snap you back to reality.
  310. “Yeah?”
  311. >“When you called me a life saver, what did you mean?”
  312. “Oh well, I guess I just really needed that. It’s been a long time since I was with another... ...I guess I just never realized how bad it was affecting me until now. I was working myself to death because I was so frustrated and didn’t even realize it.”
  313. >He hops off the bed and straightens his crumpled and stained maid outfit, he never took it off.
  314. >“Well, if you ever need my help again, I wouldn’t mind... you know.”
  315. >With a blush, he disappears into your living room, leaving you sitting on your bed in silence.
  316. >Suddenly, you hear the crash of your door bursting open, and Twilight Sparkle’s worried voice.
  317. >“Spike!”
  318. >You scramble out of bed and fall flat on your face.
  319. >After rolling around clutching your head for a few minutes, you gather yourself and hurry to the living room where Twilight Sparkle is standing alone, confusion plain on her face.
  320. >“I came when I heard, I was busy when Spike asked me about it, but Rarity told me about you and what...”
  321. >She seems to truly notice you for the first time, and gives you an odd look.
  322. >“...what did you do to make Spike say he repaid his life debt?”
  323. >Her eyes trail downwards, you suddenly realize that you’re still naked.
  324. >Twilight raises her voice.
  325. >“Anon?”
  327. >As Twilight powers up her horn, you hear the little guy call out from the kitchen.
  328. > “Not my problem, I’m already a lifesaver, remember?”
  329. >God damn it Spike.
  331. Today is going to be a bad day.
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