
FoE RPG G0 - #011 Grasslands

Apr 12th, 2013
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  1. [19:21]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #11 starts now
  2. [19:21]<SpiritOfFate> ==================================================
  3. [19:38]<SpiritOfFate> It's still dark, by the end of Wintergreen's shift, when she sights and hears a train stopping at the old station. It is covered by plates of metal cobbled together, which in place are covered by bullet holes, and two wagons, near the beginning and the end, were only made of pony controlled turrets over a bare platform. The train is silent, a little ways through the grasslands. No signs of hostility so far.
  4. [19:40]? Wintergreen blinks and her eyebrow raises in confusion. She wasn't expecting a functional train... She looks forward for a moment, trying to detect any movement.
  5. [19:43]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen manages to see a carriage being loaded with boxes, managing to see even the glint of an ammo belt in one of them, the extremely fat figure atop of the carriage, and a few griffin that accompanied him.
  6. [19:45]? Wintergreen looks to see if there is any carriage open that she could slip into, that, or any unguarded ammo box.
  7. [19:51]? Firefly gently snores, a wing occaisionally twitching.
  8. [19:51]<SpiritOfFate> There are a few boxes still back at the station, being loaded little by little by a large unicorn. Some may be not so well guarded, but the train blocks part of the view.
  9. [19:54]? Wintergreen frowns, turning and heading for the others to let them know. She quietly taps on Ignis and Sotho, shushing them as she whispers, "There's a train outside... it's guarded, but there are a /lot/ of ammo boxes."
  10. [19:55]? Sotho yawns lightly as he wakes up. "W-what?"
  11. [19:55]? Ignis stirs slightly as he wakes up, taking a while to digest the information. "Run that one by me again, please."
  12. [19:57]? Firefly stirs in her sleep, but continues to slumber. Her leg twitches, and she mumbles something in her sleep.
  13. [19:57]? Wintergreen nods. "There's a train, fully functioning, outside, filled with ammo. And guards."
  14. [19:58]<Ignis> "We'd best scram, then...we are in no shape to take them out, at all."
  15. [20:00]? Sotho nods. "Sometimes it's better to run then fight." He says. "We should gather our supplies and head to the forest."
  16. [20:01]<Ignis> "By the way, you still got that map? Would be nice planning where we are heading to."
  17. [20:01]<SpiritOfFate> The train whistles steam, movement barely visible through the plated walls
  18. [20:02]? Wintergreen nods and gives the map to Ignis, moving over to Firefly. She lightly nudges the filly. "Firefly, it's time to wake up, shhh..."
  19. [20:02]? Ignis puts the map into the floor and studies it. "So...where to? I'd say we should aim for a city or something..."
  20. [20:02]? Firefly murmurs up to Wintergreen. "Five more minutes. I'm sleepy..."
  21. [20:03]? Sotho nods. "But isn't the city towards the train? We should hidei n the forest for an hour or so."
  22. [20:03]? Wintergreen nudges Firefly lightly once more. "You can sleep on my back, I just need you to hop on."
  23. [20:05]? Firefly yawns, grabbing her bags and her hat. She sleepily climbs up on Wintergreen's back, curling up around the bags and pushing the hat down to keep the light out of her eyes. In short order, the filly is back to sleep.
  24. [20:07]<Ignis> "Its not like they are going to check here, right? We simply need to wait it our."
  25. [20:07]<Ignis> *out
  26. [20:08]? Wintergreen shrugs. "I suppose we could."
  27. [20:09]<Sotho> "True, but what if they do? We are by almost every sense of the word, screwed." He says seriously. "We literally just escaped, you don't think they wouldn't try and pursue us if they found us?"
  28. [20:11]<Ignis> "They have no clue where we went...I believe they'll take a while to search all around." The dragon says, trotting around a bit. "We are not gonna stay here for long, when that train is gone, so are we." He seats himself near Wintergreen and moves his claw over her back, by her shoulder, leaning lightly by the mare. "We just wait..."
  29. [20:13]? Sotho sighs quietly and nods, looking towards the things he has in his bag. "While we wait I might as well try my hoof at potion making again." He says quietly.
