
Post-Apoc Equestria Anon 1 (Vore Thread)

Apr 24th, 2014
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  1. >You awake from a what felt like a deep but not at all restful sleep, eyes still closed.
  2. >Fuck Sundays and everything about them.
  3. >You roll over onto your side, intent on getting a few more minutes of sleep no matter how scratchy your bed is.
  4. >Wait just a fucking second there, why is your bed scratchy?
  5. >Eyes shooting open, you look downwards at your ‘bed.’ It turned out to actually be a pile of hay compacted down by either you or by something that was there previously for quite some time.
  6. >You shoot up off the pile of hay and begin looking around where you were, trying in vain to figure out what in the actual fuck is going on here.
  7. “But- how- what?”
  8. >As confusion continues to set in you try your best to think past it and check over your body. You would figure out what happened you were sure you were still okay.
  9. >After making that choice, you check over your body. You have your clothes, your boots, a pocket full of your own little personal defence weapon, and… your phone!
  10. >Grinning widely, you take it out and turn it on, only to have your hopes smashed as you see the distinctive symbol of no signal.
  11. >With your nice, easy way out of checking the GPS and then calling your friends to tell them this not cool out the window, you instead take a look at your surroundings.
  12. >It appears that you are in a suspiciously empty barn, void of life besides yourself and empty aside from a storage loft and a few small piles of hay.
  13. >Blinking in surprise, you make your way over to the barn door.
  14. >You go to open it, but you stop yourself as you hear the sound of… something moving outside.
  15. >Immediately, you retreat away from the door.
  16. >You didn’t quite recognize the sounds of whatever is out there and it most currently is prudent to be cautious.
  17. >If you ended up getting eaten by a bear or wolf due to some dumbass prank, you were fucking coming back and haunting all of those shitbags you used to call drinking buddies.
  18. >Your hand immediately goes into the pocket containing your secret defence as you get out of direct line of sight of the door incase whatever is out there broke down the door.
  19. >You hear the noise of the handle moving followed by the door gently opening and letting the sunlight stream in.
  20. >Did you hear wrong and think that a person was an animal? There was no way a simple beast opened the door outwards like that.
  21. >You relax a bit, exhaling a breath you didn’t know you were holding and taking your hand out of your pocket.
  22. >Perhaps you would be able to get out of here and get back in your own bed fairly soon.
  23. >You eat those words as you suck that breath back in due to a yellow horse that looks to be a foot or so taller than you and possessing abnormally large eyes walk into the barn.
  24. >Ever so carefully, you start to edge your way over to the door as the horse walks further into the barn, looking around.
  25. >You aren’t exactly sure what is going on here, but you want no part in it.
  26. >Your foot knocks into a small rock which was previously resting on the ground and sends it skittering across the ground and into another rock, prompting the rather large horse-thing to whip around and look at you.
  27. >Shit.
  28. >”I knew that I heard something!”
  29. >Your jaw drops as the horse speaks in a rather feminine sounding and happy voice in perfect English.
  30. >”Now, I’m wondering what exactly you are…”
  31. >She starts to move towards you, smiling and biting her lip as she gets closer, eyes half lidded.
  32. “I- I could really ask you the same thing.”
  33. >You cringe internally as the first thing the mutant horse hears from a human is you sounding like a little bitch.
  34. >She pauses in her jaunt towards you for a second in surprise, before resuming it at a slightly slower pace.
  35. >”I suppose I could tell you that I am a pony. Now, what are you?”
  36. “A- a human actually.”
  37. >Your stuttering probably has a lot to do with shock.
  38. >She is close enough to be infringing on your personal space this point, giving you a smile as she looks down at you.
  39. >”Well, Mr. Human, allow me to give you a warm Equestrian welcome.”
  40. >She leans in, licking her lips once and closing her eyes before opening her jaws wide and lunging towards you.
  41. >Holy fucking shit, man eating horse! Evasive maneuvers!
  42. >You drop down low to get out of the way of the initial chomp before kicking her in the side of one of her legs as hard as you can while proving once more steel toed boots are always useful.
  43. >A cry of pain sounds out as she stumbles downwards and onto the floor in a pile.
  44. >You take advantage of this brief distraction to reach into your pocket and pull out the Ziploc bag containing your secret weapon.
  45. >”I was going to eat you nice and gently, considering you didn’t run and all; but now you’ve made me mad!”
  46. >She growls as she gets back up and a surprisingly large grin crosses your face, given the situation. You’ve never actually had the need to use this before and she is the perfect target.
  47. >You open the bag and throw its contents directly in her face, the shining powder making her go down in a pile once more as the mixture gets into her eyes.
  48. >She cries out as her eyes bleed, convulsing in place on the ground.
  49. >”Buck, what is this stuff!?!”
