

Oct 29th, 2014
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  1. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Welcome dear :) come in when u are loaded up
  2. PrcsAdalinNightStar: thank you
  3. CaptainGabrieleStoro: your so welcome dear :)
  4. PrcsAdalinNightStar: very pretty room
  5. CaptainGabrieleStoro: thank you darling :)
  6. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Caspian i have that one part left to make then ill be finished with my speech for the ceremony -does a fist pump-
  7. PrcsAdalinNightStar: yvw maam
  8. Pyxxll: -blinks- ouo
  9. Pyxxll: I am sorry? I am really confused. x.x
  10. CaptainGabrieleStoro: caspain meet adalin, she is a leader and a close friend of mine gbby , they will be joining us tonight for the ceremony
  11. PrcsAdalinNightStar: blins looking up at the tall man-
  12. CaptainGabrieleStoro: oh caspiian im sorry what im sayis i have prepared what i need for the ceremony already . My post i mean
  13. Pyxxll: -he waves down at the shorter woman and smiled- Hello there Adalin.
  14. Pyxxll: and oh I see.
  15. CaptainGabrieleStoro: AHHHHH!!! MY BABY IS ON!!! -does the chicken little dance-
  16. Pyxxll: I cannot wait to be there for your corronation.
  17. Pyxxll: Are you excited?
  18. Pyxxll: and oh goody. ♥
  19. CaptainGabrieleStoro: did u see my pulse cas
  20. PrcsAdalinNightStar: -waves at him as she pulls up her dress hiding her face-
  21. Pyxxll: I'll check it now.
  22. CaptainGabrieleStoro: im not excite more depressed , tired and somehow i have to push all that aside to walk down that isle and get that crown
  23. Pyxxll: -he blinks and looks away as the woman's dress rises- oh my.. -he blushed then walked towards the Princess-
  24. Pyxxll: Ah I see, my lady.
  25. PrcsAdalinNightStar: loll
  26. Pyxxll: Well today is supposed to be a great day for you.
  27. CaptainGabrieleStoro: -chuckles at adalin-
  28. Pyxxll: Please try to enjoy it.
  29. CaptainGabrieleStoro: .... and miss my mother at the same time
  30. PrcsAdalinNightStar: mesh a kid that what we do
  31. Pyxxll: and also please warn my about voice boxes. x.x
  32. Pyxxll: R.I.P. my ear drums.
  33. PrcsAdalinNightStar: oh mesh sorry
  34. CaptainGabrieleStoro: oh no they are not even allowed to a high caliber even such as this one
  35. CaptainGabrieleStoro: event
  36. Pyxxll: -Caspain walked up to the Captain and placed a hand on her shoulder- You must be strong right now my lady.
  37. PrcsAdalinNightStar: mesh wills not se them
  38. PrcsAdalinNightStar: use*
  39. Pyxxll: -turns off product sounds- x.x
  40. PrcsAdalinNightStar: digs in her baggy finding a lolli offering it to him-
  41. CaptainGabrieleStoro: how heavy do u rp adalin dear
  42. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i do all types
  43. CaptainGabrieleStoro: wonderful min line in this event is at least 2 but no more because most of the talking will be done by myself and the Arch bishop
  44. CaptainGabrieleStoro: you will enjoy yourself adalin
  45. PrcsAdalinNightStar: oks
  46. CaptainGabrieleStoro: caspian , honestly im trying to , which is why i will pretend she is here.
  47. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i do all the way up to t4 but i will not go any higher
  48. Pyxxll: I am very proud of you.
  49. CaptainGabrieleStoro: i am a para monster lol but i will behave myself
  50. Pyxxll: -he chuckles and kindly shakes his head towards the lollipop- I am sorry little one, I am not really a fan of sweets, you eat it dear. I know kids love candy. -he smiled then ruffled her hair-
  51. PrcsAdalinNightStar: -growls biting at his hand for ruffling her pretty hair sticking the lolli in her mouth she walks away back to her seat-
  52. Pyxxll: I can para as well.
  53. Pyxxll: but Captain told me to calm myself.
  54. Pyxxll: x.x
  55. Pyxxll: so I don't.
  56. CaptainGabrieleStoro: well yeah we have light rpers coming lol
  57. PrcsAdalinNightStar: good thing i can do rp from light to heavy
  58. Pyxxll: -Caspain pulled his hand away quickly then glared at the little devil- I swear.. kids these days grow more evil by the moment.
