
FoE PNP Group 9 Session 17

Nov 5th, 2012
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  1. [17:03] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> *** PnP Group Number Nine: Session 17 ***
  2. [17:04] * Grim is now known as Karma
  3. [17:05] * TicTac is now known as Desert_Eagle
  4. [17:13] * Strifer ( has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  5. [17:21] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> When we last left our wandering group of miscreants, they were ambushed and properly trounced by a gang of slavers, led by a pony who is almost certainly compensating for something. Challenger, Lollygag, and Strifer have been incapacitated and hauled off into the woods, Wraith is a bloody pulp in the middle of the road, and the two pegasi are staring down the barrels of half a dozen rifles. Just another day for Group Nine.
  6. [17:23] <Desert_Eagle> "Well shit."
  7. [17:24] * Wraith is dead. as a Doorknob.
  8. [17:24] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> As it stands, Desert_Eagle and Cloudy_Breeze are the only ponies not dead or captured. The minigun pony rolls his shoulders and sighs. "All right, you two. You gonna come quietly?"
  9. [17:25] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't answer right away. After a suitably long pause, she replies, "Ya givin' us a choice?"
  10. [17:25] * Strifer mumbles something inchoherent as she is dragged away. Her burned, acided, exploded and genrally beat up body half on half given up on her as she drifts in and out of conciousness.
  11. [17:26] * Desert_Eagle 's eyes flick from Wraith to the miniguns and back from beneath his Aviators. "Ah don't think we have much o' a choice Breezy."
  12. [17:26] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion nods. "Sure. Your options are come with us and live, or stay here and die like her." he says, pointing to the bloodied corpse of Wraith.
  13. [17:29] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't look to Wraith. "Yeah, no choice."
  14. [17:30] * Desert_Eagle unslings his DMR and unholsters his pistol, setting them on the ground. "Ah'd rather not be turned t' paste, all considerin'."
  15. [17:32] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion looks a little bored. Eventually, two bucks emerge from the woods hauling a cart behind them. The bodies of Strifer, Lolly, and Challeneger lay in the bed. Armed stallions approach the pair with rope and blindfolds. "
  16. [17:32] <Desert_Eagle> "Kinky."
  17. [17:32] * Desert_Eagle grins.
  18. [17:33] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't say anything. She just stands there, glaring, but compliant.
  19. [17:35] * Strifer twitches.
  20. [17:36] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion closest to Desert_Eagle stuffs the blindfold in his mouth instead. "Shut up." He says, binding Deagle's hooves behind his back. The other two stallions do the same to Breezy.
  21. [17:36] * Wraith lays there, dead. It's pretty cool. restful, lot of time for introspection, all that stuff.
  22. [17:37] * Desert_Eagle chuckles through the blindfold-turned-gag.
  23. [17:40] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The two stallions shove Deagle into the back of the cart on top of Strifer.
  24. [17:42] * Strifer groans and jerks her body. "Ow, fuck.." She mutters and tries to curl up further in a atempt to remove any contact with the burned parts of her body.
  25. [17:44] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> As one of the sniper mares looks on, she raises a brow at Lolly. "Hey Janus, do you know who this is?" She asks, pointing at her.
  26. [17:44] * Lollygag is lying unresponsive on the bedding.
  27. [17:46] * Wraith is an object lesson!
  28. [17:47] * Desert_Eagle lays there.
  29. [17:47] * Cloudy_Breeze is just sort of watching. Can't really do anything else.
  30. [17:48] * Strifer is aparantly comfortable.
  31. [17:48] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The minigun pony cocks his head. "No, why? Should I?" The mare's smile goes sickeningly wide. "This is Shorn's kid." The pony, Janus, grins too. "Oh, that is perfect. Absolutely perfect." He says, as the other bucks toss Cloudy_Breeze into the cart and secure the blindfolds.
  32. [17:50] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion puts a blindfold over Deagle's eyes too, pocketing his shades.
  33. [17:52] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The group can feel the cart lurch forward. Janus mutters something as the cart starts off down the road.
  34. [17:52] * Desert_Eagle grumbles. Those were his signature shades!
