Guest User


a guest
Jul 11th, 2014
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  1. #The plugin has 2 main colors that can be changed in the config
  2. # @1 (Main text)
  3. # @2 (Names, values etc)
  4. JoinMessage: '&6%Player &9joined the game.'
  5. LeaveMessage: '&6%Player &9left the game.'
  6. FirstJoin: '&6%Player &5joined the server for the first time!'
  7. #Kick messages
  8. WhitelistMessage: '&9You have not been whitelisted on this server'
  9. FullMessage: '&9The server is full. Try again later.'
  11. DeathMessages: # %Player !!!CASE SENSITIVE!!!
  13. Player: '&6%Killer &9killed &6%Killed &9with &9%Weapon.'
  14. #You can use here: %Killed, %Killer, %Weapon
  16. Cactus: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a cactus.'
  17. TNT: '&6%Player &9was blown up by TNT.'
  18. Drowning: '&6%Player &9drowned.'
  19. Fall: '&6%Player &9fell to death.'
  20. Fire: '&6%Player &9burned to death.'
  21. Suffocated: '&6%Player &9suffocated.'
  22. OutOfWorld: '&6%Player &9fell out of the world.'
  23. Hunger: '&6%Player &9starve to their death.'
  24. Suicide: '&6%Player &9comitted suicide.'
  25. Potion: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a potion.'
  26. Lightning: '&6%Player &9got smited by lightning.'
  27. Lava: '&6%Player &9tried to swim in lava.'
  28. Enderpearl: '&6%Player &9died by an enderpearl.'
  29. Fireball: '&6%Player &9died by a fireball.'
  30. Projectile: '&6%Player &9died by a projectile'
  31. EnderCrystal: '&6%Player &9died by a ender crystal'
  33. Zombie: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Zombie.'
  34. ZombiePigMan: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Zombie Pigman.'
  35. Skeleton: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Skeleton.'
  36. Creeper: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Creeper.'
  37. Ghast: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Ghast.'
  38. Blaze: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Blaze.'
  39. Slime: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Slime.'
  40. MagmaCube: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Magma Cube.'
  41. Wolf: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Wolf.'
  42. Spider: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Spider.'
  43. CaveSpider: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Cave Spider.'
  44. Silverfish: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Silver Fish.'
  45. Enderman: '&6%Player &9has been killed by an Enderman.'
  46. EnderDragon: '&6%Player &9has been killed by The Enderdragon.'
  47. Wither: '&6%Player &9has been killed by the Wither.'
  48. WitherSkeleton: '&6%Player &9has been killed by a Wither Skeleton.'
  49. IronGolem: '&6%Player &9has been killed by an Iron Golem.'
  51. Unknown: '&6%Player &9died.'
  53. #Commands
  54. UnknownCommandMessage: 'Command not found.'
  55. NeedToBePlayer: 'The console cannot use this command.'
  56. NoPermissions: 'You do not have permissions to execute this command.'
  57. PlayerNotFound: 'Player not found: @2%Player.'
  58. AntiBan: 'You may not %Action %Player'
  59. NumberFormat: 'The amount (@2%Amount@1) is not a number!'
  60. #Words
  61. Words:
  62. Premium: 'premium'
  63. NotPremium: 'not premium'
  64. Yes: 'Yes'
  65. No: 'No'
  67. AccountStatus:
  68. Usage: '@1/accountstatus @2<Player>'
  69. FailedSupport: '@1System does not support UTF-8'
  70. FailedConnect: '@1Failed to connect to the Minecraft Servers'
  71. Succes: '@1Account @2%Account @1is %Status'
  72. Afk:
  73. Afk: '&6%Player &9is now afk.'
