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Mar 3rd, 2015
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  1. 03-04 03:11:54.701: W/FlurryAgent(7843): Start session with context: count:0
  2. 03-04 03:11:54.721: D/HostStatisticManager(7843): netstack: DNS Host Prioritization is: ON, Version: 5.0.1
  3. 03-04 03:11:54.721: I/(7843): netstack: LIB_MGR - Lib loaded:
  4. 03-04 03:11:54.721: I/(7843): netstack: STAT_HUB - Succeeded to load plugin:
  5. 03-04 03:11:54.721: E/(7843): netstack: LIB_MGR - Error loading lib
  6. 03-04 03:11:54.721: E/(7843): netstack: STAT_HUB - Failed to load plugin:
  7. 03-04 03:11:54.721: I/(7843): netstack: LIB_MGR - Lib loaded:
  8. 03-04 03:11:54.721: I/(7843): netstack: STAT_HUB - Succeeded to load plugin:
  9. 03-04 03:11:54.721: I/WifiManager(6791): Process rocess.location requested a scan
  10. 03-04 03:11:54.721: D/WifiNative-wlan0(790): doBoolean: AP_SCAN 1
  11. 03-04 03:11:54.721: D/WifiNative-wlan0(790): doBoolean: SCAN
  12. 03-04 03:11:54.721: E/(7843): netstack: STAT_HUB - App isn't supported
  13. 03-04 03:11:55.022: I/mono-stdout(7843): EV-BL: Got event of type EventLoadAppSettings
  14. 03-04 03:11:55.052: I/mono-stdout(7843): EV-BL: Got event of type EventGetDownloadingBooks
  15. 03-04 03:11:55.062: I/mono-stdout(7843): EV-BL: Got event of type EventInitConfiguration
  16. 03-04 03:11:55.072: D/libEGL(7843): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  17. 03-04 03:11:55.072: D/libEGL(7843): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  18. 03-04 03:11:55.082: D/libEGL(7843): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  19. 03-04 03:11:55.092: I/Adreno200-EGL(7843): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3443912)
  20. 03-04 03:11:55.092: I/Adreno200-EGL(7843): Build Date: 06/04/13 Tue
  21. 03-04 03:11:55.092: I/Adreno200-EGL(7843): Local Branch: mybranch1080826
  22. 03-04 03:11:55.092: I/Adreno200-EGL(7843): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.6
  23. 03-04 03:11:55.092: I/Adreno200-EGL(7843): Local Patches: NONE
  24. 03-04 03:11:55.092: I/Adreno200-EGL(7843): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + NOTHING
  25. 03-04 03:11:55.132: D/OpenGLRenderer(7843): Enabling debug mode 0
  26. 03-04 03:11:55.162: D/StatusBar.NetworkController(1076): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  27. 03-04 03:11:55.242: I/QCNEJ(790): |CORE:COM:RCVR| CNE creating socket
  28. 03-04 03:11:55.262: D/WifiNative-wlan0(790): doString: SIGNAL_POLL
  29. 03-04 03:11:55.332: I/ActivityManager(790): Process com.facebook.katana (pid 31747) has died.
  30. 03-04 03:11:55.352: I/mono-stdout(7843): EV-BL: Got event of type EventSubscribeDevice
  31. 03-04 03:11:55.362: I/ActivityManager(790): Displayed +2s218ms
  32. 03-04 03:11:55.482: I/mono-stdout(7843): 2015-03-04 03:11:55.491 <PLATFORM_ANDROID> <INFO> <LitRes Mono BL> <EV-BL: Get model ModelAppSettings: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  33. 03-04 03:11:55.482: I/mono-stdout(7843): <ModelAppSettings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  34. 03-04 03:11:55.482: I/mono-stdout(7843): <Type>LoadAppSettingsRequestType</Type>
  35. 03-04 03:11:55.482: I/mono-stdout(7843): </ModelAppSettings>>
  36. 03-04 03:11:55.492: I/mono-stdout(7843): 2015-03-04 03:11:55.491 <PLATFORM_ANDROID> <INFO> <LitRes Mono BL> <EV-BL: Get model ModelPushSubscription: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  37. 03-04 03:11:55.492: I/mono-stdout(7843): <ModelPushSubscription xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  38. 03-04 03:11:55.492: I/mono-stdout(7843): <Token>APA91bEa5pj1RPBgwsN3eUaz-qJ8mOScHiifz8srVvWi5FOIWoPwqsswvXFWtTdemYWlCRC805e2SLFjoxYcc28gZgC8HXXukAI92S-BkuflXuAfEqYre2VZ7SH1z55_oqfxRjaNSMZi-fRejV4oOarQTm471V62SNH1iGe3skuiEBKLTWqN7Rg</Token>
  39. 03-04 03:11:55.492: I/mono-stdout(7843): <DeviceId>18002dfaf52b</DeviceId>
  40. 03-04 03:11:55.492: I/mono-stdout(7843): </ModelPushSubscription>>
  41. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): EV-BL: Init appid: 7, UA: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; ru-ru; C6603 Build/10.3.1.A.2.67) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30, DevID: 18002dfaf52b
  42. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): 2015-03-04 03:11:55.505 <PLATFORM_ANDROID> <INFO> <LitRes Mono BL> <EV-BL: Get model ModelInitConfiguration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  43. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <ModelInitConfiguration xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  44. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <RequestHeader>
  45. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <ViewID>0</ViewID>
  46. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <RequestID>123456</RequestID>
  47. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): </RequestHeader>
  48. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <AppId>7</AppId>
  49. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <AppCurrency>RUB</AppCurrency>