  35. [17:53] * Cloudy_Breeze remains calm. They need to survive, and when they survive, they can find an escape.
  36. [17:53] * Wraith would wave bye but is kind of a grease stain in the middle of the road
  37. [17:54] * Strifer groans as the cart starts to move. The comfort of unconciousness taking her yet again.. 'Never got that drink...'
  38. [17:58] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> After what seems like hours, the cart grinds to a halt. Everypony inside can feel it start to tip back as the back gate swings open. The five ponies are dumped out of the cart and into a long, long fall.
  39. [17:59] <Desert_Eagle> "Aiee!"
  40. [18:00] * Lollygag can fly. Wheeeeeee.
  41. [18:00] <Strifer> "Fuuuuu~"
  42. [18:01] * Cloudy_Breeze instinctively tries to extend her wings to end her fall... but can't because they're bound.
  43. [18:03] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> While the fall only lasts for a couple of seconds, it seems like hours before the group can feel their decent magically slowed till they drop just a few feet to the ground. The dark, damp, stone ground.
  44. [18:03] * Lollygag doesn't actually feel anything, and certainly can't fly while unconcious.
  45. [18:04] * Strifer grunts as she is dropped to the ground.
  46. [18:06] * Desert_Eagle groans. "Well, that was pleasant." Except it came out more like "Murr, mah mrfsh mwushnt"
  47. [18:07] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> One of the stallions sneers from the top. "Enjoy your stay."
  48. [18:07] * Desert_Eagle would yell something back, but doesn't.
  49. [18:07] * Strifer mutters a "..fuck you.."
  50. [18:08] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The feeling of the these cold stones underhoof must be all too familiar to Strifer.
  51. [18:10] * Strifer strains at her bonds, and atempts to push the blindfold of her face by scraping it against the ground. Her body shaking and twitching as she moves, the burned patches on her body hurting like hell, grittign her teeth she continues to struggle.
  52. [18:12] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Eventually, Strifer is able to remove her blindfold, cutting herself up a little in the process. It doesn't do her much good, though. The room they're being held in quickly grows dark as a covering is placed over the hole they fell through.
  53. [18:12] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't waste her energy. She bides her time.
  54. [18:12] * Desert_Eagle waits too.
  55. [18:15] * Strifer looks up and snarls. "I'll kill every last one of you mother fuckers!" Glaring and screaming in frustration and pain she looks down at her hooves and bites down at her binds in a atempt to free herself. "Fuck this.. Fuck this place.." Blinking she stops takes a look around, why was this place so familiar.. She shudders and starts biting at the bonds with even more intensity then before.
  56. [18:18] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The sound of a heavy door opening fills the otherwise quiet chasm. Two sets of hoofsteps trot in and heft Lolly up. "You're coming with us, you little snot." The first says, the second takes a long look at Strifer. "Welcome back." He says before departing with Lolly in tow.
  57. [18:20] * Strifer glares at the second pony and snarls "Bite me." She spits and goes back to chewing through her bonds.
  58. [18:21] * Lollygag still doesn't respond as she's lifted. Without her gear, her body is every bit as light as you'd expect from her size.
  59. [18:21] * Strifer calls after them. "Where the fuck are you taking her?!"
  60. [18:21] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The second stallion shrugs. "Taking her to someplace nicer. Kid deserves 'special treatment', after all."
  61. [18:24] * Strifer keeps glaring before letting out a frustrated scream as she trashes in her bonds. "Get me out of this shit!"
  62. [18:26] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The door closes again.
  63. [18:28] * Strifer trashes wildly for a few more seconds before the pain gets the best of her, another scream leaving her as she curls up a little. "Fuck you, fuck this place!"
  64. [18:29] * Cloudy_Breeze tests her bonds, to see how strong they are.
  65. [18:30] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The bods are pretty strong. They've been notted a bunch of different times in a bunch of different places.
  66. [18:32] * Cloudy_Breeze tries to see if she can break them.
  67. [18:34] * Desert_Eagle also attempts to break his.
  68. [18:35] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Nopony can seem to break out of those bonds.
