
Uplift RPG Session #33.21 (Ramiel Personal Quest)

Sep 2nd, 2017
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  1. Gator (GM): Okay!
  3. We all have the pastebin for last session so we know what happened.
  4. But to reiterate,
  5. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah, before we forget, scavenge the ships. Get the missile launchers and the cash he was trying to buy us off with )
  6. ( Your call on who to send Box )
  7. after defeating Anders, brutally, and retrieve the ring. You have fulfilled the infernal quest of the Space Union and have won The Draw.
  9. Jee-Still Waki feels a hint of pride at the wreckage of the ship.
  10. Box-O-Rocks: (( What is that big circle? ))
  11. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel I found the ring that was mention."
  12. (ring)
  13. Gator (GM): ((Ring))
  14. Fried Silver: (((ring)))
  15. Box-O-Rocks: (( No, the big black circle ))
  16. you notice the giant gapping hole. It looks like ander's missile blew a tunnel straight to the outside.
  18. Box-O-Rocks addresses Silver. "Hey, can you check out his wreckage for any salvage?"
  19. Box-O-Rocks: "be quick, we can't stick here long."
  20. Fried Silver: "Sure thing Sir Ramiel."
  21. Gator (GM): You examine the ship.
  23. Fried Silver Fried Draws his stack gun in 1 hand incase of survivors.
  24. Fried Silver: (perseption roll?)
  25. Box-O-Rocks: (( Can we load the ring, or is it really that big GM? ))
  26. Gator (GM): Yeah, let's go with that.
  27. I'ts ring sized, so sure.
  28. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  29. (
  30. 78
  31. )+40
  32. = 118
  33. Gator (GM): That'll do.
  34. You identify quite abit of the ship has been partially melted.
  35. Most of it is pretty usleless save for straight smelting.
  36. It looks like one missile turret functions.
  37. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel whatever you wanted is now slag."
  38. "Cept 1 turret."
  39. Gator (GM): You notice three crew members, they appear to be in critical condition. Likely to not survive.
  40. Box-O-Rocks: "That's fine, head back to the ship, make sure the rings is loaded, and we're out of here."
  41. Gator (GM): Proceed out?
  42. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  43. (
  44. 61
  45. )+40
  46. = 101
  47. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... A sh-shame."
  48. Box-O-Rocks: assuming Silver tells me about survivors, i have him put them out of their misery, then head back.
  49. Fried Silver: "Okay Sir Ramiel...."
  50. (do i keep to roll to shoot them?)
  51. Gator (GM): Not a hard target.
  52. Fried Silver: ((need* not keep)
  53. Gator (GM): Shoot the unconscious, unarmed, people?
  54. Box-O-Rocks: "Critical condition, not equipped to treat them, nothing we can do."
  55. Gator (GM): Really it's just a moral decision.
  56. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I c-c-can try to keep them s-s-stable."
  58. Fried Silver Fried decides to slap cuffs on them and drag thier bodies to the ship.
  59. Gator (GM): Alright.
  60. Jee and other people who want to be heroes: 3 people, need of surgery.
  61. We'll roll this up into one roll.
  62. Medical. 80 saves one, 100 saves two and 120 saves all three.
  63. Jee-Still Waki: ( Remind me, what's the skill requirement for learning surgery? )
  64. ( I got 10 mind skill points, been neglecting to use them )
  65. Gator (GM): (First aid, medical docterate.)
  67. Box-O-Rocks locks himself in the cockpit.
  68. Jee-Still Waki: ( Just at level 1? Cool )
  69. Ramiel: I'll take us out the asteroid while they are doing that.
  70. Jee-Still Waki: ( Adding it in then removing the skill points. First, the roll )
  71. rolling 1d100+10+50
  72. (
  73. 31
  74. )+10+50
  75. = 91
  76. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel, they're in critical state and are binded, the best we could do is bring their bodies for a proper burial if mediac procedures fail."
