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Jun 17th, 2015
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  2.  ちがう【違う】 (chigau)
  3.   1 〔差がある〕 (両者の間に) differ [be different] 《from…》; be unlike; be dissimilar 《to…》; 〔異なる〕 vary 《from》; be varied.
  4.   大きさ[形]が違う be of different sizes [shapes]; differ in size [shape]
  5.   ・年齢が 10 歳違う be ten years older [younger] 《than…》
  6.   ・意見がそれぞれ違う opinions differ; people have different opinions
  7.   ・本物と寸分違わない do not differ in the least [be indistinguishable from] the real thing [original]
  8.   ・あまり違わない be about the same as; do not differ much 《from…》; there is not much to choose [difference] 《between…》.
  9.   両者の意味は天と地ほど違うのだ. They are poles apart in meaning.
  10.   ・送料は重さによって違う. The postage [carriage] differs according to [depends on] the weight.
  11.   ・習慣は国によって違う. Customs differ from one country to another. | Different countries have different customs.
  12.   ・天才と凡人では頭のつくりが違うんだ. Geniuses have different brains from (us) ordinary mortals.
  13.   ・やはり世界チャンピオンは格が違う. World champions really are in a different league [class of their own]!
  14.   ・彼女は幼いころから他の子とは違っていた. From an early age she was different from other children.
  15.   ・私と違って彼女は勤勉なんだ. Unlike me, she's a hard worker.
  16.   ・彼の目測は 1 メートルと違っていなかった. His estimate was only a meter out [off the mark].
  17.   ・それもこれも重さはあまり違わない. These two weigh practically the same.
  18.   ・どの土地のみやげものもあまり違わない. Souvenirs are all pretty much alike, wherever they come from.
  19.   ・東京の冬は夏と違って湿度が低い. Unlike the summers, Tokyo winters are low in humidity.
  20.   ・彼女は姉と違って几帳面だ. She is methodical, unlike her (older) sister.
  21.   ・やっぱり本物(の名画)は違うなあ. There's nothing like the real thing, is there?
  22.   ・やっぱり大画面だと(迫力が)違うなあ. The big screen sure makes a difference [looks different], doesn't it?
  23.   2 〔別の〕 different [separate, distinct] 《from》; not the same 《as》.
  24.   ひと味違う ⇒ひとあじ
  25.   ・みんなと違う服装 different clothes from everyone else; a distinctive outfit
  26.   ・今までとは違う考え方 a philosophy unlike any before it; a new way of thinking
  27.   ・模様が同じで色だけ違う 《in》 the same pattern [design] but a different color
  28.   ・違う業種の人の集まり a meeting of people from different businesses [industries]
  29.   ・それぞれ違う人生を歩む go one's separate ways; follow different paths in life
  30.   ・習ったのと違う方法で a method different from that which one learned [in which one was trained]
  31.   ・それとは違った意味で in a different sense
  32.   ・違った視点でものを見る see things from a different point of view [perspective]
  33.   ・2 人は性格がまったく違う. The two of them have completely different [opposite] characters.
  34.   ・日本語と英語はまったく違う言語だ. Japanese and English are totally different languages.
  35.   ・あなたは私と違うことを考えている. You and I are not thinking about the same thing. | We are not on the same wavelength.
  36.   ・家族 5 人がそれぞれ好みが違う. The five members of the family all have different likes and dislikes [tastes].
  37.   ・国にはそれぞれ違った伝統がある. Different nations all have their own distinct traditions.
  38.   ・何度計算しても答えが違う. However many times I do the calculation, I always get a different result [never get the same answer].
  39.   ・彼は言うこととすることが全然違う. What he says and what he does are two completely different things. | What he says bears no relation to what he does.
  40.   ・知っていることと教えることは違う. Knowing something is not the same as being able to teach it.
  41.   ・君と僕とでは立場が違う. You and I are not in the same position [boat].
  42.   ・私と妹は父親が違う. My (younger) sister and I have different fathers.
  43.   ・われわれは帰る方向が違う. Our routes home lie in different directions.
  44.   ・彼も私もヒデキという名だが漢字が違う. He and I are both "Hideki" but we write our names with different characters.
  45.   ・イヌとネコは違う動物だ. Dogs and cats are different animals.
  46.   ・私の考えは君とは違う. My view [opinion] differs from yours.
  47.   ・このことわざは今は違った意味に解釈されている. Nowadays this proverb is given a different interpretation.
  48.   ・今度は違う場所で会おう. Let's meet somewhere different [else] next time.
  49.   ・いつもと違う料理が食べたい. I want to eat something different for a change.
  50.   ・あれは木村さんとは違う人だ. That's not Mr. Kimura. It's someone else.
  51.   ・このポロシャツ, カタログと違うじゃないか. Isn't this polo shirt different from the one in the catalogue?
  52.   ・予定とは違う飛行機で来た. I came on a different flight from the one I had booked.
  53.   ・これはきのうと違う道だ. This isn't the same road as we were on yesterday.
  54.   ・10 年前とは違う分野を専攻している. I am not specializing in the same field as I was ten years ago.
  55.   ・演奏法を変えると違った音が出る. If you perform the piece differently the sound takes on a different quality.
  56.   ・彼はいくつも違う筆名を持っている. He has a number of different pen names.
  57.   ・このペン, 君のと違う? Isn't this your pen? | Isn't this pen yours?
  58.   3 〔食い違う・一致しない〕 differ [diverge, be dissimilar] 《from…》; be unlike; disagree with….
  59.   これでは約束が違う. This isn't what we agreed (on).
  60.   ・私の記憶と違っている. It's different from how I remember it. | That's not the way I remember it.
  61.   ・話が違うじゃないか. That's not what you said before. | You've changed your story.
  62.   ・このワインは想像していた味と違う. This wine tastes different from how I imagined.
  63.   ・彼女はうわさと違ってとてもいい人だった. Contrary to what the rumors suggested, she turned out to be a very nice person.
  64.   4 〔間違っている〕 be different; be wrong [mistaken].
  65.   計算の答えが違う the answer to this sum is wrong [incorrect]
  66.   ・順番が違う the order is wrong; they are in the wrong order.
  67.   名簿の名前が違っている. There is a mistake in my name on the list [register]. | I am down [listed] under the wrong name.
  68.   ・この部分の訳は(原文と)違っている. The translation of this part is wrong [doesn't tally with the original].
  69.   ・「駅へ行くのはこの道ですか」「違いますよ」 "Is this the (right) way to the station?"—"No, (I'm afraid) you are going the wrong way."
  70.   ・「もしもし, 郵便局ですか」「いいえ, 違います」 "Hello, is that the post office?"—"No, I'm afraid it's not [you've got the wrong number]."
  71.   ・その考え方はちょっと違うんじゃないか. Actually I don't think that view is quite correct.
  72.   ・うっかり違うバスに乗ってしまった. We got on the wrong bus by mistake [without realizing it].
  73.   5 〔正常でなくなる〕 become abnormal.
  74.   気が違う be mad [out of one's wits].
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