
(PiE) Fluttering High: Year One; Chapter One

Feb 25th, 2013
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  1. >You are playing with an eraser while the teacher is doing roll call.
  2. >"Bueller? Bueller?"
  3. >The teacher lets out a heavy sigh and continues on.
  4. >You duck and avoid a paper airplane which hits the back of a girl's head.
  5. >"Lopez?"
  6. >"Here."
  7. >You hate your freshman homeroom class, you are here for the first fifteen minutes of the day and half hour before lunch.
  8. >"Anonymous?"
  9. >You raise your hand and answer.
  10. "Here."
  11. >The teacher checks you in and closes the book.
  12. >"Okay class, tomorrow we will have a new student. I would like you to treat this student like any other, she is a special case... We will be having another Equestrian joining our school."
  13. >You join the class in groaning. The new sentient species that appeared one day were cool at first but they showed that they think differently.
  14. >First it’s how stupid their names are objects or verbs, secondly they’re small and colorful, and lastly they're too innocent.
  15. >The magic and flying are cool but they’re like kids.
  16. >The only pony you met that is somewhat cool is that one pony Rainbow Dash but she can be a narcissistic bitch sometimes.
  17. >The bell rings and you go on to continue your daily high school life.
  18. >During Physical Education you went for the volleyball and scraped your knee.
  19. >"Anonymous, go to the nurse and get it bandaged. Here is a written hall pass."
  20. "Thanks."
  21. >You walk to the nurse's office, the hallway is so quiet you can hear the nurse having a conversation.
  22. >You sit on the bench in the hallway and decide to listen in.
  23. >"The student that brought her in said that she peeked in a biology class and fainted once she saw that they were dissecting frogs... uh huh... Oh I see... Okay, well I will have her resting until she wakes up. Okay, thank you."
  24. >She hangs up the phone and goes to check on someone in a bed.
  25. >You get up and go in her office.
  26. "Hey Miss Barbs, I scraped my knee during gym."
  27. >"Oh, hello there, Anonymous. Here let me go to my supply closet to resupply."
  28. >She walks through a door and disappears.
  29. >You hear a soft snoring and look at the bed in the corner of the room.
  30. >A yellow pony is asleep, her chest slowly rising up and down. You walk up closer, examining her..
  31. >She has to be the cutest pony you have ever seen. She has pink hair that has a flip to it, she had braces, and she had a slight drool going on.
  32. >You smell something coming off of her. You get closer and sniff her. She smells like sweet vanilla.
  33. >At that moment she decides to wake up, her big eyes staring into yours.
  34. >She looks very scared, you backed away from her face.
  35. >She suddenly screams "EEEP! R-RAPIST! HELP!"
  36. "HEY wait I am not a rapist! I was just sm-"
  37. >You cover your mouth before you said anything stupid.
  38. >Nurse: "Fluttershy, what’s wrong?"
  39. >The nurse returns with a bunch of boxes in her hands.
  40. "Oh nothing Miss Barbs, it's just a misunderstanding you see-" >You glance at the frightened yellow pony sitting in the corner of the of the bed covering herself with her wings. "-you see I wanted to see a uh Equestrian up close because I never seen how they uh look up close."
  41. >You're fucking sweating bullets, you don't want to get labeled as a sex offender.
  42. >Nurse: "Fluttershy, are you okay?"
  43. >She hides herself behind a wing and mutters something. You find that to be absolutely adorable.
  44. >Nurse: "I am sorry could you repeat that?"
  45. >FS: "Uhm I uh found him staring at me when I-I woke up... I may have exaggerated... s-sorry."
  46. >Nurse: "Oh okay well-"
  47. >FS: "But I also found him sniffing me".
  48. >Fuck.
  49. >The nurse gives you the 'You’re a creep' look
  50. "Uh sorry uh about that... You have an interesting uhm I mean you smell uh nice..."
  51. >Sex offender reporting for duty.
  52. >Nurse: "Well uhm Anonymous come sit over here (far from the pony you little pervert) so I can take care of your cut."
  53. >You follow her directions, missing the yellow pony in the corner blushing and playing with her hooves.