  77. Jee-Still Waki: ( Surgery's hard. And not like robotics. )
  78. Gator (GM): Okay, so you managed to save 1 of the crew!
  79. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I have only ever p-p-practiced once with s-surgery... I s-s-saved one. The others d-died."
  80. "S-sorry."
  81. Fried Silver: "Jee 3 people would of died no mater what if you didn't try."
  82. "You did you best."
  83. Gator (GM): You recieve transmission!
  85. Ramiel answers
  86. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... D-did you remove any w-weapons on their b-bodies?"
  87. Fried Silver: "I did not Jee, I'll go seach the survivor first."
  88. Gator (GM): Ramiel recieves only a line code for space coordinates.
  89. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  90. (
  91. 44
  92. )+40
  93. = 84
  94. Gator (GM): Seaching the survivor, you find nothing useful. Most ID has been destroyed from radiation and fire.
  96. Ramiel attempts to reply
  97. Gator (GM): There are no weapons.
  98. Ramiel: [ Will you provide repairs? ]
  99. Gator (GM): There is no reply!
  100. Ramiel: I'll search for the nearest place i can get repairs
  101. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel, I can try to use whats left of the enemy ship for repairs."
  102. Ramiel: "You can try."
  103. Gator (GM): Nearest place is... a ways. Back on Eo. You could barter with passing ships for a hand or take Silver up on his offer.
  104. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 80
  105. (
  106. 88
  107. )+80
  108. = 168
  109. Gator (GM): Right.
  110. This is metalworking?
  112. Fried Silver Thinks if he made the wrong career choice in cooking instead of metalworking.
  113. Fried Silver: (yes)
  114. Ramiel: "God damn space crabs are fucking up this entire competition. What kind of shoddy group is this that they don't provide repairs this far outing wild space?"
  115. *out in
  116. Gator (GM): Okay, you are able to refit the ships armor, but interior insulation and suck of the hull interior itself is not in your skill set.
  117. The ship is now 10armor, 5 hp.
  118. Fried Silver: "Well Sir Ramiel I did my best on repairs."
  119. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... We h-have the ring n-now. When do we g-get the n-new ship?"
  120. Ramiel: "We're not done yet kiddo."
  121. "Silver, get inside."
  123. Fried Silver Gets inside
  124. Ramiel: WE leave
  125. Gator (GM): With silver, the ring, and the and survivors inside decisions loom upon the cap and crew
  126. Location?
  127. Ramiel: coordinates, keep on lookout for any passing ships. I don't want to keep this dead man on my ship.
  128. Gator (GM): When you arrive you encounter a space station!
  130. Fried Silver Looks through their ID's to pass time.
  132. Ramiel keeps an eye on comm channels
  133. Gator (GM): All sigs check out with the Space Union.
  134. You get Signal
  135. It appears to be a message from Ramiel's mentor.
  136. Ramiel: "what?"
  137. Gator (GM): "Glad to see you haven't changed. So I take it you won?"
  138. (What, is the mentor's name?)
  139. Ramiel: "If half your ship torn to shit is winning... but it was that way before we arrived."
  140. (( uhhh Victor, iunno. ))
  141. Gator (GM): (Victor it is!)
  142. "Afraid it's the nature of the draw, Ramiel. You probably figured it out that initiation means a competition between two rival pilots. One in, one out. Anders clearly took things too far, though.
  143. "What do you mean your ship was damaged before you got there?"
  144. Ramiel: "Space crabs. "
  145. "Look... My ship is damaged, I need fuel,and we got two dead, on in critical condition... Can i get landing clearance. "
  146. Gator (GM): "Already done." Says Victor.
  147. as they work on your ship you have some time to kill.
  148. Ramiel: "Best news of the day. Make sure to not the wounded back onboard without asking me. they're from Ander's ship."
  149. the station appears to be larger than most, about the size of MCR as Jee and Fried had encountered. Centripical gravity feed, so everything is like being a giant tube.