  69. [18:39] * Strifer twitches and giggles quietly. "Well.. Aint this a fucked up situation. Woopedy, fucking do.." She winces and drags herself closer to Deagle to remove his blindfold and gag. "Hai~" She says with a slight grin as she starts to nuzzle and biting over Deagles face to remove them.
  70. [18:39] <Desert_Eagle> "Muuryf!"
  71. [18:42] * Strifer snickers quietly and gives Deagle a smirk as she removes the blind. "We should do this more often.." She winces and strains a little to pull the blindfold-gag away. These fucking burns..
  72. [18:43] * Cloudy_Breeze conserves her energy.
  73. [18:45] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> One of those awesome little slits in the door opens and a pair of eyes peek in. "Who's awake in there?"
  74. [18:45] <Desert_Eagle> "Heh, thanks..."
  75. [18:46] * Desert_Eagle turns towards the door. "Well, ah am."
  76. [18:46] * Strifer flops her way over to Cloudy_Breeze and works on her blindfold aswell. Snapping her head around. "Why don't you come in here and take a look?" She says with a slight grin.
  77. [18:49] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The voice doesn't sound that amused. "All right." The door opens and no less than four armed stallions step inside. The eyes reveal themselves to be a very tiny stallion. He trots in and glares at Strifer. "I've seen you before, haven't I?"
  78. [18:53] * Cloudy_Breeze hasn't had her blindfold bit off quite yet, so she can't see the newcomers.
  79. [18:54] * Desert_Eagle looks on silently. He looks pretty different without those iconic Aviators of his.
  80. [18:54] * Strifer glares back, cocking her head and grinning. "Maybe you have, maybe you havn't." She snorts and glares at the others. "Just do whatever the fuck you where sent here to do." She giggles and her head twitches.
  81. [18:55] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The small stallion trots around, examining his remaining prisoners. "Hmmm. To the pits, with all of them." he declares.
  82. [18:57] * Strifer grins wider, lowering her head slightly. "Oh.. This will be fun."
  83. [18:58] * Strifer starts to giggle quietly. Grinning wide at the small stallion.
  84. [18:58] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallions nod and trot over to Breezy, Deagle, and Strifer. The small stallion leans in towards Strifer. "Yes... I know I've seen you before."
  85. [18:58] * Desert_Eagle looks over at Strifer with a raised eyebrow.
  86. [18:59] * Strifer smirks. "New Bridle, eh? I thought the smell of this shithole was familiar."
  87. [19:02] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion humphs as the burly stallions lift all of you onto their backs, except Challenger. "Yes, let me be the first to welcome you to your new home."
  88. [19:03] <Desert_Eagle> "Seem pretty fuckin' miserable if yah ask me."
  89. [19:03] <Desert_Eagle> Seems*]]
  90. [19:05] * Strifer groans as she is lifted. Casting a mad, almost plastered, grin to Deagle. "Welcome to my place! Enjoy your stay!"
  91. [19:08] <Desert_Eagle> "Fuckin' awesome."
  92. [19:09] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The group is dragged down what looks like the battlements of a castle. The hall is barely lit, and lined with cages in the floor. Ponies try to reach up through the bars in the floor, grasping at the new comers.
  93. [19:09] * Cloudy_Breeze is still blindfolded, since Strifer didn't finish taking it off before inviting their captors in.
  94. [19:11] * Strifer twitches on the stallion's back. "Helloooo New Bridle! Strifer is hooome!" She shouts and cackles madly.
  95. [19:12] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The muffled cries of the prisoners are drowned out by the cheering of a raving, massive crowd. Those without blindfolds can see the arena proper. A small dirt pit is at center, surrounded on all side by rows and rows of theater seats.
  96. [19:13] * Desert_Eagle swallows, hard. "This ain't gonna be good."
  97. [19:15] * Cloudy_Breeze can't see it, but she can hear the cheering.
  98. [19:16] * Strifer glares at Deagle. "Get your shit together!"
  99. [19:16] <Desert_Eagle> "My shit left me an hour ago."
  100. [19:16] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Ponies jeer and chant for their favorite fighter as the ponies in the ring wrestle over a small rusty dagger. Several announcers comment on the action for those too far away to see it.
