

Jul 22nd, 2013
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  1. == General Rules/Explanations/Tips
  3. 1) Always overlap your cooldowns with colossus smash. There is never a feasible reason not to, unless the boss will die because your next CS (and in this case, why are your cooldowns even up? You did something wrong.)
  4. 2) Either DR before a CS, or after. Never inside. Pick how you want it handle it, I prefer before. As such, I won't mention DR in the following rotation outlines.
  5. 3) Learn to approximate time until boss dies. If your 3 minutes are up, and you don't think/you know the boss won't last that long, save them for execute.
  6. 4) Learn when to properly bleed rage with WS vs HS between each CS. Knowing when to use each depends on amount of rage, time until CS, projected rage gains from all sources, and whether you think you'll cap before the next GCD.
  7. 5) A 'neutral GCD' is a term when the move you use spends zero rage, or gains rage back. It also implies that the move is low on the priority. Think heroic throw/battle shout.
  8. 6) On single target, use heroic leap only inside a CS. If facing 2+ targets, use it on cooldown.
  9. 7) Learn to properly ration out your cooldowns. Take the fight length and "dole out" where you should be using your three minutes, and if you should be holding them based on fight mechanics.
  10. 8) Use your entire toolkit to your advantage. Use heroic leap to jump in from of Lei Shen during a pillar move and never use uptime. Use leap to jump exactly as ball lightnings are gripped, and bladestorm on touch down, etc.
  11. 9) Use berserker stance aptly.
  13. == LEGEND
  15. BT - Bloodthirst
  16. RB - Raging Blow
  17. CS - Colossus Smash
  18. HS - Heroic Strike
  19. WS - Wild Strike
  20. DR - Dragon Roar
  21. IV - Impending Victory
  22. WW - Whirlwind
  23. HL - Heroic Leap
  24. BR - Berserker Rage
  25. BB - Bloodbath
  27. - On pull
  29. 1) Shout + prepot
  30. 1.1) Pre-cast Shatter (assuming patch 5.4)
  31. 2) Charge
  32. 3) BT -> Wait -> BT -> DR (BB+Banner) -> CS (Reck) +HS ->RB +HS -> BT +HS -> RB +HS -> Shatter (AFTER CS BURST) -> regular rotation
  33. The above (#3) assumes that you are both the sole warrior are you're a friendly enough guy to shatter for the raid.
  35. Hold CS + cooldowns for second cycle to ensure trinkets are up. If using Fabled Feather and it procs on first hit, wait until BT -> wait -> BT -> wait -> BT before initial burst.
  38. - Outside CS debuff (no execute)
  39. HS/WS (to avoid capping (read Rule #4)) > CS > BT > RB (2 RB) > WS (BS proc) > IV (if talented) > HT/Shout > empty GCD
  41. Basic rotation. Fill empty GCDs with heroic throw or shout. Do nothing if less than 90 rage and CS won't be up for 2+ GCDs.
  43. - Inside CS debuff (no execute)
  44. HL > HS (90+) > BT > RB > WS > IV (if talented)
  46. Pump in as much damage as possible until you can't hit buttons anymore. Use BR to force a stack of RB, as long as that GCD wouldn't replace BT. Stack lesser cooldowns of available for these windows (springs, bloodbath, etc). Do not delay BT for RB unless you have 2 RB already.
  48. - Outside CS debuff (execute)
  50. BT > CS > RB (50+ rage) > Exe (90+ rage)
  52. Pool rage for CS while bleed off enough to avoid capping. Use RB to fill GCDs between BT at 50+ rage, and execute to fill at 90+ rage. Leave any GCD empty that does not follow the aforementioned rules.
  54. - Inside CS debuff (execute)
  56. HL > BR (if not enraged) > BT (not enraged, BR not up) > Execute > RB
  58. Execute, execute, execute. Use BR if the next GCD in the CS won't be enraged. If BR isn't up and your enrage is going to fall off, hit BT. Although if you have your 3m's rolling, don't hit BT. Hit RB is BT is down and <30 rage.
  60. - AOE rotation (3-5 targets)
  61. BT > CS > WW > RB > WS (BS proc) > HT/Shout
  63. BT on cooldown to ensure rage generation, CS on main target, use WW to stack MC to proper amount, then consume stacks w/RB. If using bladestorm, I probably wouldn't bother with it unless you have 4+ targets, 3+ in a pinch.
  65. - AOE rotation (6+ targets)
  66. BT -> WW -> WW -> WW -> BT
  68. Repeat until <6 targets. RB when you don't have the rage for WW. Fill with neutral or positive GCDs as necessary when <30 rage.
  70. - Cleave rotation
  71. Single target rotation w/WW to replace WS as rage dump.
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