  151. Fried Silver Goes shopping for repair supplies, or a soup kitchen to serve at to cook for.
  152. Gator (GM): "To serve at" keke
  153. Repair supplies and food dispenceries are in abundance.
  154. Really it's 1 shp=10,000 creds. So how much you want to repair is how much you want to spend.
  155. Fried Silver: ( was meaning supplies to repair myself.)
  157. Jee-Still Waki looks for... a spot to rest and hopefully refresh her mind.
  158. Ramiel: 50000
  159. Gator (GM): As you wander the space station you find Victor in the halls.
  160. Okay, let's make note that you have 5 shp worth of spare materials.
  161. Ramiel: We do
  162. ?
  163. Gator (GM): Victor addresses the group.
  164. "Alright ramiel, I'll be as blunt as you are. I'm aiming to retire. You're here because I'm grandfathering you in. I need you to do a job for me. Talk to me when you are flight ready."
  165. Ramiel: "sure thing."
  166. Gator (GM): At this time, your phone rings.
  167. You have afew new listings from the Space Union.
  169. Jee-Still Waki jolts awake. "Hhh! W-what? Retire? ... What j-job does he w-want us to d-do?"
  170. Ramiel: Okay, back to having 5 shp of materials?
  171. Gator (GM): Err, I don't follow. You have 5 shp worth of metal, wiring, etc. in your cargo hold. Ready to be installed when damage happens.
  172. Ramiel: (( Oh, I didn't know that. Can I just get the mechanics to use that and pay less for repairs? ))
  173. Fried Silver: "So Jee your still a bit shacky from the family reunion, do you need any help?"
  174. Gator (GM): Nah, the repairs are comped this time.
  175. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Y-yes. I would l-like that."
  176. Ramiel: (( cool ))
  177. "Wait, family reunion? I thought you went on a vision quest."
  178. Fried Silver: "It was both Sir Ramiel."
  179. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Y-yes. B-both."
  180. "My f-family is all w-well now and the t-tribe is no longer in d-danger."
  182. Ramiel begins scrolling through the station's listings, "Eh, alright then."
  183. Fried Silver: "That's good to hear Jee."
  184. Ramiel: "least that's settled."
  185. Gator (GM): You see ads for H3 shipping to an unknown buyer
  186. Jee-Still Waki: "A l-lot of m-mercenaries are d-dead and th-their leader is t-too. Everything w-worked out."
  187. Gator (GM): A demolition job labeled "NTKB"
  188. Fried Silver: "Miss Jee what did you do back durring your Pao day to relive stress of have fun?"
  189. Gator (GM): And three combat contracts labeled extremel dangerous.
  190. Jee-Still Waki: "R-read other l-land- Hhh... Read off w-world books and s-study their t-technology. I once sp-spent a w-week examining a sc-screw."
  192. Ramiel closes stations listing, deciding to put up the rest of his wood in the ship up for sale.
  193. Fried Silver: "Well, Miss Jee you can examine Me if that will cheer you up, just don't mess up my hard drive or software."
  194. (( ya can bid off dobbles & Dobbles.)
  195. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Th-thanks."
  196. Gator (GM): ((Wait was the price of the wood? Like 22k?
  197. Jee-Still Waki: ( Th-thanks, you too )
  198. ( This stuttering is killin' me )
  199. ( Anyway, your health and second personality inhibitor chip still lookin' good Fried? )
  200. Ramiel: I don't remember GM, could have fluctuating value for what I know. ))
  201. Gator (GM): (Good idea)
  202. Here, your wood is worth about
  203. rolling 1d100
  204. (
  205. 59
  206. )
