
azure/spicer ramble feedermeenah/john+rose mwg/wg/stuffing

Mar 25th, 2013
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  1. Spicer: how did i not find that meenah dave (or some strider) john thing you did
  2. azureangelic: oh you mean the one i did with sam
  3. Spicer: yeah
  4. azureangelic: i have no idea D:
  5. azureangelic: im glad you like it though
  6. Spicer: yeah good job on that u///u
  7. azureangelic: i still blame you for making me like feedermeenah so much
  8. Spicer: i dunno who can resist feeder meenah though i
  9. Spicer: its not my fault i swear
  10. azureangelic: i also blame hussie for having her canonically refer to john as a whale in a psychopathically affectionate manner
  11. Spicer: im sure it would be a fitting title for any of her feedees
  12. azureangelic: especially ones like john that go above and beyond the call when it comes to blimping up
  13. Spicer: yeah and not only would she probably go ahead and fatten him up i bet she'd actively tease him any chance she gets too
  14. azureangelic: well of course
  15. azureangelic: he's so busy lying around and having food stuffed in his mouth that he needs her help to know just how titanic and plush he's become
  16. azureangelic: especially when she's reclining her comparatively-minute frame on his pillowy side and congradulating him on breaking the 500lb milestone a good two weeks ahead of schedule by fork-feeding him a small factory's worth of icing-slathered pastries
  17. Spicer: mhm
  18. Spicer: of course with this milestone she'd take the opportunity to take greater care and influene in john's life
  19. Spicer: i mean you can't have him be too exertive or it might build too much muscle in the wrong areas
  20. Spicer: and he certainly can't wear oversized sweatpants like that it'd ruin his whole body shape
  21. azureangelic: meenah likes her boys soft, buoyant and free to expand in any direction they want
  22. azureangelic: or don't want, either or
  23. Spicer: i guess it depends on the boy
  24. azureangelic: with john it doesnt matter because even if he wanted to stop letting the fishy girl use him as her own personal bed she's spent enough millenia in the dreambubbles perfecting her baking skills to reliably hand-feed him the best cake in paradox space any time he so much as hiccups away from her
  25. azureangelic: and its hard not to grow at least tolerant of someone when they're spending every waking hour tending to you physically, mentally and maybe sexually up until there's simply too much blubber to dig through to pleasure him conventionally
  26. azureangelic: not that she minds, of course, its just another milestone for her little whale to pass :V
  27. Spicer: of course when there's too much blubber it makes teasing all the more better
  28. Spicer: I mean
  29. Spicer: what's not amazing about stripping in front of some poor flabby boy knowing that nothing will be able to tend to his boner without some sort of work
  30. azureangelic: to say nothing about how her nude, much more managable figure sinks into his when she embraces him and his arms are so fat he can only wiggle his fingers and whine at the (un?)wanted attention
  31. Spicer: though meenah wouldn't necessarily be opposed to attempting to help pleasure him digging beneath his belly into some cove of sweat and flesh in which you are constantly dancing the wire of life and death
  32. azureangelic: shes pretty sure that if she died from the weight of her blubbery boy's overbearingly enormous gut and it somehow counted as just or heroic she would consider her life a crowning paragon of accomplishment
  33. Spicer: but being the dexterous girl she is meenah wouldn't really have much trouble slipping out while john starts to eat from the cart of cookies and other baked goods without paying any mind to it at all
  34. azureangelic: she's as least nice enough to keep his tray stocked and within reach as she feels his plush, overfed, doughy body engulfing her from every side and treating her to the most heavenly body massage she's ever imagined
  35. Spicer: yeah and every slight movement john makes to hopefully find a lucky break to get off manifests in this forgotten area as wild jiggling and heaving and wobbling
  36. azureangelic: it helps that he's gone so long without relief that when she finally reaches his warm groin she can have a filling meal all of her own
  37. Spicer: hell her stomach, though no where near his, is distended when she flops out of there, pretty exhausted
  38. azureangelic: she's got a bit of a gluttonous streak in her herself, so she can't say she really minds it, especially when she sees john flushed red, panting and squirming, adorable and lightly coated with sweat and somehow still managing to pack away the baked goods she had left him
  39. Spicer: she does have a bit of a gluttonous streak, she doesn't like to let anyone know because if someone got ahold of that information the effects can be disastorous or poetic
  40. azureangelic: it was bad enough trying to keep attention away from her own slowly-growing midriff when she was sampling her cooking to make sure it was good enough for her bluefish to eat, though it never stopped her from keeping her wardrobe remarkably midriff-exposing
  41. azureangelic: besides standing next to john makes her look like a malnourished supermodel
  42. Spicer: i mean she's gotta stay thin too or else she couldn't feed
  43. Spicer: though i'm sure if rose found out about meenah's "weakness" things might change with enough manipulation
  44. azureangelic: maybe not to john's level but the heiress could easily be "convinced" to outgrow a few pairs of pants
  45. Spicer: or tricked with enough complaints about the cake
  46. Spicer: rose probably would constantly insist it may have been x part of the cake that tasted a little... off
