

Oct 11th, 2015
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  1. 07:42:23: <Jaczac|DM> ok so thanks to your LOUD FEET
  2. 07:42:26: <Jaczac|DM> you are now fighting an imp
  3. 07:42:41: <Ana_Locke> Did the screaming do anything to it?
  4. 07:42:51: <Jaczac|DM> screaming?
  5. 07:43:16: <Ana_Locke> Immediately after, I screamed "this is so cool" at the top of my lungs
  6. 07:43:21: <Jaczac|DM> no
  7. 07:43:22: <Jaczac|DM> lol
  8. 07:43:24: <Jaczac|DM> no sonic attacks
  9. 07:43:26: <Jaczac|DM> just an imp
  10. 07:44:20: <Ana_Locke> Current stats: 18/18 HP, 12/16/26 PP, Psi Blade 2 active.
  11. 07:44:30: <Jaczac|DM> cool
  12. 07:44:37: <Jaczac|DM> imp ?/?
  13. 07:44:44: <Jaczac|DM> .roll initiative!
  14. 07:44:47: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  15. 07:44:47: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=8 ]4,15{7}
  16. 07:44:53: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20-1
  17. 07:44:53: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=8 ]4,15{7}
  18. 07:45:02: <Jaczac|DM> call it
  19. 07:45:06: <Jaczac|DM> 1 or two?
  20. 07:45:22: <Ana_Locke> 1
  21. 07:45:23: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d2
  22. 07:45:23: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d2 12,15[ 1d2=2 ]4,15{2}
  23. 07:45:31: <Jaczac|DM> The imp gets the jump on you!
  24. 07:45:37: <Jaczac|DM> he attacks!
  25. 07:45:45: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  26. 07:45:45: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=10 ]4,15{9}
  27. 07:45:51: <Jaczac|DM> it passes by you.
  28. 07:45:58: <Jaczac|DM> Your turn.
  29. 07:46:26: Ana_Locke decaptchas her gun and shield
  30. 07:46:38: <Ana_Locke> Trip 1
  31. 07:47:01: <Jaczac|DM> k
  32. 07:47:06: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Str resist
  33. 07:47:06: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+5 1,15vs Str resist 12,15[ 1d20=3 ]4,15{8}
  34. 07:47:16: <Jaczac|DM> It fails.
  35. 07:47:25: <Jaczac|DM> He is still standing.
  36. 07:47:30: <Jaczac|DM> Albeit slightly shaky.
  37. 07:47:34: <Jaczac|DM> He recovers quickly.
  38. 07:47:59: <Ana_Locke> End turn
  39. 07:48:15: <Jaczac|DM> you dont attack?
  40. 07:48:24: <Ana_Locke> Trip was my attack
  41. 07:48:30: <Jaczac|DM> Oh.
  42. 07:48:33: <Jaczac|DM> Alright then.
  43. 07:48:39: <Ana_Locke> On a hit it'd have done damage and proned
  44. 07:48:41: <Jaczac|DM> The imp runs at you and slashes with his claws.
  45. 07:48:44: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  46. 07:48:45: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=10 ]4,15{9}
  47. 07:48:54: <Jaczac|DM> It does the exact same thing as last time.
  48. 07:48:59: <Jaczac|DM> What an uncreative dunce.
  49. 07:49:04: <Jaczac|DM> end turn
  50. 07:49:11: <Ana_Locke> Downgrade Psi Blade to 1, set off MindKind 3
  51. 07:49:20: <Jaczac|DM> k
  52. 07:49:33: <Ana_Locke> PP is now 9/9/26
  53. 07:49:46: <Jaczac|DM> got it
  54. 07:50:01: <Ana_Locke> Pushing Strike 1
  55. 07:50:11: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+5 1,15vs Con resist 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{19}
  56. 07:50:11: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Con resist
  57. 07:50:43: <Jaczac|DM> IT is pushed back and does...
  58. 07:50:48: <Jaczac|DM> .roll dmg
  59. 07:50:58: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d4+4 12,15[ 1d4=4 ]4,15{8}
  60. 07:50:58: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d4+4
  61. 07:51:03: <Jaczac|DM> 8 damage!