  54. >The nurse made that small cut seem like you were missing a leg. Truly you deserved this pain for being a creep. A pain that also feels oddly good...
  55. >You went back to P.E. only to get there to change and head to homeroom.
  56. >The room was active as usual, the teacher sat at his desk grading papers and the students either worked or talked.
  57. >You sat at your chair and pulled out your Algebra book to work on until lunch.
  58. >The classroom door opened, the teacher walked over to the new student and called the attention of the class.
  59. >You looked up to see the familiar yellow pony from earlier standing behind the teacher.
  60. >Teacher: "Class, this is Fluttershy. She will be attending with us from now on. Fluttershy, would you like to say something about yourself?"
  61. >FS: "N-No..."
  62. >Teacher: "Uh okay well you can sit next to Anonymous."
  63. >Shit, last week Burping Pete moved away and now Fluttershy will sit next to you for the rest of the year. You hide yourself by facing down on the desk.
  64. >The rest of the class time half the class talked about her while the other half asked her questions. You listen to the answers she gave to them.
  65. >When the bell rang you quickly get up and go straight to the cafeteria.
  66. >Once you are in the lunchroom you sit at the booth, with your best friend John.
  67. "Dude, I fucked up badly."
  68. >John looks at you and asks, "What do you mean you fucked up badly?"
  69. >You recount how the new pony at school thought you were gonna rape her and how the school nurse thinks you're a horse fucker.
  70. >John: "Okay, well its nothing serious Anon. Its just an embarrassing moment but hell the only people that know are you, the nurse, the pony, and me. So it is all good in the neighborhood Anon *fake cough*horse fucker*fake cough* heh."
  71. "Dude shut up about it... well hopefully no one else will know about it."
  72. >"Know about what... if you don't mind me asking?"
  73. >You and John look at where the voice came from. Standing at the end of the table with a tray on her back is Fluttershy, her tray's balance maintained with the help of her backpack.
  74. "Oh uh nothing, we were uh just having guy talk."
  75. >John had an evil smile after seeing Anon's reaction.
  76. >John: "Hey do you want to join us?"
  77. >You look at John trying to give him a subtle angry look that only made you look like you were constipated.
  78. >FS: "S-sure, I don't know anyone else at this school."
  79. >She somehow grabs the tray and places it on the table and sits next to you. She places her backpack beside her on the floor.
  80. >John: "So Anonymous here tells me you're in his homeroom class."
  81. >Fluttershy swallows the lettuce she had in her mouth quickly.
  82. >FS: "Uhm yes we have the same homeroom class..."
  83. >John: "That's a GOOD thing because you can bother him for any questions. HE is a nice guy even if he seems like he isn't."
  84. >Fucking John, he will get payback for this.
  85. "Hey, what are your next classes?"
  86. >You hope she has some with John.
  87. >Fluttershy reads out loud her schedule, half her classes were with you and two has John in them. She can bother John as well but it seems you are going to be close friends now.
  88. >Lunch went by fast with John asking similar questions that the homeroom students asked.
  89. >Fluttershy was from Cloudsdale, she is a pegasus, and she likes taking care of animals.
  90. >John: "Do you happen to know Rainbow Dash?"
  91. >Fluttershy looks at him with a big smile.
  92. >FS: "Yeah! She was a fillyhood friend of mine...but we stopped talking..."
  93. >You sit up straight.
  94. "What happened?"
  95. >Fluttershy plays with her milk cap.
  96. >FS: "I-I don't know we sort of...drifted apart. She got other friends and went to flight school in the summer while I just..."
  97. >She stares off and stops playing with the plastic cap.
  98. >The bell rang, you look at John who gives a nod towards Fluttershy.
  99. >You look at him confused and he facepalms.
  100. >He got up, grabbed your shoulder, and bent down to whisper in your ear.
  101. >"You need to cheer her up, she needs a friend Anon. I think you can be the one to make her enjoy high school life."
  102. >He slings his backpack over one shoulder.
  103. >John: "See ya Anon. See ya Fluttershy."
  104. >He pats your shoulder leaving you alone with Fluttershy.
  105. "Sooooo...lets head to class huh?"
