
Accuracy and Nuance

Mar 31st, 2018
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  6. << #obama (48)Close tab
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  8. 16:49 *** SimpleJak joined #obama
  9. Laura Ingraham waving goodbye to her advertisers Poor girl, she did nazi see this coming
  10. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Sat Mar 31 2018 02:44:41 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  11. 16:49 laceless` Oh boy. Batten down the hatches. Raindonna is about to start babbling.
  12. 16:50 |werejag| wooot
  13. 16:50 SimpleJak I dislike Laura Ingraham.
  14. 16:50 dez_ I like the name laura
  15. 16:51 dez_ And i prefer to pronounce your nick simple yak
  16. 16:52 Popper dez_, should we start calling you laura?
  17. 16:52 SimpleJak Please ensure your posts have 'scope' beyond your preferences.
  18. 16:52 *** SimpleJak was kicked by |werejag| (wtf)
  19. 16:52 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  20. 16:55 *** SimpleJak joined #obama
  21. Laura Ingraham waving goodbye to her advertisers Poor girl, she did nazi see this coming
  22. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Sat Mar 31 2018 02:44:41 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  23. 16:56 SimpleJak Show YouTube video (
  24. 16:56 RoboTurmp [ Selma Ending Scene - YouTube ] -
  25. 16:56 |werejag| need fixing?
  26. 16:56 dez_ Today was a good day
  27. 16:57 dez_ Quoth ice cube
  28. 16:58 SimpleJak "We heard them say they'd stop us, if it was the last thing they did. We heard them say we don't deserve to be here. But today, we stand as Americans. We are here, and we ain't gonna let nobody turn us around." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
  29. 16:59 Popper "please call me laura", Dez
  30. 17:00 Popper two very important quotes
  31. 17:00 SimpleJak Popper: I chose to ignore you at this time.
  32. 17:00 dez_ Popper: im not trans, pigeon fucker
  33. 17:01 bad-bob dez: dont kinkshame please
  34. 17:02 dez_ Brazilian toxic masculinity ironically sexualizes trans women. I suppose that means you want to fuck me Popper. Im going to consider this a compliment.
  35. 17:02 dez_ bad-bob: ill kink shame the shit out of pigeon fucking
  36. 17:03 dez_ Its aside from bizarre animal abuse
  37. 17:03 SimpleJak dez_: You seem out of control.
  38. 17:03 dez_ SimpleJak: im never under control
  39. 17:04 SimpleJak That's oddly Buddhist.
  40. 17:04 dez_ SimpleJak: watch samsara (2001)
  41. 17:04 dez_ Great take on buddhism
  42. 17:04 SimpleJak I've not yet seen that.
  43. 17:04 dez_ Im definetely not hysteric
  44. 17:05 dez_ I mocked Popper once and he decided to bust my balls for eternity
  45. 17:05 dez_ Talk about hysteria
  46. 17:06 dez_ SimpleJak: great photography
  47. 17:06 dez_ Popper: im not toxically masculine
  48. 17:06 dez_ Im healthy
  49. 17:06 SimpleJak dez_: I find it non-useful to engage Popper.
  50. 17:06 SimpleJak dez_: It looks interesting to me -- I'll give it a watch.
  51. 17:07 dez_ Has two (great) sex scenes
  52. 17:07 dez_ Its also about relationships
  53. 17:07 bad-bob wow, why is it so scandalous to mention that jeff bezos owns the WP?
  54. 17:07 dez_ To trump it is
  55. 17:08 bad-bob like, you have the chicago tribune falling over itself to say that bezos's newspaper interests have NOTHING to do with amazon
  56. 17:08 bad-bob why? what's it to them?
  57. 17:08 SimpleJak dez_: I wonder how much of this film is designed to explore the non-Buddhist's questions about Buddhism and sexuality.
  58. 17:08 bad-bob do they think the richest guy on the planet needs their PR?
  59. 17:08 SimpleJak bad-bob: Why would it be scandalous?
  60. 17:08 dez_ SimpleJak: it links both themes
  61. 17:08 SimpleJak bad-bob: Are you referencing, in part, Trump's comments?
  62. 17:09 bad-bob simpejak: I'm merely pointing out that it's received that way
  63. 17:09 SimpleJak By whom?