  62. 07:51:10: <Jaczac|DM> The imp gets shot to hell and dies.
  63. 07:51:11: <Jaczac|DM> Ouch.
  64. 07:51:17: <Jaczac|DM> It leaves behind a pile of... Gushers?
  65. 07:51:19: <Ana_Locke> "Oh. Um..."
  66. 07:51:33: <Ana_Locke> "Okay."
  67. 07:51:39: <Jaczac|DM> You walk over to the pile and the gushers are absorbed into you somehow.
  68. 07:51:52: <Jaczac|DM> Your BUILD grist total incerrases by...
  69. 07:52:47: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d10+10 12,15[ 1d10=5 ]4,15{15}
  70. 07:52:47: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d10+10
  71. 07:52:56: <Jaczac|DM> you gain 15 Build grist and...
  72. 07:53:09: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d2-1
  73. 07:53:10: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d2-1 12,15[ 1d2=1 ]4,15{0}
  74. 07:53:13: <Jaczac|DM> nothing else.
  75. 07:53:28: <Jaczac|DM> It is added to your grist stores.
  76. 07:53:29: <Jaczac|DM> Nice!
  77. 07:53:41: <Ana_Locke> "Cool!"
  78. 07:53:54: <Jaczac|DM> You see a pack of imps on the horizon.
  79. 07:54:03: <Jaczac|DM> They look like they havent seen/heard you yet.
  80. 07:54:09: <Ana_Locke> :O
  81. 07:54:10: <Jaczac|DM> But you could probably get their attention.
  82. 07:54:17: <Jaczac|DM> ((after that im sleepin))
  83. 07:54:18: <Ana_Locke> "Hello!"
  84. 07:54:27: Ana_Locke waves
  85. 07:54:42: Ana_Locke also readies an action to shoot the first one to step in range
  86. 07:55:14: <Jaczac|DM> The imps...
  87. 07:55:19: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  88. 07:55:19: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=12 ]4,15{11}
  89. 07:55:32: <Jaczac|DM> Look around confusedly for a second, then see you!
  90. 07:55:44: <Jaczac|DM> They run at you
  91. 07:55:52: <Jaczac|DM> they'd roll initiative, but you've already shot one.
  92. 07:55:58: <Jaczac|DM> ,roll to hit/damage
  93. 07:56:10: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+4 to hit
  94. 07:56:10: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+4 1,15to hit 12,15[ 1d20=12 ]4,15{16}
  95. 07:56:20: <Jaczac|DM> Your shot connects.
  96. 07:56:21: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d4+4 damage
  97. 07:56:21: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d4+4 1,15damage 12,15[ 1d4=1 ]4,15{5}
  98. 07:56:45: <Jaczac|DM> It does 5 damage..
  99. 07:57:02: <Jaczac|DM> It looks like its hurting, but alive.
  100. 07:57:11: <Jaczac|DM> It keeps charging you and attacks!
  101. 07:57:15: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  102. 07:57:15: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=20 ]4,15{19}
  103. 07:57:21: <Jaczac|DM> it hits, spectacularly!
  104. 07:57:26: <Jaczac|DM> roll 2d4-1
  105. 07:57:26: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 2d4-1 12,15[ 2d4=3 ]4,15{2}
  106. 07:57:30: <Jaczac|DM> and does 2 damage.
  107. 07:57:35: <Jaczac|DM> Pfft, Imps.
  108. 07:57:39: Ana_Locke winces and stumbles back
  109. 07:57:47: <Jaczac|DM> The other imp arrives and joins the PAR TAY.
  110. 07:57:49: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  111. 07:57:49: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=10 ]4,15{9}
  112. 07:57:56: <Jaczac|DM> another glancing blow.
  113. 07:58:15: <Jaczac|DM> Jeez, except for crazy perfect hits, these guys all have the same programming.
  114. 07:58:17: <Jaczac|DM> your turn.
  115. 07:58:45: <Ana_Locke> Trip 1 on the crit guy
  116. 07:58:55: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Str
  117. 07:58:55: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+5 1,15vs Str 12,15[ 1d20=2 ]4,15{7}
  118. 07:58:55: <Jaczac|DM> .roll resistances
  119. 07:59:00: <Jaczac|DM> you fail to trip him.
