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Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. 2014-09-02T11:44:13 9 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 hey castle
  2. 2014-09-02T11:44:31 10 REPLY 10185041 castle T. hi
  3. 2014-09-02T11:44:42 11 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 how are you? :)
  4. 2014-09-02T11:45:02 12 REPLY 10185041 castle T. not bad, how about you?
  5. 2014-09-02T11:45:24 13 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 doing pretty good tbh haha
  6. 2014-09-02T11:45:36 14 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i was just doing some thinking
  7. 2014-09-02T11:45:46 15 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 and figured i will make my houou 50 element
  8. 2014-09-02T11:45:53 16 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 instead of going for a bio weapon
  9. 2014-09-02T11:46:06 17 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 do you think this is a smart move or no?
  10. 2014-09-02T11:47:54 18 REPLY 10185041 castle T. what element of tech do you usually use these days?
  11. 2014-09-02T11:48:28 19 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 almost exclusively fire
  12. 2014-09-02T11:50:44 20 REPLY 10185041 castle T. sounds like houou 50 should be fine then
  13. 2014-09-02T11:51:15 21 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 alright, with elemental conversion 5/5 and this what would the damage increase be ?
  14. 2014-09-02T11:51:38 22 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i tried calculating it but it claimed the fire weak increase would be 7k lol i don't think that's true
  15. 2014-09-02T11:52:11 23 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 probably because i am using the wrong value for what 50 element actually increases but
  16. 2014-09-02T11:52:23 24 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i always thought it was 1.2x
  17. 2014-09-02T11:53:03 25 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 so 1.75x of like ~7-10K weak fire damage already would equel that supposedly
  18. 2014-09-02T11:54:55 26 REPLY 10185041 castle T. the element conversion gives you extra 25% damage
  19. 2014-09-02T11:56:02 27 REPLY 10185041 castle T. so if you have full frame master, then it should be 1.2*1.2*1.2*1.25 for fire weak enemy
  20. 2014-09-02T11:57:46 28 REPLY 10185041 castle T. *1.12 when the weather is good since yours is houou
  21. 2014-09-02T11:58:31 29 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i PM'd you two links that show my fire tree
  22. 2014-09-02T11:58:52 30 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 sorry bit confused
  23. 2014-09-02T11:59:28 31 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 so with that tree, plus 50 element on my houou what would it amount to?
  24. 2014-09-02T12:00:02 32 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i know you basically said the equation already but idk what that's supposed to be calculated off of
  25. 2014-09-02T12:00:23 33 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 my t-atk of my rod or the average damage of the according parts of elemental conversion?
  26. 2014-09-02T12:00:58 34 REPLY 10185041 castle T. let me look for the actual equation
  27. 2014-09-02T12:01:07 35 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ok ty
  28. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. 2014-09-02T12:10:32 77 REPLY 10185041 castle T. no problem
  30. 2014-09-02T12:10:34 78 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ok hm well i usually use rafoie for aoe and foie for single target tbh
  31. 2014-09-02T12:11:00 81 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 my rod has 1141 atm
  32. 2014-09-02T12:11:22 82 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 but with the money i'll be saving by just getting 50 on houou instead of bio wep i'm going to get better affix
  33. 2014-09-02T12:11:41 83 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 idk if you don't feel like doing the calc it's ok
  34. 2014-09-02T12:14:45 93 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 peanut butter sandwich with milk so good
  35. 2014-09-02T12:16:19 94 REPLY 10185041 castle T. with my fire rod foie is hitting forest enemy with 12k, so houou should be around the same in good weather
  36. 2014-09-02T12:17:30 96 REPLY 10185041 castle T. sounds yummy
  37. 2014-09-02T12:17:55 97 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 hm alright, i'd have to make this thing 50 element someday anyways lol
  38. 2014-09-02T12:18:01 98 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 yeah i love it
  39. 2014-09-02T12:18:15 99 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ever since new diet been eating that often
  40. 2014-09-02T12:18:59 100 PUBLIC 12670155 ENE /la dance6
  41. 2014-09-02T12:19:18 101 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 multi-class abilities and looks of bios weapons though are super tempting
  42. 2014-09-02T12:21:41 103 REPLY 10185041 castle T. but it is built in with ice, so you may need to spend 1.5M to change it to fire
  43. 2014-09-02T12:22:10 104 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 yeah that is one of the let downs
  44. 2014-09-02T12:23:01 105 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 it's just that it would be like getting my houou to lv. 3 +10 all over again
  45. 2014-09-02T12:23:07 106 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 that was nearly 45mil to do
  46. 2014-09-02T12:23:52 107 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 though i'll admit fire rod made out of that bios rod would be OP i think
  47. 2014-09-02T12:24:03 108 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 very strong
  48. 2014-09-02T12:24:29 109 REPLY 10185041 castle T. well, that's way people are excited about the reward week coming tonight
  49. 2014-09-02T12:24:37 110 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 oh what
  50. 2014-09-02T12:24:42 111 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 what is it?
