
Kai and dungeon crawl

Sep 20th, 2015
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  1. [13:50] <Chief> ======= START ========
  2. [13:51] <Chief> You return to the puzzle dungeon, the chief following begrudgingly behind you
  3. [13:52] * Kai_River ascends the stairs, stopping at the room leading to the hallway.
  4. [13:52] <Kai_River> Ready?
  5. [13:52] <Chief> "If we have to."
  6. [13:52] <Kai_River> Siri, do you have a flashlight app?
  7. [13:52] <Chief> Sirisprite nods and lights up the hallway
  8. [13:53] == Sirisprite [] has joined #RPGstuck_Room
  9. [13:53] * Sirisprite nods and lights up the hallway
  10. [13:53] * Kai_River nods and heads forward through the intersection
  11. [13:54] * Chief and Sirisprite follow.
  12. [13:54] <Chief> The shattered glass crunches under your feet as you proceed into the darkness
  13. [13:55] <Chief> After a few seconds of walking, you arrive at a dead end
  14. [13:56] <Chief> It's actually almost surprising how short this hallway is
  15. [13:56] <Kai_River> Wait a second...
  16. [13:56] * Kai_River turns around, heading back to the beginning of the hallways, and pulling the lever down
  17. [13:56] <Chief> The hallway you entered through is sealed off
  18. [13:57] * Kai_River turns around and heads back to the dead end
  19. [13:57] <Chief> There we go, much better
  20. [13:57] <Chief> The hallway carries on
  21. [13:58] * Kai_River continues through the hallway
  22. [13:58] <Chief> Perception check, please
  23. [13:58] <Kai_River> roll 1d20+4
  24. [13:58] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20+4 [ 1d20=18 ]{22}
  25. [13:59] <Chief> It's not long before the floor is free of shattered glass. Above you, the lightbulbs are perfectly intact, if still turned off
  26. [13:59] <Kai_River> Siri, can you lead so it's easier to see?
  27. [14:00] * Sirisprite does so
  28. [14:00] <Chief> Your group proceeds onward, now free of the cruching glass
  29. [14:01] <Chief> After about five minutes of walking, you find another dead end
  30. [14:02] <Kai_River> (Five minutes, battery lantern is forcefully ejected, which Kai retrieves)
  31. [14:02] <Chief> ((Sure))
  32. [14:02] * Kai_River searches for any lever or button or anything
  33. [14:03] <Chief> Perception
  34. [14:03] <Kai_River> roll 1d20+4
  35. [14:03] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20+4 [ 1d20=6 ]{10}
  36. [14:03] <Chief> Button yes, but no lever.
  37. [14:03] * Kai_River presses the button, expecting the lights to turn on
  38. [14:04] <Chief> The lights do in fact turn on
  39. [14:04] <Chief> Several of them back behind you shatter with loud POPs, though
  40. [14:04] <Kai_River> I don't think there'd just be a dead end, this has to lead somewhere...
  41. [14:05] <Kai_River> Low light is better than no light.
  42. [14:05] <Kai_River> Elder, do you know if there's anything significant about this place?
  43. [14:05] <Chief> "I don't know anything about it."
  44. [14:06] <Kai_River> Siri?
  45. [14:06] <Sirisprite> I do not have access to any information regarding in-game puzzles.
  46. [14:06] <Sirisprite> Would you like me to Google it?
  47. [14:07] <Kai_River> Sure, why not?
  48. [14:07] <Sirisprite> ...
  49. [14:07] <Sirisprite> No relevant results.
  50. [14:07] * Kai_River sighs and starts walking back to the intersection.
  51. [14:07] <Chief> You are now back at the intersection
  52. [14:08] * Kai_River turns left.
  53. [14:08] <Chief> You turn left, which is the equivalent of taking the path to the right of your initial pathway
  54. [14:09] <Chief> After another short walk, the hallway turns into a set of stairs
  55. [14:09] <Kai_River> (Do the stairs lead up or down?)
  56. [14:09] <Chief> ((Down))
  57. [14:11] * Kai_River descends the stairs slowly, knowing how dangerous they can be
  58. [14:12] <Chief> These stairs do not appear to be malevolent towards you
  59. [14:12] <Chief> You wisely proceed with caution anyway
  60. [14:13] <Chief> It doesn't take too long before you reach the bottom, which consists of a short hallway leading to an upwards-leading staircase
  61. [14:13] <Kai_River> Siri, light?
  62. [14:14] * Sirisprite continues to provide light
  63. [14:15] * Kai_River continues forward, ascending the stairs after Siri
  64. [14:16] <Chief> When you make it a short distance up the staircase, the floor of the hallway behind and below you swings open, revealing a dark pit beneath it
  65. [14:16] * Chief jumps in surprise, but there is otherwise no apparent danger
  66. [14:16] <Kai_River> Well then...
  67. [14:16] <Kai_River> Did I mention that I hate this game?
  68. [14:16] <Kai_River> Because I do.
  69. [14:17] <Kai_River> A lot.
