
repaint detailed

Jun 9th, 2016
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  1. booth as he heads to the table in wich he has the items
  2. ★ -he will use for this procces. ((Malik Sinan))
  3. ★ there could be observed paint, spray paint gun, a rag , cleaning products, and newspapers ((Malik Sinan))
  4. ★ Malik Sinan picks up the rag as he starts to clean the whole bodywork of the truck.
  5. ★ it would be a hard, time consuming procces, but malik is able to finish it. ((Malik Sinan))
  6. ★ Malik Sinan uses the ladder on wich he climbs in order to reach hard spots that are not possible to re-
  7. ★ -ach on foot. ((Malik Sinan))
  8. ★ the truck would now be clean. ((Malik Sinan))
  9. ★ Malik Sinan heads out to the table from where he picks up duct tape, and a set of newspapers.
  10. ★ Malik Sinan starts aranging the tape around the chrome parts of the truck aswell as the bodywork -
  11. ★ -wich will not be painted ((Malik Sinan))
  12. ★ Malik Sinan picks up the sandpaper provided as he starts to scrubb off the paint using a techinque.
  13. ★ -wich allows him to scrub the paint untill it becomes adherent for the new paint to set on. ((Malik Sinan))
  14. ★ Malik Sinan puts the sandpaper back on the table as he picks up the spray gun, choosing a blue color
  15. ★ -wich matches the color of his clothes. ((Malik Sinan))
  16. ★ Malik Sinan starts to spray the bodywork wich will be painted with care untill it is fully painted.
  17. ★ the bodywork of the truck will now be painted. ((Malik Sinan))
  18. ★ it excepts the RS-Haul cargo, wich will be later-on wrapped. ((Malik Sinan))
  19. ★ it was protected with the newspapers. ((Malik Sinan))
  20. ★ Malik Sinan detaches the newspapers and the duct tape as he reveals a freshly painted truck.
  21. ★ Malik Sinan uses a rubbery item in order to rubb the fresh paint, giving it a glow as he picks up a wax-
  22. ★ -ing cream specialised for car paint. ((Malik Sinan))
  23. ★ Malik Sinan waxes the car untill the paint achieves a great look
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