

Nov 13th, 2016
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  1. The patrons within the Taco Bell instinctively glanced up to the front door when the bell subtly rang. Those who didn't hear the bell certainly heard who was coming in. Grunting and heavy panting filled the ears of those within the lobby. The source was obese possum, looking nearly as wide as he was tall, though he couldn't be over five feet tall.
  4. The opossum's gut hung low from his sweat dampened shirt, obscuring his crotch and then some. Grey sweatpants kept him relatively decent on his lower half. However, nearly two inches of each dimpled ass cheek peeked over the top of waistband, just above the “CUTIE” logo in glittery pink type.
  7. Couples on dates, stoners with the munchies, and friends on a get together all muttered to one another. None could resist gawking at him. Their attention soon changed, though, to the curvy caribou woman who came in behind him. In elegant garb and lots of jewelry, she didn't even look like she belonged in a 30 mile radius of a Taco Bell. She radiated beauty. People felt bad for her, having to be stuck behind this train wreck of an opossum.
  10. And then she gave him a kiss on the cheek, and a squeeze on his flabby ass.
  13. What?
  16. The patrons were all in disbelief. They were together? There's no way. No way a greasy fat fuck like this opossum before them, who looked and smelled like hadn't showered in more than a week, could land such a beautiful woman like her. It wasn't even conceivable. Still, though, it was undeniable, as the woman groped and kneaded at his ass as he stared at the menu.
  19. If anyone was listening instead of chattering to one another, gossiping, and snapping a secret picture or two, they'd notice he was ordering damn near half the menu. It was clear he was very familiar with the menu too, as he'd list things off, and rattle off specifics for each one. The cashier reluctantly accepted the order and there was an audible groan from the kitchen staff.
  22. Finally, the possum slowly waddled his way to a booth. Slow, however, was an understatement. The material of his sweatpants scratched against itself around his thighs with each swing of his flabby legs. ‘CUTIE’ looked more like 'CUIE’ with his ass trying to swallow up the material. His tail, less conical and more shaped like a fatty sausage, sagged and dragged on the ground with little movement.
  25. People silently groaned and tried to discreetly pinch at their noses as the wheezing lardass passed by them. Up close, they could see the sweat beading his forehead, dripping down his face as if he had just finished a race. It darkened and dampened his clothes along his rolls and folds.
  28. Finally, he settled himself down and took up almost the entirety of a booth, hip and ass fat pooling out around him. He sighed in relief and whimpered, waiting for Claire to sit down with him. She sat down across from him, loving to watch him head on as he gorges. Her smile was wide, though almost menacing, as she looks at him.
  31. “I got you your drink, sweetie. Make sure you finish it before your food gets here. Don't want you getting dehydrated…” She said as she slid the 64oz drink across the table.
  34. Greedily, looking to soothe his overheating body and dry throat, he started to chug down the syrupy Mountain Dew within. The cool drink and sugary taste was his temporary heaven, making him chug it down faster and faster. Any time he slowed down, she gave him a harsh glare, that sweet smile becoming a scowl. No words. Only that gaze that Ellis had come to know mean he was misbehaving.
  37. “S- sorry, Miss Claire…”
  40. Snapchats were sent to friends and family with rude captions as this blubbery behemoth of an opossum chugs enough soda to drown in. When that one was emptied, Claire walked up to the fountain and refilled it, expecting him to polish off a second cup before his food was fully prepared.
  43. It took lots of whining and kneading at his own belly, but he finally got it. Audibly, his stomach sloshed with the sugary contents within. It made him queasy and the desire for food was almost entire stricken out. The opossum could swear he felt cola backing up his throat. One wrong move or push on his gut and he'd have it all over him.
  46. “Order 576..” The aggravated teenaged cashier lazily called out.
  49. “You know I'm not going to get that for you. I wanna see your fat little ass waddle up there…”
  52. Claire leaned in to give him a little kiss, only to be greeted with a loud, lasting belch that nearly blew her away. He apologized, but she simply shook her head and put her finger to his drooling lips. "Good boy~ You get EXTRA soda for that one, too."
  55. Ellis didn't look forward to walking, not every and definitely not now. His knees and feet ached and all that soda was making him queasy. Not to mention exerting himself too much made his heart pound to the point where he could feel each strained pulse in his temples. It kept him couch-bound at almost all hours of the day, cushions misshapen beneath his weight.
  58. As he waddled up there, trying to ignore the stinging in his joints, he remembered what his doctor said last time Claire took him. The words stuck with him and made him anxious and self conscious. The obese possum knew he needed to lose weight.
  61. Over a quarter ton at just under five feet tall. It was something rarely seen at his species and age. It was a part of the reason Claire had become so infatuated with the glutton. Already spoiled and fattened by his family, her work had been done for her. To an extent.
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