  74. Unafk: '&6%Player &9is no longer afk.'
  75. Kick: 'You have been kicked for being afk for too long'
  76. EditSign:
  77. Usage: '@1/editsign @2<1-4> [Text]'
  78. Clear: '@1Cleared line @2%Line@1.'
  79. Set: '@1Line @2%Line @1set to @2%Text'
  80. Warp:
  81. #List
  82. NoWarpsFound: 'No warps found.'
  83. Warps: 'Warps: @2%Warps.'
  85. #Warp
  86. Warped: 'Warped to: @2%Warp.'
  87. WarpNotExist: 'Warp does not exist! (@2%Warp@1).'
  89. #SetWarp
  90. Warpset: 'Warp set: @2%Warp'
  91. Warpmoved: 'Warp moved: @2%Warp'
  93. #DelWarp
  94. WarpDeleted: 'Warp deleted: @2%Warp'
  96. Home:
  97. #Usage
  98. Usage: '@1/sethome @2<Name>'
  99. Usage2: '@1/delhome @2<Name>'
  100. #List
  101. NoHomesFound: 'No homes found'
  102. Homes: 'Homes: @2%Homes'
  104. #Home
  105. Hometp: 'Teleported to: @2%Home'
  106. HomeNotExist: 'Home does not exist! (@2%Home@1)'
  108. #SetHome
  109. Homeset: 'Home set: @2%Home'
  110. Homemoved: 'Home moved: @2%Home'
  112. #DelHome
  113. HomeDeleted: 'Home deleted: @2%Home'
  114. Weather:
  115. Set: 'Weather set to @2%Weather'
  116. Usage: '/weather @2sun/rain/thunder'
  117. Back: 'Teleported back'
  118. Whisper:
  119. Usage: '@1/w @2<Player> <Message>'
  120. Usage2: '@1/r @2<Player> <Message>'
  121. Speed:
  122. Usage: '@1/speed @2<0-10> [Player]'
  123. Self: 'Walk/Fly speed set to: @2%Speed'
  124. OtherSelf: 'Walk/Fly speed of @2%Player @1set to @2%Speed'
  125. OtherOther: 'Your walk/fly speed has been set to: @2%Speed'
  126. Hat: 'Here is your new hat!'
  127. Save:
  128. Start: 'Saving the world...'
  129. Done: 'Save complete!'
  130. Time: 'Time set to: @2%Time'
  131. Stop:
  132. Stop: '[@2%Player@1] @1stopping the server...'
  133. StandardKickMessage: '%Player @1stopped the server'
  134. Reload:
  135. Start: '[@2%Player@1] @1Reloading the server...'
  136. Done: '[@2%Player@1] @1Reload complete!'
  137. Tp:
  138. #Tpa
  139. Tpa:
  140. Send: 'Request send to: @2%Player'
  141. TpaTarget1: '@1%Player @2has requested to teleport to you!'
  142. TpaTarget1_HERE: '@1%Player @2has requested to teleport you to him!'
  143. TpaTarget2: '@2Type: @1/tpaccept @2if you want to accept'
  144. TpaTarget3: '@2Type: @1/tpdeny @2if you want to deny'
  145. NoRequests: '@1No pending requests'
  146. AcceptSender: '@1Your teleport request of @2%Player @1has been accepted'
  147. AcceptTarget: '@1Teleport request successfully accepted'
  148. DenySender: '@1Teleport request successfully denied'
  149. DenyTarget: '@1The teleport request of @2%Player @1has been denied'
  150. Tp1: 'Teleported to @2%Player'
  151. Tp2: 'Teleported @2%Player1 @1to @2%Player2'
  152. Tp3: 'Teleported to @2%x %y %z'
  153. Tp4: 'Teleported @2%Player @1to @2%x %y %z'
  154. Plugin:
  155. SuccesUnload: 'Successfully unloaded plugin: @2%Plugin'
  156. SuccesLoad: 'Successfully loaded plugin: @2%Plugin'
  157. SuccesEnable: 'Successfully enabled plugin: @2%Plugin'
  158. SuccesDisable: 'Successfully disabled plugin: @2%Plugin'
  159. SuccesRestart: 'Successfully restarted plugin: @2%Plugin'
  160. SuccesReload: 'Successfully reloaded plugin: @2%Plugin'
  161. AlreadyDisabled: 'Plugin already disabled'
  162. AlreadyEnabled: 'Plugin already enabled'
  163. Error: 'ERROR. Try again.'
  164. NotFound: 'Plugin not found: @2%Plugin'
  165. UsageInfo: '@1/plugin @2info <Plugin> @1- Info about plugin'
  166. UsageEnable: '@1/plugin @2enable <Plugin> @1- Enable a plugin'
  167. UsageDisable: '@1/plugin @2disable <Plugin> @1- Disable a plugin'
  168. UsageLoad: '@1/plugin @2load <Plugin> @1- Load a plugin'