  59. CaptainGabrieleStoro: im hoping my oracle will make it tonight
  60. CaptainGabrieleStoro: -chuckles -
  61. CaptainGabrieleStoro: well girls dont like there hair ruffled dear-
  62. CaptainGabrieleStoro: wel... red may -she looks at him wanting to burst into laughter-
  63. PrcsAdalinNightStar: well mesh vamp/dragon
  64. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i will eat chu
  65. Pyxxll: -he glared at the Captain- <.< What do you mean by that?
  66. Pyxxll: and why do the lot of you keep on snickering?
  67. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ...well umm she does talk about you alot... so im assuming one day you may .... umm "
  68. PrcsAdalinNightStar: loll
  69. PrcsAdalinNightStar: oopsys
  70. Pyxxll: -he glanced at her- Huh? What do you mean?
  71. PrcsAdalinNightStar: chu know hiched
  72. PrcsAdalinNightStar: mated
  73. PrcsAdalinNightStar: get pic huhs
  74. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i swear men can be so dense sometimes
  75. CaptainGabrieleStoro: -chuckles0
  76. CaptainGabrieleStoro: It means , you will load her cannons"
  77. CaptainGabrieleStoro: or vice-
  78. PrcsAdalinNightStar: falls to the floor laughing and holding her side-
  79. Pyxxll: -Caspian looked over at the little devil and glared- Little rotten -he mumbled under his breathe to calm himself-
  80. CaptainGabrieleStoro: -tries not to laugh as hard as i wanted due to the corset i was wearing for walk training -
  81. PrcsAdalinNightStar: mesh is lil devil yesh
  82. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Be nice caspian, she is our allies godbby
  83. Pyxxll: -he glanced back over to the Princess- ..... So Red wants to marry me?
  84. Pyxxll: -he nodded- of yes, of course...
  85. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Caspian i my Arch Duke adalin , you will find out more about him at the ceremony
  86. PrcsAdalinNightStar: sorrys mesh very playful sometimes but more fiesty all the time
  87. CaptainGabrieleStoro: I am assuming if you to keep walking the line eventually someone would marry the other Caspian
  88. PrcsAdalinNightStar: smh mesh man being ass i am thinking about walking away
  89. Pyxxll: Waling what line?
  90. Pyxxll: *walking
  91. Pyxxll: -is so confused- x.x
  92. PrcsAdalinNightStar: giggles-
  93. CaptainGabrieleStoro: -chuckles -
  94. Pyxxll: -hits head on floor-
  95. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Ok caspain my side is hurting
  96. CaptainGabrieleStoro: from laughing so much at u
  97. Pyxxll: I am serious.
  98. Pyxxll: Please explain
  99. Pyxxll: x.x
  100. CaptainGabrieleStoro: walking the line is another way of saying "dating"
  101. Pyxxll: oh
  102. Pyxxll: alright
  103. Pyxxll: OH!
  104. Pyxxll: ouo
  105. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Altho The arch dutchess may have something to say about that
  106. Pyxxll: -feels dumb- x.x
  107. PrcsAdalinNightStar: told you men are dense sometimes
  108. Pyxxll: I hardly talk to her.
  109. Pyxxll: if we were to talk I'd be open to start a relationship I suppose with her.
  110. Pyxxll: in the rp that is
  111. Pyxxll: but
  112. Pyxxll: I am willing to keep my chara single
  113. CaptainGabrieleStoro: -chuckles -
  114. Pyxxll: So when you made the arch dutchess the arch dutchess were you thinking we'd be getting married?
  115. Pyxxll: Simply put Caspian isn't really in this rp for love very much. It'd be nice further along maybe but I kinda don't like the idea of making my charater be in a relationship is more something I can decide later on. Not at this very moment.
  116. CaptainGabrieleStoro: no actually and im even reconsidering her asking because it wasnt my idea for her. She owns the lands of Pirendra she said herself she is the Baron's daughter , a baron owns all the property im assuming there is why she said there insane wealth
