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- @echo off
- echo This process was developed by TeamAndIRC and this script was
- echo created by Captainkrtek of TeamAndIRC
- echo.
- echo TeamAndIRC and Captainkrtek are NOT responsible for any damages
- echo or bricks caused by this process
- echo.
- echo Prerequisites: drivers installed, SDK setup, extracted
- echo You can download all files needed at
- echo Download the SDK from
- echo.
- set /p start=Do you wish to start? y or n
- if %start%==n goto :QUIT
- set /p dir=please enter the path where android-sdk-windows\platform-tools is:
- if exist %dir% goto :PASS
- echo please make sure you entered the right path, for example
- echo C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
- pause
- goto :RESTART
- echo.
- echo SDK Directory found
- cd %dir%
- echo Checking build.prop ro.product.version
- adb shell getprop ro.product.version
- echo If the above number ends in 605.6 or 605.9 then you can root,
- set /p yn1=Do you wish to begin? (this process will wipe your phone), y or n?
- if %yn1%==y goto :START
- :QUIT:
- pause
- exit
- echo.
- echo Pushing files via ADB...
- echo This process may take some time, if it takes longer than 30 seconds
- echo Make sure the drivers are install and USB debugging is on.
- adb wait-for-devices
- adb push psneuter /data/local
- adb push busybox /data/local
- adb push misc.img /data/local
- adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter
- adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/busybox
- echo.
- set /p yn2=This next part will flash misc.img. do you wish to continue? y or n?
- if %yn2%==n goto :QUIT
- adb shell /data/local/psneuter
- echo.
- echo The MD5 Sum below should equal c88dd947eb3b36eec90503a3525ae0de if not
- echo redownload misc.img
- adb kill-server
- adb shell /data/local/busybox md5sum /data/local/misc.img
- pause
- adb shell dd if=/data/local/misc.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17
- adb shell exit
- echo.
- echo Misc.img flashed, now rename the Downgrade RUU (the one with the long name)
- echo to and place it on the root of your SD card (If you don't see it
- echo change Charge Only to Mount SD Card)
- echo.
- echo Once it is there hit enter and we will go to the bootloader, choose the bootloader
- echo option by hitting the power button on your phone. Once it is done reboot and delete
- echo from your SD card.
- pause
- adb reboot bootloader
- echo Your phone should now be rebooted into bootloader mode, follow the above instructions
- echo and hit enter when the phone is rebooted and at your home screen.ENABLE USB DEBUGGING!
- pause
- echo We will now gain root and unlock MMC, if this takes longer than 30 seconds then
- echo you probably forgot to enable USB debugging on your thunderbolt! Just enable it
- echo and the script will notice when it is enabled.
- adb wait-for-devices
- adb push psneuter /data/local
- adb push busybox /data/local
- adb push wpthis /data/local
- adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter
- adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/busybox
- adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/wpthis
- adb shell /data/local/psneuter
- adb kill-server
- adb shell /data/local/wpthis
- adb shell exit
- echo Pushing hboot ENG
- adb push hbooteng.nb0 /data/local
- echo make sure that the MD5 below matches 6991368ee2deaf182048a3ed9d3c0fcb , if not
- echo then redownload hbooteng.nb0 !!!
- adb shell /data/local/busybox md5sum /data/local/hbooteng.nb0
- echo If it does match then go ahead and hit enter, it will flash the new bootloader
- echo when you hit enter!!!
- pause
- adb shell dd if=/data/local/hbooteng.nb0 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18
- echo we will check to see if it wrote properly, make sure the MD5 equals 6991368ee2deaf182048a3ed9d3c0fcb
- echo if not, DO NOT REBOOT and go to #Thunderbolt for help, pressing
- echo enter will reboot your phone
- pause
- echo.
- echo Rebooting phone...
- adb reboot
- adb wait-for-devices
- echo Okay, we are almost done :) Now copy the file named to the SD card, DO NOT COPY OVER the downgrade
- echo RUU that we renamed to
- pause
- adb reboot bootloader
- echo.
- echo Your phone will now be in bootloader mode, hit bootloader using the power key and let it flash, if it asks you
- echo if you want to upgrade say yes, once done reboot your phone. DONT FORGET TO ENABLE USB DEBUGGING!
- pause
- echo This process may take some time
- adb wait-for-devices
- echo Starting final root process
- adb push psneuter /data/local
- adb push busybox /data/local
- adb push su /data/local
- adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter
- adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/busybox
- adb shell /data/local/psneuter
- adb kill-server
- adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /system
- adb shell /data/local/busybox cp /data/local/su /system/xbin/su
- adb shell chown 0:0 /system/xbin/su
- adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
- echo.
- echo We are now rooted! Go to the Android Market in install Superuser by ChainsDD
- echo Once installed REBOOT your phone, then go to the market and install ROM Manager;
- echo With ROM Manager installed flash ClockworkMod Recovery from with the app.
- echo.
- echo The End! Enjoy your rooted phone. TeamAndIRC does not accept donations, if you wish to donate send money to
- echo your favorite charity.
- pause
- exit
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