
The Cold Night (Queen Umbra) - Headcanon

Oct 20th, 2016
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  1. Note: I've decided to post all my notes and ideas on and about Queen Umbra, since I've been dead for a long time and thought that this might serve as some 'entertaining' reading material. Take what ideas you like and contribute it towards more stories.
  3. The Cold Night (Queen Umbra) - Headcanon
  5. History
  7. Comic Origins
  8. - Magic is Fiendship Sombra's origin story shows how he was found outside of the Crystal Kingdom in the snow, having been born from shadow and fog by from red magic crystal. He has an adverse effect when he's near the Crystal Heart during the celebration, paralyzing him.
  9. Twisted Desire
  10. - In the fanfic Twisted Desire they have a different origin, where Sombre and Umbra are brother and sister, they find a cave and inside a crystal tree where only Umbra reacted with its magic. Sombra got jealous over his sister's ability to wield the tree's magic. Not soon after, he left his sister to create his own empire.
  12. Headcanon Origins
  13. - Brother and sister are crossing the ice desert up in the North, trying to find a place to live.
  14. - They belonged to a northern pony tribe that were different to your regular ponies, they had curved horns and generally dark fur. Their horns allowed them to have some magical abilities.
  15. - They fled their own village when bandits came and attacked, killing and pillaging all that they had. Led by her brother, Sombra was in search for a new place where they could live.
  16. - They walked, suffering from the cold and hunger. They were refugees escaping war, death and famine until they found the cave.
  17. - The ground gave way and they both fell down into a cave, which held the Black Crystal Tree. It was warmer inside, there was a flowing lake of water, the remains of some pony. This place had not been disturbed in a very, very long time.
  18. - The Black Crystal Tree had a green glow, pulsating with magical power, drawing the sister pony in.
  19. - Umbra was the first to touch the tree. It encapsulated her in a green light and purple smoke, imbuing her with powers, turning their eyes red, whites green (only when they are active) and horn red. Gifted with new powers, Umbra was able to grow a crystal out of the undisturbed ground.
  20. - Not long after, Sombra touched the tree himself and through a similar transformation, he was also given the same powers but soon afterwards the tree stopped glowing green.
  21. - Umbra was more gifted with crystal manipulation, growing crystal buildings at a tremendous rate, building them a staircase to get out. There she builds their thrown room (though earlier in those days it was really a room with two chairs).
  23. Birth of a Kingdom
  24. A family of refugees came to them having been banished by Canterlot and were cold and starving, they used their powers and built a home for them all.
  25. - Soon they hunted in the icy climate and their group grew.
  26. - That was when they realised that they weren't aging and that Sombra was losing control over his crystal powers.
  27. - Together they ruled as a diarchy, Sombra took to learning new kinds of magic, eventually perfecting a black crystal made without the crystal tree's ability. But this was of different origins, evil, fear and shadows.
  28. - Over time, he built up his chair, to become larger, bigger and more extravagant.
  29. - Though soon unease spread in their kingdom, nightmares and arrests. Soon after a handmaid from the first family, upset Sombra, turning her into crystal stone.
  31. Sombra's Banishment
  32. - News of this reached Umbra, leading to a heated confrontation with her older brother.
  33. - This lead to him revealing how he felt about her powers, and how he felt weak. That he should be the superior one.
  34. - The sister forced him out, letting him take those that were loyal to him, this is where they went to the Crystal Kingdom.
  35. - Then, using all her powers, she tried to revert the spell and had succeeded. It was truly then, that the first family become loyal to Umbra.
  36. - Since her brother's departure, she became Queen, through ceremony, that they would never be bullied, never give in to injustice and punish those that go against her will and the empire.
  37. - Thus began her rule.
  39. Queen Umbra's Rule
  40. - In her kingdom, while there is peace, it is less safe than Canterlot. Her army is smaller and there are more violent creatures up north, for examples windigo. So her personal guard as well as magical division have to keep things safe and on hand.
  41. - Queen Umbra toughened up, cracked down on dissenters of the empire, enforced autocratic rule.
  42. - She may seem cruel and ruthless, but to her citizens she is just and kind. She's learnt to make hard decisions since she banished her brother which has increased her efforts to protect her empire.
  44. Ponies of the Kingdom
  45. - Regular ponies are a simple bunch, they can be smart, know a lot of knowledge and be powerful but they are simple. If they come across something that they're afraid of, chances are they'll quiver and crouch on all fours.
