
4chan University - Chapter 3

Apr 11th, 2016
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  1. >Be Seamus
  2. >standing outside of Red Dorm with the Autistic Avengers
  3. >suit guy at the door asks again
  4. >"How many lives were lost in the holocaust"
  5. >you're reminded of what the girl said
  6. >"the password is none."
  7. >you groan
  8. "The answer you're looking for is 'none', correct?"
  9. >he stares you down
  10. >"you may pass. I'm Poe."
  11. "You're a nazi"
  12. >"cuck"
  13. >College is such a wonderful place.
  14. >You enter into the dorm and see that everyone is gathered in the common area.
  15. >There's a bar with booze being handed out
  16. >the small girl from before dances up to you
  17. >"Hey! Music man. Come here."
  18. >she drags you to the stereo before you can say no
  19. >she stops the music and puts another CD in
  20. >"Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?"
  21. >She does that finger gun point thing again at the stereo
  22. >what hath god wrought
  23. "I'm going to need a beer before I can cope with this."
  24. >you wander over to the bar
  25. >There's a guy with a chef's hat passing out red cups
  26. "You got PBR?"
  27. >bartender stares you down
  28. >"I have a homebrewed IPA with subtle notes of lemon and basil. I also have trashcan punch."
  29. "You brought an IPA to a college party? Jesus, I thought I was pretentious."
  30. >"Not Jesus, Chuck. You new here?"
  31. "Seamus, and yeah just moved in today."
  32. >you shake hands
  33. >"Well, here, try the IPA."
  34. >he hands you a glass and you take a sip
  35. >It's like pine tar, with a splash of lemonade.
  36. "Well, it's something."
  37. >"come on back if you want anything else."
  38. >you will probably not
  39. >Chuck turns to another customer
  40. >you walk to the center of the room to get your bearings
  41. >Emily and Conrad are standing in the corner
  42. >Emily is staring off into the distance
  43. >you look where she's looking
  44. >goddamn Medusa out of fuckin nowhere
  45. >You can't decide whether to talk to her or call Perseus
  46. >you walk over to them
  47. "I didn't know you we're into tentacles, Emily"
  48. >"I just want to hold her hand."
  49. "What?"
  50. >"Uh, I mean, ew, no hooves."
  51. >Right
  52. "So, Conrad, who all do you know here?"
  53. >He looks around the room
  54. >"besides us, there's Usagi and Lily"
  55. >he points to two girls in high school uniforms sitting next to each other on the couch
  56. >"Sarah and Brandon"
  57. >a girl wearing a short skirt and tube top standing talking to a guy in a suit
  58. >in there corner is a guy in a ghillie suit with a fake rifle
  59. "Who's the guy in the full military gear"
  60. >"That's Konner. I think he's in ROTC, which is weird because he only wears Rhodesian camo and pretends to speak broken english."
  61. >God bless America
  62. >you continue scanning the room
  63. >The 80's new wave is tearing at your soul
  64. >There's a door to a courtyard in the middle of the building
  65. >you go through it hoping to get some air
  66. >outside you find two people, one with a camera and one with a magnifying glass.
  67. >the girl with the magnifying glass is crouched down looking at an ant mound
  68. >the guy with the camera is taking artsy photos of her
  69. "If you're trying to get rid of the ants, might I recommend pesticide?"
  70. >she turns and looks at you through the glass
  71. >"Why would I want to get rid of them? Ants are marvelous creatures."
  72. "maybe because they're crawling up your skirt and I bet a bite there looks worse than herpes."
  73. >she squeals and brushes the ants off her legs
  74. >You look at the camera guy
  75. "Were you planning on telling her?"
  76. >"I wanted to capture the exact moment she felt that pain. And you took that from me."
  77. >you stare
  78. "I'm very sorry I took that sadistic opportunity away from you. Can I make it up to you by driving you to the nursing home so you can film old people die?"
  79. >silence
  80. >he takes your picture
  81. >"I'm Patrick, this is Annabelle."
  82. "Seamus."
  83. >"First time here a Red Hall?"
  84. "Yeah, it's a little much."
  85. >"You'll get used to it. Even Keksandra grows on you."
  86. "Keksandra?"
  87. >"The child prodigy. She's getting her masters in cultural communication."
  88. >you continue to stare, your mind slowly pieces the statement together.
  89. "Is, is that a degree on memes?"
  90. >"Yes. Yes it is. She teaches the into class."
  91. >Kornheiser_why.png
  92. "Is that why she's playing Huey Lewis and the News?"
  93. >"Yeah she said some music major was supposed to come play some songs."
  94. >fuck
  95. "I guess I had better figure out what she wants me to play"
  96. >you walk back in and see Keksandra holding an acoustic guitar
  97. >"Mister Music! We got you a guitar! You gotta play for us now!!!"
  98. >everyone stares at you
  99. "You all seriously want me to play?"
  100. >"Da comrade, the child speaks of your vast abilities."
  101. >Everyone else nodded
  102. >everyone except the two schoolgirls on the couch, they were making out
  103. >Conrad was them watching intently
  104. "Okay, I'll play a couple songs."
  105. >you adjust the strings and strum a couple chords
  107. >everyone cheers and sings along
  108. >even Poe was nodding his head
  109. >you finish the song give a bow
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