
HeroMUX @decomp (Senri)

Jun 6th, 2015
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  1. @set me=ANSI
  2. @set me=CONNECTED
  3. @set me=OPAQUE
  4. &ABIL_AEROKINESIS me=6|Power|Senri is a broad-spectrum aerokinetic, a power she's channeled toward
  5. enhancing her speed and agility, as well as her escape and evade skills. Given her creativity and
  6. penchant for pushing herself, however, she is far from limited to those avenues of power usage.
  7. |Limits-Her powers are both physically and mentally taxing, though the latter more so. The longer
  8. she uses her powers, the easier it is for her concentration to break. When her endurance runs out,
  9. anything she has set into motion with her powers will go out of control. She loses the ability to
  10. use them until she recovers from the backlash.|Note-This is Senri's core power. The rest of her
  11. powers are her most common applications of it. It does give her a small effective boost to Dexterity
  12. %(to around a high 4 at best%) beyond her physical training, but only when she consciously applies
  13. it toward that end.
  14. &ABIL_AIR_GENERATION me=7|Power|The ability to create gusts of wind, including microbursts, vertical
  15. drafts, tornadoes, and pinpoint bursts. Their force ranges from a breeze to EF5 strength. At their
  16. strongest, the winds she can create can throw objects as large as tractor-trailers, and the winds
  17. themselves are more than capable of wreaking wide-scale or finely targeted mayhem. She can also use
  18. this ability in reverse: create areas of vacuum by evacuating air and restricting its return.|Range-
  19. Without a direct target, she can affect a radius of a little under twenty miles, though any
  20. tornadoes she releases %(or loses%) control over will travel until they expend their force. She can
  21. directly target anything she can make out clearly within line of sight.|Area-Variable|Limits-While
  22. she can use this ability as a sort of telekinesis, she is limited to horizontal and vertical vectors.
  23. She can 'steer' through creative use of both, but this greatly increases the strain placed on her
  24. body and mind.
  25. &ABIL_AIR_RUN me=2|Power|Senri can traverse the air as if it was solid ground, up to and including
  26. implementing the movements employed by parkour and freerunning. She can reach about 150 miles per
  27. hour when moving in this fashion, though she prefers to hold her speed down to much more mundane
  28. levels.|Limits-As with her ground speed power, using this power to increase her speed beyond muscle
  29. power means creating a correspondingly fast wind to propel her, with the potential for property
  30. damage in her wake.
  31. &ABIL_ENHANCED_SPEED me=2|Power|By simply desiring to 'go faster', Senri can manipulate the air
  32. surrounding her to increase her speed and reduce drag, whether on foot or in a vehicle. On foot, she
  33. can comfortably reach 100 miles per hour given an open, unobstructed, and relatively flat area. In
  34. general, though, she will stay to the downright sedate pace of 15 miles per hour as a matter of
  35. preference.|Limits-Theoretically, her speed is limited only by the speed of the tailwind she can
  36. give herself, but she can only go so fast before her reaction time is outpaced. Her limit is a
  37. subconsciously imposed safety mechanism to keep herself from a fatal crash. In addition, the air
  38. giving her a push still obeys the laws of physics, needing to build momentum. In practice, this
  39. means that if she is going 100 miles per hour, a correspondingly fast wind is following her and
  40. tearing up everything in her vicinity as she passes.
  41. &ABIL_FLIGHT me=3|Power|Senri is not limited to the normal four axes of movement. Though she prefers
  42. the methods of motion employed by parkour and freerunning, she can fly with the maneuverability of a
  43. dog-fighter. Able to turn and stop on a dime, with the attendant resistance to the g-forces created,
  44. she can reach a speed of 500 miles per hour given an unobstructed flight path. She instinctively
  45. manipulates the air around her to keep herself comfortable and safe from impacts.