  47. azureangelic: poor girl's a perfectionistic baker, even if it means having to return to rose with her enormously overstuffed, grumbling and lurching belly hidden poorly behind the cake cart
  48. Spicer: mhm and it doesn't help that pushing a heavy cart starts to get harder with a heavier ass acting as a counter weight
  49. azureangelic: she tries not to fiddle with her jeans too much but its pretty obvious she's sporting one hell of a muffin top even without the boatload of cake sloshing about in her ashen gut
  50. Spicer: hell she can't really stop the fact that the next time she tries to take a joy ride on rose's shelf ass that rose automatically realizes that something that wasn't as light as before was trying to travel on the lalonde ass express
  51. azureangelic: and rose wastes no time in tormenting her for picking up some habits of her own
  52. Spicer: meenah would genuinely be surprised with out affectionate rose was being when she kisses her with those frosting andcake covered lips
  53. azureangelic: its only fair, after all~
  54. Spicer: yeah and totally not a way to have her ingest some of that buttery high calorie icing
  55. azureangelic: one has to wonder if meenah realized just how fattening those things are, and if so why she didnt keep herself from eating any
  56. Spicer: she did but she assumed that she wouldn't REALLY have to worry with all the work she was doing
  57. Spicer: but i mean rose was comfy and the kitchen was far away and the dishes could wait
  58. azureangelic: a bit too comfy apparently
  59. Spicer: well i mean would YOU describe rose as comfy
  60. azureangelic: comfy is one word to describe her
  61. azureangelic: assuming she didnt kick meenah off, but she seems to have fallen for her charms
  62. azureangelic: so yes rose is quite comfy, especially when meenah is packing some pudge of her own to cushion herself more~
  63. Spicer: I mean it's pretty adorable too to see meenah excitedly hopping up to get some cake for rose to find her much rounder ass poking out from the top of her jeans
  64. azureangelic: of course the question is how would meenah feel about there suddenly being more of her to share
  65. Spicer: Well I mean it sorta may have happened before, but someone helped her direct the sweets elswhere
  66. Spicer: so it could be a never again sorta thing or she wouldnt give a shit
  67. azureangelic: probably the latter in front of rose
  68. Spicer: mhm
  69. Spicer: though in private she could be worriedly pinching at her belly starting to rest out in front of her and grabbing her ass
  70. azureangelic: cant let the snarkwitch realize how worried she is about bursting out of her wardrobe
  71. Spicer: yeah or make a comment on how she might start getting a little slower in her delivery of sweets
  72. azureangelic: a little bit more out of breath and a little bit more jiggly after each trip to the kitchen
  73. Spicer: Mhm and it seems to be of worth to note that Meenah's lithe and certainly apart thighs aren't necessarily in such a state anymore
  74. Spicer: but this shouldn't really be to say she's any less aggressive, i mean, enthusiastic a feeder
  75. azureangelic: of course
  76. azureangelic: it just means she has more weight to throw around
  77. Spicer: " you eat this cake or I eat it for you or sit on you hey where the fuck did the cake go"
  78. azureangelic: "-unladylike belch-"
  79. Spicer: I'm sure it wouldn't get too far before a fellow enthusiast or someone actually reveals to meenah that she has, in fact, gotten fat
  80. azureangelic: its not like meenah does a good job hiding her belly anyway
  81. Spicer: oh nah hell she didn't really have to buy shirts sizes smaller anymore
  82. azureangelic: her normal shirts become belly shirts and her belly shirts become glorified bras
  83. azureangelic: its economical
  84. Spicer: i mean but how would meenah react, would she ignore and continue or would she acknowledge it? (spoiler: it's the former)
  85. azureangelic: naturally
  86. azureangelic: she just assumes she's had a big dinner when her belly blubs over her waistband and wobbled beneath her whenever shes cramming tarts into rose
  87. Spicer: which is a quick path to this getting out of control
  88. azureangelic: meenah makes rose a mug of hot chocolate with a billion calories and then forgets she spiked it and drinks it herself and pretends not to notice when shes gaining fathundred pounds as she crawls over rose and rose complains about the weight extremely vocally
  89. Spicer: fathundred is my favorite number
  90. azureangelic: i agree
  91. Spicer: but yeah some 250-300 lb meenah bursting out of her clothes on top of rose whilst trying to feed her more and more
  92. azureangelic: and rose, to meenah's utmost irritation, responding with less "noms" and "hurrps" and more "oh god" and "jesus christ ow"
  93. Spicer: meenah looking bewildered and concerned, ready to interrogate rose once she got her fed and fixed this killer stomach ache and wedgie
  94. azureangelic: rose prods her gut with a chubby, icing-covered finger and meenah fails to repress the bubbly belch fueled by the countless slices of cake she didnt realize she had eaten
  95. Spicer: it would squish quite a bit and meenah would just say she may have had too much dinner when it was only noon
  96. azureangelic: by the time its actually dinnertime theres a lot less squish and a lot more taut gurgliness
  97. Spicer: Yeah on both sides
  98. Spicer: hell even if meenah isn't so aggressive i'm sure her victims find it a bit friendlier to have someone apparently gaining with them
  99. azureangelic: most likely
  100. azureangelic: not that rose would ever admit to enjoying meenah's rampant feederism :V