  207. = 59
  208. 59 k
  209. Ramiel: (( I'll take it ))
  210. Fried Silver: (my body is a bit banged up, and the 2nd personality mode thing is basically forgoten at this point.)
  211. Gator (GM): (Ah, Isn't fried damaged abit or is her repaired?
  212. Jee-Still Waki: ( I never forgot :D )
  213. Gator (GM): ( haven't either.)
  214. Jee-Still Waki: ( But yeah, I don't got metalworking but I can make an engineering roll to heal a bit of points )
  215. Fried Silver: (Sure, go ahead.)
  216. Gator (GM): (Sure.)
  217. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  218. (
  219. 53
  220. )+10+50
  221. = 113
  222. Gator (GM): Okay, let's say victor comps you some parts and you restore Fried.
  224. Jee-Still Waki readies a roll of duct tape to fix the robot companion.
  225. Jee-Still Waki: "Th-thank you c-canine man."
  226. Gator (GM): Now, you have afew leads, what would you guys like to do.
  227. The dog man shrugs, patting himself on the back for his good deed.
  228. Ramiel: "Victor, what's the time frame on your offer?"
  229. Fried Silver: "Thank you Miss Jee, and thank you Sir Victor."
  230. Victor: "Oh, I'd say three months?"
  231. "It's complicated. Basically I need a good pilot to move a short distance.
  232. "But I'm sure you are busy with other paying jobs, right?"
  233. Fried Silver: "So Jee you feel any better from dabbling with technology?"
  234. Jee-Still Waki: ( Do I? )
  235. Ramiel: "Well, I want to take your offer... especially if that mythical ship just so happens to be real. but some cash flow would be great in the meantime."
  236. Fried Silver: (we can do the combat & H3 shipping.)
  237. Gator (GM): (Do you?)
  238. Jee-Still Waki: ( Would I? )
  239. Ramiel: "After we do this job for you, will we still allowed on this station?"
  240. Gator (GM): (Could I?)
  241. Jee-Still Waki: ( Please? )
  242. victor: This is a Space union only station. So yes. I'll be here, practicing ZGL.
  243. Gator (GM): (Sure.)
  244. Fried, you look on the stations internet-sounding-thing and research combat listings, what they are.
  245. Essentially they are hits taken out on pilots that have broken arms codes using space ships. You imagine that's the "Highly Illegal" part of the label that's listed on every space ship grade weapon you have seen.
  246. Jee-Still Waki: ( How much MP did I mamage to restore? )
  247. Gator (GM): What were you at?
  248. Like 42, right?
  249. Jee-Still Waki: ( Lemme check )
  250. Gator (GM): Unless you did something else you are about 3 days past that. so you're down to -39, I think.
  251. Jee-Still Waki: -48/140
  252. Fried Silver: "Well Sir Ramiel you want to go and hunt those criminal down?"
  253. Jee-Still Waki: ( So restore to -39? Cool )
  254. Gator (GM): Let's go with -39 now.
  255. Jee-Still Waki: "I f-feel a bit better. Th-thanks Fried."
  256. Fried Silver: "You're welcome Miss Jee."
  257. Gator (GM): Combat contracts are as Follows:
  258. Aid Celuloise harvest.
  259. Stop Ex Space Union members
  260. Confront hostile activity from Logos
  261. Ramiel: "Honestly, I'd rather avoid the business end of a railgun for a bit Silver."
  262. "I feel like taking Victor up on his offer, we'll be able to work here some more if we fulfill it."
  263. Fried Silver: "Well how about Celuliose Harvest?"
  264. Jee-Still Waki: ( It's not a short time exclusive offer, but one nonetheless. I agree, let's help Victor first )
  265. Fried Silver: "Ramiel, I'm sure that job will also involve railguns being shot at us."
  266. Ramiel: "Maybe, you don't know. "
  267. "Point is, my ship if finally in good shape again, and I'd rather do the mission now, while my ship is as good as it can be."
  268. Gator (GM): Victor, pretending to not have been following you all stands a distance away waiting to be addressed.
  269. Fried Silver: "True Sir Ramiel."
  270. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I h-hope his j-job is a simple one."
  272. Ramiel turns to Victor. "I think I'd like to take your offer up now. The Cyclone is in the best shape it can be for the job."
  273. Victor: "Fantastic. I knew you wouldn't let me down!"
  274. Ramiel: (( btw, my grandmother wants me to go to eat somewhere with her in about an hour, so I will have to hp off at that time. ))
  275. Gator (GM): ((Yeah, I've got to get to deck repairs about that time too.))
  276. ((We'll setup for the next week.))