  50. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <UserAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; ru-ru; C6603 Build/10.3.1.A.2.67) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30</UserAgent>
  51. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <DeviceId>18002dfaf52b</DeviceId>
  52. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): <IsSuccess>false</IsSuccess>
  53. 03-04 03:11:55.502: I/mono-stdout(7843): </ModelInitConfiguration>>
  54. 03-04 03:11:55.642: I/mono-stdout(7843): 2015-03-04 03:11:55.649 <PLATFORM_ANDROID> <INFO> <LitRes Mono BL> <EV-BL: Get model ModelDownloadingBooks: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  55. 03-04 03:11:55.642: I/mono-stdout(7843): <ModelDownloadingBooks xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  56. 03-04 03:11:55.642: I/mono-stdout(7843): <RequestHeader>
  57. 03-04 03:11:55.642: I/mono-stdout(7843): <ViewID>0</ViewID>
  58. 03-04 03:11:55.642: I/mono-stdout(7843): <RequestID>123456</RequestID>
  59. 03-04 03:11:55.642: I/mono-stdout(7843): </RequestHeader>
  60. 03-04 03:11:55.642: I/mono-stdout(7843): </ModelDownloadingBooks>>
  61. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): Stacktrace:
  62. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): Stacktrace:
  63. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
  64. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
  65. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at (wrapper managed-to-native) SQLite.SQLite3.ColumnName16Internal (intptr,int) <0xffffffff>
  66. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLite3.ColumnName16 (intptr,int) <0x0001b>
  67. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLiteCommand/<ExecuteDeferredQuery>c__Iterator0`1.MoveNext () <0x00117>
  68. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at (wrapper managed-to-native) SQLite.SQLite3.Prepare2 (intptr,string,int,intptr&,intptr) <0xffffffff>
  69. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<T>) <0x000b3>
  70. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLite3.Prepare2 (intptr,string) <0x00037>
  71. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.Prepare () <0x00023>
  72. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<T>) <0x0008f>
  73. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () <0x00023>
  74. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<TSource> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<TSource>) <0x0002f>
  75. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Execute (string,object[]) <0x0009b>
  76. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteQuery<T> () <0x0006f>
  77. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.TableQuery`1.GetEnumerator () <0x0004f>
  78. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.CreateTable (System.Type,SQLite.CreateFlags) <0x00293>
  79. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<T>) <0x00047>
  80. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.CreateTable<T> (SQLite.CreateFlags) <0x0002b>
  81. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<T>) <0x0008f>
  82. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.LocalStorage.Storage.SQLiteStorage.Initialize () <0x0005b>
  83. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<TSource> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<TSource>) <0x0002f>
  84. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Controllers.InitConfigurationController.DoWork (object[]) <0x000e7>
  85. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at SQLite.TableQuery`1.FirstOrDefault () <0x00033>
  86. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Helpers.JobQueueItem.Execute () <0x00327>
  87. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.LocalStorage.Storage.SQLiteStorage.GetEntityFromStorage (string,int) <0x0025f>
  88. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Helpers.JobQueue.RunItem (object) <0x0006b>
  89. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at (wrapper synchronized) LitRes.LocalStorage.Storage.SQLiteStorage.GetEntityFromStorage (string,int) <0xffffffff>
  90. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Helpers.JobQueue.ThreadProc () <0x0002f>
  91. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.LocalStorage.Storage.EntityCache.Get (string,int) <0x0014f>
  92. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal () <0x0007f>
  93. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.Cache.CacheBase`1.GetFromStorage<T> (string,int,bool) <0x00047>
  94. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at (wrapper runtime-invoke) object.runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>
  95. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at (wrapper synchronized) LitRes.Cache.CacheBase`1<LitRes.DAL.DALs.MyBooksDAL>.GetFromStorage (string,int,bool) <0xffffffff>
  96. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): =================================================================
  97. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
  98. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
  99. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): used by your application.