  106. >FS: "Y-yeah."
  107. >You walk next to the pony to the next class.
  108. >People looked at Fluttershy and you, a lanky pony and a lanky human. It seemed a like a match between you two.
  109. >You opened the door and gestured Fluttershy to enter.
  110. >She gives a metal full smile and goes in. You smile a little and go in as well.
  111. >You sit down at a lab table and Fluttershy was about to join you but you stop her.
  112. "Mr. Locke will probably have you siiiit...there."
  113. >You point to a desk.
  114. >She looks at you confused.
  115. "He has us sitting in a weird way."
  116. >She does an 'oh' face and sits at the desk.
  117. >The teacher walks in with a big book in his arm.
  118. >Locke: "Okay we have a pony in our class..."
  119. >He looks at Fluttershy with disgust.
  120. >Locke: "Now you see her...good. So today we are going to learn Chapter 4."
  121. >Mr. Locke writes the name of the chapter on the board and starts his lesson. You feel a yawn coming as usual since his voice is so boring and monotone.
  122. >You take a peek at Fluttershy and find her using her mouth to write down the notes.
  123. >It looked pretty damn cute.
  124. >Locke: "Anonymous, could you answer number four on page 112?"
  125. "Uh" >You look at Mr. Locke for a second then looked at your unopened book. You quickly open it to the page as Mr. Locke drums his fingers on his desk.
  126. >You take a second to look at the word problem but Mr. Locke stops you from reading the entire thing.
  127. >Locke: "Anonymous-" he takes his glasses off and folds them, "-if you weren't making googly eyes at Fluttershy than maybe you could have given me an answer instead of wasting time opening your book and trying to catch up with us. Focus Anonymous, focus."
  128. >He puts back on his glasses and asks another student the same question. Some of your classmates are snickering and cracking smiles at you.
  129. >Locke is a dick, he is just mad you aren't paying attention in class. He has a good reason to be mad but not act like a dick.
  130. >Fluttershy turns her head at you, once your eyes connected she hides behind her hair and then looks back at her book.
  131. >For the rest of class every now and then Locke would ask Fluttershy a question that she wouldn't know the answer to because it was covered in an earlier chapter. Again Locke is a fucking dick, he doesn't like Equestrians because they use magic and shit. He shouldn't take that out on your friend.
  132. >Friend.
  133. >Well she is in all of your classes, she already sat with you at lunch, she didn't call you a pervert, and she is kind of cute.
  134. >At the end of class you walk with Fluttershy to her next class which is across the hall from your class. You both have math in the same hour but Fluttershy is a math year ahead of you.
  135. >You wave at her as she went in her class, you walk in yours and sit at the back.
  136. >Using your textbook as a shield so Mr. Kennedy wouldn't see your phone, you send a quick text to John.
  137. Text: 'Hey fucker'
  138. >John's text: 'Sup douche'
  139. >You quickly copy the notes on the board and then get back to texting John.
  140. Text: 'What the hell are you planning? You know I feel awkward around Fluttershy'
  141. >John's text: 'Calm down bro, look u see how ur friends now?'
  142. >You watch out to ensure you haven't been spotted and send another before answering the question on the board.
  143. Text: 'Yeah we're cool but still dude not cool to do that'
  144. >John's text: 'Trust me ik what im doing ;) '
  145. >You are about to send 'Whatever' when Kennedy catches you. He tells you to put away your phone.
  146. >After school you would need to see John at the bus stop and talk to him there.
  147. >At the bus stop you find John eating sour gummy worms and wearing a fedora.
  148. "Where did you get that fedora?"
  149. >John: "Stole it from Colleen, hey man I am sorry if you're mad but you overexaggerate with the small stuff. Just chiiillll like me" he adjusts the fedora and then eats more gummy worms.
  150. >You decide to just forget about this whole Pony Pervert stuff and just chat with John before you go home.
  151. >On the bus ride home you think about how you have a friend who is a small flying horse. There is that blue one who always leaves a rainbow trail around the school but she doesn't have any friends.
  152. >You are Fluttershy and you have something on your mind. Well more like someone on your mind.