  120. 07:59:18: <Ana_Locke> Pushing Strike on other guy
  121. 07:59:26: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Con
  122. 07:59:27: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+5 1,15vs Con 12,15[ 1d20=11 ]4,15{16}
  123. 07:59:50: <Jaczac|DM> Mindkind, i tell you.
  124. 07:59:53: <Jaczac|DM> .roll damage
  125. 08:00:01: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d4+4
  126. 08:00:01: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d4+4 12,15[ 1d4=1 ]4,15{5}
  127. 08:00:16: <Jaczac|DM> He also gets hit, but recoils even less.
  128. 08:00:54: Ana_Locke backs up into the hallway
  129. 08:00:59: <Ana_Locke> End turn
  130. 08:01:08: <Jaczac|DM> You back into the hallway. The imps pursue
  131. 08:01:23: <Jaczac|DM> Once the one that you failed to triprounds the hallway, it attacks!
  132. 08:01:29: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  133. 08:01:30: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=11 ]4,15{10}
  134. 08:01:39: <Jaczac|DM> It misses, clawing the wall.
  135. 08:01:45: <Ana_Locke> ((Wait, my bad. That damage shouldn't have had the +4, because it was a a minor action))
  136. 08:01:48: <Jaczac|DM> It's friend gets here slightly later.
  137. 08:01:49: <Jaczac|DM> Oh.
  138. 08:01:53: <Jaczac|DM> lol
  139. 08:01:59: <Ana_Locke> ((So 1))
  140. 08:02:07: <Jaczac|DM> Anyway, The almost-undamagedimp arrives and slashes you with it's claws.
  141. 08:02:10: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  142. 08:02:10: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=7 ]4,15{6}
  143. 08:02:20: <Jaczac|DM> It's claw flys true
  144. 08:02:47: <Jaczac|DM> Into the wall.
  145. 08:02:53: <Jaczac|DM> Jeez, these guy sdont like walls.
  146. 08:02:56: <Jaczac|DM> End turn
  147. 08:03:09: <Ana_Locke> Seeking Attack 1 on first guy
  148. 08:03:19: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+7 1,15to hit 12,15[ 1d20=13 ]4,15{20}
  149. 08:03:19: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+7 to hit
  150. 08:03:31: <Jaczac|DM> Your bullet slams into him dealing...
  151. 08:03:34: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d4+4 damage
  152. 08:03:34: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d4+4 1,15damage 12,15[ 1d4=1 ]4,15{5}
  153. 08:04:13: <Jaczac|DM> It does 5 damage, making him poof into more gushers.
  154. 08:04:22: <Ana_Locke> Snare 1 on the other
  155. 08:04:30: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Con
  156. 08:04:30: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+5 1,15vs Con 12,15[ 1d20=3 ]4,15{8}
  157. 08:04:43: <Jaczac|DM> It barely resists and keeps coming.
  158. 08:04:51: <Jaczac|DM> It does the stupid and obvious.
  159. 08:04:56: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  160. 08:04:56: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{13}
  161. 08:05:01: <Jaczac|DM> does it hit?
  162. 08:05:09: <Ana_Locke> Eeyup, just barely
  163. 08:05:45: <Jaczac|DM> The claws find their way to you and scratch you.
  164. 08:05:46: <Jaczac|DM> You take.
  165. 08:05:51: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d4-1
  166. 08:05:51: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d4-1 12,15[ 1d4=3 ]4,15{2}
  167. 08:05:55: <Jaczac|DM> 2 damage again.
  168. 08:06:01: <Jaczac|DM> The other one is dead.
  169. 08:06:02: <Jaczac|DM> End
  170. 08:06:29: Ana_Locke shoots two more bullets
  171. 08:06:35: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+4
  172. 08:06:35: <Jaczac|DM> Pow, Pow
  173. 08:06:35: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+4 12,15[ 1d20=8 ]4,15{12}
  174. 08:06:39: <Jaczac|DM> roll to hit
  175. 08:06:39: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 to 1,15hit error: malformed expression
  176. 08:06:47: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+4 (offhand)
  177. 08:06:47: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+4 1,15(offhand) 12,15[ 1d20=9 ]4,15{13}
  178. 08:06:51: <Jaczac|DM> Both hit.
