
WIP terezi dissection

Apr 9th, 2012
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  1. As the stretcher was rolled into the pristine, blue-tiled room, the quiet murmuring of the gathered researchers died down into a barely-audible hush. The soft, white blanket covering its occupant fluttered somewhat in the crisp air as the young assistant carefully positioned the wheeled bed before the gathering of scientists, biologists and agents alike. As thirty pairs of eyes came to rest over the vaguely-defined figure before them, one man stepped forward, flanked by a middle-aged doctor and a slick-suited government representative.
  3. "Gentlemen," he began, voice betraying countless years of experience, "I thank you for your attendance today. As you hopefully know, I am Dr. Noran, head of the US Medical Special Cases Division. At 21:44 Coordinated Universal Time, three days ago, a passive regiment of the American military intercepted what was believed to be an insurgent aircraft over an eastern US-Canada border town. Said aircraft, which did not conform to any known terrestrial design, fired upon US jets, and was eventually downed after a brief firefight. The wreckage was quarantined and is currently being processed and analysed; today, we are gathered to begin a formal autopsy and investigation on the most well-preserved of it's inhabitants. Dr Mulch, if you would."
  5. The doctor at his side stepped forward dutifully, carefully leaning down and sliding the white blanket from atop the outstretched figure; as the stretcher's contents were revealed, a hushed ripple of shock and excitement passed through the room's inhabitants.
  7. A lifeless figure lay before the astounded gathering. It's skin, a dull grey, was only the first sign of the creature's true origins. Five-fingered hands ended in black claws, sharply-pointed yellow-orange horns poked through matted, coarse hair, and lifeless red eyes gazed into infinity from beneath dully-lowered eyelids. Its left leg was misshapen, soot-black bone jutting from mangled flesh and coated with a viscous, partially coagulated teal fluid, and a visible bullet wound grazed its throat.
  9. "As you see, the pilot of the craft was in no way a human entity." Straightening slightly, he glanced around at the visibly-curious observers. "I'm certain the implications of this are currently running through your minds, but I must remind you all that while first contact with a possibly hostile, remarkably intelligent alien species is indeed a monumental event in human history, our job today is to dissect and study the corpse before us. Three other aliens were found in the wreckage of the aircraft as well; however, they were mangled and wounded beyond reasonable autopsy, which leaves us with only one to study."
  11. After a brief pause, to allow the impact of his statement to sink in, Dr. Noran cleared his throat and stepped forward, reaching for the carefully-arranged table of surgical equipment beside him. "Certain notable differences were observed from the remains of its...or rather, I should say her, co-pilots. Two of them had golden-hued blood, while the third had a dull maroon. From what could be inspected, all three showed definitive biological aspects present in males, whereas this specimen shows variant morphology indicating a female gender." For emphasis, he motioned to the swell of the alien's chest, and several watching eyes travelled south to the smooth, slotted surface of it's nethers. "Although defined breasts are present, the lack of mammary glands and nipples suggest these creatures were not mammals, although the details of their biology are unclear."
  13. The exterior observations continued smoothly, with attention being called to the gradient-colored horns and deliberately filed claws and fangs of the subject. Aside from the doctor's even voice, the only audible sound was that of countless pens and pencils carefully writing in countless notebooks, catching every detail and trait mentioned. Finally, Dr. Noran carefully reached for the surgical tools at his disposal, and began the task of proper dissection, starting with the head.
  15. "Retractors." Deftly, the surgeon slid his scalpel through the base of the tongue, retrieving it and placing it in a carefully-sealed pouch for further analysis. Teeth were counted ("Forty-six, purely carnivorous.") and photographed before delicate removal, as were the horns ("No neurological connections, Doctor.") Her eyes were of special interest to the researchers; although they were consistent with the eyes of a nocturnal predator, 99.70% of the nerves were burnt off, suggesting an individual blindness rather than a species trait.
  17. Carefully and methodically, the investigation moved downwards, eventually coming to the perk, cold breasts of the alien. Dr. Noran extended a gloved hand, carefully pressing down on the thick flesh, before retrieving a scalpel and making a small incision below the curve of one mound.
  19. As the slightly-leathery grey skin was raised, the doctor leaned in closer, lifting the exterior layer with one hand's retractors and carefully sliding a rubber-gloved finger beneath. The flesh beneath was thick and heavy, somewhat similar to a human's breast, but lacking any form of lactation capabilities whatsoever. Slowly, he continued cutting, eventually succeeding in removing the entity of the skin covering the lump. The flesh below was a lighter grey, moist in the focused light of the room, and as the dutiful scalpel began slicing through the next layer, a sudden squirt of thick teal splattered across the creature's side.
  21. "Interesting. Dr. Mulch, rag, please." A damp cloth pressed against the breast as the cutting continued, a deposit of teal blood spilling from the precise slices. A coppery, acidic scent wafted from the spilled fluid, and as the last of the flesh and blood was removed, leaving a white-grey cavity of tender inner flesh, Noran leaned backwards, nodding to an aide and watching as a sample of fluid was taken from the other tit. "It seems that the breasts of the subject are vestigial; they lack any function, at least compared to terrestrial mammals. It is possible and they are a form of biological self-defense, given the apparent acidity of the contents, but we'll have to wait for a proper laboratory analysis to know for certain."
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