  101. [19:18] * Strifer snarls a little before meeting Deagle with a leveled look. The best she can whiles being carried anyway. "Look, if you show weakness in here they will fucking chew you up before you even have time to take to the air. So, get your shit together." She looks up and grins wide at the ponies around the pit.
  102. [19:20] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "Neither of them is giving an inch! I've never seen such tenacity!" one says. "That's right, Laurel! It's absolute insanity down there!" a second says. One of the stallions in the back row screams, "Tear his throat out, Bench Press!"
  103. [19:20] * Desert_Eagle nods, taking a deep breath. "Got it."
  104. [19:23] * Strifer looks towards the pit and frowns slightly. "... to the death."
  105. [19:27] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion stop at three floor cages and open them. They dump Deagle, Breezy, and Strifer inside. There's a familiar marking on the inside of Strifer's cell.
  106. [19:29] * Strifer groans and rolls over. Shaking her head to clear the fuzz she looks at the marking. "... is this?"
  107. [19:29] * Desert_Eagle grunts as he lands in his cage.
  108. [19:30] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The cage has all the comforts of home: feather pallet, filthy waste bucket, and a small lockbox.
  109. [19:33] * Strifer giggles loudly and twitches. "Back to fucking square one huh! Do you think this is funny you fuckers, do you?!" She blinks hard, shaking as she nuzzles the lockbox open.
  110. [19:34] * Cloudy_Breeze is getting a little annoyed at being tossed around. She struggles with her bonds again.
  111. [19:35] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Strifer's lockbox conatins four small coins, and a slip of paper.
  112. [19:36] * Desert_Eagle also struggles with his bonds.
  113. [19:37] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Desert_Eagle, after a solid five minutes of writhing and struggling, worms his way out of the ropes that bound his forehooves and wings.
  114. [19:37] * Strifer has no real place to put the coins so she just leaves them there with a frown. Taking the peice of paper she looks at it, turning it around once, frowning more and letting out a frustrated groan she rotates it around again.
  115. [19:38] * Desert_Eagle grins. "Much better. Now..." He opens his own lockbox.
  116. [19:39] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Desert_Eagle's box also contains four coins and a paper slip.
  117. [19:39] * Desert_Eagle picks up the paper, examining it.
  118. [19:40] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The paper reads "One Stitch-Up. Use only once, destroy after use."
  119. [19:41] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't know the lockboxes exist, since she's still blindfolded.
  120. [19:42] * Strifer tosses the paper back into the lockbox with a snarl and slams it shut hard. Struggling at her bonds once more, making her way over to the feather pallet. "Welcome home Strife.. " She mutters.
  121. [19:44] <Desert_Eagle> "Huh."
  122. [19:45] * Desert_Eagle puts the paper back, looking at the coins next.
  123. [19:45] * Cloudy_Breeze just kinda sits there. Still bound, blindfolded, and gagged.
  124. [19:47] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The coins, made of thin, light wood, each have a blue 2 on each side.
  125. [19:48] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything that special about them.
  126. [19:49] * Desert_Eagle puts them back too, and resigns himself to sitting there and waiting.
  127. [19:50] * Strifer curls up, shaking. "Fuck. Not. Now. Focus. You. Shithead." Every word followed by her head thumping at the ground.
  128. [19:52] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> After minutes of deliberate inactivity, Cloudy_Breeze's blindfold slips down her face just a little.
  129. [19:53] * Cloudy_Breeze notices after a minute or so. She tries to toss her head a bit to throw it off.
  130. [19:54] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Success! Cloudy_Breeze can now see the dank little space that was her cell. The roar of the crowd is louder than ever.
  131. [19:55] * Cloudy_Breeze proceeds to investigate her cell, which includes rummaging in her own lockbox.
  132. [19:57] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Cloudy_Breeze's lockbox contains five of the little blue coins and a slip of paper. Her cell has a lovely pallet matress and a waste bucket (markedly cleaner than the others).
  133. [19:59] * Cloudy_Breeze reads her own paper as well.
  134. [20:00] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> It reads "1 Dose of Dash, Use once, destroy after use."