  169. UsageUnload: '@1/plugin @2unload <Plugin> @1- Unload a plugin'
  170. UsageReload: '@1/plugin @2reload <Plugin> @1- Reloads a plugin'
  171. Realname:
  172. Usage: '@1/realname @2<Player>'
  173. Message: '@1Real name of %Nick: @2%Name'
  174. Gamemode:
  175. Usage: '@1/gm @2<Gamemode> [Player]'
  176. setSelf: 'Gamemode set to: @2%Gamemode'
  177. selfMessage: 'Gamemode of @2%Player @1set to: @2%Gamemode'
  178. otherMessage: 'Your gamemode has been set to: @2%Gamemode'
  179. Fly:
  180. Message: 'Fly mode is now @2%Status'
  181. toSelf: 'Fly mode from @2%Player @1is now @2%Status'
  182. toOther: 'Fly mode is now @2%Status'
  183. God:
  184. forSelf: 'God mode is now @2%Status'
  185. selfMessage: 'God mode from @2%Player @1is now @2%Status'
  186. otherMessage: 'God mode is now @2%Status'
  187. Repair:
  188. forSelf: 'Repaired all items'
  189. selfMessage: 'Repaired all items of @2%Player'
  190. otherMessage: 'Your items have been repaired'
  191. forSelfMode: 'Repair mode is now @2%Status'
  192. selfMessageMode: 'Repair mode from @2%Player @1is now @2%Status'
  193. otherMessageMode: 'Repair mode is now @2%Status'
  194. Feed:
  195. forSelf: 'You saturated yourself'
  196. selfMessage: 'You saturated @2%Player'
  197. otherMessage: 'You have been saturated'
  198. forSelfMode: 'Feed mode is now @2%Status'
  199. selfMessageMode: 'Feed mode from @2%Player @1is now @2%Status'
  200. otherMessageMode: 'Feed mode is now @2%Status'
  201. Clear:
  202. #Clear self
  203. SelfMessage: 'Your inventory is cleared!'
  205. #Clear others
  206. ToSelf: 'You have cleared the inventory of: @2%Player'
  207. ToOther: 'Your inventory has been cleared by: @2%Player'
  208. Invsee:
  209. Usage: '@1/inv @2 <Player>'
  210. IP:
  211. Server: '@1Server IP: @2%IP'
  212. Player1: '@1%Player Hostname: @2%Hostname'
  213. Player2: '@1%Player IP: @2%IP'
  214. Heal:
  215. #Self
  216. Message: 'You have been healed!'
  217. #Other
  218. ToSelf: 'You have healed @2%Player'
  219. ToOther: 'You have been healed by @2%Player'
  220. Extinguish:
  221. #Self
  222. Message: 'You have been Extinguished!'
  223. #Other
  224. ToSelf: 'You have extinguished @2%Player'
  225. ToOther: 'You have been extinguished by @2%Player'
  226. Kill:
  227. Suicide: 'You suicided!'
  228. #KillOtherPlayer
  229. target: 'You have been killed by: @2%Player'
  230. killer: 'You killed: @2%Player'
  231. Set:
  232. Spawn: 'Spawn set!'
  233. SpawnNotSet: 'Spawn is not set.'
  234. World:
  235. Create:
  236. Created: 'Created world: @2%world'
  237. Creating: 'Creating world: @2%world'
  238. Usage: '@1/world @2create <Name> [Options...]'
  239. List: 'Worlds: @2%worlds'
  240. Import:
  241. Importing: 'Importing world: @2%world'
  242. Imported: 'Imported world: @2%world'
  243. Usage: '@1/world @2import <Name> [Normal/Nether/End]'
  244. Remove: 'Removed world: @2%world'
  245. NotFound: 'World not found: @2%world'
  246. AlreadyExist: 'World does already exist'
  247. NotAlpha: 'World name is not alphanumeric'
  248. Me:
  249. Usage: '@1/me @2<Message>'
  250. List:
  251. List: '@1There are @2%Online@1/@2%Max @1players online: \n@2%List'
  252. Ban:
  253. Usage: '@1/ban @2<Player> [Time] [Reason]'
  254. Usage2: '@1/unban @2<Player>'
  255. Message: 'You have been banned.\n Time left: @2%Time @1Reason: @2%Reason'
  256. StandardReason: '@2no reason given'
  257. TimeForever: '@2forever'
  258. Broadcast: '@2%Banner @1banned @2%Banned@1. Time: @2%Time @1Reason: @2%Reason'
  259. BroadcastUnban: '@2%Unbanner @1unbanned @2%Banned.'
  260. joinAfterUnban: 'Welcome back after your ban!'