  51. 2014-09-02T12:25:22 112 REPLY 10185041 castle T. dudu is doing his +10% for grinding and affixing for the coming week
  52. 2014-09-02T12:26:06 113 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 oh wow
  53. 2014-09-02T12:26:16 115 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ahhhhhhhh this sucks
  54. 2014-09-02T12:26:28 116 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i really wish this wasn't such a difficult decision to make ,_,
  55. 2014-09-02T12:26:45 117 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 that multi-class though AGH so tempting
  56. 2014-09-02T12:27:33 118 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 it's like i keep thinking ""agh @#!@# it i will just go with 50 att. houou""
  57. 2014-09-02T12:27:35 119 REPLY 10185041 castle T. but what class would you use a rod for other than FO?
  58. 2014-09-02T12:27:48 120 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 then I see bio stats and it's just clashing
  59. 2014-09-02T12:27:56 121 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 oh eh idk
  60. 2014-09-02T12:28:05 122 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 could be nice to use when leveling other classes
  61. 2014-09-02T12:28:18 123 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 then again 400 t-def
  62. 2014-09-02T12:28:25 124 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 idk how large of prereq that actually is
  63. 2014-09-02T12:29:04 125 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 yeah i just checked that requirment to use it is kind of high
  64. 2014-09-02T12:29:45 126 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 might as well just get 50 element on houou then tbh, i'll end up getting bio rod...
  65. 2014-09-02T12:29:46 127 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 then
  66. 2014-09-02T12:29:59 128 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 spending like all this cash to get it to the same level as my houou
  67. 2014-09-02T12:30:05 129 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 and regreting it probably
  68. 2014-09-02T12:30:46 130 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 welp i'm really close to getting another houou, i just need two more bloody moon stones
  69. 2014-09-02T12:31:05 131 REPLY 10185041 castle T. true, probably a good idea to stay with houou
  70. 2014-09-02T12:31:53 132 GUILD 12219592 gara18745 yeah
  71. 2014-09-02T12:31:55 133 GUILD 12219592 gara18745 wc
  72. 2014-09-02T12:32:04 134 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 lol macro messup during menu view
  73. 2014-09-02T12:32:39 135 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 well i'd need to get two types of catalyst and two more bloody moon through full runs
  74. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. 2014-09-02T12:36:07 160 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i don't think i have yet was just looking
  76. 2014-09-02T12:40:00 161 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 so what do i have to do to complete them?
  77. 2014-09-02T12:45:14 162 REPLY 10185041 castle T. sorry, dced
  78. 2014-09-02T12:45:19 163 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 oh lol
  79. 2014-09-02T12:45:24 164 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 it's fine
  80. 2014-09-02T12:46:56 165 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 well i have plenty of time to get the 50 element so boost week is when i'll begin using my 30%'s i've been
  81. 2014-09-02T12:46:58 166 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 saving
  82. 2014-09-02T12:47:35 167 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i'm kind of noob when it comes to getting higher slot stuff tbh but
  83. 2014-09-02T12:47:41 168 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 hopefully i'll be ok
  84. 2014-09-02T12:47:59 169 REPLY 10185041 castle T. what's your affixing plan?