  50. >That, you fucking shitty excuse for a welcoming party, was a mixture of ground up glass, salt, and glitter.
  51. “Choke on it.”
  52. >With your shitty one liner said and her now on the ground as well as probably blinded, you have the time to plot out a few things.
  53. >You know well enough that you will never beat a horse in a foot race if she is able to get up any time soon. Running isn’t an option.
  54. >Looking around the room, you see something you didn’t before: a pitchfork.
  55. >Formulating a plan, you dash over and grab it before ascending the ladder to the loft of the barn.
  56. >You notice instantly that there is much more hay up here. This would provide perfect cover even if the meat eating horse is able to climb a ladder.
  57. >Covering yourself up with hay next to the ladder, the pitchfork rests at your side as you hide and the mare below continues to wail. You imagine her eyes were probably bleeding at this point just a bit thanks to the glass, and the other ingredients were making it so much worse.
  58. >You hear the tapping of hooves entering the room, followed by another voice. This one is still feminine but it contains two tones, and there is this element of allure hidden within it you couldn’t quite place.
  59. >”My, what do we have here then?”
  60. >You carefully move some hay out of the way of your eyes to look at the newcomer, only to realize that the creature is so strange that it makes the fact that you were attacked by a talking horse which was trying to eat you seem tame in comparison.
  61. >It is a large… thing, roughly two and a half times the height of the mare on the ground, and its exterior appears to be plated in a black material of some sort.
  62. >Its hair is semi-transparent green as well as part of its midsection, and furthermore it possess large insectoid wings and a jagged horn.
  63. >It- she if you were going by her voice now that you think about it, places one of her… hooves is probably the right term for them given that they look rather similar to that pony’s were you to discount the holes in them, next to the weeping mare.
  64. >”Please, no!”
  65. >”You are the one who made a mistake, and you know what they say… survival of the fittest.”
  66. >The mare on the ground starts but move, but stops abruptly as the creature’s horn lit up in an eerie green light and the same green aura surrounded the mare. Before your stunned eyes, the aura lifts the frozen stiff pony high into the air.
  67. >Terror grips you, you can tell well enough even with your limited frame of experience what is about to happen here.
  68. >The beast’s jaws open wide, levitating the mare’s head into them, followed by her mouth snapping shut around the pony’s head and with a strong swallow drawing the head of her prey into her throat as well as more of the body into her jaws.
  69. >She moans as her victim screams louder, although it is muffled somewhat by the strong throat now surrounding her head.
  70. >She throatily chuckles, the noise of which is also slightly muffled, followed by another swallow which draws her meal entirely into her body. From the look of it, most of the pony’s body is in the creature’s throat but there is some part of the mare still in her mouth preventing her from undergoing the final descent.
  71. >You shiver as she moans again, eyes closing, as she swallows once more.
  72. >The pony’s body is now entirely in her throat and with that final gulp the light around her horn fades out, its purpose done. With the aura gone, the mare begins struggling with all her might against her fate as the now writhing mass slowly creeps down its descent into the creature’s body.
  73. >It didn’t appear to do much good, though, the throat seemed rather unyielding to the mare’s struggles and just pulled her down further.
  74. >As the bulge enters the main part of her body you watch as the green, transparent section of her body swells as the mare is deposited into it.
  75. >A look of pure fear is etched on the pony’s face as she trashes vigorously against the tight confines of the belly, but not accomplishing much aside from eliciting another moan from the creature which has eaten her.
  76. >You couldn’t even hear her screams of her struggles at this point, even though you could see them. Whatever the alien thing was made out of it muffled sound well.
  77. >As the creature opens her eyes again you shiver and retreat back into the hay pile with the pitchfork that you doubt would be do you much good were she to find you.
  78. >”Now, to find where whoever injured her on the ground is, they can’t have gone far…”
  79. >You freeze up and close your eyes.
  80. >This was it, you were dead if she spots you.
  81. >There is no chance of escaping, she could just lift you into the air, restrain you and swallow you down and even if that was non-factor, if you couldn’t outrun the first mare, this thing could fly or run you down with no effort. That black material coating her looks liked chitin, appearing to armour her so the pitchfork won’t work. The one thing that you had that could have worked you used up already.
  82. >You just had to hope she didn’t find you.
  83. >From within your pile you hear a high-pitched noise which continues for several seconds followed shortly after by a sigh.
  84. >”I suppose they must be gone by now.”
  85. >Then, there is the sound of the alien thing walking out of the barn, followed by the barn door closing and the buzzing of her wings carrying her away.
  86. >Holy shit, you lived. She didn’t find you. You are safe.
  87. >You relax and just rest there as your heart pounds like a drum against your chest.
  88. >You would just wait here for a while. After all, she could still be lurking around.
  89. >Although you probably shouldn’t be sleeping in this fucked up situation, you fall into it soon after.
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