  277. Victor: turns to the crew and asks, "So how much do you know about relativistic speeds?
  278. Ramiel: (( roll intelligence? ))
  279. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright. Sounds fine to me. Hope you have a good dinner or supper with her when the time comes )
  280. Gator (GM): Sure!
  282. Fried Silver Start to load up data on Relativistic Speed
  283. Jee-Still Waki: ( Do me and Fried roll too? )
  284. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  285. (
  286. 40
  287. )+35
  288. = 75
  289. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  290. (
  291. 17
  292. )+40
  293. = 57
  294. Is this science?
  296. Jee-Still Waki wracks her brain trying to recall anything about really something speed.
  297. Fried Silver: then add 30 to my roll
  298. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  299. (
  300. 65
  301. )+50
  302. = 115
  303. Ramiel: I would add 30 too if science
  304. Gator (GM): Yeah, this is really a science thig.
  305. Jee knows.
  306. Ramiel: I got 105
  307. Gator (GM): Ah, right two of you know.
  308. Basically, the closer you get to lightspeed the more physics changes, including time and space.
  309. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I th-think I kn-know. A p-patient of mine t-told me of this. L-lightspeed or getting c-close to makes t-time and ph-physics different than n-normal... S-somehow."
  310. Ramiel: "Erm... yeah. I remember."
  311. Gator (GM): All sorts of fun things like blue shifts, compressed space, and matter warping.
  312. Victor: "Well, I've got a lead on something that can only be reached with relativistic speeds.
  313. Jee-Still Waki: "And we g-get th-those speeds w-with the sh-ship Ramiel wants?"
  314. Ramiel: "Only?.. is it in constant motion?"
  315. Victor: The opposite. It's buried under tons and tons of rock. It's unreachable except for a ship capable of bending matter around as it passes. So you need near light speed.
  316. Ramiel: "Buried in rock... I admit you have me intrigued... but at that depth... would we be close toa planet's core?"
  317. "With incredibly high temperatures?"
  318. Victor: "Well, it is a planet's core. Temperatures should be nothing a good ship can't handle."
  319. Jee-Still Waki: "A c-core? Wh-what is it you w-want from th-there?"
  320. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel, the sound of having railguns firing at us sounds more pleasant than this."
  322. Ramiel nods, "And I would presumably be using this fabled ship? I'm pretty sure I would need a different engine for my ship to do that."
  323. Gator (GM): "That's the thing about all this is that I don't know. Anything we find inside is entirely new. I can't tell you the fame that would come from it."
  324. "Ah, that's another thing. It's really more of a sled, a series of boosters we'll have to attach to your ship's frame.
  325. Ah, also..." Victor stops himself from contining.
  326. Ramiel: "Sled? Attached?.. you already equipped my ship with it?.. How will sleds affect maneuverability?"
  327. Gator (GM): "Not to much, just another few tons, the problem is..."
  328. "There will be no turning at near light speeds, the thing can only go in one direction, right down to the degree. No course adjusting.
  329. "I need a good pilot because when we get moving we need to hit the target and super high speeds and stop even faster."
  330. "If we don't hit the right speed... Bergin and Anderfaust will be somewhere in the outer rim.
  331. Ramiel: "Well, theoretically... shouldn't I have all the time I want to fine tune my 'aim' before we jump?"
  332. "Also, who is Bergin and Anderfaust?"
  333. Gator (GM): "Well, yes. It's more of a failing on my part, I've only been able to get the sleds for 3 months, they think I'm going to chart some orphan planet or something."
  334. "No, I mean the countries..."
  335. "This place, it's- uh- ah, shit. Fine." Victor sighs," Ramiel, the place is on Eo, inside Eo. If you screw up the manuever you will literally destroy Eo."
  336. (Brb)
  337. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel..."
  338. Jee-Still Waki: "... W-what?"
  340. Ramiel is quiet for a moment, "Uhhh, WHAT THE SHIT VICTOR?! Why am I going inside of EO?"
  341. Jee-Still Waki: "N-no... What?"
  342. Fried Silver: "I was gonna say that Botching this would result in the death of us."
  343. "But risking an entire planet of people for a job is well..."