  85. 2014-09-02T12:49:25 170 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 well my houou has elder soul, tech III, and ab. I atm
  86. 2014-09-02T12:49:36 171 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i'd like to get 100 t-atk or a little more
  87. 2014-09-02T12:50:57 172 REPLY 10185041 castle T. you can get t-atk 100 with 4 slots
  88. 2014-09-02T12:51:10 173 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ooo how?
  89. 2014-09-02T12:51:43 174 REPLY 10185041 castle T. soul + tech 3 + ab 3 + tech boost
  90. 2014-09-02T12:51:52 175 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 oh right tech boost
  91. 2014-09-02T12:51:58 176 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 is that super expensive or cheap now?
  92. 2014-09-02T12:52:19 177 REPLY 10185041 castle T. 3 M, just checked the price
  93. 2014-09-02T12:52:24 178 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 oh cheap now
  94. 2014-09-02T12:52:27 179 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 okok
  95. 2014-09-02T12:54:22 180 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 well
  96. 2014-09-02T12:54:32 181 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ab III on four slot wouldn't this cost a lot?
  97. 2014-09-02T12:55:57 182 REPLY 10185041 castle T. not really, all you need are two fodders: one with soul and tech 3
  98. 2014-09-02T12:56:34 183 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 so let me get this straight
  99. 2014-09-02T12:56:45 184 REPLY 10185041 castle T. another one with soul, power 3 and shoot 3
  100. 2014-09-02T12:56:57 185 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 power 3 and shoot 3? o_O
  101. 2014-09-02T12:58:16 186 REPLY 10185041 castle T. tech 3 + power 3 + shoot 3 allow you to get ab 3 for 60%
  102. 2014-09-02T12:58:24 187 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 oh wtf
  103. 2014-09-02T12:58:31 188 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 that's new isn't it?
  104. 2014-09-02T12:59:11 189 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 well EQ about to start i guess we talk after it
  105. 2014-09-02T12:59:11 190 REPLY 10185041 castle T. with the reward week it is 70%, add a 30% boost and you get 100% chance
  106. 2014-09-02T12:59:23 191 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ohh @#!@ right
  107. 2014-09-02T12:59:34 192 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 everything else would be 100% too right?
  108. 2014-09-02T12:59:42 193 REPLY 10185041 castle T. yeah
  109. 2014-09-02T12:59:47 194 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 wow awesome
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. 2014-09-02T13:45:04 524 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 i feel bad when i run out of moon's and no one revives someone before loser dies ;_;
  112. 2014-09-02T13:45:28 525 REPLY 10185041 castle T. that happens
  113. 2014-09-02T13:47:18 532 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 ah well ok so back to talking about affixing plan
  114. 2014-09-02T13:47:31 533 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 so how much would these fodder cost to make?
  115. 2014-09-02T13:48:56 534 REPLY 10185041 castle T. 4 slots elder soul is cheap thx to the EQ we just had last night
  116. 2014-09-02T13:50:26 535 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 lol 4k
  117. 2014-09-02T13:50:51 536 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 btw do you have skype?
  118. 2014-09-02T13:51:10 537 REPLY 10185041 castle T. 4 slot tech, power and shoot are cheap thx to the matter board
  119. 2014-09-02T13:51:52 538 REPLY 10185041 castle T. so if you are lucky, not even 200k to get all the fodder
  120. 2014-09-02T13:53:36 539 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 hm well i can't find the techIII, powerIII, and shootIII at all
  121. 2014-09-02T13:53:44 540 REPLY 12219592 gara18745 was looking through the list for a while there
  122. 2014-09-02T13:56:16 541 REPLY 10185041 castle T. there is a elder + power 3 selling for 10k, just get a shoot 3 into it yourself
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