  46. &ABIL_KEEN-EYED me=6|Skill|Senri doesn't miss much. She has a very strong sense of situational and
  47. spatial awareness. She's learned to pick out and catalog exits, routes of passage and escape,
  48. potential danger, and things of interest or suspicion an almost instinctual level. More importantly,
  49. perhaps, is that she has learned to do so without giving outward signs of it.
  50. &ABIL_KITTED_OUT me=0|Gear|Senri carries a full assortment of emergency medical supplies on her
  51. person at all times, up to and including trauma treatment.
  52. &ABIL_MEDICAL_STUDENT me=2|Skill|Senri is pursuing a doctorate of medicine. While only a bit more
  53. than a year into her studies, she has already built upon and reinforced her knowledge of anatomy and
  54. physiology, and has begun to learn about pharmacology and pathology. She has also become
  55. considerably less squeamish concerning all kinds of injuries.
  56. &ABIL_MIRAGE_CREATION me=2|Power|By instinctively manipulating air molecules, Senri can create an
  57. area of heat haze %(with the attendant heat, of course%) a mile in diameter at most. She uses this
  58. ability to impose short-lived mirages either upon the affected area or as independent images. This
  59. is also how she can keep herself comfortable against wind chill and cold in general.|Limits-This
  60. ability creates a temperature gradient by vibrating air molecules either erratically, for the area
  61. effect, or very precisely to change their reflection and refraction index in a way that creates the
  62. desired image. She cannot raise the air temperature any higher than necessary for the desired effect,
  63. and when using this ability to warm herself, it is always accompanied by a visible heat haze around
  64. her.
  65. &ABIL_PHYSICAL_EDUCATION me=4|Skill|Senri has received a B.A degree in Physical Education and so has
  66. extensive knowledge of, among other relevant things, kinesiology, first aid, and anatomy and
  67. physiology. %(Yes, she does plan on adding parkour to her curriculum.%)
  68. &ABIL_SOUND_MANIPULATION me=5|Power|Senri's ability to manipulate air extends to creating and
  69. dampening sound waves. She can effectively silence the sound of her passage, as well as selectively
  70. silence a person or people. She can throw her voice with ease, and even play music. Sound is her
  71. plaything.
  72. &ABIL_STREET_TRAINED me=3|Skill|A runner to her bones, Senri's body is in top form. Years of zipping
  73. around the city, as well as participating in track and field, have significantly honed her dexterity
  74. and endurance. She can think and react intelligently on the fly. The many inevitable falls and
  75. accidents and consistent, dedicated training have left her about as tough as she can get. There's
  76. room for improvement, but then, isn't there always?
  77. &ABIL_TRACEUSE me=7|Skill|Senri has been learning and refining her parkour skills for over a decade,
  78. starting at around the age of 12. It would not be exaggerating to say that parkour is her life.
  79. &ABIL_UNARMED_COMBAT me=4|Skill|Senri is well-versed in defending herself. She has learned to take
  80. advantage of anything she can use to get an edge on an opponent. Her study of anatomy had aided this
  81. even further. In addition, she has taken up the art of aikido, finding that it meshes well with her
  82. skills as a traceuse. Through consistent practice in conjunction with the rest of her skills and
  83. abilities, she has managed to achieve the mental discipline she sought to build in the first place.
  84. Incidentally, this has also left her with the rank of shodan, or first degree black belt.
  85. &ABIL_VEHICLE me=0|Tech|Her 'car', a 2012 Schwinn Vestige Women's City Bike. It saves her the
  86. headache of commuting expenses, and it can go more places than a car almost as fast.
  87. &ACTOR me=Tsuda Minami
  88. &ADV_PART-TIME_JOB me=Senri works as a pizza delivery girl, making use of her road bicycle.
  89. &AGE me=None Set
  90. &APP-Q_1 me=Senri is a driven young woman possessed of boundless energy. About the only thing quiet
  91. about her is the deep integrity and fortitude at her core. She is sustained by two things: Her
  92. passion for parkour and her Christian faith. These have melded with her basic transparency to make
  93. her a very direct person with an exuberance for living that she does her best to make contagious.