  101. Spicer: well i mean she doesn't, does she?
  102. azureangelic: of course not
  103. azureangelic: she just passive-aggressively eats all the cake and verbally jabs at meenah because her fingers are too fat to physically jab her
  104. Spicer: though it's still comforting to see meenah get a bit closer to her level every time she sees her, if not just from sweetest revenge
  105. azureangelic: indeed
  106. Spicer: it gets worrisome when your main source of food starts to get slower and less ready to serve your growing needs though
  107. azureangelic: especially when said source of food becauses to mysteruously deplete itself
  108. Spicer: constantly
  109. azureangelic: and meenah tends to have an awful lost of food smeared on her when she does finally arrive
  110. Spicer: Yeah on her chubby cheeks and fat belly it's kinda obvious
  111. Spicer: though she insists that it was just mess from the preparation
  112. Spicer: which would make rose question if she got it from a store because it wasn't dough or flour all over
  113. Spicer: thus prompting meenah to slap her across the face
  114. azureangelic: so tactful
  115. Spicer: it's pretty deserved though
  116. azureangelic: one must never backtalk the chef
  117. azureangelic: even if the chef is smearing icing all over the customer
  118. Spicer: and herself apparently
  119. azureangelic: indeed
  120. Spicer: Meenah also might start accusing rose of shrinking doors when she's been totally stationary
  121. azureangelic: dark magiks
  122. Spicer: well i mean meenah's chocolate cake is good but it's not THAT good
  123. Spicer: so what happens when meenah gets too big
  124. azureangelic: hmm
  125. azureangelic: good question :u
  126. Spicer: would she opt for wearing shorts before then?
  127. azureangelic: i doubt it
  128. azureangelic: girl has to keep her expensive fashion going as long as she can
  129. Spicer: expensive to her legs which are covered in sweat after being stuffed like sausages all day
  130. azureangelic: of course
  131. azureangelic: for all the ventilation her midriff gets her bust and thighs are like canned tuna
  132. Spicer: someone points that out to her and she wears even tighter jeans
  133. azureangelic: ass bulging out the top and legs warm and damp
  134. Spicer: she gets into rose's suite finally a sweating and worn out mess, pushing the half empty cart (she devoured plenty of it) in her direction and ignoring it as she passes out on a chair she fills up
  135. azureangelic: only for her jeans to very violently and audibly rip and her inner thighs to come rushing out of the gap, releasing some of her warmth and giving her both heated embarassment and cool relief
  136. Spicer: it's hardly noticeable up top cause her belly is covering her lap like a big apron/blanket
  137. azureangelic: for once she's thankful for how much of her massive, doughy shelf of sweat-tinged blubber belly sticks out
  138. Spicer: Yeah and rose kinda reaches for the cart and looks at Meenah half expectantly
  139. azureangelic: she's tired and sweaty and doesnt want rose to see how badly she's ruined her jeans but she knows if she stays sitting she'll be suspicious so she just slowly stands up and sidles over to rose, leaning against her and realizing how cool the goths blubber is compared to her own
  140. Spicer: at this point she's outright resting on her and trying to drag the cart over to half assedly feed rose
  141. azureangelic: rose just asks her what the problem is with the smuggest look imaginable and meenah finds the strength to ram a snack cake into herface just to shut her up
  142. Spicer: i thought you meant meenah shoved one in her own mouth and i wondered how that'd make her shut up
  143. azureangelic: pfft
  144. Spicer: though she probably did eat one for herself
  145. azureangelic: or several
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