  261. NotBanned: 'Player @2%Player @1is not banned.'
  262. List: 'There are @2%Amount @1players banned: @2%Banned'
  263. Kick:
  264. Usage: '@1/kick @2<Player> [Reason]'
  265. KickMessage: 'You have been kicked. Reason: @2%Reason.'
  266. StandardReason: '@2No reason given!'
  267. Broadcast: '@1%Kicker @2kicked player: @1%Player'
  268. Broadcast2: 'Reason: @2%Reason'
  269. Freeze:
  270. Usage: '@1/freeze @2<Player>'
  271. Usage2: '@1/unfreeze @2<Player>'
  272. Freezed: 'You froze @2%Player'
  273. Unfreezed: 'You unfroze @2%Player'
  274. MoveMessage: 'You are frozen!'
  275. List: 'There are @2%Amount @1frozen players: %Frozen'
  276. Mute:
  277. Usage: '@1/mute @2<Player> [Time]'
  278. Usage2: '@1/unmute @2<Player> [Time]'
  279. Muted: 'You muted: @2%Player'
  280. Unmuted: 'You unmuted: @2%Player'
  281. Mutetarget: 'You have been muted'
  282. Unmutetarget: 'You have been unmuted'
  283. Forever: 'forever'
  284. ChatMessage: 'You are muted! (@2Forever@1)'
  285. ChatMessageTime: 'You are muted! (@2%Time left@1)'
  286. List: 'There are @2%Amount @1mutes: %List'
  287. Deaf:
  288. Usage: '@1/deaf @2<Player> [Time]'
  289. Usage2: '@1/undeaf @2<Player> [Time]'
  290. Deaf: 'You made @2%Player @1deaf.'
  291. Undeaf: 'You made @2%Player @1no longer deaf.'
  292. Deaftarget: 'You are now deaf'
  293. Undeaftarget: 'You are no longer deaf'
  294. List: 'There are @2%Amount @1deaf players: %List'
  295. Butcher: 'Killed @2%Amount @1monsters in a radius of @2%Radius'
  296. KillAll: 'Killed @2%Amount @1mobs in a radius of @2%Radius'
  297. RemoveAll: 'Killed @2%Amount @1entities in a radius of @2%Radius'
  298. Vanish:
  299. Vanished: 'You vanished: @2%Player @1(@2%Time@1)'
  300. Unvanished: 'You unvanished: @2%Player'
  301. Vanishtarget: 'You have been vanished'
  302. Unvanishtarget: 'You have been unvanished'
  303. Forever: '@2forever'
  304. More: 'You have now 64 of the item in your hand!'
  305. Say:
  306. Usage: '@1/say @2[Message]'
  307. Ping:
  308. Message: '@1Ping of %Player: @2%Ping'
  309. Nick:
  310. Usage: '@1/nick @2<Name>/off [Player]'
  311. Message: 'Nickname of %Player set to: @2%Name'
  312. MessageOthers: 'The player @2%Player @1has set your nickname to: @2%Name'
  313. NonAlpha: 'Name is not alphanumeric.'
  314. Spawnmob:
  315. MobNotFound: 'Mob not found: @2%Mob'
  316. PropertyNotCompitable: 'Property @2%Property @1not compitable with @2%Type'
  317. Powertool:
  318. NoItemInHand: 'You must have an item in your hand for powertool'
  319. CommandSet: 'Powertool set: @2%Item @1> @2%Command'
  320. CommandReset: 'Powertool reset: @2%Item @1cleared'
  321. Enchant:
  322. Usage: '@1/enchant @2<Enchantment> [Level]'
  323. EnchantNotFound: 'Enchantment not found: @2%Enchant'
  324. NoItemInHand: 'No item in hand to enchant!'
  325. Succes: 'Succesfull added @2%Enchant @1level @2%Level @1to your @2%Item'
  326. Effect:
  327. Usage: '@1/effect @2<Player> <Effect/Clear> [Duration] [Level]'
  328. EffectNotFound: 'Effect not found: @2%Effect'
  329. AmountNotValid: 'The amount (@2%Amount@1) is not a number!'
  330. Succes: 'Succesfull given @2%Target @1effect @2%Effect @1level @2%Level @1for @2%Duration @1seconds'
  331. Clear: 'Succesfull cleared all effects off @2%Target'
  332. Give:
  333. Usage: '@1/give @2<Player> <Item> [Amount] [Data...]'
  334. Usage2: '@1/item @2<Item> <Amount> [Data...]'