  153. >Anonymous makes you feel weak in the knees, he was just cute with his stoic expression hiding how he really felt. Sometimes it slips and he just looks cuter that way.
  154. >You giggle on how you thought he was gonna rape you. It felt nice knowing some boy thought you smelled nice and you just love it when you catch him staring at you. He doesn't seem to notice that he does it sometimes.
  155. >Your filly heart just couldn't take it, you decide to lower the car window to let the wind hit you.
  156. >"So Fluttershy, how was your first day of school?"
  157. >You reel back into the real world and answer your foster mother.
  158. "Oh uhm it was nice...the kids aren't mean to me. They're really curious about me."
  159. >Mom: "Okay good, I was worried you weren't gonna really fit in. I have to say you certainly gave me a scare when you fainted. I am sorry you had to see that at school dear."
  160. "It's fine, the principal explained that whenever I get to that part in Biology next year, I'll just write a paper instead."
  161. >"Oh that is nice of them. So have you made any friends?"
  162. "Oh, uhm."
  163. >You start to blush thinking about Anonymous
  164. "Y-yes... a few"
  165. >"That's good, maybe one day they could come over for dinner."
  166. >You nod and think about Anonymous having dinner with you and your foster parents.
  167. >A little giggle escapes from you but your mom didn't seem to notice.
  168. >Pulling up to the driveway of your new home, your foster mom tells you there is a surprise waiting for you.
  169. >Going inside your jaw drops, your foster parents bought things for you... again.
  170. >Your foster dad went to explain about a brand new laptop for you, phone, clothes, and a saddlebag.
  171. "Y-you really shouldn't have bought anything for here alone is still too much."
  172. >Mom: "Oh Fluttershy, you being with us is a joy! Let us spoil you."
  173. >She squeezes you in a hug that makes it hard to breathe.
  174. "You're... cough... squishing me."
  175. >She let's you go and your dad comes up to you.
  176. >Dad: "Come on Fluttershy, if I am gonna die one day I rather die knowing my daughter is happy and spoiled. I want somebody to miss me."
  177. >And again they remind you that they see you as theirs. They never had kids and had so much money saved up. They felt so alone they decided to be foster parents.
  178. >They got word of fillies and colts needing homes and they signed up for it. They got you a month ago and called you daughter right away. They are already pushing in for paperwork so they can adopt you.
  179. >You feel weird calling them mom and dad but they really are nice people. You give them each a hug and a thank you.
  180. >Dad: "Come on now Fluttershy, give daddy a kiss" he points to his cheek and bends.
  181. "Uhm."
  182. >You stand on your hind legs and reach to give him a kiss on his cheek. Again it feels weird but they seem to feel as if you are their flesh and blood.
  183. >Your foster parents take everything to your room, you really love your room.
  184. >Fake vines hang around the room, lights looking like stars are on your ceiling, Febreze air freshener makes it smell like a meadow, and it is painted yellow and pink with a tree on a wall.
  185. >Your foster dad showed you how to use the phone and how it worked.
  186. >Dad: " are you using this phone? The buttons are small."
  187. >You think back to when you went through the system.
  188. "Scientists told me not to let people question things. They said a temporal rift or something like that could happen."
  189. >Mom: "Oh okay...well then."
  190. >Dad: "We promise to show you how to use a laptop this weekend. Now lets see your new clothes."
  191. >You try on all the clothing giving a small fashion show to them and find the clothes very fitting.
  192. "Uhm where did you buy these clothes?"
  193. >Mom: "There is an online store for ponies now, its called 'Rarity's Pony Boutique' and its owned by a pony and her foster mother."
  194. "That's nice" >You think several of the clothes could have been stitched differently.
  195. >Again you thank them for everything and close the door.
  196. >You look at your phone and explore it. Human technology is simply amazing.
  197. >After adding your foster parents phone numbers and the house number on the phone you smile.
  198. >You now have three contacts in your phone but you wish you had Anon's in there as well.
  199. >You wonder what he is doing, you suddenly let out a sneeze and wipe your nose.
  200. >Laying on your bed you look at the stars on your ceiling as you slowly fall asleep.
  201. >During your nap you dream about your crush Anonymous.
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