  117. CaptainGabrieleStoro: I ont want anyone in a relationship if they dont want it
  118. CaptainGabrieleStoro: but lady elizabeth is a property owner, she is filthy rich in other words
  119. Pyxxll: I kinda wanted to ask you about it and ask if I could choose my own arch dutchess
  120. Pyxxll: Rich has no meaning to me.
  121. Pyxxll: I don't honestly care for the rich.
  122. CaptainGabrieleStoro: me either im just telling u what her title means
  123. Pyxxll: I see
  124. Pyxxll: But I was kinda hoping I choose my own arch dutchess
  125. Pyxxll: of course I'd run her by you
  126. CaptainGabrieleStoro: i dont think she knows unless they are considered rulers there similar to a judge perhaps
  127. Pyxxll: I'd get your permission.
  128. PrcsAdalinNightStar: he must have someone in mind already
  129. CaptainGabrieleStoro: you cant choose that caspian
  130. Pyxxll: -nods- oh alright.
  131. CaptainGabrieleStoro: i choose something for red and im holding out that someone i know can handle the position will soon join
  132. CaptainGabrieleStoro: as you joined
  133. Pyxxll: what position?
  134. CaptainGabrieleStoro: there are still many titles and since my fiance wants to wait til after the wedding to recruit i just have to be patient
  135. CaptainGabrieleStoro: there will still be 9 providences that need a duke or a dutchess
  136. Pyxxll: oh I see.
  137. CaptainGabrieleStoro: even after appointing red to one
  138. CaptainGabrieleStoro: im allso considering Kaden as a dutchess
  139. Pyxxll: aww I see.
  140. CaptainGabrieleStoro: but since zurey joined last night ill see what she wants to do because i really want her as arch dutchess
  141. Pyxxll: Well I'd love to get to know her.
  142. CaptainGabrieleStoro: i believe elizabeth will make a wonderful supporter , in trade, perhaps in foreign affairs
  143. CaptainGabrieleStoro: i will ask her tonight before the ceremony starts
  144. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i am here jut listening to you two talk
  145. CaptainGabrieleStoro: That will be the title for elizabeth Foreign Advisor , since her brother handles mass trade exports
  146. CaptainGabrieleStoro: lol its ok sweety
  147. Pyxxll: I will keep my title correct?
  148. CaptainGabrieleStoro: yes silly
  149. CaptainGabrieleStoro: why wouldnt u
  150. Pyxxll: -chuckles- just making sure
  151. Pyxxll: I love being where I am
  152. Pyxxll: It's an honor
  153. CaptainGabrieleStoro: we are building abalone :) so having a strong foundation is what will make it stand
  154. PrcsAdalinNightStar: if i may request that we can make a alliance with my family
  155. Pyxxll: -Capsian nods in agreement- I agree completely my lady.
  156. CaptainGabrieleStoro: now the other realms in tac to abalone are afaregon fresia and others that i cant call now ... we also have to build there empires as well
  157. Pyxxll: oh yes.
  158. CaptainGabrieleStoro: adalin you can tonight when the bishop ask are there any ones who will stand with the Queen
  159. PrcsAdalinNightStar: my momma would be the one to do that
  160. Pyxxll: I am hungry, imma go get food really quickly.
  161. Pyxxll: brb
  162. CaptainGabrieleStoro: its alot of things on my mind for tonight. I have to appoint a leader over Afaregon tonight - she says biting her fist a bit-
  163. CaptainGabrieleStoro: tyt dear
  164. PrcsAdalinNightStar: may i pull my mother
  165. CaptainGabrieleStoro: please darling
  166. PrcsAdalinNightStar: hey momma -runs up to her hugging her leg tightly-
  167. PrcsAdalinNightStar: tyt momma
  168. PrcsAdalinNightStar: loading*
  169. IHEKrystalNightStar: hey baby girl
  170. CaptainGabrieleStoro: welcome dear
  171. IHEKrystalNightStar: ty
  172. CaptainGabrieleStoro: I am a long time friend of your daughters God mom. Its a pleausre to meet you "
  173. CaptainGabrieleStoro: pleasure*
  174. IHEKrystalNightStar: it's a pleasure to meet you as well
  175. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i was talking about joining in an alliance with Gabriele
  176. IHEKrystalNightStar: oh daugter?
  177. PrcsAdalinNightStar: mmhms
  178. PrcsAdalinNightStar: yes momma so i pulled you
  179. IHEKrystalNightStar: okay baby girl
  180. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Tonight is my royal coronation , my mother has passed and my father wants me to assume the throne. Rose will be attending and will give her support to my crown. I would be honored if you would also come "
