
Totally not Spongebob (Short)

Jan 9th, 2013
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  1. >day jobless in equestria
  2. >wake up
  3. >shit shave shower
  4. >head downstairs to see flutters making you a sandwich
  5. How the fuck did you get in here?
  6. >"window was open."
  7. Oh
  8. >dont give a shit
  9. >eat your sandwich
  10. >"you should get a job anon"
  11. Well you should shut the-
  12. >actually you did need the bits
  13. Ok where can I find a job Fluttershy?
  14. >she perks up "Well you can help me with my animals!"
  15. Pass
  16. >"*sigh* Okay lets go ask around."
  17. >at marketplace
  18. Hey Fluttershy, whats that shop?
  19. >"I...I dont know what that shop is."
  20. >the sign reads "Burger Buds: home of the juicy buddy burger! Now hiring"
  21. >in there like a Kenyan
  22. Where is the meat?
  23. >you say staring at pony working the cash register
  24. >Fluttershy bumps in "W-what he means is, can he work here?"
  25. >the employee looks at you and says "M'kay just put on the apron and flip the burgers."
  26. >some enthusiasm
  27. >still you're back there working already
  28. >good thing you dropped out of highschool and became a master frycook!
  29. >wait what
  30. >smell the meat
  31. >too irresistable
  32. >move it to the side and scarff it down
  33. >almost throw up
  34. The fuck is in these?!
  35. >look at bite mark
  36. >just mushed veggies that were colored and scented like meat
  37. >find the manager
  38. >ask
  39. Can I not work here? Like in cooking?
  40. >"Well sure you now answer phone calls and take orders from them."
  41. Okay
  42. >shows you where phone is
  43. >sit in chair
  44. >5 minutes later
  45. *ring ring*
  46. >answer
  47. >"Is this BB's?"
  48. No, this is Burger Buds
  49. >hang up
  50. >idiot
  51. *ring ring*
  52. >answer
  53. >"Hello is this BB's?"
  54. No, this is Burger Buds!
  55. >hang up
  56. >who the fuck is beebee?
  57. *ring ring*
  58. >answer
  59. >"H-hey is this BB's?"
  61. >slam the phone back down, shattering it
  62. >manager comes up to you pissed
  63. Look they kept calling and asking "is this BB's?" who the fuck is beebee?!
  64. >manager facehooves
  65. >"thats the shop's abbreviated name. BB's. as in the letter."
  66. >Spaghetti oozes from your pockets as you are fired
  67. >go home
  68. >Fluttershy is there making you another sandwich
  69. >"So how was your day?"
  70. I got fired
  71. >shes pissed
  72. >"How in the HELL did you get-"
  73. Shut up and make me a sandwich!
  74. >"EEP"
  75. Fucking Naggyshy
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