  100. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): =================================================================
  101. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.Cache.CacheBase`1.GetFromStorage<T> (string,LitRes.CommonClasses.CacheEntityType,bool) <0x0005b>
  102. 03-04 03:11:55.782: A/libc(7843): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x5dff5f45 (code=2), thread 7902 (
  103. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at (wrapper synchronized) LitRes.Cache.CacheBase`1<LitRes.DAL.DALs.MyBooksDAL>.GetFromStorage (string,LitRes.CommonClasses.CacheEntityType,bool) <0xffffffff>
  104. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.Cache.Caches.MyBooksCache.GetFromCache () <0x0002b>
  105. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Controllers.DownloadingBooksController.DoWork (object[]) <0x000db>
  106. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Helpers.JobQueueItem.Execute () <0x00327>
  107. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Helpers.JobQueue.RunItem (object) <0x0006b>
  108. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at LitRes.BusinessLogics.Helpers.JobQueue.ThreadProc () <0x0002f>
  109. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal () <0x0007f>
  110. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): at (wrapper runtime-invoke) object.runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>
  111. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): =================================================================
  112. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
  113. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
  114. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): used by your application.
  115. 03-04 03:11:55.782: E/mono-rt(7843): =================================================================
  116. 03-04 03:11:55.782: A/libc(7843): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x5dff5f45 (code=2), thread 7901 (
  117. 03-04 03:11:55.892: I/DEBUG(338): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  118. 03-04 03:11:55.892: I/DEBUG(338): Build fingerprint: 'Sony/C6603_1270-1410/C6603:4.2.2/10.3.1.A.2.67/vPd3rg:user/release-keys'
  119. 03-04 03:11:55.892: I/DEBUG(338): Revision: '0'
  120. 03-04 03:11:55.892: I/DEBUG(338): pid: 7843, tid: 7902, name: >>> <<<
  121. 03-04 03:11:55.892: I/DEBUG(338): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 5dff5f45
  122. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): r0 5dff5f45 r1 00000033 r2 00000080 r3 00000000
  123. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): r4 78854b70 r5 00000033 r6 78854b70 r7 00000003
  124. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): r8 00000001 r9 000000c0 sl 78118434 fp 00000084
  125. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): ip 00000000 sp 781182f8 lr 4008cc61 pc 4008cc0a cpsr 80000030
  126. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d0 7a63ec4d0000000d d1 0000000000000001
  127. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d2 0000000000000000 d3 0000000000000000
  128. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d4 0000000600000001 d5 000001f600000001
  129. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d6 406ad00000000000 d7 407f600000000000
  130. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
  131. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
  132. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
  133. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
  134. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d16 000000007a611d90 d17 0000000000000000
  135. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d18 ffffffffffff0000 d19 7a6122c8ffffffff
  136. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d20 000000007a6121a0 d21 0000000000000000
  137. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d22 ffffffff75ba32ce d23 7a5f15e8715d2cf8
  138. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d24 3333333333333333 d25 b5b5b5b5b5b5b5b5
  139. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d26 e5e5e5e5e5e5e5e5 d27 ffffffffffffffff
  140. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d28 0100010001000100 d29 0100010001000100
  141. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): d30 ffffffffffffffff d31 ffffffffffffffff
  142. 03-04 03:11:56.223: I/DEBUG(338): scr 8000009c
  143. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): backtrace:
  144. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #00 pc 0000ac0a /system/lib/
  145. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #01 pc 0000ac5d /system/lib/
  146. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #02 pc 0000ad51 /system/lib/
  147. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #03 pc 00014aab /system/lib/
  148. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #04 pc 0003268d /system/lib/
  149. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #05 pc 000335fd /system/lib/
  150. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #06 pc 0003394f /system/lib/
  151. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #07 pc 00033c8b /system/lib/
  152. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #08 pc 00031b07 /system/lib/
  153. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #09 pc 000335fd /system/lib/
  154. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #10 pc 0003463d /system/lib/
  155. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #11 pc 00034861 /system/lib/
  156. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #12 pc 000349db /system/lib/ (sqlite3_prepare_v2+14)
  157. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #13 pc 000168cc <unknown>
  158. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): stack:
  159. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182b8 000000aa
  160. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182bc 78118434 [stack:7902]
  161. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182c0 7a598698
  162. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182c4 40238fe1 /system/lib/ (malloc+12)
  163. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182c8 00000000
  164. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182cc 40099481 /system/lib/
  165. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182d0 7a611810
  166. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182d4 7a611810
  167. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182d8 00000036
  168. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182dc 78854b70
  169. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182e0 00000006
  170. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182e4 4008cc6d /system/lib/
  171. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182e8 00000000
  172. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182ec 7a611810
  173. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182f0 e3a070ad
  174. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182f4 ef9000ad