  94. &APP-Q_2 me=Senri has carved out a small, but expanding, place in the world for herself. She is a
  95. runner that has applied her formidable energy toward her goals, taking as inevitable the fact that
  96. she will achieve them. Now fully qualified to teach what she loves, the manifestation of her powers
  97. has turned her focus toward learning to better help those that fall within her sphere of influence,
  98. with powers and acquired knowledge both.
  99. &ATRAIT me=@switch %#=[num(me)],,{think [translate(msg(%N viewed your %1 %2.),p)]}
  100. @Adesc me=@switch %#=[num(me)],,think [translate([msg(%N looked at you.)],p)]
  101. @Alias me=Sen
  102. &BG me=A native of New York City, Senri has been a runner ever since her earliest memories. She was
  103. an eternal worry to her parents, as she would constantly disappear, wandering off to explore %(often
  104. at a run%). At around the age 12, she fell in with a group of like-minded kids that taught her not
  105. just how to run, but to -flow-. Through a lot of trial and error and "Look what I can do! Top that!",
  106. she and the other kids became self-taught practitioners of parkour, with a hefty spicing of free-
  107. running. From middle school on, she was a member of her schools' track teams, thriving on the
  108. competition and giving a good account of herself. In her sophomore year of high school, she took a
  109. part-time job at the nearby pizza store, starting as an insider. Upon graduating high school, she
  110. received a road bike as a graduation present and became a delivery girl at the pizza store. The day
  111. after her 23rd birthday, she %(somewhat dramatically%) manifested as a mutant at an anti-
  112. Registration Act rally, ending up with a concussion for her troubles. She's been feeling her way
  113. around her powers since then, with the fortune of receiving some initial instruction from Channel
  114. and Thor himself. She is now working her way through her first year of medical school, having just
  115. earned her B.A in Physical Education, and looking to take a position at one of the various local
  116. schools. She has also replaced her bike twice now, most recently after it was lost to a protest-
  117. turned-riot.
  119. &CANON_TEACHERS me=#474 #146|Fri Apr 03 00:19:22 2015|After her initial manifestation, she was
  120. fortunate enough to encounter and receive training in the broader use of her powers by Thor himself
  121. and, by extension, Sif. This connection has been maintained since then.
  122. &CITY me=New York City
  123. &CODENAME me=Gust Front
  124. &DAYLIGHT me=0
  125. &DESC-E-CUR me=Normal
  126. &DESC-EYES me=slightly slanted dark brown eyes
  127. &DESC-EYES_MASK me=a concealing pair of polarizing ski goggles
  128. &DESC-EYES_NORMAL me=slightly slanted dark brown eyes
  129. &DESC-FACE me=%t Just scraping the five foot mark, this young woman is lean and fit, her limbs
  130. corded with muscle. Her hair is black and falls straight down to the middle of her back, tied up in
  131. a ponytail though it is. The ponytail is held by a light blue silk ribbon. Her skin is naturally tan,
  132. and her oval face frames [u(desc-eyes)] over a small nose.
  133. &DESC-FACE_NORMAL me=%t Just scraping the five foot mark, this young woman is lean and fit, her
  134. limbs corded with muscle. Her hair is black and falls straight down to the middle of her back, tied
  135. up in a ponytail though it is. The ponytail is held by a light blue silk ribbon. Her skin is
  136. naturally tan, and her oval face frames [u(desc-eyes)] over a small nose.
  137. &DESC-OUTFIT me=%r%t She is currently dressed in [u(desc-shirt)] and [u(desc-pants)]. Well-worn
  138. black fingerless gloves protect her hands. Her feet are covered by white ankle socks and a pair of
  139. black minimalist running shoes.
  140. &DESC-OUTFIT_NORMAL me=%r%t She is currently dressed in [u(desc-shirt)] and [u(desc-pants)]. Well-
  141. worn black fingerless gloves protect her hands. Her feet are covered by white ankle socks and a pair
  142. of black minimalist running shoes.
