

Feb 22nd, 2014
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  1. In the world of 2099, there is a private military company called RedSec manufactures super soldiers called "Strykers". Part Ninja, part machine, all parts designed to kill. Creator of the Stryker project, Doctor Fabian Dunbar, had the idea of combining natural human cruelty and creativity with the finesse and firepower of military cybernetics to create the perfect soldier. To make his dream a reality, he struck a deal with RedSec founder Dylan Murdoch and became head of the technology division.
  2. With RedSec being a private company and thus unregulated by government law, they got away with live testing on human beings, primarily PoWs from contracts or governments willing to hand them over. Preliminary tests yielded less than stellar results, with most subjects either unable to handle the psychological stress or the body violently rejecting the cybernetics, leading to irreversible brain damage, torn muscle tissue, shattered bones, organ failure, and death among other things. Murdoch, displeased with Dunbar's progressed, threatened to cut the funding to the Doctor's program and execute him if he couldn't produce at least one successful test subject in one month. This would spur on a double-ing down on test subjects and accelerated testing. While most showed only glimmers of hope, they always ended in tragedy when it came to combat testing. Most would fly in to a blind rage that tore their bodies apart.
  4. When all hope seemed lost, a breakthrough came at the end of the allotted month. A test subject by the name of Jet Springfield would be the first Stryker in what would be a long line of super soldiers. He was the first test subject to survive the rigorous physical and mental stress, indoctrination, and combat testing. Showing a preference towards bladed weapons, his name post-Stryker testing would be "Claymore". With proof that his program works, Doctor Fabian received more funding and given trained contractors to conduct the Stryker procedure on.
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