  30. [20:14]? Wintergreen nods and smiles lightly. Seeing as they were staying, she gently put Firefly down, moving her off of her back and placing her on the ground. She leans into Ignis while petting Firefly gently.
  31. [20:15]? Ignis snuggles against Wintergreen, resting serenely as he keeps his ears perked up for train noises.
  32. [20:15]? Firefly murmurs in her sleep when she gets put back on the ground, but she stops once she is set down.
  33. [20:19]<SpiritOfFate> You can all hear the sound of the train starting to move and pull away
  34. [20:20]? Wintergreen sighs in relief. "So, that wasn't too bad."
  35. [20:21]? Ignis nods. "Probably were just loading or unloading..."
  36. [20:31]? Sotho nods as he gets out the aloe leaves
  37. [20:32]? Sotho starts to process of making a healing salve.
  38. [20:35]<SpiritOfFate> The old map shows a small city going further east, another west, across the river, and an even larger city far east. There are also newer, pen made markings of settlements between the two east cities.
  39. [20:40]? Wintergreen nods. "So, perhaps the settlement?"
  40. [20:41]? Ignis headtilts at the map. "Which one?"
  41. [20:42]? Wintergreen hmmms. "Em... Not sure which specifically, but somewhere between the two eastern cities."
  42. [20:43]? Sotho finishes up his healing salve and trots over to the group. "Well, we need water." He says, pointing to the river. "Perhaps we shoul go and see if the river is good for drinking? And then go the the settlement after it."
  43. [20:44]? Ignis follows a trail into the map with his fingers, from their location to the nearest settlement into that direction. Then, he takes the map, rolling it and handing it back to Wintergreen. "Yes, sounds a nice idea...would be good to have bottles or something to store the water too."
  44. [20:44]? Wintergreen nods and takes the map.
  45. [20:45]<SpiritOfFate> The closest one is named Horseshoe, the second one is a bit north from it, called Misty Hill
  46. [20:46]? Sotho nods. "If we had bottles, I could try and make some healing potions."
  47. [20:46]<Sotho> "So are we going towards the western city and river?"
  48. [20:49]? Ignis slowly gets up. and fetches his stuff. "Yea, that's the plan, at least." The dragon nuzzles Wintergreen for a moment or two. "Hopefully,we'll be able to get some rest at one of the settlements." He speaks to the mare. "Away from all of this for the time."
  49. [20:50]? Wintergreen sits up, nudging Firefly to climb aboard the foal-sitter express. She nuzzles back Ignis, nodding to the two. "Let's get moving then."
  50. [20:50]? Sotho raises an eyebrow at Ignis and Wintergreen, before trotting out. "Indeed, let's."
  51. [20:51]? Ignis moves out with the rest of the ponies.
  52. [20:52]? Firefly yawns, slowly getting up and stretching her legs and wings. She digs through her bags before she pulls out a carrot and starts to munch on it, slowly flying with the group so she can use her hooves to hold onto the carrot.
  53. [20:54]? Wintergreen tilts her head, expecting Firefly to want to sleep more, but follows the others regardless.
  54. [20:55]? Firefly looks down at Wintergreen, flying upside down. She kind of looks like an otter, eating the carrot like that. "Where we going?"
  55. [20:55]? Sotho looks back. "We should be headingo ut towards a river." He smiles.
  56. [20:56]? Wintergreen smiles. Firefly was too adorable. "To a nearby settlement. We may be able to get proper rest there."
  57. [20:57]? Firefly munches on a tasty carrot. Mmm. "Oooh! Think we can go swimming at the river?"
  58. [20:58]? Sotho thinks. "If we find it's safe enough... maybe."
  59. [20:58]? Ignis nodsnods. "Probably isn't that far..."
  60. [20:59]? Firefly finishes the carrot off before pulling out a second. "Oooh! Yeah! Swimming is fun!" She starts to munch away at the second carrot.
  61. [21:00]? Wintergreen chuckles. "That could be fun..."
  62. [21:00]<Ignis> "As long as it isn't a deep river..."
  63. [21:01]<Sotho> "Or a fast River." He says. "If it's inhabited, we might have some lunch." He laughs
  64. [21:02]<Ignis> "If those inhabitants aren't brimming with rads, looks like a nice prospect."
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