  64. 17:09 dez_ Youll get it as im sure youre familiar with gautama's history
  65. 17:09 bad-bob the chicago tribune for one
  66. 17:09 SimpleJak Citations?
  67. 17:09 bad-bob no
  68. 17:10 SimpleJak Topic dropped, then.
  69. 17:10 bad-bob I'm not your google secretary
  70. 17:10 bad-bob are you calling me a liar?
  71. 17:10 SimpleJak dez_: I am not aware of Gotama having sexual incidents post bodhi tree.
  72. 17:10 SimpleJak bad-bob: You are responsible for the things you say.
  73. 17:11 SimpleJak If you say that the Chicago Tribune said a thing, then you're responsible to provide a citation from the Chiago Tribune -- if you wish to discuss that topic further.
  74. 17:11 dez_ He didnt
  75. 17:11 bad-bob I told you the source. the source is the chicago tribune.
  76. 17:11 dez_ But he did have a wife prior to it
  77. 17:11 bad-bob no, I'm not responsible to give you a citation in APA format or whatever
  78. 17:11 u-ou I like ponies
  79. 17:11 SimpleJak bad-bob: Do you notice how you included "APA format"?
  80. 17:12 bad-bob the chicago tribune.
  81. 17:12 SimpleJak That was a strawman fallacy.
  82. 17:12 bad-bob "or whatever"
  83. 17:12 laceless` Chicago Manual of Style is a better format
  84. 17:12 u-ou I've gone keyboard mad
  85. 17:12 SimpleJak You did it because you subconsciously believe that your position needs enhancing.
  86. 17:12 u-ou KEYBOARD MAD
  87. 17:12 bad-bob it was in the chicago tribune. if you believe I'm a liar that's your problem, not mine
  88. 17:12 dez_ u-ou: not like popper likes pigeons
  89. 17:12 SimpleJak dez_: Agreed @ wife before leaving for asceticism.
  90. 17:12 SimpleJak bad-bob: Do you notice how you included the "liar" bit?
  91. 17:12 u-ou dez_, I've gone mad....
  92. 17:12 SimpleJak That was a strawman fallacy.
  93. 17:12 u-ou KEYBOARD MAD, THAT IS!
  94. 17:13 SimpleJak You did that because you subconsciously believe your position needs enhancing.
  95. 17:13 bad-bob did you notice "if?
  96. 17:13 bad-bob please learn what a strawman is
  97. 17:13 dez_ Samsara is about a monk that leaves the monastery for a love interest
  98. 17:13 SimpleJak bad-bob: I have enqueued "learn what a strawman is" into our joint queue.
  99. 17:13 SimpleJak Do you feel the current topic is resolved?
  100. 17:14 bad-bob I feel horny
  101. 17:14 u-ou can we just talk about mechanical keyboards
  102. 17:14 dez_ u-ou: bought one of those?
  103. 17:14 SimpleJak bad-bob: Here's a more detailed explication:
  104. 17:14 u-ou not yet
  105. 17:14 SimpleJak 1. The Chicago Tribune has done X.
  106. 17:14 SimpleJak 2. Citation?
  107. 17:14 SimpleJak 3. No
  108. 17:14 bad-bob simplejak: piss off
  109. 17:14 SimpleJak 4. I found a Chicago Tribune article that seems to be talking about X. It doesn't seem to actually be X, though.
  110. 17:14 dez_ u-ou: are they made of wood?
  111. 17:14 SimpleJak 5. Not that article.
  112. 17:14 SimpleJak bad-bob: I put you on ignore.
  113. 17:14 u-ou some are
  114. 17:15 dez_ Arent they heavy?
  115. 17:15 SimpleJak /me empties joint queue
  116. 17:15 u-ou yes
  117. 17:15 u-ou some are
  118. 17:15 u-ou I don't think the 40% keyboards are heavy
  119. 17:15 dez_ Counter intuitivr
  120. 17:15 SimpleJak The POTUS* attacking journalist outlets is highly concerning.
  121. 17:15 dez_ To have a heavy keyboard
  122. 17:16 SimpleJak POTUS will ultimately be indicted with several dozen felonies and remember by history as the greater traitor in American history.