  135. [20:01] * Strifer shakes her head, taking a few ragged breaths. "F-fuck!"
  136. [20:03] * Cloudy_Breeze returns the paper and coins to the lockbox.
  137. [20:06] * Strifer 's left forehoof shakes violently, she grabs it with another, swearing quietly. Glancing around she curls up further. "Stay out, I don't need your shit right now..." She mumbles.
  138. [20:08] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> A few minutes pass, and a friendly looking stallion's face pokes through the roof of Breezy's cell. "Hello there." he says, his voice oily and smooth. Silky smooth.
  139. [20:11] * Cloudy_Breeze blinks and looks up, questioningly.
  140. [20:11] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "Hey sweetheart, my name's Offblast, and I'm your new best friend, dig?" he asks, adjusting his tie.
  141. [20:19] * Cloudy_Breeze continues to look at him questioningly. She's wondering who the hell this pony is.
  142. [20:21] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Offblast chuckles. "You're new here, so let me give you the rundown. See those coins in your box there? You need those to buy into fights, dig? The only way to get out of this place is to win enough fights. I'm what they call... a sponsor. We square so far?"
  143. [20:22] * Cloudy_Breeze gives a slight nod.
  144. [20:23] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "A sponsor like me can help you out in your fights, see? All you need to do is make it worth my while. Get me?"
  145. [20:27] * Cloudy_Breeze just looks at him. She wishes he'd just explain it instead of being all cryptic.
  146. [20:29] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "All I'm asking is that you cut me in a share of your winnings, in exchange for me giving you a hoof in fights, capeesh?"
  147. [20:29] * Strifer groans and trashes at her bonds yet another time. Laying still doing nothing was bringing her to bad places..
  148. [20:32] * Cloudy_Breeze keeps looking at him. She has no idea what kind of "winnings" there will be, nor what he'll "help" with.
  149. [20:33] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "You look like a smart mare, so I'll let you decide what to do. Let me just tell you, that not too many ponies get out of here, and none have gotten out without a sponsor. Cheers, dollface."
  150. [20:38] * Cloudy_Breeze will think on it, hopefully after she manages to get out of her bonds, and the gag.
  151. [20:40] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Meanwhile, at Deagle's cell, a pair of familiar faces poke down through the bars. "Mister Pipbuck!" one exclaims.
  152. [20:41] * Desert_Eagle looks up, smiling. "Why howdy there fillies."
  153. [20:41] * Strifer snarls, looking up she shouts "Oi, how long does a mare have to wait untill she can start s-s-stomping some fucking h-heads?!" Her entire body shivering and twitching.
  154. [20:42] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> They both beam back down. "We had heard that they found some pegasi... We just knew it was you! We're here to help!"
  155. [20:43] <Desert_Eagle> "Well tha's good, but how'd yah get in 'ere?"
  156. [20:44] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "We got captured by that big mean Reaper pony! He told us we could work for the pits... or die in them... so we're going to help you guys get out of here!"
  157. [20:46] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Well, what can yah do t' help me? Ah'm not so good with much o' anything other than a gun ah'm afraid."
  158. [20:46] * Strifer throws her hooves up into the a- Oh yeah, they are bound, she is sent sprawling on her face. Groaning. "F-fuck!"
  159. [20:50] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The fillies exchange glances. "Well, you can fly, right? There aren't too many pegasi here, you should be able to use that to win! We can sponsor you too! Here, take this." One says, dropping a little slip of paper into his cell.
  160. [20:51] * Desert_Eagle picks up the paper and looks at it.
  161. [20:52] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> It reads "One Night's Sleep. Use once, destroy after use. ENDORSED: TBNS"
  162. [20:53] * Desert_Eagle stows it in his box. "Thanks."
  163. [20:54] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> They both smile. "You're welcome, Mister Pipbuck! We really hope you can make it out all right!"
  164. [20:55] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah do too fillies, ah do too."
  165. [20:56] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The older one nods confidently. "We know you guys can win... you're better than these ponies!"
  166. [21:00] * Strifer is laying down, rocking gently. "Keep it together... Just have to win... That's all."