  46. - They love to socialise a lot more than humans do, if there is a gossip they will talk about it and because of this, the general majority will have a herd-like mentality.
  48. Places in the Kingdom
  49. - They have caves underground where they can grow their crops, using crystals to transfer solar light from above to the crop. Since the farms are underground, they can grow safely out of the weather, where it's warmer and conditions suit the crops better.
  50. - They also have caves going deep underground into water reservoirs, and even one for geothermal heat, or an underground hotspring.
  51. - The caves underground also lead to crystals, gems and stones. The Kingdom was built on similar grounds of the Crystal Kingdom, though it's location made it harder to get to and from, therefore they need to be very self-sufficient.
  52. - They have schools, hospitals, shelters, guard posts and prisons. The land becomes divided between the Castle, High Class and developing areas.
  54. Trade Between Kingdoms
  55. - Further up North there are smaller villagers which can easily trade with the Kingdom.
  56. - Trade between the Kingdoms is sparse, usually only a few merchants are able to go out into other Kingdoms, such as the Crystal Kingdom. There in those other kingdoms or cities, they have Queen Umbra sympathizers, ponies that believe in fairness and openness, not the tyrannical diarchy rule.
  58. Sombra's Death
  59. - Sombra was defeated by the two sisters, freeing the Crystal Kingdom. It seems that he conquered another Crystal Kingdom and overthrew their Princess. He imprisoned the ponies there and was annihilated by the two sisters.
  60. - Since then, the Crystal Kingdom has reappeared, under a new rule.
  61. - Relations between Umbra and the rest of Equestria, specifically those under the diarchy rule, soured considerably when she news of her brother's death spread. Sure they had their difference, but was death truly the only way he could be dealt with.
  63. Sombra's Resurrection
  64. - Sombra's horn is found again, and surprisingly his soul remains intact within the horn.
  65. - He returns in a resurrected form to take back what was truly his.
  67. Main Characters
  68. - Queen Umbra might not have the power of the celestial being, but rather she reinforces her power on a more primal level, looking towards nature and crystal plants and channeling her emotions to become magic potential.
  69. - She is strong and fit from being a hunter, can wield a weapon and use magic crystal spells.
  70. - Her downsides would be her lack of agility/movement, her lack of ability to fly and teleport, her minor pool of spells. Though soon after learning shadow spells she can move and appear through shadows.
  71. - She can learn spells, but it takes longer for her to do so.
  72. - She is also a blank flank.
  74. - Anonymous, or Anon. Mistaken for Jack Wolfskin (seen by the branding on his jacket). Later on Jack the Ripper (reference to MGRR's Raiden).
  75. - Likes the night sky, the moon, and being alone.
  76. - Once he finds a reason to live, he'll follow it.
  77. - Loses his arm due to frostbite, later gains a magical prosthetic arm, later modified with a spring trap compartment for a knife.
  78. - His clothing seem to have been designed based on his current torn outfit (they later replicated his winter clothing, except putting plates of armour over it and making it all black to match).
  79. - Loses his eye in a fight against Sombra, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
  81. - It dawns on the reader/anon that there is a similar sense of character types in her kingdom, an energetic pony serving as a maid (Pinkie Pie's alt.) called Sixteenth Grace.
  82. - She is a maid loyal to Queen Umbra, very fast and at times appearing out of nowhere - she has the ability to manipulate time (reference to Sakuya Izayoi and Dio Brando).
  83. - She seems to be very skilled with a knife.
  84. - She has her silver mane done up in two short braids with loose main tied with a long flowing red ribbon, red eyes and white coat.
  85. - She wears a typical black and white maids outfit.
  86. - As her librarian, Tyrian Moon someone similar to Twilight, someone who was born with powerful potential.
  87. - Despite the name, she is a unicorn mare and specialises in magic and dreams. However she has poor physical health and asthma due to her long-time reclusively.
  88. - She has a long light purple mane, deep blue eyes and light grey coat. She wears a dark blue something that could be considered a mages outfit and with a hat, but if anything it looks like a long sleeved Victorian night dress - something Anon imagines would be comfortable to sleep in.