  344. "I'm sure Jee knows people from her tribe smart enough to not do this!"
  345. Jee-Still Waki: "M-my t-tribe are n-not fools l-like I have said! No, n-not even y-younglings are foolish enough to d-do this!"
  346. Fried Silver: "And Ramiel with all due respect I not gonna go on that mission!"
  347. Gator (GM): back.
  348. Fried Silver: "Sorry Jee."
  349. Ramiel: "You need to explain things Victor."
  350. Fried Silver: "It's just that if this fails. I doubt living with Jee and her family won't be so good for me, hence the tech I'm made of."
  351. Gator (GM): "I think I explained the basics, what would you like to know specfically?" Victor says as he leans back.
  352. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... If th-that happens, I w-will make th-them be f-fine with it."
  353. Ramiel: "You start with explaining why you need to go into the core of EO."
  354. Gator (GM): "I did alot of reading." Victor says, "And a fair bit of deep ground probing and I think that there is some sort of facility that operates as the planet's core. There is some sort of 'elemental engine' I believe. Some sort of device or anomally that produces the planet's elements.
  355. Like a forge or smelter.
  356. ((Ah, I gotta step out for a sec.))
  357. ((I'll be back in 20, sorry if you gotta go before then.))
  358. brb
  359. Fried Silver: "Well thank you Miss Jee for the Future help then."
  360. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... It is n-not a b-bad place... I th-thought it was because of... Hhhhhh... It is a g-good place."
  361. Fried Silver: "Well if this does happen, They would be right about the evil tech since well... It blew up a planet."
  362. "Unless they have proficies about it blowing up."
  363. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Wh-whatever th-this dog man w-wants, it is w-worth more to h-him than an entire pl-planet."
  365. Ramiel wipes his visor, "I have to wonder who could set up shop inside a planet to begin with... My only guess could be real humans... or their tech."
  366. Fried Silver: "Ramiel don't coop Jee into this!"
  367. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... M-maybe."
  368. Fried Silver: "Now Jee, if this fails, that means you destroy the creators planet."
  369. Jee-Still Waki: "I kn-know."
  370. Fried Silver: "I'm sure that would upset them, A LOT!"
  371. Ramiel: "I'm not trying to coop her into this. It's a legitimate hypothesis!"
  372. Jee-Still Waki: "It is f-fine. I d-don't want t-to risk a pl-planet just to s-see humans and human t-tech."
  373. "T-too many r-risks."
  374. Ramiel: "Victor... even IF this installation is at the center of the planet, and IF it does generate minerals... What do we even have to gain by going there?"
  375. ((Alright, i gotta head off. ))
  376. Fried Silver: (See ya.)
  377. Ramiel: (( good session today. See you all later. ))
  378. Jee-Still Waki: ( Later man )
  379. ( Same. You have a good lunch / supper )
  380. Fried Silver: (We can try to do stuff on the station if Gator comes back.)
  381. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sounds good )
  382. Gator (GM): Back.
  383. Tried to get eclipse glasses, sorry it was the only time they were getting them in.
  384. Fried Silver: Oh yeah, isn't it gona eclipse in 2 days?
  385. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah, right )
  386. Gator (GM): Yep.
  387. Fried Silver: "Jee, lets find something to do while Ramiel talks about blowing up Eo."
  388. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... OK."
  389. Gator (GM): Actually guys I gotta boost as well.
  390. Jee-Still Waki: Alrighty
  391. Fried Silver: Seeya.
  392. Jee-Still Waki: You have a good rest of the weekend
  393. Gator (GM): Sorry to bail for 1/6 of the game today.
  394. Jee-Still Waki: It's alright
  395. Gator (GM): You too, Suule will be done with his edits today and I'll see how that worked out.
  396. Okay, I'm off to get to work. Good job today, I'll try to include everyone next time.
  397. Jee-Still Waki: Neat
  398. See you all next week
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