  143. &DESC-OUTFIT_PIZZA-UNIFORM me=She is currently dressed in a smart, crisply professional pizza place
  144. uniform. It consists of a short-sleeve forest green top, which bears the legend of "Pacelli's" on
  145. the back and her nametag on the front. This is tucked into a pair of black slacks, and her feet are
  146. covered by black socks and black non-slip shoes.
  147. &DESC-PANTS me=a pair of blue digi-cam capris. She wears a black heavy duty web belt. Attached to
  148. the belt and strapped to each leg are several matching drop leg pouches emblazoned with the
  149. international green cross on a white circle, each clearly filled
  150. &DESC-PANTS_CAPRIS me=a pair of blue digi-cam capris. She wears a black heavy duty web belt.
  151. Attached to the belt and strapped to each leg are several matching drop leg pouches emblazoned with
  152. the international green cross on a white circle, each clearly filled
  153. &DESC-SHIRT me=a comfortable charcoal grey hoodie
  154. &DESC-SHIRT_WARM me=a comfortable charcoal grey hoodie
  155. &DESC-TRAITS_SENRI me=5'2|Black; long and straight|Dark brown|Japanese||
  156. &DESC_SENRI me=[u(desc-face)]%r%t[u(desc-outfit)]
  157. &DOB me=624006000
  158. @Desc me=[u(desc-face)]%r%t[u(desc-outfit)]
  159. &EYES me=Dark brown
  161. &FLAW_ADHD me=Senri is very hard to settle down, easily distracted, and often tries to multitask
  162. things that should rightly require her full attention, with varied results.
  163. &FLAW_PERFECTIONIST me=Senri is big on getting the details just right, and is capable of intense
  164. focus on completing a task. However, this is often at the expense of neglecting other tasks
  165. completely, and her situational awareness goes out the window.
  166. &FLAW_WINGING_IT me=Senri has only had basic instruction in the use of her powers, not advanced
  167. applications. While nothing is stopping her from making those connections herself, she -does- have
  168. to make them herself, with no frame of reference outside her own limited experience and creativity.
  169. &FULLNAME me=Senri Mizushima
  170. &HAIR me=Black; long and straight
  171. &MUSIC me="I'm A Pioneer" - Tenchi Muyo! OVA OP 2
  172. &NOTE me=Senri is a young woman still relatively new her powers as a mutant. She has a passion for
  173. sheer mobility, manifesting in her skill in parkour, and now in her powers. She's warmed to the
  174. business of helping people, and is pursuing training as a doctor to that end.
  175. &NOTE_FAITH me=Senri is a Christian, identifying as a fundamental independent Baptist. It is a
  176. source of strength for her and a strong influence on every aspect of her life. While going out of
  177. her way not to be overbearing, she is not shy about her affiliation. With such things as magic and
  178. physical deities being a legitimate part of the world, this can be cause for some awkwardness,
  179. nevermind more mundane conflicts. She tries to avoid the latter by letting her actions speak for
  180. themselves, preferring to let others start conversations concerning them.
  181. &PICTURE me=
  182. &POSITION me=Mobile Med Student
  183. &QUOTE me="Catch me if you can!"
  184. &RACE me=Mutant
  185. &REGISTRATION me=Registered Codename
  186. &ROLE me=Hero
  187. &SIZE me=5'2
  188. &SKIN me=Japanese
  189. @Sex me=Female
  190. &TIMEZONE me=EST|Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5, North America)
  191. &TOG_COMPASS me=0
  192. &TOG_FLYER me=1
  193. &TOG_HIDEFM me=0
  194. &TOG_NO-SPOOF me=0
  195. &TONE me=Classic|Heroic|Gritty|Romantic|Comedic|Social
  196. &TONE-DISLIKES me=Dark
  197. &TYPE me=Original Character
  198. &WIKI me=
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