  175. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #00 781182f8 7a57a1d8
  176. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 781182fc 4008cc61 /system/lib/
  177. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #01 78118300 00000001
  178. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 78118304 7a57a1d8
  179. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 78118308 00000084
  180. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 7811830c 4008cd55 /system/lib/
  181. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): #02 78118310 78854b70
  182. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 78118314 00000000
  183. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 78118318 7a57a1d4
  184. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 7811831c 7a598490
  185. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 78118320 00000000
  186. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 78118324 00000000
  187. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 78118328 7a57a118
  188. 03-04 03:11:56.233: I/DEBUG(338): 7811832c 40096aaf /system/lib/
  189. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): memory near r0:
  190. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f24 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  191. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f34 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  192. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f44 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  193. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f54 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  194. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f64 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  195. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f74 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  196. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f84 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  197. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5f94 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  198. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5fa4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  199. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5fb4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  200. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5fc4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  201. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5fd4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  202. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5fe4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  203. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff5ff4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  204. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff6004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  205. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 5dff6014 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  206. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): memory near r4:
  207. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  208. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b60 00000000 0000020b 000001f8 00000000
  209. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b70 400d7204 7b0cfdb0 7a5ca910 00000000
  210. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b80 78854d28 00000002 48000800 00000000
  211. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b90 00000000 00000000 00000006 00000000
  212. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854ba0 000000ff 00000001 000000ff 00000000
  213. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bb0 a029a697 00000000 00000000 3b9aca00
  214. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bc0 3b9aca00 000007d0 000003e8 000001f4
  215. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bd0 000061a8 0000007f 0000000a 0000c350
  216. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854be0 000003e7 000003e8 00000005 00000000
  217. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bf0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  218. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  219. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  220. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c20 00000000 00000000 00000000 400b0d9f
  221. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c30 000003e8 00000000 00000000 00000000
  222. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c40 7a624ee8 00000000 00000000 00000000
  223. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): memory near r6:
  224. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  225. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b60 00000000 0000020b 000001f8 00000000
  226. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b70 400d7204 7b0cfdb0 7a5ca910 00000000
  227. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b80 78854d28 00000002 48000800 00000000
  228. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854b90 00000000 00000000 00000006 00000000
  229. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854ba0 000000ff 00000001 000000ff 00000000
  230. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bb0 a029a697 00000000 00000000 3b9aca00
  231. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bc0 3b9aca00 000007d0 000003e8 000001f4
  232. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bd0 000061a8 0000007f 0000000a 0000c350
  233. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854be0 000003e7 000003e8 00000005 00000000
  234. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854bf0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  235. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  236. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  237. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c20 00000000 00000000 00000000 400b0d9f
  238. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c30 000003e8 00000000 00000000 00000000
  239. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78854c40 7a624ee8 00000000 00000000 00000000
  240. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): memory near sl:
  241. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78118414 7a67b5f0 78854b70 00000000 40277264
  242. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78118424 78118698 7b0cfdb0 400b5953 781184c0
  243. 03-04 03:11:56.243: I/DEBUG(338): 78118434 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  244. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118444 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  245. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118454 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  246. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118464 7a63ebb0 7a671308 00000000 00000000
  247. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118474 7a63ebcb 0000000d 7a63ec4d 00000001