  181. IHEKrystalNightStar: what time is it?
  182. CaptainGabrieleStoro: eastern time at 4 pm its 12 58 now
  183. IHEKrystalNightStar: You have the same time that I do
  184. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i will come as a adult form sinse i am not born yet
  185. IHEKrystalNightStar: Rub my tummy
  186. IHEKrystalNightStar: I think my daughter is breakdancing in my stomach
  187. CaptainGabrieleStoro: rofl
  188. IHEKrystalNightStar: lol
  189. IHEKrystalNightStar: I am carrying twins
  190. CaptainGabrieleStoro: the min. post in the room is 1 to 2 lines. but most of the talking will be done by myself and the Arch bishop
  191. IHEKrystalNightStar: not listen to her sister is having a wrestling match in my stomach
  192. IHEKrystalNightStar: lol
  193. CaptainGabrieleStoro: its wonderful to hear dear babies are amazing... one day me and nicholas will have some
  194. PrcsAdalinNightStar: momma might need some help with that post sinse she dont know what to really say
  195. CaptainGabrieleStoro: just have an entrance post , as how u see yourself coming into a formal affair of this calibar
  196. IHEKrystalNightStar: mhmm
  197. CaptainGabrieleStoro: close your eyes and see it happening
  198. CaptainGabrieleStoro: then write what u see
  199. CaptainGabrieleStoro: see te lights, see the beatiful jewel steps the white horses. smell the wonderful fragrances in the air from ship imports of the finest and rarest perfumes
  200. PrcsAdalinNightStar: i will help you momma
  201. IHEKrystalNightStar: ok bbg
  202. CaptainGabrieleStoro: The waters glitter like rare gems under the skies of Abalone- waves rising and falling like curtains in the wind, their rush and crashing weaving together like a long-forgotten lullaby.
  203. CaptainGabrieleStoro: this puts you there, you can see this happening
  204. PrcsAdalinNightStar: smiles
  205. IHEKrystalNightStar: :)
  206. CaptainGabrieleStoro: thats one line there so you can add the next one as " She fixed her gown , carefully checking over herself. She stood straight up taking a deep breath, breathing in everything around her. It was magnificent. None like this in all her lands. She went to step and the sound the stones made were as rain drops. "What is this?" she said noting that they were not stones but diamonds. She knelt down to touch them when a guard walked over to her and said, " This way to the coronation hall." she stood a little shocke that anyone noticed her doing such a thing. she gave a brief nod and followedd the man insided-
  207. CaptainGabrieleStoro: this is abalone
  208. IHEKrystalNightStar: mhmm
  209. PrcsAdalinNightStar: smiles
  210. PrcsAdalinNightStar: do you babylonine
  211. CaptainGabrieleStoro: so if this helps you to see theimage i will add it when u and your family enters
  212. IHEKrystalNightStar: ty
  213. CaptainGabrieleStoro: adalin are u asking is there a baby abalone ?
  214. PrcsAdalinNightStar: nods
  215. CaptainGabrieleStoro: well my ancestor was abalone ...-reflects -
  216. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Known for its solid gold walls and shimmering diamond blue waters, Abalone is the riches of all Kingdoms. Founded by Gabrieles great grandfather Elder Mivches, him and a band of close friends and one relative Elder Bensig, known for his sword said to house the spirits of the great elders, later left over a squanderous fight over a stone. Elder Mivches didnt know what kind of land he stumbled on that day but decided to call it home. His close friends quickly went exploring, gathering up materials needed to build a large place for all of them. Upon searching the raw materials found weren't know at the time as diamonds and pearls, opals rubies, gems etc. They assumed them just good building rocks and quickly built a safe haven for the 12 of them: 6 men and 6 women . Some time had passes Elder MIvches had a son and named him Abalone and decided when he died the place would be called such because he found rest there. Elder Mivches lived to see 73 years, his son was a young lad when his father passed away about 12.
  217. CaptainGabrieleStoro: Abalone was very smart witty child and with the help of the people and other children his age they expanded the large building into a city by the time Abalone was 27. Abalone the city grew as more and more children were born in the lands. Abalone passed away at age 89 leaving his name on forever in the city we called home to this very day.
  218. CaptainGabrieleStoro: It was later when Gabrieles father King Madres, took it upon himself to build ships and and raise of the Legend of Aba Knight, a band of warriors known all over Abalone to protect the kingdom. Population : 152,000 . KIng Madres took the throne at age 20 as his father wanted to travel to the unknown in search of something never before seen at age 45. Many warned the king to not venture out because Legends of sea monster and giant birds were ramped in the streets of Abalone. King Quatze didn't care though. He gave the right of rule to his son Madres and was not heard from since.
  219. PrcsAdalinNightStar: smiles
  220. CaptainGabrieleStoro: ...and that is why we get abalone from
  221. PrcsAdalinNightStar: please excuse me for a moment brb
  222. IHEKrystalNightStar: tyt.
  223. CaptainGabrieleStoro: tyt dear
  224. CaptainGabrieleStoro: im abou tto head home now myself dears so ill relog in 8 minutes :)
  225. IHEKrystalNightStar: be careful on your way home
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