  335. ItemNotFound: 'Item not found: @2%Item@1.'
  336. InventoryFull: 'Targets inventory is full!'
  337. AmountNotValid: 'The amount (@2%Amount@1) is not a number!'
  338. MetadataFailed: 'The metadata parsing failed'
  339. Succes: 'Given @2%Amount @1of @2%Item @1to @2%Player'
  340. SuccesSelf: 'Given @2%Amount @1of @2%Item @1to yourself!'
  341. Top:
  342. Succes: 'Teleported to the highest block!'
  343. Failed: 'Failed to teleport. Hole in the floor?'
  344. XP:
  345. Show: '@1%Player xp: @2%XP@1, %Player levels: @2%Levels'
  346. Give: 'Given @2%XP %Type @1to %Player'
  347. Take: 'Taken @2%XP %Type @1from %Player'
  348. Tip: '&7Tip: If you want to give/take levels use %Command1L%Command2'
  349. Set: 'Set %Type of @2%Player @1to @2%XP'
  350. Usage: '/setxp @2<XP> [Player]'
  351. Usage2: '/setlevel @2<LEVEL> [Player]'
  352. AmountNotValid: 'The amount (@2%Amount@1) is not a number!'
  353. Damage: 'Damaged @2%Player @1for @2%Health @2health'
  354. Hunger:
  355. Usage: '@1/hunger @2<Amount> [Player]'
  356. Run: 'Removed @2%Hunger @1hunger of @2%Player'
  357. Sethealth: 'Set health of @2%Player @1to @2%Health'
  358. Sethunger: 'Set hunger of @2%Player @1to @2%Food'
  359. Setarmor:
  360. Usage: '/setarmor @2<ArmorType> [Player]'
  361. Set: 'Set armor of @2%Player @1to @2%Armor'
  362. To: '@2%Player @1set your armor to @2%Armor'
  363. NotFound: 'ArmorType not found: @2%Armor'
  364. Seen:
  365. Usage: '@1/seen @2<Player>'
  366. Message1: '@1Player @2%Player @1is @2%Status @1since @2%Time'
  367. NotFound: '@1The player @2%Player @1has never joined this server.'
  368. Location: '@1- Last location: @2%Location'
  369. Banned: '@1- Banned: %Banned'
  370. Bantime: '@1 - Bantime left: @2%Bantime'
  371. Banreason: ' - Banreason: @2%Reason'
  372. Muted: '- Muted: %Muted'
  373. Mutetime: ' - Mutetime left: @2%Mutetime'
  374. Deaf: '- Deaf: %Deaf'
  375. Deaftime: ' - Deaftime left: @2%Deaftime'
  376. Jailed: '- Jailed: %Jailed'
  377. Jailtime: ' - Jailtime left: @2%Jailtime'
  378. Frozen: '- Frozen: %Frozen'
  379. Alert:
  380. Usage: '@1/alert @2<Message>'
  381. Format: '&0[&4&lALERT&0] @2%Message'
  382. Coords:
  383. Self: 'Your location: @2%Location'
  384. Other: '%Players location: @2%Location'
  385. Jail:
  386. Usage: '@1/jail @2<Player> [Time] [Jail]'
  387. List: '@1Jails: @2%Jails'
  388. Unjail: '@1You have been unjailed.'
  389. AlreadyJailed: '%Player is already jailed!'
  390. NotJailed: '%Player is not jailed!'
  391. NotFound: 'Jail not found: %Jail'
  392. JailTarget: 'You have been jailed for @2%Time'
  393. JailSender: 'Jailed @2%Player in jail @2%Jail @1for @2%Time'
  394. UnjailSender: 'Unjailed @2%Player'
  395. Usage2: '@1/unjail @2<Name>'
  396. Usage3: '@1/setjail @2<Name>'
  397. Usage4: '@1/deljail @2<Name>'
  398. JailSet: '@1Jail set: @2%Name'
  399. JailRemoved: '@1Jail removed: @2%Name'
  400. CantUseCommands: '@1You cant use commands while jailed!'
  401. List2: 'There are @2%Amount @1jailed players: @2%List'
  402. GC: 'Garbage Collector has been runned!'
  403. Skull: 'You obtained the head of @2%Player'
  404. Spawner:
  405. Usage: '@1/spawner @2<MobType>'
  406. NotLooking: 'You are not looking at a mob spawner!'
  407. NotFound: 'MobType not found: @2%MobType'
  408. Set: 'Spawner set to: @2%Name'
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