  179. 08:06:55: <Jaczac|DM> .roll damage
  180. 08:06:59: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d4+4 damage
  181. 08:06:59: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d4+4 1,15damage 12,15[ 1d4=4 ]4,15{8}
  182. 08:07:03: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d4 damage
  183. 08:07:04: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d4 1,15damage 12,15[ 1d4=1 ]4,15{1}
  184. 08:07:32: <Jaczac|DM> Despite being full of lead, it lumbers on, and slashes you once more. It is freely bleeding everyhwere, and is staggering about.
  185. 08:07:37: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d20-1
  186. 08:07:37: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{13}
  187. 08:07:40: <Jaczac|DM> It hits again.
  188. 08:07:44: <Jaczac|DM> roll 1d4-1
  189. 08:07:44: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 1d4-1 12,15[ 1d4=4 ]4,15{3}
  190. 08:07:55: <Jaczac|DM> 3 damage, total of 7
  191. 08:08:21: <Jaczac|DM> end turn
  192. 08:08:30: <Ana_Locke> "JUST DIE!"
  193. 08:08:35: <Jaczac|DM> You notice now that its close to you taht it seems...
  194. 08:08:38: <Jaczac|DM> Oddly shaped
  195. 08:08:47: <Ana_Locke> Seeking Attack 1
  196. 08:08:48: <Jaczac|DM> Textured.
  197. 08:08:56: <Jaczac|DM> It falls over also.
  198. 08:09:01: <Jaczac|DM> Its barely alive.
  199. 08:09:04: <Ana_Locke> Roll 1d20+7 vs Con
  200. 08:09:04: <`Dice> 1,15Ana_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+7 1,15vs Con 12,15[ 1d20=8 ]4,15{15}
  201. 08:09:21: <Jaczac|DM> You shoot it and it dies, bursting out more gus-GRIST.
  202. 08:09:24: <Jaczac|DM> You also feel...
  203. 08:09:27: <Jaczac|DM> STRONGER.
  204. 08:09:30: <Jaczac|DM> LEVEL UP
  205. 08:09:33: <Jaczac|DM> ===END===
  206. 08:09:34: <Jaczac|DM> i gotta sleep
  207. 08:09:36: <Jaczac|DM> post pls
  208. 08:09:49: <Jaczac|DM> oh right grist calcs
  209. 08:09:52: <Jaczac|DM> i fucked up the first one so
  210. 08:10:37: <Letaali> ((was that 4 imps?))
  211. 08:10:41: <Jaczac|DM> 3
  212. 08:10:57: <Letaali> so 30xp?
  213. 08:10:59: <Jaczac|DM> yes
  214. 08:11:04: <Letaali> cool
  215. 08:11:21: <Jaczac|DM> roll 3#1d3
  216. 08:11:21: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 3#1d3 12,15[ 1d3=3 ]4,15{3}, 12,15[ 1d3=1 ]4,15{1}, 12,15[ 1d3=3 ]4,15{3}
  217. 08:11:27: <Jaczac|DM> roll 3#1d2-1
  218. 08:11:27: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 3#1d2-1 12,15[ 1d2=2 ]4,15{1}, 12,15[ 1d2=1 ]4,15{0}, 12,15[ 1d2=1 ]4,15{0}
  219. 08:11:30: <Jaczac|DM> roll 2d8
  220. 08:11:30: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 2d8 12,15[ 2d8=5 ]4,15{5}
  221. 08:11:44: <Jaczac|DM> roll 3#1d10+10
  222. 08:11:44: <`Dice> 1,15Jaczac|DM rolled1,15 3#1d10+10 12,15[ 1d10=3 ]4,15{13}, 12,15[ 1d10=5 ]4,15{15}, 12,15[ 1d10=4 ]4,15{14}
  223. 08:12:46: <Thingymabob> ((those are certainly some numbers))
  224. 08:12:50: <Jaczac|DM> yep
  225. 08:12:51: <Jaczac|DM> grsist
  226. 08:12:53: <Jaczac|DM> and shit
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