
Operation Remove

Aug 13th, 2014
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  1. >You are Destiny Blue, remover of kerbab
  2. >Your kerbab senses are tingling
  3. >There is a kerbab that needs to be removed
  4. >It's in the Everfree
  5. >You summon Cirrus, the gayest horse in all of /mlp/LoE and also remover of kerbab
  6. >He arrives with an accordion slung around his back
  7. >It's in perfect condition
  8. >But now is not the time for admiration of musical instruments
  9. >Now is the time for removal
  10. >And removal shall be done
  12. >The trek through the Everfree forest isn't very long, and soon the both of you find yourselves at the campsite, the supposed source of the kerbab
  13. >As luck would have it, you hear a familiar voice from one of the tents
  14. >"Faggots."
  15. >A voice that could be recognised as none other than Pan Pizza himself
  16. >Pan Pizza the Kerbab
  17. >Pan Pizza the Removed
  18. >He pays little mind to the accordion strapped around Cirrus, and idly sits in his tent, smothering everything with his dirty kerbab pizza grease
  19. >Now is the time to make of the remove
  20. >You ready yourself to play your song...
  21. >...Shit
  22. >You forgot the trumpet
  23. >You look over at Cirrus after the sudden realisation, and the moment he catches on, he brings his hoof to his face, the impact making an audible sound followed by a long sigh
  25. >After assessing your options, you realise you're going to have to improvise
  26. >You make a trumpety sound with your mouth and use your hooves to mime yourself playing the instrument that was unfortunately forgotten by your incompetent co-remover
  27. >Cirrus can barely keep a straight face as he watches you, almost forgetting his cue to come in with the accordion
  28. >At least now you can stop with the trumpet and start singing instead
  29. >Pan looks at the two of you with a confused stare, wondering what the fuck you're doing
  30. >You stop singing as Cirrus comes in with the melody on the accordion
  31. >You continue and finish the rest of the song, before taking the accordion off of Cirrus, playing a strange combination of notes while chanting along to it, in some sort of silly key
  32. "Pizza iz of kerbab~"
  33. >He seems pissed
  34. >God damn, you've never seen a pony this mad before
  35. >"I AM NOT KERBAB!"
  36. >Operation Remove isn't working
  37. >You look over to Cirrus, who has been watching and laughing the entire time
  38. "Plan B?"
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