  167. [21:02] * Desert_Eagle sits.
  168. [21:03] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> A pair of hoofsteps trot past and drop slips of paper into each cell. The fillies depart after Deagle recieves yet another paper slip. They all read "NAME: RACE: SPONSOR: "
  169. [21:05] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Another pony trots along and deposits a small pencil in each cell.
  170. [21:07] * Desert_Eagle picks up the pencil and fills out the paper!
  171. [21:07] * Cloudy_Breeze would fill out the paper, but is gonna have a hard time with nothing free to write with.
  172. [21:08] * Cloudy_Breeze uses the opportunity to try to get out of her bonds. Again.
  173. [21:08] * Strifer rolls over and looks at the paper, picking it up in her hooves. Blinking. "What the fuck..." She looks up with a slight grin that keeps growing wider.
  174. [21:09] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Cloudy_Breeze clumsily manages to free herself from her gag and hoof restraints, but sits on the pointy end of the pencil in the process.
  175. [21:11] * Cloudy_Breeze will gladly take a poke to get out of those damned bindings. She gets to her hooves and stretches a bit. "Ugh, fuck's sake..."
  176. [21:12] * Strifer puts the paper and pen into the lockbox. "Alright, let's do this s-shit." She snarls and pulls at her bonds again, rolling around on the floor. "Come, loose, dammit!"
  177. [21:13] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Strifer wriggles loose from her bonds. Yay!
  178. [21:13] * Cloudy_Breeze looks over the paper that was dropped into the cell, and starts to fill it out. Though when it came to name, she hesitated, thinking. After what seemed like forever, she puts down 'Zephyr'.
  179. [21:15] * Strifer throws her hooves up into the air. "Fuck yeah!" A sudden violent twitch of her neck sends her sprawling again. She just grins, pulling herself back up and shaking her entire body. "Alight you cunts! I'm ready! Lets get this show on the road!"
  180. [21:19] * Cloudy_Breeze hesitates even longer at 'Sponsor'. She's not sure about what it entails. She needs more information.
  181. [21:19] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Informtation is a luxury that none of them have at the moment.
  182. [21:22] * Strifer stomps on the ground and jumps around in her cell, giggling and grinning. "Cmon, cmon, cmon..."
  183. [21:32] * Desert_Eagle is still sitting.
  184. [21:33] * Strifer stands up on her hind legs, leaning against a wall she looks up. "Hey! Who is winning?!"
  185. [21:34] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> Judging by the sound of the crowd, somepony named "Iron Clad."
  186. [21:35] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> After a while, a unicorn comes by to collect the registration slips. She stops at Cloudy_Breeze's cell first. "Registration please."
  187. [21:36] * Cloudy_Breeze glances up at the unicorn. "What's the deal with sponsors?"
  188. [21:37] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The mare nods. "Sponsors provide assitance to the ponies they sponsor, whether it's with first aid, food coupons, or maybe even weapons. Having a hard time choosing?"
  189. [21:39] * Cloudy_Breeze frowns. "Only seen one."
  190. [21:41] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The mare smiles softly. "That's all right. Many fighters change sponsors multiple times, and some don't even have a sponsor at all."
  191. [21:45] * Cloudy_Breeze hmms. "So, what does 'Offblast' do? Anythin' special?"
  192. [21:48] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The mare "Ooooh"s. "Offblast is a great sponsor, yes. He's be known to save the good perks for those who can give him the best show. He's got a real eye for winners, too. Four of his patrons have won their freedom."
  193. [21:52] * Cloudy_Breeze thinks for a moment, before deciding to go for it. She writes down 'Offblast' under sponsor and gives the unicorn the sheet.
  194. [21:53] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "Thank you. Best of luck." She says taking the slip in her magical grasp before arriving at Strifer's cell. "Registration please."
  195. [21:56] * Strifer is still standing on her hind legs, leaning against the cell wall. She grins wide. "Oh! oh! Can I go next, can I!" She giggles a little and dives into her lockbox, reaching both her papers towards the unicorn. Her body shivering and starting to sweat, eyes darting back and forth as she twitches.