  89. - She carries around a hidden tome chained to her ankle. It's been imbued and reinforced by many spells, such as anti-water spell to protect it from rain or water spills, fire protection spells to stop it from burning, a time spell to stop it from aging and breaking apart, an infinity page spell, which means that the book holds more pages than it can hold, it also has an index spell which makes allows her to find out exactly what she wants, she has also put a protective space around the book to protect it from any outsider spells. As a final safety measure, there is a regenerative and a secondary back up spell which protects it and writes the content to another book, complete with all the spells cast, in case anything should happen to the first one,
  90. - This ideally makes it her own personal portable library with vast knowledge and many powerful spells.
  91. - As the leader of her Royal Guard, she has a Griffowl, named Glenn. She is like the equivalent of Rainbow Dash.
  92. - At first Anon was unaware of her true gender and simply thought that she was a male by following standard military respect (by caller her "Sir!")
  93. - Glenn has a dark celadon green coat. Her claws and beat are of a grey shade and her eyes are amber.
  95. Antagonists
  96. - Sombra
  97. - Princess Celestia
  98. - Princess Luna
  99. - Princess Twilight
  101. King/Queen rules a Kingdom
  102. Emperor/Empress rules an Empire
  103. Empire>Kingdom
  105. Jobs
  106. Ponies make a living by various ways:
  107. Training to become a guard to protect the kingdom or to become a hunter
  108. Adventurers/Explorers
  109. Scholars/Researchers
  110. Weather watchers (Pegasus for their control over the elements, they do not change the weather tackle any adverse effects)
  111. Farmer
  112. Miner/Crystallizer
  113. Butcher
  114. Healer
  115. Teacher
  116. Chef
  117. Waiter
  118. Clothier/Outfitter/Armourer
  119. Florist
  120. Chocolatier
  121. Wine Brewer
  122. Baker
  123. Merchant
  124. Entertainer
  125. Reporter
  126. etc
  128. Races of the Kingdom
  129. There are racial tensions within the kingdom, particularly among non-pony folk.
  131. Shadow Pony
  132. - A majority of the Kingdom ponies are Shadow ponies including Queen Umbra, to which Luna called her a Shadow Mare.
  133. - They are called shadow ponies due to their dark mane, though archives would note that ancient shadow ponies would practice in shadow magic.
  134. - They are typical of their curved horn, dark manes, blood red eyes and fanged teeth. They aren't vampires, but their teeth highlights that they are more realistically omnivores, unlike the regular herbivore pony.
  135. - It is mentioned in the past that these ancient ponies would prey on other ponies, consuming their blood and flesh for vitality, strength and magic. Sacrifices were given to them from other villages and lower creatures towards their magic.
  136. - Shadow ponies in the modern times only have regular levitation magic, if at all, and eat meat for its convenience.
  137. - Queen Umbra eats meat from low sentient/low magical creatures (other forms of life give off different effects when eaten), but it really is dependent on what they can get in their hunts.
  138. - It's written in Equestrian law that each species follows their own cultural norms unless it inflicts with another culture. Thus this has to be taken up for the diarchy to impose a new law, since they are the celestial sisters.
  139. - However, since the Kingdom does not follow the Equestrian law, subject to their circumstances, they have taken to hunting out in the north. Low sentient and low magic creatures are hunted and eaten, including snow bears, boars, birds, foxes, rabbits, goats, winter wolves*, deers*, dragons* (usually as a result of combat, the meat is very nutritious despite it being intoxicating to consume). *All these creatures are sentient, deers are questionably the smartest, despite their lack of magic they are known to brew potions, dragons are known for their resilience and power, and winter wolves being the lowest with no magic abilities. If they aren't cloaked or in garb, they are more likely to be hunted, since going out in the snow is akin to suicide.
  140. - Every now and then they like to feast on something special.
  143. Griffins/Griffowls (few) Names usually begin in G: Gilda, Gretchen, Gina, Greta, Gwen, Gerald, Gabrielle, Grace, Gaspard, Gloria, Ginny, Gwynne, Gwyneth, Gynevere, Gwendolyn, Irma
  144. Diamond Dogs/Winter Wolves (few)
  145. Changeling (Hiveless/White/Greys) (few)
  146. Dragons (dangerous, one exception)
  147. Minotaurs (rare)
  148. Zebras (rare)
  150. Monsters such as Murderhounds cannot be tamed by regular means.
  152. There is another form of a wolf that is hunted and eaten.
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