  248. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118484 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  249. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118494 00000000 00000000 e9ad8a4a 7a671308
  250. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781184a4 7a598490 78854b70 7b0d43b0 00000000
  251. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781184b4 00000020 400b5c8f 400cf284 400cebe8
  252. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781184c4 400cd510 400cee67 7b0e3088 7b0e3088
  253. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781184d4 00000002 7b0d43b0 00000001 c0000000
  254. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781184e4 00000010 400cee67 00000000 0000001b
  255. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781184f4 4023d4a3 7b115a08 ffffffff 00000000
  256. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118504 7b115a18 7a67b7f8 00000008 7811856c
  257. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): memory near sp:
  258. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781182d8 00000036 78854b70 00000006 4008cc6d
  259. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781182e8 00000000 7a611810 e3a070ad ef9000ad
  260. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781182f8 7a57a1d8 4008cc61 00000001 7a57a1d8
  261. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118308 00000084 4008cd55 78854b70 00000000
  262. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118318 7a57a1d4 7a598490 00000000 00000000
  263. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118328 7a57a118 40096aaf 00000000 7a57a1d4
  264. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118338 7a598490 00000001 7a57a118 400b4691
  265. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118348 7a57a1d8 40094561 c0000000 00000658
  266. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118358 781183dc 00000000 00000660 781183ac
  267. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118368 781183a0 40095029 781183a8 78854b70
  268. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118378 000000c0 400cd068 400cc8b4 00000001
  269. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118388 00000650 00000000 7a67b6fa 00000002
  270. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 78118398 7b0cfdb0 40238fe1 7a67b6fa 00000002
  271. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781183a8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  272. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781183b8 0000007f 40091049 00000005 78118404
  273. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 781183c8 00000000 7a598490 78854b70 00000000
  274. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): code around pc:
  275. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cbe8 dd054291 00f8f8d4 f8c41c43 e01c30f8
  276. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cbf8 0100f8d4 f8d4b928 1c5a30fc 20fcf8c4
  277. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc08 6802e013 10f4f8d4 30ecf8d4 2100f8c4
  278. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc18 f8d41c4a 330110f0 20f4f8c4 f8c4428b
  279. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc28 dd1430ec 30f0f8c4 4608bd10 ffa8f7ff
  280. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc38 bf181c21 28002101 2100bf14 0101f001
  281. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc48 2001b129 0036f884 bd102000 bd102000
  282. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc58 460db538 ffb8f7ff b1184604 462a2100
  283. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc68 efb0f7f9 bd384620 2128b510 f7ff4604
  284. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc78 b120ffef 23052101 77838381 bd106004
  285. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc88 4606b570 b189460c 4608684d fdc6f7ff
  286. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc98 b9306b28 f7ff2154 4b14ffdb 636b447b
  287. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cca8 46206328 fe1ef7ff e0036b28 21544608
  288. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008ccb8 ffcef7ff 2101b918 1036f886 f890bd70
  289. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008ccc8 b993304c 61032201 608360c3 62036143
  290. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008ccd8 618361c3 63036243 628362c3 64036343
  291. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): code around lr:
  292. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc40 2100bf14 0101f001 2001b129 0036f884
  293. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc50 bd102000 bd102000 460db538 ffb8f7ff
  294. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc60 b1184604 462a2100 efb0f7f9 bd384620
  295. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc70 2128b510 f7ff4604 b120ffef 23052101
  296. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc80 77838381 bd106004 4606b570 b189460c
  297. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cc90 4608684d fdc6f7ff b9306b28 f7ff2154
  298. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cca0 4b14ffdb 636b447b 46206328 fe1ef7ff
  299. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008ccb0 e0036b28 21544608 ffcef7ff 2101b918
  300. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008ccc0 1036f886 f890bd70 b993304c 61032201
  301. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008ccd0 608360c3 62036143 618361c3 63036243
  302. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cce0 628362c3 64036343 638363c3 f8806443
  303. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008ccf0 bd70204d 00003da3 21c8b510 f7ff4604
  304. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cd00 b150ffab 68636004 6398b103 21006862
  305. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cd10 63814b02 606063c2 bd106303 26bceaa5
  306. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cd20 41f3e92d 46062700 4614460d 97014698
  307. 03-04 03:11:56.253: I/DEBUG(338): 4008cd30 2981b152 6810d105 a901b118 fd58f7fa
  308. 03-04 03:11:56.263: I/DEBUG(338): memory map around fault addr 5dff5f45:
  309. 03-04 03:11:56.263: I/DEBUG(338): 41967000-434ca000 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
  310. 03-04 03:11:56.263: I/DEBUG(338): 434ca000-60e70000 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
  311. 03-04 03:11:56.263: I/DEBUG(338): 60e70000-60f1e000 /system/framework/android.policy.odex
  312. 03-04 03:11:56.263: E/dalvikvm(338): [Dalvik] No information available
  313. 03-04 03:11:56.623: I/BootReceiver(790): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_02 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  314. 03-04 03:11:56.673: I/DEBUG(338): unexpected waitpid response: n=7901, status=0000000b
  315. 03-04 03:11:56.673: I/DEBUG(338): ptrace detach from 7901 failed: No such process
  316. 03-04 03:11:56.673: I/DEBUG(338): debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!
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