  196. [21:57] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The mare frowns. "You'll fight when your slip is pulled. Please be patient." she says, only taking the registration slip.
  197. [22:00] * Strifer frowns. "Look! I aint going to fucking wait, just pull my slip first, okay!"
  198. [22:01] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> She departs and heads to Desert_Eagle's cell. "Registration please."
  199. [22:02] * Desert_Eagle glances up at the mare, reaching into his box and pulling out his registration and hoofing it to her. "Here yah go."
  200. [22:04] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "Thank you. Best of luck." She says departing and heading over to the next cell. The crowd roars as the fight in the arena ends. Slowly, a chant builds. "Gut him! Gut Him! Gut him!" The fans chant wildly.
  201. [22:08] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> As the cheering dies down, two large ponies wrench open the top of Desert_Eagle and Cloudy_Breeze's cages, and drop a rope ladder down each. "Up." they demand.
  202. [22:09] * Strifer lays down slowly, wincing slightly as she yet again is reminded of her burned body. Looking back at her tail she gives a snarl, she really liked her tail. Her beaten body is shivering both fromw withdrawl and pure exhaustion. But she had to keep strong, you didn't live very long in New Bridle if you where weak.
  203. [22:09] * Cloudy_Breeze looks up to the opening, and climbs up the ladder.
  204. [22:09] * Desert_Eagle also climbs up the ladder!
  205. [22:11] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallions sieze the pegasi as they near the top of the ladder. "Zephyr and Desert_Eagle, you two are summoned to the arena for a fight." a fourth stallion recites, as though he'd done it a million times before.
  206. [22:12] * Desert_Eagle looks over at Breezy, mouthing "Zephyr?" to her.
  207. [22:15] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't react to Desert_Eagle. "Can I get something done about my wings?" She indicates the fact that it's the last thing left bound.
  208. [22:17] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion chuckles. "Afraid not, especially for this next match."
  209. [22:18] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't laugh. She doesn't smile. She doesn't really show any emotion at all. "Why not?"
  210. [22:19] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "Which means you'll need to bind him back up too." The stallion nods and fastes a large, thick belt over Desert_Eagle's wings and barrel. "It would be way too easy otherwise."
  211. [22:19] <Desert_Eagle> "...Great."
  212. [22:22] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallions lead Desert_Eagle and Cloudy_Breeze down a flight of stair towards the ring. "You lot familiar with 'Kill the Mare with the Ball?"
  213. [22:23] * Cloudy_Breeze gives him a look. "Just in today, sorry."
  214. [22:23] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah'm 'fraid not, though it sounds pretty self-'splanatory."
  215. [22:24] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The stallion grins as the guards force the pair into the ring. "You're absolutely right. Remember, if you ever want out, just yell 'uncle.'"
  216. [22:28] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> In the dirt ring now, Desert_Eagle and Cloudy_Breeze are joined by six other ponies, each looking very dirty and very pissed off. In the center of the ring sits a red kickball on a podium. They all stretch out, looking ready to kill.
  217. [22:29] * Cloudy_Breeze watches to her sides, keeping a wary eye on the ponies nearby.
  218. [22:29] * Desert_Eagle swallows, his eyes darting around, taking note of the other pony's positions.
  219. [22:31] * Strifer flops down on the floor in her cell, laying on her back she thumps her head towards the floor repeatedly. "No, no, no, no.. Just need the fix Strife, it'll be all good after the fix.. Just take it and youll be awesome again." Flopping over to the side she punches her powerhoof leg out and winces at the pain. Gritting her teeth she snarls. "You are way fucking stronger then this, keep it togehter." She mutters
  220. [22:31] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> The ponies have arranged themselves in a circle, equidistant from the ball in the center. The announcers rattle of the list of names and declare, "Kill the Mare with the Ball starts in 5..."
  221. [22:32] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "4..."
  222. [22:33] * Cloudy_Breeze tenses.
  223. [22:33] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "3..."
  224. [22:34] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "2..."
  225. [22:34] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> "1... Give them hell!" The announcer says with unnerving joy.
  226. [22:34] <~KidCharlemagne|GM> *** Session 17 Ends ***
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