  123. 17:16 SimpleJak He is one of the largest purveyors of fake news. Him going after news outlets because they help educate the American people about his constant treason and submission to the international war criminal, Puny Putin, is anti-American.
  124. 17:18 SimpleJak Also, the conglomeration of media outlets by large corporations is not compatible with democracy.
  125. 17:18 SimpleJak That is a major issue for our society.
  126. 17:18 SimpleJak Donald Trump doesn't get to participate in that conversation, as he is a traitor and purveyor of fake news.
  127. 17:19 SimpleJak Donald Trump has precisely zero interest in accuracy in media.
  128. 17:19 SimpleJak His goal is for his Tribe to own all the media and for them to lie and gaslight all humans on Earth so that we can worship him.
  129. 17:19 SimpleJak He is an enemy of mankind.
  130. 17:22 u-ou ow my back
  131. 17:23 +++ |werejag| has given op to Chex
  132. 17:30 dez_ Bracelet?
  133. 17:31 dez_ Which are you Popper ?
  134. 17:31 dez_ Confident or awkward mysogynist
  135. 17:33 SimpleJak dez_: Have you heard some people allege Ted Nugent is a pedophile?
  136. 17:35 dez_ Ill let you know when it shows Popper
  137. 17:35 dez_ But today that shit you said in #trump was an example
  138. 17:35 dez_ About pheromones
  139. 17:36 dez_ SimpleJak: i did not know that
  140. 17:36 dez_ Wouldnt surprise me
  141. 17:36 dez_ That man is trash
  142. 17:36 SimpleJak Why wouldn't it surprise you?
  143. 17:36 SimpleJak I am concerned with the weaponization of pedophilia against our political opponents.
  144. 17:37 SimpleJak I don't think that's congruent with Great Societies.
  145. 17:37 dez_ Im not weaponizing anything
  146. 17:37 SimpleJak Do you have any evidence of him having pedophilia?
  147. 17:37 dez_ And im not sure which society you think is great
  148. 17:38 SimpleJak If not, why would you say it "wouldn't surprise me"
  149. 17:38 dez_ I never said he was a paedophile
  150. 17:38 SimpleJak dez_: I think societies which are scientific are great.
  151. 17:38 SimpleJak "Wouldnt surprise me"
  152. 17:38 dez_ Because of his lack of character
  153. 17:38 SimpleJak dez_: Are you familiar with Bayesian inference?
  154. 17:38 dez_ Oh god
  155. 17:38 SimpleJak (It's the foundation of scientific epistemology)
  156. 17:39 SimpleJak In Bayesian inference, where you have evidence, you largely go with your evidence. Where you do not have evidence, you go with your priors.
  157. 17:39 SimpleJak If you do not have evidence of Ted Nugent being a pedophile, you go with the prior on incidence rate of pedophilia in men.
  158. 17:39 SimpleJak Do you know what that is?
  159. 17:40 SimpleJak It's something like 0.3%.
  160. 17:40 SimpleJak So it's 300 to 1 Ted Nugent is not a pedophile, sans evidence.
  161. 17:40 SimpleJak 300 to 1 Ted Nugent is a pedophile*
  162. 17:40 SimpleJak His character could be a type of evidence that would modify the posterior.
  163. 17:41 SimpleJak You'd need a reasonable model in which you know how 'character' influences presence of pedophilia.
  164. 17:41 SimpleJak You probably don't have that.
  165. 17:41 SimpleJak And so you're demonstrating insufficient rigor to somebody you may not like.
  166. 17:41 SimpleJak This is a weaponization of psychiatry in our society.
  167. 17:41 abum 0.3% is 3 in 1000
  168. 17:42 SimpleJak Correct.
  169. 17:42 abum 333 to 1
  170. 17:42 SimpleJak More correct.
  171. 17:42 SimpleJak My claim was correct to one significant figure.
  172. 17:42 SimpleJak In this case ~10% off.
  173. 17:43 AndroidUS
  174. 17:45 Chex lulz
  175. 17:45 Chex 8ball sez YES!
  176. Laura Ingraham waving goodbye to her advertisers Poor girl, she did nazi see this coming
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