  70. [14:17] * Kai_River continues forward, careful for any more traps in the hallway
  71. [14:18] <Chief> As you rise, the staircase grows less and less steep, until it's effectively a hallway with the occasional step up
  72. [14:19] <Chief> Your group eventually comes to find a metal door with a symbol etched into the surface
  73. [14:20] <Chief>
  74. [14:20] <Kai_River> Elder, is this another one of those puzzle doors you had?
  75. [14:20] <Chief> The 'door' has no doorknob to speak of, at least not on this side of it
  76. [14:20] <Chief> "I'd assume so."
  77. [14:21] <Kai_River> Is there any chalk to draw on this one?
  78. [14:21] <Chief> Not that you can find, no
  79. [14:22] <Kai_River> (Can i roll investigation?)
  80. [14:23] <Chief> ((Go for it))
  81. [14:23] <Kai_River> roll 1d20+7
  82. [14:23] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20+7 [ 1d20=4 ]{11}
  83. [14:23] <Chief> Well
  84. [14:23] <Chief> It's a door
  85. [14:23] <Chief> You could just push it open
  86. [14:23] * Kai_River pushes the door
  87. [14:23] <Chief> Roll a Str check
  88. [14:24] <Kai_River> roll 1d20-1
  89. [14:24] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=13 ]{12}
  90. [14:24] <Chief> You fail to push open the door
  91. [14:24] <Chief> There's something heavy holding it closed, it would seem
  92. [14:25] * Kai_River attempts to captchalogue the door
  93. [14:25] <Chief> You do so
  94. [14:26] <Chief> A wall of water, no-longer-suppressed, launches out at you
  95. [14:26] <Chief> On the other side of the door, hastily-nailed planks of wood hold back a fair deal, somehow managing not to snap under the stress
  96. [14:27] <Chief> Make an Acrobatics check to stay upright against the deluge
  97. [14:27] <Kai_River> roll 1d20
  98. [14:27] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  99. [14:28] <Kai_River> (F)
  100. [14:28] <Chief> Yeah you go flying
  101. [14:28] <Chief> You and the chief are blown away by the torrent, pushed along down the hallway as it steadily grows steeper
  102. [14:29] * Kai_River attempts to captchalogue the chief
  103. [14:29] <Chief> You successfully do so
  104. [14:29] <Chief> However, you are still hurtling down the passageway
  105. [14:29] <Chief> Make another Acrobatics check to try and catch yourself before the water forces you into the pit, this time with Disadvantage
  106. [14:29] <Kai_River> roll 2#1d20
  107. [14:29] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 2#1d20 [ 1d20=14 ]{14}, [ 1d20=16 ]{16}
  108. [14:30] <Chief> You brace yourself against the walls as the water continues to pour over you, down into the dark and potentially-bottomless pit
  109. [14:31] * Kai_River thinks HATE. THIS. GAME.
  110. [14:31] * Sirisprite slowly descends, floating just over the rushing water
  111. [14:32] <Chief> You see Sirisprite's light grow closer as the waterfall begins to slow
  112. [14:33] <Chief> It will be difficult to ascend while the water still flows, but you're at least not in any danger of falling anymore
  113. [14:33] * Kai_River continues to brace against the wall until the water stops
  114. [14:34] <Chief> After a minute or so, the water has slowed to a trickle. Beneath you, the pit is almost entirely filled with water
  115. [14:34] <Chief> The stairs are entirely soaked, so it might be a good idea to ascend carefully
  116. [14:35] * Kai_River decaptchalogues everything one at a time until the elder comes out, then resets his timer and recaptchalogues everything except the elder
  117. [14:35] <Kai_River> Hate.
  118. [14:35] <Kai_River> This.
  119. [14:35] <Kai_River> Game.
  120. [14:35] * Chief shudders
  121. [14:35] <Chief> "Never again."
  122. [14:36] <Kai_River> Would you rather have been dragged down to the pit?
  123. [14:36] * Chief shudders some more
  124. [14:38] * Kai_River ascends the stairs VERY SLOWLY
  125. [14:38] <Chief> You are now back at the doorway, no longer sealed shut but still boarded up
  126. [14:38] * Kai_River listens for any water on the other side.
  127. [14:39] <Chief> You can tell that all the water has gone past you already
  128. [14:39] * Kai_River attempts to break the boards
  129. [14:39] <Chief> Partially because you can see through the openings in between the boards that the water came through
  130. [14:39] <Chief> Roll a Str check
  131. [14:40] <Kai_River> roll 1d20-1
  132. [14:40] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=16 ]{15}
  133. [14:40] <Chief> You tear down the boards
  134. [14:41] <Chief> Being held in water for so long can't have been good for them - they practically fell apart in your hands!
  135. [14:42] * Kai_River continues through the boarded door
  136. [14:42] <Chief> On the other side, you find yourself in a small room. What appears to be a regular Earth fire sprinkler is in the middle of the ceiling.
  137. [14:43] <Chief> The walls and floor are solid metal.
  138. [14:43] * Kai_River enters the room
  139. [14:43] * Kai_River examines the room for anything else
  140. [14:44] <Chief> Perception and Investigation
  141. [14:44] <Kai_River> roll 1d20+4
  142. [14:44] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20+4 [ 1d20=13 ]{17}
  143. [14:44] <Kai_River> roll 1d20+7
  144. [14:44] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20+7 [ 1d20=17 ]{24}
  145. [14:45] <Chief> The sprinkler begins to drip water down onto the floor
  146. [14:46] <Chief> Based on the volume of water than attacked you and the elder, you think this room could just about fit that much water
  147. [14:46] <Chief> Perhaps it's trying to fill up for another go?
  148. [14:46] <Chief> In any case, since you've taken the door away, the water simply trickles down the stairs
  149. [14:47] <Kai_River> Hm.
  150. [14:47] <Kai_River> Siri, any idea what this is for?
  151. [14:47] <Sirisprite> It would appear to be a death trap.
  152. [14:48] <Kai_River> You don't say?
  153. [14:48] <Kai_River> Do you think there's anything else in here?
  154. [14:50] <Sirisprite> I question the benefits of sealing a door from the inside, but no.
  155. [14:50] <Kai_River> Alright then.
  156. [14:50] * Kai_River exits the room, descending the stairs VERY SLOWLY
  157. [14:51] <Chief> You return to the pit, which is just about entirely full of water at this point
  158. [14:51] * Kai_River searches for another way across
  159. [14:52] <Chief> You could maybe jump, you guess? Or try to swim.
  160. [14:52] <Kai_River> Alright, elder, you need to go back in the card to get across, unless you wanna swim
  161. [14:53] * Chief grumbles some more
  162. [14:53] <Chief> "This is a terrible place."
  163. [14:53] <Kai_River> Yes. Yes it is.
  164. [14:53] <Chief> "Fine. But ONLY to get across!"
  165. [14:54] <Kai_River> Agreed.
  166. [14:54] * Kai_River captchalogues the elder and swims across, emptying his sylladex one at a time on the other side.
  167. [14:54] <Chief> Athletics check to swim, please
  168. [14:56] <Kai_River> roll 1d20-1
  169. [14:56] <`DICE> Kai_River rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=8 ]{7}
  170. [14:56] <Chief> It's pretty close, but you still manage to get across
  171. [14:57] * Kai_River empties his sylladex one at a time
  172. [14:57] * Chief shudders some more
  173. [14:57] <Chief> "Horrible horrible horrible horrible..."
  174. [14:58] <Kai_River> Yeah, I know.
  175. [14:58] <Kai_River> Let's keep moving.
  176. [14:59] <Chief> ==>
  177. [15:00] * Kai_River walks back to the intersection, heading straight
  178. [15:01] <Chief> You proceed down the next dark hallway, trailing wet footsteps behind you
  179. [15:02] <Chief> The hallway drags onward, seemingly forever
  180. [15:03] * Kai_River continues walking
  181. [15:03] <Chief> The hallway drags onward
  182. [15:04] * Kai_River continues
  183. [15:04] <Chief> The hallway drags onward
  184. [15:05] <Kai_River> That's it. This place is useless.
  185. [15:05] <Chief> "Also horrible."
  186. [15:05] <Kai_River> Yes, horrible too.
  187. [15:07] <Kai_River> What else is there to do here?
  188. [15:07] * Chief shrugs
  189. [15:07] <Chief> "I don't know. Why are we even in here?"
  190. [15:07] <Kai_River> It's a place to explore.
  191. [15:08] <Chief> "Well it sucks"
  192. [15:08] <Chief> "This is a horrible place"
  193. [15:09] <Kai_River> Alright, well, where else is there to go?
  194. [15:10] <Chief> "Home! Anywhere else but here!"
  195. [15:10] <Kai_River> I understand that you like your home.
  196. [15:11] <Kai_River> But if we don't deal with the enemies outside, your entire species will be stuck down there.\
  197. [15:12] * Chief grumbles some more
  198. [15:15] <Kai_River> So then, do we have to go through the gates?
  199. [15:15] <Kai_River> Or is there somewhere else that can be explored first?
  200. [15:15] <Sirisprite> That would be advisable.
  201. [15:18] <Kai_River> Ugh, I really don't want to talk to Iinito again.
  202. [15:18] * Kai_River sighs and checks his watch computer, hoping that i wasn't ruined by the water
  203. [15:18] <Chief> Yeah it's fine
  204. [15:18] * Chief looks at Kai in confusion
  205. [15:20] <Kai_River> What?
  206. [15:20] <Chief> "What do you mean?"
  207. [15:20] <Kai_River> We all have server players who needs to build up our house to the gates.
  208. [15:20] <Kai_River> My server player is a jerk.
  209. [15:21] <Chief> "Oh, great."
  210. [15:23] * Kai_River attempts to message Iinito.
  211. [15:24] <Kai_River> UE: Iinito. I need you to build up my house.
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